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My PS3 died and I’m trying to live to tell the story


My ps3 had this problem before and I captured the ps3 and brought it to a shop in Trichy. They took one or two weeks to fix the ps3.
So I tried playing Catherine when suddenly my fat 60gb PS3 abruptly turns off. I turn it back on, but it blinks the red light. Ejected the game asap and googled blinking red light ps3 and its either overheating or bad hard drive. I just vacuum it and that did nothing to help me. It's possible it could be the YLOD, but I'm gonna get a new hard drive to see if I can get it to work.
Hung Wei Lo said:
I guess I'm part of the club now...my launch 60gig'er surprisingly hasn't YLOD'd but it's experiencing other problems, starting with:

-pixels stretching
-controllers wouldn't sync with the system
-TV wasn't recognizing the HDMI signal
-now I can't even get it to the ps3 splash screen, or to safe mode (recovery, whatever)

I figure it's the GPU going and/or the harddrive (original) .. anyone think it's worth attempting to fix, or should I suck it up and go slim?

My MGS4 80gb PS3 is having problems with HDMI Output now. Composite is still working correctly though. I fear it's life is close to ending though. Time to sync my trohpies and setup a backup.


Neo Member
This thread scared me enough a couple months back to retire my launch 60gig and get a slim. Havnt looked back since. Now all I need to do is cloud my ac:bro save and transfer it to the slim
my 80gb metal gear ps3 is giving the red lights (might be 1 yellow in there)

how long does the reflow fix last for? its 50 bucks here with 3 month warranty and just wondering if it would be better just to get a new slim

maybe ill have to do both to get all my stuff transfered over....anyone know of a good place in calgary, ab? thanks
Okay then, I need some advice on the Playstation 2 actually, and I don't think it's worth it's own thread.

Right before my PS3 died, my PS2 started acting wonky. When I would plug it in and turn the power on, it would run for only a few seconds before shutting down. The fan starts fine, but the LEDs in the front do not turn on. This was remedied in the beginning by unplugging everything for a bit, and then restarting.

Now, it will not fully boot, even with "down time". I plug the PS2 in, switch the power on in the back, press the power in the front, the fans spin up, then everything shuts off. No noises, no other lights.


(1) Buy new PS2 Slim for $99.99

(2) Buy EBGames PS2 Slim for $49.99 (not refurbished, 90 day warranty)

(3) Go to mod shop nearby and have them examine the problem (I'm thinking power supply)



Man ... my 40GB died yesterday ;(

Sony better announce a price drop tomorrow so I can buy a Slim, get my old one fixed and transfer my shit over.

SabinFigaro said:
Okay then, I need some advice on the Playstation 2 actually, and I don't think it's worth it's own thread.

Right before my PS3 died, my PS2 started acting wonky. When I would plug it in and turn the power on, it would run for only a few seconds before shutting down. The fan starts fine, but the LEDs in the front do not turn on. This was remedied in the beginning by unplugging everything for a bit, and then restarting.

Now, it will not fully boot, even with "down time". I plug the PS2 in, switch the power on in the back, press the power in the front, the fans spin up, then everything shuts off. No noises, no other lights.


(1) Buy new PS2 Slim for $99.99

(2) Buy EBGames PS2 Slim for $49.99 (not refurbished, 90 day warranty)

(3) Go to mod shop nearby and have them examine the problem (I'm thinking power supply)

Normally I'd say 50 bucks is well worth it if it gets you new, but now it's double the price. Perhaps you can it new for a little less somewhere?

Don't know EBGames.

Not sure about options 3; seems rather expensive to have them look at it, then fix it, then ???, then charge you research + new parts + man hour costs.


My PS3 has been dead for months - the second one. Second 60GB PS3 phat.

Out of warranty, but had hoped Sony would play the nice card considering how much I spend on games etc.

No go from them - they want £135. Considering I get a new console bundle for less than 299, I think it's a rip-off.

I've literally spent no money on games since I haven't had it - so it's their loss.

Getting a bit out of touch tbh!

I even asked if I could have a PS3 Slim replacement, as I was fed up with the unreliability of the 60GB fat - meaning I would be sacrificing PS2 playability etc. But, even though it would be cheaper for them to do this (Slims cheaper to make) it was a no go.


Toki767 said:
I'd say with the rumored impending price drop announcement on Tuesday people would be much better off waiting to see exactly what happens as it's probably more worth it to just buy a new one than get a refurbished one back from Sony.
Good idea, let's see what happens at GamesCom.


I just realized that I've lost flOw forever*. :p I got it on that weekend when they were giving it away for free, but I never "owned" it and it doesn't show up as bought in the PSN Store.

*Forever because it's not really worth buying.
My 60gb launch unit got nailed with its second YLOD a couple days ago, ironically, 2 days *after* the warranty from the place I got it fixed at the first time expired. I'm hoping they announce this rumored price drop soon, as I've actually managed to convince my wife that replacing our ps3 is a priority!

Thinking I may get the 60gb fixed one last time, so I can just do a data transfer, and then save it for when I want to play some of our ps2 games.


Is it possible that a PS3 power supply would lose capacity over time? I know somebody whose PS3 will go dead with any demanding games like Uncharted 2 or Dead Space 2, but works OK for hours with other games like Borderlands. The GPU appears fine.
DonMigs85 said:
Is it possible that a PS3 power supply would lose capacity over time? I know somebody whose PS3 will go dead with any demanding games like Uncharted 2 or Dead Space 2, but works OK for hours with other games like Borderlands. The GPU appears fine.

Is your friend's PS3 a phat one? I have a friend with the exact same problem with those games but not with Borderlands. Instead of buying a replacement PSU, he'll just buy a new slim version this weekend.

For quite some time now, my PS3 keeps on locking up randomly whenever I use the browser or when I check the leaderboards of MTG2012, I also have been noticing 2 diagonal screen tearing effect whenever I scroll up or down web pages when using the browser.

I hope this isn't a sign of bad things to come, It would be a very sad day for me if my 1+ year old 120GB slim dies before the year ends.


Alien Manobo said:
Is your friend's PS3 a phat one? I have a friend with the exact same problem with those games but not with Borderlands. Instead of buying a replacement PSU, he'll just buy a new slim version this weekend.

For quite some time now, my PS3 keeps on locking up randomly whenever I use the browser or when I check the leaderboards of MTG2012, I also have been noticing 2 diagonal screen tearing effect whenever I scroll up or down web pages when using the browser.

I hope this isn't a sign of bad things to come, It would be a very sad day for me if my 1+ year old 120GB slim dies before the year ends.
Yep it's a 40GB phat. He plans to buy a cheap defective PS3 and scavenge its PSU.


Sorry for bumping this 2 week old thread guys, but does anyone know a reputable place in Canada that offers internal PS3 cleaning (including removing old thermal paste and replacing it with new thermal paste)? I live in Vancouver and so far I have no luck locally. I don't mind shipping it out to eastern Canada or what not but I think it's a little too pricey to ship it to Gophermods for ~$30 per trip.


So my repaired 60GB PS3 broke again. These machines are pieces of crap. Of course, I'm losing all my data again. This time I'm getting a 120 GB model. Hopefully those aren't as poorly made as the 60GB is. Man, I'm never ever ever buying any first-generation hardware. Stupid stupid stupid.
My 40GB PS3 has so many damn problems right now its ridiculous.

1. My Blu-Ray lens is broken. Not reading discs, but the blue led light will show there is a disc inside.

2. My brother downloaded the update on it, and then it got stuck in an Update loop. Apparently, it will not finish installing the update because the Blu-Ray lens is broken? Is that really a possibility?

3. It just got a YLOD again after I turned it on to try to figure a way to fix the loop.

At this point I don't know what the hell to do with this thing, but I need to retrieve all my accounts on it. I know I can call Sony to my deactivate my main account, but there are like 7 other accounts on there that belong to family and friends.

Any suggestions on what order I should go about to fix this thing? Anyone know how to bypass the update loop?


FantasticMrFoxdie said:
Anyone know how to bypass the update loop?
I found this thread:


I havnt checked every reply, but one guy solved it by doing this:

I solved my problem!

As the update started i pulled out the HDD (litte plastic cover on bottom of the PS3 and one screw). And then it run to 99% and stopped without any message. Then i unplugged the power to restart the system. At the next restart it run to 45% again and then jumped to 100%. Now my system is updated correctly and runs just like it should.

I hope this solution works on your system too.

I have no idea if this is safe, but apparently it worked for this guy.


Does anyone know of a ps3 repair place in or around Kansas city Missour, or maybe a shop that I can send to in the midwest area, with a guarantee ? My big brothers launch backwards comp ps3 just got the ylod, and we dont have a clue where to start with repairing, and he doesnt want to pay Sony and have to wait a long time to get the system back. Any advice or shop recommendaitions?


lacks enthusiasm.
deadbeef said:
So my repaired 60GB PS3 broke again. These machines are pieces of crap. Of course, I'm losing all my data again. This time I'm getting a 120 GB model. Hopefully those aren't as poorly made as the 60GB is. Man, I'm never ever ever buying any first-generation hardware. Stupid stupid stupid.
My 60GB launch day PS3 is still kicking so they aren't all bad :eek:


Almost got a heart attack just now... I pressed the PS button on my controller then my console gave 3 beeps and started blinking red. Then I pressed the power button and it went back to standby, pressed it again and it booted up fine. I hope it was just a minor glitch...
Apoc87 said:
Does anyone know of a ps3 repair place in or around Kansas city Missour, or maybe a shop that I can send to in the midwest area, with a guarantee ? My big brothers launch backwards comp ps3 just got the ylod, and we dont have a clue where to start with repairing, and he doesnt want to pay Sony and have to wait a long time to get the system back. Any advice or shop recommendaitions?
If you want to fix it yourself just watch these videos.
YLOD fix part 1
YLOD fix part 2
YLOD fix part 3
YLOD fix part 4
YLOD fix part 5
YLOD fix part 6


FantasticMrFoxdie said:
2. My brother downloaded the update on it, and then it got stuck in an Update loop. Apparently, it will not finish installing the update because the Blu-Ray lens is broken? Is that really a possibility?

3. It just got a YLOD again after I turned it on to try to figure a way to fix the loop.

At this point I don't know what the hell to do with this thing, but I need to retrieve all my accounts on it. I know I can call Sony to my deactivate my main account, but there are like 7 other accounts on there that belong to family and friends.

Any suggestions on what order I should go about to fix this thing? Anyone know how to bypass the update loop?
You have to replace the lens otherwise the FW install won't reach 100%. It checks every component in the system, and if it finds any problem it will start again. I lost my Fat PS3 to the same problem. Annoying.


My phat PS3 got the YLOD again after three months of getting repaired. I guess it's time to retire the thing and get a slim. I don't have PS+, didn't upload anything to the cloud, and I didn't deactivate the thing. Man I should've sold it while I could... :p
Question: My launch 20GB (I upgraded the HDD long ago) is starting to sound like a blow dryer after a few minutes of games or Blu-Ray watching and blowing out the vents and such no longer helps. I feel like I am gaming on borrowed time on this thing.

I have an external drive that has some space available for the PS3 backup process, and I've used it once before to back up the system. Here are my questions:

1. If I use the same drive to perform the backup process again, will it overwrite the existing backup data automatically and only use additional hard drive space on my external drive if there is more to back up than last time? Or do I need to use a PC to "clean up" the existing backup data before I do the process again? I may not have enough space on the drive for two separate backups.

2. Aside from the PS3 backup process, do I need to manually back up anything else to get a complete backup (i.e. game saves, PS2 saves, etc?) or does the built-in process do a thorough job?

Thanks, guys.


jett said:
My phat PS3 got the YLOD again after three months of getting repaired. I guess it's time to retire the thing and get a slim. I don't have PS+, didn't upload anything to the cloud, and I didn't deactivate the thing. Man I should've sold it while I could... :p
That's exactly what I thought when mine died
My phat 60GB PS3 just died. I was watching Futurama off my external HDD and it just turned itself off. Everytime I try to turn it on I get the yellow light. Since it's BC I might try to get someone to fix it for me as the last time it broke (2 and a half years ago) it took Sony 6 weeks to get a replacement BC one and I think they might be looking around £150 to fix it (my mates broke earlier this week and he was quoted that by Sony).

All this the week before Resistance 3 comes out.


My launch 60gig YLOD'ed a week ago

followed youtube videos on how to repair

the repair only cost me 17 quid which was for a heat gun

its back from the dead and still going strong


Hunky Nostradamus
DAMMIT. My 60GB just got the YLOD while I was playing the Resistance 3 beta. I got a really good score, and the match was won. Then suddenly, beep beep beep, flashes yellow, and then continuously flashes red. I turned it back on immediately, and copied some of my saves on to a memory stick. My PS3 was on for about 5 minutes, and nothing happened, but I'm sure it'salreadydead.jpg.


This is the second time I've gotten the YLOD, too. First time was in 2008/9 while I was playing the MAG beta. I had to send it in to Sony, and they sent back a refurbished one.

Is there something in betas that can cause the YLOD? This is ridiculous. I'm not going to play anymore betas on PS3 again, no matter what game it's for. FFS.


Good lord this thread is scary. I know that basing the lifespan of my 60gig on the posts in this thread is dumb but it's freaking me out. Can we get a tally of how many people have the 60gig and how many casualties we've suffered so far?


Hunky Nostradamus
mingus said:
Good lord this thread is scary. I know that basing the lifespan of my 60gig on the posts in this thread is dumb but it's freaking me out. Can we get a tally of how many people have the 60gig and how many casualties we've suffered so far?

The 60 GB is a piece of shit. Copy your saves, buy a PS2, get a Slim, and sell it while you can.


RatskyWatsky said:
Is there something in betas that can cause the YLOD? This is ridiculous. I'm not going to play anymore betas on PS3 again, no matter what game it's for. FFS.

It's not because of the betas. 60GB's are prone to YLOD. I don't think anyone I know has a working 60GB model anymore.


Hunky Nostradamus
Meisadragon said:
It's not because of the betas. 60GB's are prone to YLOD. I don't think anyone I know has a working 60GB model anymore.

Yeah, I just thought that it was weird, that out of all the games I play, when my PS3(s) got the YLOD, I was playing a beta. Can Slims get the YLOD?


mingus said:
Good lord this thread is scary. I know that basing the lifespan of my 60gig on the posts in this thread is dumb but it's freaking me out. Can we get a tally of how many people have the 60gig and how many casualties we've suffered so far?

Most of the YLOD in fats are caused by the thermal paste in the PS3 drying up so the PS3 overheats, causing hardware damage inside. If you're really concerned, cleaning the old thermal paste and replacing it might be enough for you to avoid the YLOD for at least another few years. There are many tutorials on the web that teach you how to do that, or you can send it into a retailer (Gophermods does it for $40 bucks if you're in the US).


iLLmAtlc said:
Most of the YLOD in fats are caused by the thermal paste in the PS3 drying up so the PS3 overheats, causing hardware damage inside. If you're really concerned, cleaning the old thermal paste and replacing it might be enough for you to avoid the YLOD for at least another few years. There are many tutorials on the web that teach you how to do that, or you can send it into a retailer (Gophermods does it for $40 bucks if you're in the US).
Anecdotally, using PS3s in more humid environments actually seems to help prolong their lifespans.


More frequently now, my PS3 sometimes goes straight to a blinking red LED if I use the controller to turn it on. It still starts up fine if I press the power button on the console itself, and no games have issues yet. Is this a bad sign?


Haven't bothered to look at my ps3 since it died the day FF13 was released. Been thinking about doing the YLOD fix. If I can get it up and running, what's the process if backing up accounts again? Does that transfer with the data backup or is that strictly games only?

I might just pull out my 360 hdd and pop it in the ps3 and see if it was an hdd problem and not something else.

edit - forgot that it probably isnt' an HDD issue since I get the YLOD anyway without the HDD inside.
RS4- said:
Haven't bothered to look at my ps3 since it died the day FF13 was released. Been thinking about doing the YLOD fix. If I can get it up and running, what's the process if backing up accounts again? Does that transfer with the data backup or is that strictly games only?

I might just pull out my 360 hdd and pop it in the ps3 and see if it was an hdd problem and not something else.

edit - forgot that it probably isnt' an HDD issue since I get the YLOD anyway without the HDD inside.

The PS3 data backup on an external drive will backup everything except locked gamesaves. Your accounts and settings will all be backed up with it.

BTW, the 360 HDD is completely different from the PS3 HDD. :D


Just a heads up that if you ever find yourself in a situation like I was - four refurbs in about nine months - then you can ask for a brand new console.

After my fourth 60GB refurb - my fifth 60GB overall - died on me last week with YLoD, I got pretty pissed off and said that I wanted to speak to a supervisor. Supervisor agreed that situation was unacceptable, and a week later they sent me a brand new PS3 slim after they inspected my YLoD PS3.

I probably should have asked sooner, but whatever. Couldn't be happier with the slim. Thought I'd miss my 60GB with the BC and media slots, but actually, good f***ing riddance. Slim is cool, quiet, and actually looks better than the phats. Doesn't attract dust at least :lol
Meisadragon said:
It's not because of the betas. 60GB's are prone to YLOD. I don't think anyone I know has a working 60GB model anymore.
Well, i did untill 5 minutes ago. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK.
I was playng glorious Deus Ex..........

- how can i get my saves and games on a new ps3?.........

And: can i get the disk out??


Always-honest said:
Well, i did untill 5 minutes ago. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK.
I was playng glorious Deus Ex..........

- how can i get my saves and games on a new ps3?.........

There's the towel trick. I did in on mine 80gigs MGS4 PS3 and it lived long enough for me to back all my saves (that weren't locked).

Thank God now we have automatic save uploading on Plus.
JJD said:
There's the towel trick. I did in on mine 80gigs MGS4 PS3 and it lived long enough for me to back all my saves (that weren't locked).

Thank God now we have automatic save uploading on Plus.
Thanx. It's cooling down now from the towel trick. Hope it works to get my game out.
But how do you get your saves? and downloaded games?


Always-honest said:
Thanx. It's cooling down now from the towel trick. Hope it works to get my game out.
But how do you get your saves? and downloaded games?
Forget about the downloaded games, just deactivate your PSN account ASAP. Use USB drive for saves.


You can use your PSN account on five PS3's without deactivating. So, if you don't deactivate, you'll lose one slot. Assuming your PS3 still works, i.e.
Meisadragon said:
You can use your PSN account on five PS3's without deactivating. So, if you don't deactivate, you'll lose one slot. Assuming your PS3 still works, i.e.
i don't mind losing one slot. But can i make that slot free by deactuivating THAT ps3 in the list?
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