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Tales of Graces f English Trailer | Dated for March 13, 2012 in North America


Sadly I'm not a full member yet so I can't make a thread yet, but THIS might be a scientific reason why I so prefer JP voice and that the problem with the US dubs are always the female voices:


I think more likely a lot of the roles/types of voices needed usually don't work as well in English... or that you can mask weak writing somewhat via not hearing it in a language you can understand.
Xillia's towns are a lot cooler and there's still quite a few of them. I don't recall it being all that different from Graces in number but the design and setting of each town is like way better on the whole.
They are simple but they did their job
It is in the sense that wish I there were more but honestly, I felt the ones outside of Jude/Milla in Xillia were a lot more useful on the whole. In fact, I think I stopped using Milla (as I was playing Jude) part way through the game, myself.
I did the same thing since i'm playing as milla .. i stoped using jude , and enjoyed being partners with Leila. Jude is partner to someone else. Given that in tough fights you can partners with anyone else and change link on the go ..Xillia system made such thing possible. Graces took another approch making everyone a powerhouse and asking for an awereness at all tmes to reach hiscore ( grade ) .. this wasn't the case in abyss or vesperia.

Not as much. Honestly, while the battle system in Graces was better than Xillia, I think I enjoyed Xillia overall as a package that presented its product really well, with the exception of DLC. That DLC style really needs to stop.

Agreed the dlc style of namco ( from Tales to soul calibur and other namco games that aren't naruto ( so far )) need to stop ...It's painfulll for tales because using quests to get your uber hidden costume title and using it afterwards always feels good.
At least , Xillia had lots of parts unlockable in the game.. i can understand Idolmaster or star driver ( or code geass) in graces .. but stuff like SANTA costumes... stuff like Old tales of Costumes ..that shouldn't be DLC .. they always were in the games before and it is nothing but disapointment here , especially since it's again , Dlc key unlocks.

Yep. Well...at least Xillia wasn't plagued with load time issues like Abyss was when it came out initially.

Abyss JPN version was a bug mess , ( corrected in a way for US release ) but the loads times were still there..At least now with Hard drive install you can correct this ( Abyss on HD loader is nearly perfect )


All games produced to reach a deadline are rushed to some degree, and NB even turned this into a feature for the series by delivering a second revision for full price...

Not sure what people hate about optional costumes as DLC. To me this is far better (since it's easy to ignore optional fluff) than any story DLC or some such like e.g. FFXIII-2 is apparently coming with (which would make me want to avoid the game altogether).


Sadly I'm not a full member yet so I can't make a thread yet, but THIS might be a scientific reason why I so prefer JP voice and that the problem with the US dubs are always the female voices:

Could you give some examples of actual dialog from English dubs using this? Because I don't know if I've ever heard it outside of conversational English.


I understand that you really like Xillia, but one thing I do not understand at all is preferring the shop build system's absorption and homogenization of every traditional Tales system. That is one of the absolute major factors in my disappointment with the game, and the hardest for me to look past.

Second is probably lack of grade from battles which is just totally fricking weird and I expected way more fans to be upset with that than I have seen.
How is it weird when Graces did the same thing except even worse because you have no idea what the grade is for or how much you've got before the credits rolled? Xillia's system was a big improvement over Vesperia's "Tidal Wave on the turbo button" and at least you could see how much you had at any time, and the things you could do to get more, unlike Graces. If people were going to be upset about it they would've been after Graces, it's pretty much expected now.


How is it weird when Graces did the same thing except even worse because you have no idea what the grade is for or how much you've got before the credits rolled? Xillia's system was a big improvement over Vesperia's "Tidal Wave on the turbo button" and at least you could see how much you had at any time, and the things you could do to get more, unlike Graces. If people were going to be upset about it they would've been after Graces, it's pretty much expected now.

Erm... decoupling grade from battles is a huge change and did not occur until Xillia. Not knowing how much you have at any given moment has nothing to do with how grade is earned. The entire point of grade, and the reason why it's called grade in the first place, was because it came from your performance in battle. It provided further incentive to perform well in battles, and to play on the harder difficulty levels. I don't think the ability to grind grade in a game is an argument against the system itself, either.


Erm... decoupling grade from battles is a huge change and did not occur until Xillia.
Erm... yes it did.

What did Graces give you grade for?
- Getting lots of titles. What did you get them for? Using artes X number of times, doing subquests, getting certain encounter numbers, etc. Xillia rewarded you with grade for doing these things too!
- Getting a higher max combo. Yup, Xillia gave you grade for doing this too.
- Getting more entries in the monster encyclopedia, item encyclopedia. Xillia gave you grade for doing these too.
- Doing well in the extra dungeon. Xillia gave you grade for beating this too.


The only ones that Xillia didn't have are things like getting 100 grade for never using a gumi ever or never dying ever, which are relatively small amounts for the amount of work they'd involve. As for 'decoupling it from battles', what do you call the 415 points for sub events, a decent sized portion of the 1200 for books (dualising, finding more items, finding more discoveries), the titles available from sub eventsor doing out of battle things like selling certain amounts of items shop stamps, discoveries and the like, and beating the game really quick by avoiding battles almost entirely?

Basically, Xillia rewards you with grade for using special abilities in battle, doing long combos, experimenting with the battle system, fighting lots of different enemies, making more items, doing subquests, generally seeing what the game and battle system have to offer. Exactly like Graces. Just in Xillia it's available in nice list format during the game for you to have an incentive to do these things (and check how many you've done), instead of surprising you with it at the end like Graces did. I have no idea why you seem to think they're so vastly different.


Erm... yes it did.

What did Graces give you grade for?
- Getting lots of titles. What did you get them for? Using artes X number of times, doing subquests, getting certain encounter numbers, etc. Xillia rewarded you with grade for doing these things too!
- Getting a higher max combo. Yup, Xillia gave you grade for doing this too.
- Getting more entries in the monster encyclopedia, item encyclopedia. Xillia gave you grade for doing these too.
- Doing well in the extra dungeon. Xillia gave you grade for beating this too.


The only ones that Xillia didn't have are things like getting 100 grade for never using a gumi ever or never dying ever, which are relatively small amounts for the amount of work they'd involve. As for 'decoupling it from battles', what do you call the 415 points for sub events, a decent sized portion of the 1200 for books (dualising, finding more items, finding more discoveries), the titles available from sub eventsor doing out of battle things like selling certain amounts of items shop stamps, discoveries and the like, and beating the game really quick by avoiding battles almost entirely?

Basically, Xillia rewards you with grade for using special abilities in battle, doing long combos, experimenting with the battle system, fighting lots of different enemies, making more items, doing subquests, generally seeing what the game and battle system have to offer. Exactly like Graces. Just in Xillia it's available in nice list format during the game for you to have an incentive to do these things (and check how many you've done), instead of surprising you with it at the end like Graces did. I have no idea why you seem to think they're so vastly different.

No, you're right, Graces does give a fair amount of grade for non-battle stuff. More than I actually remembered after I looked it up. I'm actually not arguing that Graces is a ton better than Xillia, both are really inferior (IMO) to grade that you earn at the end of every single battle - which clearly you disagree with based on your Vesperia comment, but in Graces I really felt like my actual battle performance mattered more. For instance, you get extra grade based on the difficulty level, and you can get more for doing really high combos - IIRC Xillia only goes up to 200. In actuality the two may be closer than I'd like to think, and I think this is exacerbated by the sheer number of entries in the listing in Xillia of things like "register 50 monsters," "register 100 monsters," etc. whereas in Graces you see it all in the end based on your final numbers. So I'll concede to your point.

Team Destiny seems to have a thing for non-standard grade implementations, like in Rebirth where each enemy group only gives grade once. I'd prefer that over these systems, though, for sure.

How dare you try to argue with logic and reason while backing up your claims, Varion!

I dare you to make a useful contribution to the discussion.


No, you're right, Graces does give a fair amount of grade for non-battle stuff. More than I actually remembered after I looked it up. I'm actually not arguing that Graces is a ton better than Xillia, both are really inferior (IMO) to grade that you earn at the end of every single battle - which clearly you disagree with based on your Vesperia comment, but in Graces I really felt like my actual battle performance mattered more. For instance, you get extra grade based on the difficulty level, and you can get more for doing really high combos - IIRC Xillia only goes up to 200. In actuality the two may be closer than I'd like to think, and I think this is exacerbated by the sheer number of entries in the listing in Xillia of things like "register 50 monsters," "register 100 monsters," etc. whereas in Graces you see it all in the end based on your final numbers. So I'll concede to your point.

Team Destiny seems to have a thing for non-standard grade implementations, like in Rebirth where each enemy group only gives grade once. I'd prefer that over these systems, though, for sure.
I will admit to being disappointed with both systems when I first started the games, I just ended up finding Xillia's more enjoyable than I expected by the platinum. My main issue with Graces was not knowing what I was going to get grade for, as while 'getting as many titles as possible' is pretty much a nobrainer in a Tales game (although I wasn't expecting it to be grade related, I thought they'd taken grade out entirely initially) in the end I had to go back and grind a whole lot on artes I hadn't found particularly useful during the game, force my artes users to use weaker ones to get their counts up etc because I ended up with a lot less grade than I wanted for my second playthrough. Other than the character I was actually playing my party members usually had more than enough titles with skills left to learn that I didn't really need to do this during the game. All the above were true of Xillia too (especially the support moves for characters I didn't use ended with a lot of turbo pad abuse while I did something else), I just liked actually being able to work on them as little set goals during the game. If Graces had let you check your figures during the game like you can at the end I wouldn't really have had any more issue with it than Xillia. I would've liked more difficulty ones though, while the beat the game on X difficulty was a bit flawed because you only had to beat the final boss on that difficulty for it to count at least the titles you got for winning X amount of battles on Evil or whatever made me use the higher difficulties more than I otherwise would've.

Part of me does miss the simplicity of the old systems, although the best option would be one that really does reward you on skill rather than for equipping 1 damage and spamming Tidal Wave over and over. From what I remember (I haven't played it in about 5 years so I might be wrong) Symphonia was a lot more harsh in this regard, if you screwed up a fight you'd end up with a horrible -3 grade or something. Haven't played Rebirth to experience how it works (and all the talk about its plot in this thread doesn't do much for making me want to either).


I understand your complaint about Vesperia, although I simply just didn't use that trick to farm grade. Without abusing the system like that, it still works out very well in my opinion. I'm a big fan of negative grade, and of course Vesperia has this even if it isn't as harsh as some of the earlier games - ToD2 in particular, where you accumulate negative grade every time you use an attack that is resisted or blocked.
Part of me does miss the simplicity of the old systems, although the best option would be one that really does reward you on skill rather than for equipping 1 damage and spamming Tidal Wave over and over. From what I remember (I haven't played it in about 5 years so I might be wrong) Symphonia was a lot more harsh in this regard, if you screwed up a fight you'd end up with a horrible -3 grade or something. Haven't played Rebirth to experience how it works (and all the talk about its plot in this thread doesn't do much for making me want to either).
You're remembering wrong , but i agree with you .

First , symphonia was easier because you could see how many grades you had during the game, it was also just about ennemies .. you could spend 1 hours ( or more ) fighting that golden dragon to get lot of grade and that's it .. no need to concern ourselves with spells usage.
The -3 grades only happens in NG+( with double grade equipped) it's rare to see it otherwise ( the game otherwise usually give malus grades points but never less than 2 ) ( it's also rare to screw the grade in NG+ ).

On that aspect vesperia was really the worst offender

I understand your complaint about Vesperia, although I simply just didn't use that trick to farm grade. Without abusing the system like that, it still works out very well in my opinion. I'm a big fan of negative grade, and of course Vesperia has this even if it isn't as harsh as some of the earlier games - ToD2 in particular, where you accumulate negative grade every time you use an attack that is resisted or blocked.

Fuzzy memory here , but isn't abyss doing the same things if you use element that are resistant ..during battle ?


Agreed the dlc style of namco ( from Tales to soul calibur and other namco games that aren't naruto ( so far )) need to stop ...It's painfulll for tales because using quests to get your uber hidden costume title and using it afterwards always feels good.
At least , Xillia had lots of parts unlockable in the game.. i can understand Idolmaster or star driver ( or code geass) in graces .. but stuff like SANTA costumes... stuff like Old tales of Costumes ..that shouldn't be DLC .. they always were in the games before and it is nothing but disapointment here , especially since it's again , Dlc key unlocks.

That is incorrect, pretty sure they're not keys considering the size for some of them. The old Tales costumes are a decent size and they include rearranged battle BGMs, as do some other costumes.


Tragic victim of fan death
That is incorrect, pretty sure they're not keys considering the size for some of them. The old Tales costumes are a decent size and they include rearranged battle BGMs, as do some other costumes.

They're not key unlocks so it's not as bad as some other DLC microtransactions but it's still pretty bad. Honestly, I don't think it'll change any time soon. What I want to know is if the DLC i downloaded for Graces f in JP will work for the US version when it comes out.
That is incorrect, pretty sure they're not keys considering the size for some of them. The old Tales costumes are a decent size and they include rearranged battle BGMs, as do some other costumes.

Well the dlc i got from the store is 1636 Kb That is an unlock in my book

The anniversary "Free" dlc was 17mb however ..

And then again it's nothing that couldn't be on the disc ( it's clearly CUT )


Tragic victim of fan death
I understand your complaint about Vesperia, although I simply just didn't use that trick to farm grade. Without abusing the system like that, it still works out very well in my opinion. I'm a big fan of negative grade, and of course Vesperia has this even if it isn't as harsh as some of the earlier games - ToD2 in particular, where you accumulate negative grade every time you use an attack that is resisted or blocked.

Honestly I feel like they need to just revamp teh Grade system entirely. I didn't like the change for Xillia and Graces was meh as well. It's different in a bad way in my opinion.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Oh gosh, this thread is starting to feel like... some rational warfare. :lol

Sadly I'm not a full member yet so I can't make a thread yet, but THIS might be a scientific reason why I so prefer JP voice and that the problem with the US dubs are always the female voices:
If you've read the actual academic paper, most of that sort of speech occurs in casual conversation in college-aged women. I'm part of the age group in question, but I haven't heard a lot of that in casual conversation that I've experienced (however I live in Canada, so that's likely the reason). Another thing to keep in mind that only 34 subjects were used (and 66%--or 22-23--of those subjects exhibited this). It may also be a dialectal thing too, since many research subjects are generally undergraduate students who are from the area. I know it's "publish or perish", but these are the types of things you have to look at in papers as well to understand the context of the research. You have to look at this carefully in biological/pharmaceutical research, but it works for the scientific-humanities too. Also note that sometimes in these experimental conditions, the experimenter/data gatherer is in the same room as the subject, which may impact the results (we usually do our experiments in a soundproof room where we're on the outside gathering the data). Note that although other researchers have noticed this, the paper acknowledges that they want to see if it is indeed a trend. The author also acknowledges that this may have roots in sociolinguistics where young students use it as a group-identifier.

From the English dubs that I've gone through, I have not heard any instances of glottalization unless it was absolutely intentional. Are you sure you've heard this in any English dubs where it was not intentional? Most of the voice actors are older than 18-25, are they not? In my experience they have been.

Glottalization is not necessarily a bad thing (because it happens for certain consonants or pronunciations), but excessive use to sound "breathy and sexy" isn't really pleasant to hear all the time, I agree. But a lot of the dubs with the voices I generally dislike are the high-register voices/tones which can be pretty jarring. Not the "breathy/sexy", low-register bits. Low-register is generally tolerable to me (and I'm a mezzo-soprano saying this!).

This is mostly a sociolinguistics thing, though. I wasn't always too curious about sociolinguistics issues outside of ... oh, there was this one paper one of my profs wrote that I thoroughly enjoyed about the Ethan Experience and the innate accent filter (mostly because I've experienced it, lol). There are a few interesting things about sociolinguistics, but it isn't my area of research.

Also, the farming for materials I feel like is unnecessary. It's more like do it on your own pace when progressing through the game. If you see it at x2 or x3, good for you. You get a bonus. However, towards endgame it gets obnoxiously annoying.

Costumes, please fix this NB cuz it sucks right now. Really? Like 4 in game? and 2 for the same character? What the hell?
I ended up "farming" for materials while I was grinding through the marsh area next to Ni Akeria to unlock extra difficulties and get more trophies. So most of my farming was unintentional, but I usually waited for x3 multipliers to show up (which sometimes took a while, unfortunately).

I think the lack of in-game costumes sucks. It isn't great that a lot of the costumes are $5 either. :/

What I want to know is if the DLC i downloaded for Graces f in JP will work for the US version when it comes out.
Probably not. :/
I like the combat and mechanics but I'm not sure I can stomach playing a game where the main cast is 14 years old anymore.

The grade shop changes are good IMO.. less grinding and more skill based is better to me.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I like the combat and mechanics but I'm not sure I can stomach playing a game where the main cast is 14 years old anymore.

The grade shop changes are good IMO.. less grinding and more skill based is better to me.
Edit: Maybe I should leave that little tidbit a surprise, lol.

Actually, the ages are: 17 (Hubert), 18 (Asbel and Cheria), 22 (Pascal) and 40 (Malik). Sophie's age will be unknown to the player when they boot the game up. Older than 14! :lol


Tragic victim of fan death
Edit: Maybe I should leave that little tidbit a surprise, lol.

Actually, the ages are: 17 (Hubert), 18 (Asbel and Cheria), 22 (Pascal) and 40 (Malik). Sophie's age will be unknown to the player when they boot the game up. Older than 14! :lol

Sad thing is that Hubert doesn't act like a 17 year old. Asbel is far from 18 until he hits future arc. Pascal will never act her age. And Malik is okay.
So I have to get something off my chest...am I the only one who thinks the f at the end is silly and stupid? I get why it's there, but it's still silly and stupid, especially since we never got the first one in the first place.


Tragic victim of fan death
It's actually the same as the Japanese version? WHAT?!!! Nice, hopefully it has a reversible cover as well. Probably not though. Man... the future arc is making everything spoilerish for the people who haven't played it. So disappointing.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Whoa, they used the exact same boxart as the Japanese version. I'm surprised.

Normally I don't do online pre-orders but would they charge me immediately or charge me when it's shipped out?


Tragic victim of fan death
Whoa, they used the exact same boxart as the Japanese version. I'm surprised.

Normally I don't do online pre-orders but would they charge me immediately or charge me when it's shipped out?

Depending on the site. Usually it's when it ships.
Does a game that doesn't have online still gets the PSN icon if it has DLC?

If a game has any kind of online functionality (DLC, leaderboards etc.) it has to have that logo. But it doesn't need to be there twice. It's at the top so that should be enough.


I was searching confirmation if that cover is also for the european version, and I found this:
The press release also mentioned a “summer 2012″ release for Europe, adding that it’ll be localized in both German and French.

Are we waiting till summer? :O

EDIT: I'm sad for the bad piece of news, but I'm happy that I'm no more a Junior Member! Yay!


not sure if I like.

I've always liked the U.S art of Vesperia, but it always gave me the impression that I would get to play Flynn from the get go.


he's Virgin Tight™
So, how are the improvements from this to the Wii version? Any new stuff? I am really of the loop with Graces... FFS I don't even know if its good. I know I am definitely getting Abyss 3D, and Xillia if it ever comes to USA, but I know jack shit about this.
Wow, if that's real, then how impressive they are using the original box art.

While it is an even more pipe dream, I would absolutely love it if they put in the Japanese reverse cover there too.
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