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Dead or Alive: Dimensions [3DS] Direct Feed Screens.

TestOfTide said:
The 3DS is going to have a decent power, but Xbox+? Really? if it were xbox+ we would see something with shading effects on every texture like in Doom 3 and Riddick instead of just on a few select places in the screenshots.

It's hard to tell at this point due to screen size and lack of a lot of real game footage running and not just tech demos. But the games you mentioned were last-gen games pushing the Xbox to it's limits. The Metal Gear Solid tech demo was above Xbox visuals and DoA: D is about on par with DoA3 and surpassing it in character textures. These are first-gen games already matching and surpassing first-gen Xbox visuals in a few areas, so its only going to get better.
TestOfTide said:
The 3DS is going to have a decent power, but Xbox+? Really? if it were xbox+ we would see something with shading effects on every texture like in Doom 3 and Riddick instead of just on a few select places in the screenshots.

Resident Evil is a launch title and is pushing way more technology and effects than any Xbox title ever did. If launch software can eclipse the best looking software released during the Xboxes entire 5 year lifespan, then yes, I think its completely safe to call it "Xbox+." If anything, I'm being too harsh on the 3DS in my assessment.

M3d10n said:
I stand corrected. From the screenshot, it does looks like the 3DS can do nice object-based motion blur, much to my surprise. It would be a shame if it didn't play well with the 3D effect (depends entirely on how the 3DS does it, software-wise).

After reading Capcom's article, I'm upgrading my conceit on the 3DS' effects-capabilities from Xbox+ to 360--.

I'm feeling the same, I knew that the thing could do normal maps, specular highlights, nice filtered shadow maps and self shadowing with ease but even when a title is doing all of that Capcom can manage object based motion blur, gamma correction, colour correction, high quality depth of field and HDR rendering on top of that!? There's several early Xbox 360 titles that don't pack that much technology. The GPU seems to be a lot more flexible than I assumed earlier as well, which can only mean good things for how software will progress on the system. I'm seriously impressed by the thing, looks like Nintendo chose a seriously efficient and capable little GPU.
Its awesome that the perception of the 3ds varies from

Almost dreamcast


Xbox Plus!

I hope the latter is true, but I'm not quite sure, I guess ill have to wait for the actual games to realistically judge it
Earl Cazone said:
Its awesome that the perception of the 3ds varies from

Almost dreamcast


Xbox Plus!

I hope the latter is true, but I'm not quite sure, I guess ill have to wait for the actual games to realistically judge it

It's Xbox+(++++).
Both Capcom and Kojima have confirmed that.


Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo seems so far to be using:
-Their Wii/GC engines, which aren't a good fit for the platform
-Tweaked N64 engines, which aren't the best fit for the platform

I think is obvious why their games aren't the best looking so far...


Earl Cazone said:
Its awesome that the perception of the 3ds varies from

Almost dreamcast


Xbox Plus!

I hope the latter is true, but I'm not quite sure, I guess ill have to wait for the actual games to realistically judge it

Capcom went on to say that at a distance, the 3DS has similar effects to that of the 360


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Earl Cazone said:
I hope the latter is true, but I'm not quite sure, I guess ill have to wait for the actual games to realistically judge it

It doesn't really help that Nintendo's line-up has been some of the least impressive so far. Kid Icarus seems to have polarised views, and everything else has been pretty meh. Stuff like MGS and RE:R really seems to be pushing the shaders.
Ignis Fatuus said:
brain_stew seems to think that they're real. I'm going to have to defer to his opinion.

Don't use me as some final judge on the subject OK? ;) I'm far from an expert on this stuff, there's way smarter guys than me posting in this very thread.

My judgement comes from the fact that this shot offers far from perfect image quality and 2XSSAA would seem like a decent description of what's going on there, judging by eye.


If they were real bullshots then why would there still be obvious aliasing issues and why would the mip mapping on the bridge floor be all wrong? Maybe some of the shots are PR shots, but I think that, more than likely this one (and probably several more) is at least the real deal (for 2D mode at least).


Nintendo's most impressive game is Kid Icarus. while it does look great, it doesn't compare to MGS or RE. though mainly due to the effects these games push and that Nintendo was mainly about simplicity (although not all the time).

man, I would love to see a game with as much detail as MP Trilogy
Lonely1 said:
Nintendo seems so far using:
-Their Wii/GC engines, which aren't a good fit for the platform
-Tweaked N64 engines, which aren't the best fit for the platform

I think is obvious why their games aren't best looking so far...

There seems to be a pretty common theme emerging I think, the best results seem to be coming from those developers that are porting down their PS3/360 engines/assets (Capcom, Kojima's studio, Team Ninja).

Considering all the nice effects we know the system is capable of pulling off, well it shouldn't really be surprising.


When details about this game is released and the topic actually shifts to doa this thread will probably die a slow death.


brain_stew said:
I'm seriously impressed by the thing, looks like Nintendo chose a seriously efficient and capable little GPU.
and the gpu can be emulated on pc, which should facilitate development.


louie said:
When details about this game is released and the topic actually shifts to doa this thread will probably die a slow death.

man, DOA doesn't compare to SSF4. I wish Tekken was on here, a much better game. LOL boobiez


Ill be playing stuff in 3d mode, to hell with the aliasing, looks good enough for me :)

Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm not going to waste my time trying to cram the mashed carrots in baby's mouth if he's clamping shut.

Holy Christ. :lol


Wil Tomo Itagaki's absense have a (negative) effect on this game? I hear he was one of the main reasons why DOA4 was seriously broken.


sfried said:
Wil Tomo Itagaki's absense have a (negative) effect on this game? I hear he was one of the main reasons why DOA4 was seriously broken.

DOA4 isn't broken at all.


sfried said:
Or was it Ultimate? I remeber seeing a seriously overpowered Kasumi clone as a boss in one of them.

And Aerosmith music.

That was a boss, not playable.

Aerosmith rocks.


ntropy said:
and the gpu can be emulated on pc, which should facilitate development.
That you can develop and test most of the game on a PC is a huge plus, since studios don't need as many dev units.

Also, from what I've heard, the 3DS is a breeze to develop for, and I don't doubt it: I've done DS dev and the SDK was very nice to work with (much easier than the GC-derived Wii SDK). Seems Nintendo has been investing in improving their development tools and libraries in the past years.


sfried said:
Wil Tomo Itagaki's absense have a (negative) effect on this game? I hear he was one of the main reasons why DOA4 was seriously broken.

If a boss =/= the whole game broken.

If that's the case then every single KOF title, SF3: 3rd Strike and Tekken titles are all broken.


PJX said:
If a boss =/= the whole game broken.

If that's the case then every single KOF title, SF3: 3rd Strike and Tekken titles are all broken.
Yeah, didn't mean to generalize.

It's just that from the impressions I've been seeing from long-time DOA fans (before it's jump to XBOX) was that it was an okay series that was marred once Itagaki took the helm. I don't know if that's true. I couldn't really tell since I've never played any of the games, but I've watched and asked people who play it seriously about what the franchise is all about.

tl;dr - I'm a DOA noob (no, not boob), sorry.


Parmesan et Romano
Sfried, maybe you're confusing DoA with Ninja Gaiden

not saying it's bad, just that Mr.Ego came into that series after it was already established

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
KamenSenshi said:
Still looks good. Havent been hyped like this for a system since Dreamcast, this line up is awesome. To fit in with the age 99 cheat from DOA2 I expect some 3d jiggle in face mode though.:lol

I have to agree. My hype is quickly rising to a fever pitch! This looks incredible, look at the detail on those characters!


Hero of Legend said:
Anyone try this at E3? The graphics in the shots actually do look better than SW3 from what I've seen, particularly the left shot and the mapping of the character in the right shot, bullshots?
The Character in the right shot is a 2D overlay, not a real time rendering.
sfried said:
Yeah, didn't mean to generalize.

It's just that from the impressions I've been seeing from long-time DOA fans (before it's jump to XBOX) was that it was an okay series that was marred once Itagaki took the helm. I don't know if that's true. I couldn't really tell since I've never played any of the games, but I've watched and asked people who play it seriously about what the franchise is all about.

tl;dr - I'm a DOA noob (no, not boob), sorry.

Itagaki invented the series and single-handedly saved Tecmo from financial collapse.


sfried said:
Yeah, didn't mean to generalize.

It's just that from the impressions I've been seeing from long-time DOA fans (before it's jump to XBOX) was that it was an okay series that was marred once Itagaki took the helm. I don't know if that's true. I couldn't really tell since I've never played any of the games, but I've watched and asked people who play it seriously about what the franchise is all about.

tl;dr - I'm a DOA noob (no, not boob), sorry.

He created the series and worked on all the games while at Tecmo.
sfried said:
Yeah, didn't mean to generalize.

It's just that from the impressions I've been seeing from long-time DOA fans (before it's jump to XBOX) was that it was an okay series that was marred once Itagaki took the helm. I don't know if that's true. I couldn't really tell since I've never played any of the games, but I've watched and asked people who play it seriously about what the franchise is all about.

tl;dr - I'm a DOA noob (no, not boob), sorry.
from what i recall, DrDogg and some other people who played the beta version of DOA4 said it had a lot more moves that gave frame advantage on block or were safe on block and made the game much more offensive when Itagaki was more hands off with the game, and then close to the launch, Itagaki stepped in and changed the frame data up so less stuff was safe. or something like that.


I just awoke from a 3DS dream. It was wonderful and I managed to snag one on launch. In my dream the box was the same color scheme as the N64 box, which I guess made sense in dream world since I haven't anticipated a system like this since the N64 days.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Hero of Legend said:
In other Tecmo/Koei 3DS news, Samurai Warriors 3DS is apparently called Samurai Warriors: Chronicles/Sengoku Musou Chonicle.


E3 shots:



Anyone try this at E3? The graphics in the shots actually do look better than SW3 from what I've seen, particularly the left shot and the mapping of the character in the right shot, bullshots?

I did. It sucked at E3.

That said, it was far more a tech demo than anything else. But it played crappy and looked REALLY early.


Parmesan et Romano
Vic said:

Yet another case of GAF -> Internet -> GAF.
Can't believe I didn't notice this. Didn't know there was a site, either.
_dementia said:
Those are most likely event cutscenes but yeah I would expect them to playa role what with this being a greatest hits deal and all.
I forgot all about those. The last DoA game I played for any serious amount of time was 2 on the Dreamcast. I think it's time to get reacquainted
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