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Dating-Age |OT5| Halp me pls. In the bathroom.

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Eh, I think I fall on her side. I think it's a hell of a lot weirder that you're downright time with a girl you actually were sleeping around with than just random losers hitting on her and her not literally yelling then to fuck off.

You could argue there's a lot of insecurity on both sides but I understand her issue a out more than yours.

I agree.

She rejected all those guys already, they know she has a BF, they are just clueless regardless. Some women don't want to antagonize harassment because it can escalate the reaction ('best to just ignore it').

Whereas from her perspective, you are hanging out with someone with whom she knows you'll sleep with given the proper context.
Going on with a girl on the weekend. I managed to get her number last week during my lunch break :)

Im finding myself getting stuck in interview mode when we're texting. How can i avoid this and find out her interests and keep the spark going.

Thanks gaf.
Is she interviewing or are you?

If it's you, stop. Just check in every once in a while. Say hi, ask how her day is going, tell her some update about the upcoming date. You wanna save all the good questions for when you meet.


No One Remembers
Going on with a girl on the weekend. I managed to get her number last week during my lunch break :)

Im finding myself getting stuck in interview mode when we're texting. How can i avoid this and find out her interests and keep the spark going.

Thanks gaf.

Don't bother continuing the texts if the conversations aren't flowing naturally.
So, I ended up with a girlfriend (?). We went through several rough patches in November, but it's been a month now, and while there's still one lingering issue -- improving sexual compatibility, which we both agree is important -- there's light at the end of the tunnel, as we've really established our intellectual and emotional connections and dedicated ourselves to improving the relationship. She invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her, too.

I have no idea how this'll pan out, but at least we're making the attempt.


So, I ended up with a girlfriend (?). We went through several rough patches in November, but it's been a month now, and while there's still one lingering issue -- improving sexual compatibility, which we both agree is important -- there's light at the end of the tunnel, as we've really established our intellectual and emotional connections and dedicated ourselves to improving the relationship. She invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her, too.

I have no idea how this'll pan out, but at least we're making the attempt.

Good luck man, happy for you. Hope things go swell.
Here's what I used to do until I got the sense for kiss timing, and maybe it'll work for you. Use some sort of inside joke as a segway.

For example, I was on my third or fourth date with a girl who'd joke with me about how she'd bring pepper spray to the first few dates. So, once we built up a comfort level with one another, I'd playfully put my arms up and say "don't shoot!" when we'd meet -- things like that which she'd get a kick out of. So, after we got to the tail-end of that particular date, we were about to hug and I just kind of stopped and said "so, if I kiss you, do you promise not to pepper spray my face?" with a smirk. In turn, she laughed and said "hmm, I think I can make an exception," and boom... kissed.

So, my advice to you is to find something along those lines between the two of you that you can use to unofficially ask for a kiss without making it awkward. And if you can't think of anything that resembles my example, just say something outlandish like "so, if I kiss you, you're not going to karate chop me in the throat, are you?" or something hilariously off-the-wall like that. Worked every time for me, and I'm sure it'll work for you.

The first time I kissed my girlfriend (on our first date, actually), we were returning toward her car after taking a walk after dinner and we had to stop because a train was coming through the intersection. I said "I totally planned that" and planted one on her. We weren't gonna be going anywhere for a few minutes so it seemed like the right moment. Just gotta "live in the moment", as cliche as it sounds, sometimes.
Eh, I think I fall on her side. I think it's a hell of a lot weirder that you're downright time with a girl you actually were sleeping around with than just random losers hitting on her and her not literally yelling then to fuck off.

You could argue there's a lot of insecurity on both sides but I understand her issue a out more than yours.

I agree with this. I mean, people get hit on, it happens, people can be scummy and gross when hitting on others too. I would say her not flat out rejecting their advances is weird, but the tone of your post suggests that she *is* rejecting their advances, just not in an overly blunt/aggressive tone. These particular people seem cray so I don't blame her for not telling them to fuck off.

eh but she's honestly not rejecting them, just kinda laughing it off idk it's weird. I don't think she's gonna be sleeping or even making out with them anytime soon but still it just frustrates me that she just kinda laughs it off when someone texts her while we're hanging out that her to come over and fuck him and forget about me. Even though she's like haha I can't believe this she doesn't try to get the guy to stop.

Also it's college so she still hangs out with people she slept with before she met me and I don't ever give her crap about that
eh but she's honestly not rejecting them, just kinda laughing it off idk it's weird. I don't think she's gonna be sleeping or even making out with them anytime soon but still it just frustrates me that she just kinda laughs it off when someone texts her while we're hanging out that her to come over and fuck him and forget about me. Even though she's like haha I can't believe this she doesn't try to get the guy to stop.

Also it's college so she still hangs out with people she slept with before she met me and I don't ever give her crap about that

FWBs before you or people she's actually dated before you? I feel like there's a difference.


The first time I kissed my girlfriend (on our first date, actually), we were returning toward her car after taking a walk after dinner and we had to stop because a train was coming through the intersection. I said "I totally planned that" and planted one on her. We weren't gonna be going anywhere for a few minutes so it seemed like the right moment. Just gotta "live in the moment", as cliche as it sounds, sometimes.

Nice move! Yeah, the key is to make the first kiss feel casual, spontaneous and fun based on the setting, the banter or whatever else. The moment it feels scripted - as if it was a move we rehearsed over and over in our heads - is when it comes off as horribly awkward, and the girl will catch on right off the bat.


Sharing first kiss stories? Why not.

Second date with this girl. During dinner, we make a bet - I win, I get to kiss her goodnight. I lose. As I'm dropping her off at her apartment, I tell her "I know we made a bet...", she replies "I forfeit" and the rest just followed.
Sharing first kiss stories? Why not.

Second date with this girl. During dinner, we make a bet - I win, I get to kiss her goodnight. I lose. As I'm dropping her off at her apartment, I tell her "I know we made a bet...", she replies "I forfeit" and the rest just followed.

In a lot of cases, I subverted the good night kiss situation simply by initiating kissing during the date itself. With my current girl, after we finished up at the winery and were driving to grab food, I'm pretty sure she commented on me being a touchy person, and after we got out, I told her "yes, I am" and we started kissing outside the restaurant.

I distinctly remember that, on the first date I went on in this city, halfway through the date, the girl leaned in, kissed me, and said that she'd been waiting to do that.

Most of the others definitely took place during transit, though -- like, walking to the next bar. But, at that point, if you're holding hands or are already touching, there's no reason not to wait for the kiss.
FWBs before you or people she's actually dated before you? I feel like there's a difference.
Only casual sex, but I never get mad at her for hanging around those people yet she gets pissy whenever I hang out with my past fwb,except we clearly established boundaries (both the fwb - only continue if neither of us are sleeping with someone else, and the gf - we established being exclusive like the 3rd date). Meanwhile she hangs out with her past casual hookups which I have no problem with plus she also still hangs around the guys that are hitting on her. Not 1 on 1 or anything but last weekend she was at a bar with the guy who said that her having a boyfriend was lame and then she was texting me pictures from the night cause she was shit faced and one of them was him kissing her cheek. She said when she was sober she didn't know he was gonna do that but why even send it to me I don't get it.


she just kinda laughs it off when someone texts her while we're hanging out that her to come over and fuck him and forget about me. Even though she's like haha I can't believe this she doesn't try to get the guy to stop.
On one hand, ignoring = rejection. On the other hand, that is way past acceptable boundaries and I would have second thoughts if she kept contact with that guy. It's not about insecurity, but her hanging out with people that just outright disrespect her relationship.

Only casual sex, but I never get mad at her for hanging around those people yet she gets pissy whenever I hang out with my past fwb
Yeah, she's just being hypocritical
Don't bother continuing the texts if the conversations aren't flowing naturally.

Is she interviewing or are you?

If it's you, stop. Just check in every once in a while. Say hi, ask how her day is going, tell her some update about the upcoming date. You wanna save all the good questions for when you meet.

Thanks guys. Yeah it wasnt flowing too naturally so i stopped. Will call and text her nearer the time, with the odd message once every so often.
Bah haven't talked to the ex in week or so and she's just like "are you ok, you know I still care about you as a friend" in a text and it just hurts more... Dude a few pages back was right with "She's not gonna relove you bro".
Thanks guys. Yeah it wasnt flowing too naturally so i stopped. Will call and text her nearer the time, with the odd message once every so often.

I think that's a good call. I'm in a similar situation where I met this girl last tuesday and we spent 3 nights together in a row before she left to go on vacation friday for 10 days and now we are kind of stuck in this holding pattern of texting once or twice a day and the conversation is fine but I feel like it is wearing out its welcome and there is still a week to go before she gets back and we go on another date...I'm thinking of not texting her back for a couple of days but I feel bad letting the conversation hang like that after we have been going back and forth the whole time.


Okay GAF. Question: You see a girl at the bus-stop/on the bus all the time for like a year but never speak, she graduates and you don't see her for about a year. She shows up at a public party with a group of like 6 friends, you're around for a few hours but you never make eye contact. Later you see her at the bus-stop, the bus is full so you walk to the previous stop and catch the next one. She gets on the bus and ends up standing a few rows behind your seat, everyone gets off the bus at the station and she takes the seat across the aisle next to the door. You get off before her.

When in this long chain of events is the (if there even is one) appropriate time to strike up a conversation and how? I ask because this exact situation has happened to me at least twice, and I feel like one day it'll probably happen again.


I am not Max
Okay GAF. Question: You see a girl at the bus-stop/on the bus all the time for like a year but never speak, she graduates and you don't see her for about a year. She shows up at a public party with a group of like 6 friends, you're around for a few hours but you never make eye contact. Later you see her at the bus-stop, the bus is full so you walk to the previous stop and catch the next one. She gets on the bus and ends up standing a few rows behind your seat, everyone gets off the bus at the station and she takes the seat across the aisle next to the door. You get off before her.

When in this long chain of events is the (if there even is one) appropriate time to strike up a conversation and how? I ask because this exact situation has happened to me at least twice, and I feel like one day it'll probably happen again.
at the party you should've just said hi. if the interest were actually there you'd have done it sooner. i'd forget about it at this point

but we gotta stay positive for basedworld here at datinggaf so what you can actually do is make a joke about it like "why do i see you everywhere?" or "are you stalking me??", or even more casual like "do i know you from somewhere?" "did i see you at that party?"

man honestly the approach doesn't even matter but this case is a w k w a r d and i understand that


at the party you should've just said hi. if the interest were actually there you'd have done it sooner. i'd forget about it at this point
Yeah but this happens to me often enough (as in, with different people) that I'd like to know how to handle it next time ;)
Block the number. Easier in the long run.

That seems too final. She's a good person mostly and I want her to be happy, the friend comment just put a nail in my hopes.

I'll probably be able to actually be her friend someday, just hearing the woman you love say it's not there anymore is a sharp knife.

I'm staying no to low contact for my sanity, I just was not expecting that to be said. I don't think she meant it maliciously I think she was actually just checking up to make sure I was actually ok.
That seems too final. She's a good person mostly and I want her to be happy, the friend comment just put a nail in my hopes.

I'll probably be able to actually be her friend someday, just hearing the woman you love say it's not there anymore is a sharp knife.

I'm staying no to low contact for my sanity, I just was not expecting that to be said. I don't think she meant it maliciously I think she was actually just checking up to make sure I was actually ok.
You're not doing it for your sanity, you're doing it because you can't accept it's over. Let yourself move on and block her.


Only casual sex, but I never get mad at her for hanging around those people yet she gets pissy whenever I hang out with my past fwb,except we clearly established boundaries (both the fwb - only continue if neither of us are sleeping with someone else, and the gf - we established being exclusive like the 3rd date). Meanwhile she hangs out with her past casual hookups which I have no problem with plus she also still hangs around the guys that are hitting on her. Not 1 on 1 or anything but last weekend she was at a bar with the guy who said that her having a boyfriend was lame and then she was texting me pictures from the night cause she was shit faced and one of them was him kissing her cheek. She said when she was sober she didn't know he was gonna do that but why even send it to me I don't get it.

Yeah, this is starting to sound more and more like a pain in the ass (lol).

Talk to her about it. Tell her you're not comfortable with the fact that she hangs with these people that disrespect your relationship with her. Tell her that it's not right that people are making moves on her when they know she's in a relationship already. Tell her (or them) that you want it to stop.

But be aware that you might have to compromise... like you may not be able to hang out with your ex-FWB anymore, at least for a while. And she may still want to hang with these people, as long as they stop hitting on her.

Bah haven't talked to the ex in week or so and she's just like "are you ok, you know I still care about you as a friend" in a text and it just hurts more... Dude a few pages back was right with "She's not gonna relove you bro".

Block that number bruh

That seems too final. She's a good person mostly and I want her to be happy, the friend comment just put a nail in my hopes.

I'll probably be able to actually be her friend someday, just hearing the woman you love say it's not there anymore is a sharp knife.

I'm staying no to low contact for my sanity, I just was not expecting that to be said. I don't think she meant it maliciously I think she was actually just checking up to make sure I was actually ok.

Yeah it's great you want her to be happy and all, but what about you? Why can't you be happy? Remove her from your life. This whole "we'll be friends again someday" is just clinging on to a hope that you'll reconnect with her and can go out again. That really doesn't happen all that often.

Just block the number.

Okay GAF. Question: You see a girl at the bus-stop/on the bus all the time for like a year but never speak, she graduates and you don't see her for about a year. She shows up at a public party with a group of like 6 friends, you're around for a few hours but you never make eye contact. Later you see her at the bus-stop, the bus is full so you walk to the previous stop and catch the next one. She gets on the bus and ends up standing a few rows behind your seat, everyone gets off the bus at the station and she takes the seat across the aisle next to the door. You get off before her.

When in this long chain of events is the (if there even is one) appropriate time to strike up a conversation and how? I ask because this exact situation has happened to me at least twice, and I feel like one day it'll probably happen again.

Yeah, there's plenty of times. Like on the bus before she disappears (like when it's not super packed). Or at the party. I mean, why not talk to her?


Help! Just got invited for dinner at her place, second date. We are going to cook, she said I could bring a bottle of wine and bread. I don't drink wine! She said if I don't drink wine that's ok we can just have beer instead. I just don't want to show up with just bread, but I'm clueless about wine and won't be drinking any, but I'm not sure if I don't bring any it might come off as lazy/selfish. Should I still bring a bottle?


No One Remembers
Help! Just got invited for dinner at her place, second date. We are going to cook, she said I could bring a bottle of wine and bread. I don't drink wine! She said if I don't drink wine that's ok we can just have beer instead. I just don't want to show up with just bread, but I'm clueless about wine and won't be drinking any, but I'm not sure if I don't bring any it might come off as lazy/selfish. Should I still bring a bottle?

Take a bottle for her and some beer for yourself. Ask her what kind of wine she likes.
Help! Just got invited for dinner at her place, second date. We are going to cook, she said I could bring a bottle of wine and bread. I don't drink wine! She said if I don't drink wine that's ok we can just have beer instead. I just don't want to show up with just bread, but I'm clueless about wine and won't be drinking any, but I'm not sure if I don't bring any it might come off as lazy/selfish. Should I still bring a bottle?

Absolutely bring a bottle. Get something mildly priced. Get yourself some beer too. You can never go wrong with options.


Ok great thanks a lot guys. I really have no idea haha. I think I'll just go to the wine store and ask for a recommendation for a red. I'm not really used to this "formal" of a date, I usually just go for drinks/walk the first few dates. Pretty excited!
I remember when a woman told me to bring a bottle to a dinner, I thought I'd have some fun and took along a bottle of Ribena.

Went down even better than I could have anticipated.
Went for a trail run with this girl I've been seeing a few weeks. After, she wanted to get a juice so we stopped at a grocery store. There she decided to get a bit of grocery shopping done. A bit turned into a lot and I teased her, saying that you shouldn't shop for groceries on an empty stomach. Without missing a beat she agreed, saying it's like buying porn before masturbating.

I think I have found my waifu.


So there's a chick that I get on well with and liked for some time. I asked her out once and she said no so like I always do I thought oh well and gave up. She's quite a shy chick when it comes to guys, from talking a lot with her, she doesn't have many boyfriends and doesn't like talking about that kinda thing to any of her friends too. When we was talking about something similar once she said she didnt wan't a boyfriend just because people kept suggesting she should or whatever.

Anyway, three months later (this last week actually) one of her friends randomly asked me if I liked her. I dropped some hints to her friend, told her that I liked her and even asked her out three months ago and that she said no so I moved on.

You can find yourself girls with no help. There's no point in letting a girl know your interest by informing a friend of hers. This is very counterproductive especially because you have a good reputation and stuff like this will hurt it.

Couple of days ago her friend and I was talking and she had a small grin on her face

like a white shark before taking the first bite.

and said she had been talking with her about me. She said that the chick that I liked told her she didn't know me properly and so didnt know if she could trust me. In the past, i've had a bit of a reputation of not being able to commit and having a fair few girlfriends, something i've been trying to correct recently.

She's been acting a lot more friendly and flirty with me recently but i'm not sure if she's interested or not or even what I can do. I'm kinda reluctant to ask her out again because of what happened last time but I know she would never initiate anything like that too because shes way too shy. Her friend randomly asked me if I was a virgin and I told her I wasn't, I kinda clicked on and assumed to her that the chick I like was a virgin and she went quiet and wouldnt say anything.

This girl is doing you a favour at the present moment, but I would steer clear of her as soon as possible. It's likely she was the one hammering down the "find yourself a boyfriend" to the girl you like, but someone who asks you "are you a virgin" doesn't sound entirely good-willed. Also, if you have a rep as a ladies man and she gives you a question like this, she was trolling you: another reason to drop her off as soon as possible and do the rest of the "work" by yourself.
This girl doesn't sound like she is going to drop her chaperone shenanigans once you and the girl you like are getting together. She is going to continue to interfere and to control the outcome even after. Get rid of her.

Sorry about the whole wall of text but I could do with some advice here, what can or should I do? Should I leave alone still? Thing is, I actually do really like this chick and don't really view her as just another lay, she seems to have everything i'm looking for in a girl.

The girl you like seems to have genuine interest. The girl who's helping you reads a bit too mischievous.

Not really related to dating, rather friendship. Thought I'd ask here anyway.

Been talking to this girl I met online for some time now, mostly about dating related things. I asked her out on a date, she said she wasn't really interested but I was cool with that so we kept talking. Then met once and went for a walk and talked a good while. Talked a lot since then too.

Anyway, so I was wanting to see her again (to clarify, just as friends)

To be fair, here I wouldn't have believed you myself. The "just friends" deal was out of picture once you asked her on a date. Had you done that immediately it would have made sense to accept the friendship for what it was AFTER the date, but once you befriended her, then dated her, then got back to the just friends again, it looked like you were just using an excuse to keep around her.

and she said this Tuesday that yeah it can work (EDIT: She was actually the one who asked to meet on Tuesday now that I think about it), she would get back to me. Tuesday rolls around and hear nothing from her. Whatever I think, so next day I ask her again, she says okay but after dinner. Dinner takes long and she needs to get up early so she cancels again, I get a bit annoyed but think fair enough. Then she says I'm going out with friends tomorrow but can probably meet after. Don't hear anything after that. So I tell her after two days of not hearing from her at all, that it feels like she doesn't respect my time at all. She says something like "I can't believe you're getting mad over this. What do you want me to say even? Sorry I'm busy?" and that I should've checked in to see how it was going, that it wasn't her fault that I was stuck waiting.

Am I in the wrong here? If I say that we can probably meet and then it turns out I can't, I'd get back to the person immediately when I know. In my mind at least, anything else is just disrespectful. What do you all think?

She acted in a rude way and she is just enjoying the validation. I wouldn't consider a friend someone who says stuff like that after a no-show, guy or girl.

Girl I've been dating for 2 months (both college freshman) is really cute but she's got a Lotta fuccbois after her. Just to give some examples, there's one guy who said her "makeup was aesthetically pleasing to most people" and when he got drunk he said he "lub'd her" over text but claimed he had no feelings for her when asked about it. Another guy she made out with during the first week got really high one night and told everyone in the common room they slept together which never happened, then later that week they were at the same bar and he was asking her about me aND said that her having a boyfriend was "lame". Another one just texts her shit like "come over with me and don't fuck around with small dicked guys" (I kid you not). It's a small school and I don't blame her for running in to people especially since 2 are on her floor but the pure fuccboi-Ness is irritating as hell. Especially since she doesn't do much to actively stop it. It just bugs me that she never tells them explicitly to fuck off, especially the two more forward ones. I trust her and I appreciate her telling me all of this but still. I hang around one of my FWBS all the time but that was only for the first two weeks and it's only because we've become good friends and my girlfriend still gets pissy when im hanging out with that girl.

The thing is though me and that other girl already established that once one of us started sleeping with someone else we'd cut it off and we did and she isn't texting me weird things or hinting that we should hook up. I just see it as 2 completely different situations.

Is there anything I should do or just leave it, I've already told her my thoughts on all 3 of the guys but she still just remains passive about it and getting slightly annoyed at them instead of drawing a hard line in the sand. Also should I do anything about any of the guys or

These guys are actually helping you and the fact you say nothing about it makes it look like you don't care about them, WHICH IS VERY GOOD. If you tell her about how you really feel she is going to drop the act for a while and then resume back from where she left off as soon as she gets an hints of boredom.
Until now you look like the less jealous in the relationship, which is where you want to be if she plays these games and shows you the texts she receives and tells you about the guys after her. You can't have it both ways though: every time you hang out with your ex you are giving her a reason to keep the ruse up.
Either keep things the way they are or push the relationship towards full exclusivity and tell her to cut these guys off while you cut contacts with your ex. I wouldn't pick the second choice though, since this is college and it will make you look controlling.
You sound like you are nearing the point of no return, if you don't accept the fact that these guys will never go anywhere with her, sooner or later you are going to explode. The worst possible outcome.


Have any of you ever been in an IRL harem situation, either as the focal person or as one of the suitors

No, but now I really want to hear the story that made you ask this.



Have any of you ever been in an IRL harem situation, either as the focal person or as one of the suitors

Yes for both situations. I don't mind reading or watching a harem story but I'm not the kind of person who can live it. As a suitor, I'm not interested in being one of many so I'd stop pursuing. As a focal person, it feels awkward to me and is way out of my comfort zone.


No, but now I really want to hear the story that made you ask this.


I was fishing for an interesting story. It would seem I wasn't quite successful.

Yes for both situations. I don't mind reading or watching a harem story but I'm not the kind of person who can live it. As a suitor, I'm not interested in being one of many so I'd stop pursuing. As a focal person, it feels awkward to me and is way out of my comfort zone.



Aight, so I have no idea what to do, i'll start with some backstory.

Earlier this year they mixed the class I was in with another class and met some new people. One of them was a girl who'm I immediately took a liking to. We started to hang out at school, just talking about god know's what and such. We never did something together outside of school but used to talk a lot over Skype. Now during this time I developed a crush on her but never found the balls to ask her out.

Fast forward to September and one of my friends just casually mentions in a conversation he had heard that this girl was interested in me. I laughed it off and didn't pay much attention to it.

A few hours ago I had dinner with some friends, including this one. Now as he's talking to one of our female friends he mentions this girl again with what he had heard. I respond stating that I'm still curious from who he had heard that, but as I say that the female friend suddenly says "Yea, I've heard that too. Someone told me she was interested in you. Something about a lot of texting".

Now at this point I started to freak out internally. I originally I really just took it as a false rumor, but as she mentioned the lots of texting, I started to think it might actually be true. We didn't text over the phone, but we had a ton of conversations over Skype.

The issue is though, we kinda stopped talking like we did before since September. I'm really afraid I fucked this up because of my stupidity and my inability to read signs. The other issue being me having absolutely no balls to ask her out for a drink.


I need some advice GAF. Going on a date tommorow and it's like my 5th one I've ever gone on.

My problem is this. Each of those previous dates went along fine, we both laugh and have a good time. By the end of evening we agree to see each other again but don't set concrete plans on when next. A couple of days follow and I get no response when I try to initiate. It happens every time. Even when a date went super well.

I really like this girl tommorow and don't want the same thing to happen. I know its hard to judge but what do you think I'm doing wrong I'm not being able to get past first date? Any reasons to suggest to improve the success outcome?


Homeland Security Fail

One - If you like someone, make a move. What you are feeling/going through now, is a lot worse than her saying no.

Two - I would just shoot her a text and ask her out. It takes less balls to ask her out through text.


I need some advice GAF. Going on a date tommorow and it's like my 5th one I've ever gone on.

My problem is this. Each of those previous dates went along fine, we both laugh and have a good time. By the end of evening we agree to see each other again but don't set concrete plans on when next. A couple of days follow and I get no response when I try to initiate. It happens every time. Even when a date went super well.

I really like this girl tommorow and don't want the same thing to happen. I know its hard to judge but what do you think I'm doing wrong I'm not being able to get past first date? Any reasons to suggest to improve the success outcome?

- More eye contact and/or physicality. Touching a girl both shows your interest in her and allows you to figure out how interested she is in you, based on reactions. Just don't be awkward about it.

- Keep the date light in tone.

- If you're starting out with coffee/drinks, you don't have to stay there the entire time. Get up, go for a walk. It'll also help with the entire touching thing (versus sitting across each other at a table).

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
That's pretty good advice. Particularly the switching locations. That's often very good.

Also, smile a lot.

Don't try and change to suit the person. If you have a certain style of humour for example, embrace that, though ease into it gently. Don't go straight for the dead babies jokes. You are trying to find out if the two of you are compatible, not to try and persuade them that you are great. Just because nothing happens after the date doesn't mean that it was a bad date.

Even more obvious advice: never talk about exes. A female friend of mine told me that, on more occasions than I can even believe, men have whined to her about their previous girlfriends and even spoken about how they lost their virginity.....


I'm not entirely sure any of what you've described counts as a "harem."

Oh. I always thought of a harem as a person having a group of interested people go after them. I guess what would make it a true harem is the focal person being romantically involved with all pursuers? I took what MogCakes said as asking for any situation where a there were many parties involed with a single focal person. If I got it wrong I'll just edit my post away a little later.


Well in animu terms, those seem like harem situations to me... then again, all harem animes are are a bunch of people going after one person and all the crazy shenanigans that happen (not really a fan of the genre). When distilled to their basics, they're really rather... bland. Lots of people have more than one person/suitor vying for their attention, after all. Just usually crazy shenanigans aren't always involved.


I am not Max
Meet girl whose super my type on tinder, agrees to get coffee or drinks w dimsum so i take her number. We text back and forth for a couple days and shes telling me insignificant things to keep conversation. Messaging me "good morning". On thurs i find im free on saturday and tell her we should go out, she goes dark.

just weird to me
Oh. I always thought of a harem as a person having a group of interested people go after them. I guess what would make it a true harem is the focal person being romantically involved with all pursuers? I took what MogCakes said as asking for any situation where a there were many parties involed with a single focal person. If I got it wrong I'll just edit my post away a little later.

Sorry, I don't watch anime.

To me, a harem is like when a dude has a stable of many women or wives that he has sex with. They all live together, etc. Like Aladdin-type shit.
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