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Is Modern Feminism Racist?

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Ever hear of the phrase "White Feminism"? I wasn't aware of it until recently, but apparently feminism as a whole is a worryingly white-centric movement. Something that is meant to be about all women finding equality seems to be centred around only white women doing so.

A lot of what I read on this subject came from the backlash against the Emma Watson speach that until just recently I thought everyone loved. Really had me thinking about the feminist movement as a whole, and I think I agree with the fact that it may be too concerned with educated upper-class white women.

Fascinating statistics like the fact that white women make more than black and hispanic men do on the hour but most conversations about wage gaps seem to be about white men and white women came up. Same deal with how sexual assault is an issue heavily entrenched with black women yet most discussion about it seems to be by and for white women. All of this is really blowing my mind tbh.

Here's a couple of articles about this subject:




A lot of what I read on this subject came from the backlash against the Emma Watson speach that until just recently I thought everyone loved. Really had me thinking about the feminist movement as a whole, and I think I agree with the fact that it may be too concerned with educated upper-class white women.
It should be pointed out that this isn't limited to feminism- politics in general are warped around the upper-middle class and higher because they have the free time and money to worry about such things. It's what leads to things like the mortgage interest tax deduction existing, despite it being an economic negative.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
In some ways this does come down to a generational thing as well, in my experience older feminist groups tend to be more segregating while "millennial feminism" is more concerned with intersectionality.


From an observational point of view, many women of color just don't relate with modern feminism, although they have reaped benefits from it.

Even online, its seems mostly a debate among white people.

There are black feminists, but they're not too prominent honestly.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
From an observational point of view, many women of color just don't relate with modern feminism, although they have reaped benefits from it.

Even online, its seems mostly a debate among white people.

There are black feminists, but they're not too prominent honestly.

I've heard that people of color also tend to be marginalized in the LGBT movement as well.
Is an abstract concept interpreted differently by different people actually another abstract concept interpreted differently by different people?

Also is racism feminist?


\Modern Feminism\ is a lot of things. White people in general have a tendency to focus on their issues above all and no, that's no good. But those issues are also worthy issues. A gender wage gap is an important issue in a place where an ethnicity wage gap also exists. It's possible to have two thoughts in your head at once. But it's true that feminism needs to be all-inclusive.

Your thread title makes no sense though, and is like asking "is anti-racism sexist?"
Is there a racist prob;em within feminism, uh yeah duh. Again what other said that's what inter-sectional feminism is for.

To extrapolate that to Modern feminism is racist is too vitriolic.
It is a large concern. Its why "intersectional feminism" came about.

Yup. The OP should also look up the fallout from Patricia Arquette's comments after the Oscars.

The women that are considered the mothers of the feminist movement here in the States tended to be well educated and/or well to do white women. When a person hears the word 'feminist', the image, positive or negative, is probably of a white woman. So the women of color, and the transwomen, in the movement tend to be ignored. And their concerns tend to be ignored.

One example of the split is the Slutwalks. Many white feminists were down with the Slutwalks as an empowering way to embrace their sexuality and take power away from the male gaze by calling themselves 'sluts'. But there were feminists of color who didn't like the slutwalks because they are already considered by society to be loose, easy, and exotic because of the race/gender combo, as per this letter: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-brison/slutwalk-black-women_b_980215.html


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
What was the Emma Watson speech?

Does some of this have to do with other cultures and women's role in the family and society?


Yup. The OP should also look up the fallout from Patricia Arquette's comments after the Oscars.

The women that are considered the mothers of the feminist movement here in the States tended to be well educated and/or well to do white women. When a person hears the word 'feminist', the image, positive or negative, is probably of a white woman. So the women of color, and the transwomen, in the movement tend to be ignored. And their concerns tend to be ignored.

One example of the split is the Slutwalks. Many white feminists were down with the Slutwalks as an empowering way to embrace their sexuality and take power away from the male gaze by calling themselves 'sluts'. But there were feminists of color who didn't like the slutwalks because they are already considered by society to be loose, easy, and exotic because of the race/gender combo, as per this letter: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/susan-brison/slutwalk-black-women_b_980215.html

Yeah. There are vast cultural differences at play here which leads to the conflict. It's also why feminism itself should avoid being this catchall movement where everyone must step in line completely. The world is too nuanced for that.

Wow I always felt like this was the case, but I never knew there were stats to back it up.
Modern Feminism as an ideal and as a group is lost on me.

I mean, I am all for Suffrage movements and pro-labor and fighting for fair rights to equalize a chauvinistic world, but most of the stuff that's posted on social media as feminist movements seem petty at best.

Also, that thread title is confusing as all hell.

What was the Emma Watson speech?

Does some of this have to do with other cultures and women's role in the family and society?

Last year or so Emma Watson gave a speech at the UN regarding feminism. Its worth a watch. Really moving speech.
I feel like women of color feel the pressure of racism before the effects of sexism, so it would make sense that they would focus on racial issues before sex and gender. That said, every feminist I know personally is just as conscious of institutionalized racism as they are sexism, and they work to ending both.
Racism implies some sort of intentional exclusion, while the reality is that these social groups wildly differ in what they consider important social issues and what feminism stands for.
Modern Feminism as an ideal and as a group is lost on me.

I mean, I am all for Suffrage movements and pro-labor and fighting for fair rights to equalize a chauvinistic world, but most of the stuff that's posted on social media as feminist movements seem petty at best.

Also, that thread title is confusing as all hell.

Last year or so Emma Watson gave a speech at the UN regarding feminism. Its worth a watch. Really moving speech.

I'm with you on all of that, at my heart i want equality for all regardless of skin colour or gender, but modern feminism or the most extremes that gets the most press is just an alien concept that seems to selectively discriminate and at its worst want a complete subjugation or eradication of one of the sexes

So the fact that its considered that a branch of feminism is racist doesn't surprise me one bit, Feminism is very fractured as a movement in general though

Racism implies some sort of intentional exclusion, while the reality is that these social groups wildly differ in what they consider important social issues and what feminism stands for.

but this is a very good point that is often ignored (unintentionally and intentionally out of fear of causing offense), some social and ethinics groups have very different cultures where what is a major issue for one, may be something of nothing for another


Feminism in 19th and 20th century America was pretty intentionally exclusive.

It was intended to be a conversation between white men and white women. Everyone else was still locked in their particular corners.


Racism implies some sort of intentional exclusion, while the reality is that these social groups wildly differ in what they consider important social issues and what feminism stands for.

Does it?

It think it's more implicative of an inherent bias that leads to accidental ostracising. 'Institutional' rather than intentional.

Social issues that are definitely issues of equality (particularly between men and women) but aren't being addressed in 'modern feminism', perhaps due to the affiliation of those issues with certain social groups, is the kind of racism by proxy that could lead this notion of "white feminism".
Implying feminists are racist or feminism is white-centered is absurd if the conclusion is based around what seems to be to white liberal guilt run amok. I'm a feminist. I know a lot of feminists. I've taken women studies courses. I've been employed by inner-city women's organizations. I've read feminist literature.

Never have I seen race addressed, other than to support minorities. Why must the truly well intentioned liberal side of the race debates have to constantly splinter and turn on themselves by making everyone a racist? Eventually the term loses the impact it needs for those who truly deserve it.
I'm also super confused as to what the hell people mean when they say "modern feminism"? Is it a less-than-genuine generalization of 'feminism' based upon social media? Because that's silly and if someone spent 5 minutes with academic feminists they'd know that.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm also super confused as to what the hell people mean when they say "modern feminism"? Is it a less-than-genuine generalization of 'feminism' based upon social media? Because that's silly and if someone spent 5 minutes with academic feminists they'd know that.

It would be much more accurate to say that feminism has historically always had issues with race and class. Its not at all unique to modern feminism, and modern feminism is the most aware to it its ever been


Unconfirmed Member
I'm also super confused as to what the hell people mean when they say "modern feminism"? Is it a less-than-genuine generalization of 'feminism' based upon social media? Because that's silly and if someone spent 5 minutes with academic feminists they'd know that.

The academic feminists can be even worse. At least the online "flash-in-the-pan" stuff comes from ignorance. It goes way deeper than that for the kinds of radical feminists who hate trans-women on the basis that they're claiming a right to oppression they don't deserve and who claim they aren't in fact women.
I'm also super confused as to what the hell people mean when they say "modern feminism"? Is it a less-than-genuine generalization of 'feminism' based upon social media? Because that's silly and if someone spent 5 minutes with academic feminists they'd know that.

This may be a reference to the different 'waves' of feminism. What Susan B. Anthony was striving for was slightly different from the goals of Gloria Steinem. So 'modern feminism' is the newest wave.

And there are plenty of white feminists who understand and talk about intersectionality. Devolution was one of them.


Feminists can be racists, though most of them aren't.
With that being said, some well meaning feminists focus only on gender while ignoring other axes of oppression/domination (which do not end at race by the way). That's a problem.
Though many feminist thinkers address that very issue; I would start with Patricia Hill Collins.

Modern Feminism as an ideal and as a group is lost on me.

I mean, I am all for Suffrage movements and pro-labor and fighting for fair rights to equalize a chauvinistic world, but most of the stuff that's posted on social media as feminist movements seem petty at best.

Also, that thread title is confusing as all hell.
Social media does not represent modern feminism as an ideal.
Thanks god for that.
Modern Feminism is a lot of things. White people in general have a tendency to focus on their issues above all and no, that's no good. But those issues are also worthy issues. A gender wage gap is an important issue in a place where an ethnicity wage gap also exists. It's possible to have two thoughts in your head at once. But it's true that feminism needs to be all-inclusive.

Your thread title makes no sense though, and is like asking "is anti-racism sexist?"

:lol at this being some disgusting white thing. EVERY group focuses on themselves first. Black's aren't speaking out on Hispanics treatment and vice versa. Of course groups on themselves first and others second.


It would be much more accurate to say that feminism has historically always had issues with race and class. Its not at all unique to modern feminism, and modern feminism is the most aware to it its ever been

1. There's an abolitionist movement that women play a principal role.
2. Through this activity, women participants become more conscious of their own social constraints.
3. There's a nascent women's movement, which has a great deal of class and race biases
4. Black women have a sort of dilemma: In the movement for racial equality, they are faced with sexism and their concerns as black women are given short thrift; in the women's movement they are faced with the racism and classism of their compatriots within that movement.

And then we saw the same basic pattern (movement for racial equality -> women are participants -> women create their own movement for equality -> black women don't get their concerns addressed by either group) in the 1960s. So, it's no wonder that intersectionality was a contribution of black feminist thought.



It's from 1983, but it's a good overview of the history of the movements, and specifically how racism and classism has limited feminist movements and resulted in deep betrayals (for instance, the response of the women's movement to lynching is beyond atrocious).



Whats also pretty racist is how Asians, the forgotten minority, are always left out of the conversation.

That may be because they're a bit of an anomaly in terms of non-whites earnings. Wrong as it is, of course. They're probably focusing more on Caucasians instead of Asians simply because people have this idea that the Asian population worked really hard and overcame plenty to get there. Not that it's an impossible reason or anything, but it is stupid.


"Racist" is not the appropriate word.
Rather failure to address the cultural, religious, linguistic, social etc peculiarities of minorities or non-Western European or North American countries. Does not apply only to feminism per se though. It could be described as cultural hegemony.

Eg a judging oppression of women in Islamic countries through Western eyes, while not taking into account how women there address the issue
People like that college counsellor (?) who was tweeting shit like "kill all men" certainly was

She was the one who made that group, but prohibited only white males or some shit

Can't find the story on her


contribute something
Feminist is probably the least racist it's ever been, but like most modern Western institutions it was created by white people with white people in mind.
People like that college counsellor (?) who was tweeting shit like "kill all men" certainly was

She was the one who made that group, but prohibited only white males or some shit

Can't find the story on her

It was one meeting out of a series of meetings, it's not ridiculous to think racial minorities might want to occasionally just meet among themselves. And she was a student.

And they tried to get her fired and it didn't work because yeah overblown by MRAs and anti-feminists.


People become defensive when a group they identify with is being mislabeled as a racist movement.
I don't think that's what's going here. Modern feminism has been the least racists it ever has been but there's nothing of grave concern when analyzing that a movement that was started by upper middle class white women for upper middle class white women is ignoring the issues of minority women whether that is intentional or unintentional. See partricia Arquette.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
It should be pointed out that this isn't limited to feminism- politics in general are warped around the upper-middle class and higher because they have the free time and money to worry about such things.
Many people don't think about this. So much political action is from the people who can most afford to be politically active, and maybe the people who need the most action on their behalf just can't.
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