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Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment |OT| Re:translated and Re:mastered



This game takes place with the assumption the player has seen up to the halfway point of the animated series. If you have not seen the show yet or
are not familiar with the story and do not want spoilers, highly suggest you leave the thread now. The start of the story setting is a major plot
point which will be not marked with spoiler tags. If you are curious about where you need to watch up to in the show, at least be caught up to Episode 14.

If you want to shit post about the anime/light novel, go elsewhere. This OT is intended for discussion on the game.



Starting on July 28th, if you pre-order Sword Art Online Lost Song on PSN, you get Re:Hollow Fragment for free as part of a bundle. ($59.99)
You will receive Re:HF instantly and Lost Song whenever it releases later this year.


This version of the game has added new features that the Vita version did not have:

-Fixed Translation
The Vita version of the game had a poor English translation that has been apparently fixed in the PS4 version.

-Updated Graphics and a better frame rate
The PS4 version of the game now runs at 1080p/60fps and has new textures and models. Check media section for images/videos.

-New Strea Episode
A new side story regarding Strea has been added.

-Able to create a female avatar
Your character can now be a female.

-Online Multiplayer
Previously, multiplayer was only available via ad-hoc. In this version, you can actually go online.

-Level Cap Raised to 300
Previous level cap was 250.

Partial Changes to Bosses
-Some bosses had their stats and visuals changed.

Stuff found by people in-game

-Skills no longer use SP, they have cool downs now.
-Buff application delay is gone, it's instant now
-Trade with other players in the Multiplayer lobby
-Weapon forging is more advanced


What carries over:

Your level (up to 199)
Your money (up to 99,999,999 Col)
Your equipment, possessions, items, etc.
Avatar data
Heroine level and other player levels

Clear flags, downloadable content items, event items, and such cannot be imported. You'll also have to start the game from the beginning.


*click character lifebar to view info, same with weapons below, opens new window.



Click here or the images below to visit an album.

Vita/PS4 Comparisons


DLC from the Vita version will be available for the PS4 at a later date.


Q:Is this game JP voice w/subtitles or English dubbed?
A: The game currently only has JP voices with subtitles.

Q: I heard the translation for this game was bad, has that been fixed?
A: This time around, Bandai Namco has said that the PS4 version of the game will have it's translation redone.

Q: I have not seen the anime / am unfamiliar with the series. Should I still buy this game?
A: First off what are you doing this far down in the OT if you are not familiar with the show or series? To answer the question, it would really effect your experience as the story continues from the halfway point of the anime. Also literally the tutorial is a massive plot spoiler. Well besides whats written in this OT in some sections. But if you really want something to play and do not care about the story, backsetting this should be a quite well made game that is sure to give you a decent amount of playtime. As stated in the warning section you need to watch up to at least Episode 14.

Q: If I did not enjoy the anime would I like this game?
A: Truthfully, if you were not interested in the anime and / or disliked it I would suggest against buying this game. Unless you don't mind ignoring all the story bits, character interaction and just want a JRPG to play.

Q: I enjoyed the anime, but did not like the second half from where the story shifts to a totally new game.
A: You are in luck, this game follows its own original story and takes place after Heathcliff (Kayaba Akihiko) is defeated and does not leave the world of Sword Art Online.

Q: Is there online multiplayer?
A: Yes, up to 4 players.

Q: Im a new player is there any tips for me from fellow GAF members?
A: There is the following post by Stuart4444 Tips for new adventurers.
This is for the Vita version of the game, but the systems should still be the same.

Q: What is this Risk System? I do not understand it and need help!
A: Heres a quick explanation of the Risk system, since understanding this makes things easier for killing enemies. For yourself you just need to pay attention to it when a large attack is incoming as if you screw up it is possible to get one shotted.
Risk System
The Risk status increases damage taken from attacks or sword skills. Both yourself, allies and the enemy. Also increases time between attacks. The higher the risk level the higher the negative effects.

How to raise Risk
Cancel a skill
Take critical damage
Using a Sword Skill
Be knocked back
Be staggered
Taking more than 10% HP damage in a single hit
Taking damage from behind
Get stunned
Entering Bleeding status
*1-5 can raise the level quickly, 6-9 takes some time before raising the level.

Risk Break
Risk Break occurs when the Risk level goes to the max lv V (5). With good timing, using the parry command or sword skills, it is possible to raise the target to risk break status immediately.

Effects of Risk Break
Enemy takes double damage
Enemy attack speed is decreased by x2
Enemy skill activation speed is increased by x2
All Buffs are removed from Enemy.
Q: The camera is too close to my character, can I zoom out?
A: Hold R2 and move the right stick up or down to zoom in and out.


Special thanks to Parakeetman for allowing me to reuse stuff from his OT for the Vita version of the game.

Credits for stuff not already in Parakeetman's OT credits:
Thanks to Gematsu for providing info on the game.
Thanks to Bandai Namco for providing info on the game on this site http://hl.sao-game.jp/ and the videos from their youtube channel.

*Disclaimer: I have no affiliation to Bandai Namco or any other of the above.
Bought that back in May for Vita. I was very upset when it was announced for PS4 shortly after my purchase. But 19,99 Euros, damn .. is this the right price? D:


I enjoyed it a lot on Vita but was bummed about the translation and framerate drops, so I didn't finish the game. Glad I'm able to get it on PS4 now and continue.


Hope people look forward to Re:Hallow Fragment tomorrow :D!

I had a blast playing through Hallow Fragment on my Vita last fall, so I hope many enjoy the game :).

The new story chapter with Strea and extra features (online play, female main character, greater character customization, up-rezzed visuals/improved visuals, ect) will make the game very strong.

Is there any proof that by new translation they didnt mean the already fixed Vita translation?

I guess they re-did the translation from the ground up for the PS4 port; they is a reason they are making a big deal about it. If they didn't do much to fix the Vita versions translation when making the PS4 version, then that means they are happy with the Vita translation.

If that is the case.....they have great standards for sure XD.

I guess we will have to see if the Vita version gets an update tomorrow and/or if the PS4 translation isn't that major in fixing things.


First time I see the Vita-PS4 comparison, nice upgrade.

Sucks EU not getting this game for free with Lost Song pre order.


I've only watched the first season I guess I'll give this a shot if the translation is actually good this time around. How's the gameplay? There lots of grinding?


Only on PS4 lol

Go fuck yourself BN.

We don't know for sure if this means either of the following will happen:
-They patch the Vita version with improved translation that matches the PS4 version and/or the patch fixes errors in the existing translation (the more likely case)
-Re:Hallow Fragment will a Vita release as a upgrade over the existing game and/or as DLC ala the Street Fighter IV updates (Arcade Edition/Ultra).

I hope either of them happen.....


Played the PSV version but didn't get incredibly far in. Is it actually possible to make Kirito end up with someone other than Asuna?


Played the PSV version but didn't get incredibly far in. Is it actually possible to make Kirito end up with someone other than Asuna?
Yeah, you can romance most of the characters besides Asuna. Hell, the Vita version even let you carry Klein to bed.
You get a different ending depending on who you take to the final boss fight.
Wasn't romance a heavy element in these games? How does a female protagonist affect that?
Been wondering this myself, they haven't really said anything on this. The Japan expo trailer shows a female protagonist walking around holding hands with another female character and then carrying a male character so.. -shrug-
thinking of rebuying this with the lost song package too. hmm.

never finished it on my vita., could probably finish it this time around. plus vita save stuff carries over (to an extent).
hmm really debating this. is there a preorder option yet?


I am so on the fence about getting this. I bought the original day one when it came out on vita and while I had fun with it at first the shobby translation and confusing heram elements had me burned by it and dropped it especially after paying 40 for it. Although seeing as the translation is redone and you can play as a femal now I'm tempted to give this game a whirl again. Plus that boundle with lost song is tempting I guess I'll have to see how both games are priced separately before I make any decisions. I am a little peeved thought that this isn't cross buy but what really erks me is that they didn't update the vita version with the new translation to at least fix that games biggist problem.


Yeah, you can romance most of the characters besides Asuna. Hell, the Vita version even let you carry Klein to bed.
You get a different ending depending on who you take to the final boss fight.

Been wondering this myself, they haven't really said anything on this. The Japan expo trailer shows a female protagonist walking around holding hands with another female character and then carrying a male character so.. -shrug-

Well I'm well aware of the romancing options but then when you go into dialogue everyone talks like you are still with Asuna which was more my question.

As for the second part I'll bet it'll be exactly like the game on the vita. I'm sure you can make your character look however you want but all dialogue and cutscenes will show default Kirito.


Patch today for the vita version to upload save data

605mb seems like a lot just to add that feature

Wow, I guess they must have included some of the PS4 only content (Strea episode, Female Avatar, Re-Done Translation (?)) with the patch alongside save upload feature.


I'm actually excited for this game since I watched SAO a year ago, and I just finished marathoning SAO II a couple weeks ago, so I'm certainly up to date. Reason I didn't pick up the Vita version is I heard the horror stories of the botched localization script, so I never went in. And my Vita malfunctioned earlier this year, so the waiting game on Hollow Fragment HD Remix began.

But I'm really REALLY hype for Lost Song, and this will make a fine appetizer until then. I'm getting Lost Song physical version anyway, so I appreciate the offer, BanNam, but I'll pass.
Still a bit confused about the release details.
Apparently no pre-order bundle for EU but the price is 19,99€.
Pre-order bundle for US but price is ????

I wouldn't be surprised if the US price is higher because of that promotion.

Also EU release was delayed to make it "as good as possible", but apparently it's good to go in US ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I really liked the Vita version, despite the shitty translation/framerate. I'll probably rebuy this later once the DLC is out, I need my alternate Sinon outfit.


Gotta grab the bunduru.

Importing Vita save is awesome as well. Time to pull out the patch.

EDIT: lol not enough free space.
EDIT2: Does this game support cross-buy?
I really liked the Vita version, despite the shitty translation/framerate. I'll probably rebuy this later once the DLC is out, I need my alternate Sinon outfit.

I really wished I could play through the game. That translation really took me out of the experience, so I dropped the game about two or three hours in.

Not sure if I wanna double-dip for a better localization when they should have done it right the first time. That pre-order for <i>Lost Song</i> is tempting though.

Decision, decisions. =\


I hope there is a discount for those with a vita version but I wouldn't count on it :(

The engirsh is fine but the framerate is a bummer on vita.
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