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Spark the Electric Jester Kickstarter (Funding Goal: 7,000) - Retro 16-Bit Goodness!




Hello guys :D.

I found out about this Kickstarter just now and its called Spark the Electric Jester. Here is a link to the Kickstarter page but here is some of the bullet points of the Kickstarter:

"Spark the electric jester is an action/platformer video game heavily based on classics from the 16-bit era, such as Mega Man X, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Kirby Super Star (Kirby’s Fun Pak in the EU).

You play as Spark, an electric jester frustrated by the loss of his job! On one beautiful day, robots decided to take over the world. Seeing as Spark’s job was taken by a robot, he decided this was the perfect opportunity for his revenge! Spark will have to travel through the world and be engulfed in high-speed thrills and tons of action against the robots and the one who has taken his job."

Stretch Goals:
7K - Game Hits Funding (Hit :D!)
11K: Better Equipment and Combo System - Speeds up development of the game and a combo system is added to the game
13K: Soundtrack Expansion - More songs added to the game and quality of the existing tracks improved
14K: New power: Melee Jester - Spark gets a power based on the power of animal from a popular fighting game (they say its the one with lazers)
15K: Soundtrack Expansion 2 - More Songs and More quality for existing tracks
16K: New power: Gunner Jester - Powers based on a witch (likely Bayonetta?)
17K: New power: Super Jester - Powers based on something powerful (likely the games 'Super Sonic' form)
18K: Coming Soon (another power up?)

The gameplay is a cross between the Speed of a 2D Sonic, the level design of a Mega Man X game and the power-up systems used in the Kirby series. A fantastic blend of gameplay styles and you can play it yourself right now if you want to see how it all works :D.

They have a demo for download on the Kickstarter page and here is a link to the demo.
"The demo has 3 stages, multiple bosses, and power-ups available. There is quite a bit of content. Check it out! - Kickstarter page." Here are some impressions I had after putting an hour into the demo:
-It looks fantastic; heavily mirroring the look of both the Before/After Sequel games and Freedom Planet
-The soundtrack is great as expected :); Flak and his team once again provide great Sonic-like themes that really fit with the level designs and appearances
-The core level design seems to be more virtually focused with some horizontal elements in a few spots. In Sonic terms, it feels like a mix between the verticalness of CD while having the speedy horizontal elements from Sonic 2
-You have five hit points and you can refill your hit points with collecting objects in the level
-The boss fights in the demo were very enjoyable, with fun patterns alongside great animation/attacks
-The power-up system is very promising; each power up does something different and unique to Spark
-Wind makes the game control a lot more like Sonic (air-dash, stomp, roll, double-jump that has a spin)
-Electric Staff gives you a jump-spin as you press attack and jump
-Sword gives you multi-directional attack based on where you are tilting the stick/D-Pad. Also can summon energy balls of you hold attack while pressing down, and you can hit them with your sword, sending them flying all over
-The frame-rate from the demo seems strong, but the Wind form does slow things down a bit due to the after-effect animation (particularly in the water level in the demo)

And to top it all off this is made by the same team behind Sonic Before/After the Sequel, with the same composer, Falk, from those games and other projects like the KH Remix collections, is back on board for this game :D!

There is a beta soundtrack for the game on Flak's sound cloud, so here is a link to that if you are interested: https://soundcloud.com/sparktej

This is some very exciting from Kickstarter so if you love 2D Sonic-like platforming, give the demo a shot and consider putting some funding toward it.

For anyone wondering about a console port, Flak made this post on page two regarding that subject:
Lemme talk a little about console ports and the possible road map this game will see long term.

We all know that $7k is a pittance of a kickstarter. Felipe (LakeFeperd) has been known to be able to churn out enjoyable full-length experiences by himself at a ridiculous pace. Budget for the base game itself isn't really a concern here as Spark itself is already very near content-complete.

The stretch goals here are the result of (preliminary) re-evaluation of what we can or cannot do. We're extremely humbled by the fact that people do want to play this on consoles. At the same time, the cost for these aren't cheap. We've looked real long and hard at the numbers.

Considering where we stand, and what we're realistically expecting out of stretch goals at this point, short of a 1st party suddenly showing up and saying "Hey, you know what? We want your game on our platform and here's $$$ to make that happen" any one console port is going to be a stretch goal that dwarfs all others by an order of magnitude at the very least, which makes it a little unrealistic, unless we wanted to play smoke and mirrors and use all other stretch goal money for a single port (which we obviously don't want to do) and that's even assuming we hit all of them in the first place. ;p

We believe in this game, and (not entirely in a Master Race way hahaha) believe in the strength of the PC(/Mac) platform for smaller indie titles like this, so upon completion and release one of the long term considerations is to seriously evaluate numbers then towards console port(s). For the Kickstarter itself though, all funding will be going into making this initial PC/Mac release as good as it can be.

Freedom Planet (which is in many respects something of this nature and scope done extremely well despite a $2k initial Kickstarter) is an example of this happening successfully as it was a PC/Mac-only Kickstarter but is launching on Wii U next week.

- Console ports cannot realistically be a stretch goal due to the nature and scope of this crowdfunding campaign.
- However, console ports are still very much a long-term consideration.


I was tempted to make a thread about this. The game shows a lot of promise and I'm impressed at how far the creator's come. I'm all for supporting the guy who made After the Sequel.

It's also really cool to see how his art has developed. He's come a long way from the recoloured Sonic geometry and crudely edited sprites of Before the Sequel.


I was tempted to make a thread about this. The game shows a lot of promise and I'm impressed at how far the creator's come. I'm all for supporting the guy who made After the Sequel.

It's also really cool to see how his art has developed. He's come a long way from the recoloured Sonic geometry and crudely edited sprites of Before the Sequel.

Just found out about this a few minutes ago and I had to make a thread about it :D!

I really enjoyed Before/After the Sequel and I love Flaks work on those soundtracks (they stand tall next to official Sonic OST's to me, as does those games next to the 2D Genesis/GBA/DS games :)).

So, when I heard about this, I had to spread the word about it.

And the game is at about 4,000+ funded, so it has a great shot at hitting its goal :).


Hmm...this looks pretty competent at a first glance. Pretty tempted to back this. Music in trailer is fucking legit, too.


Does the demo have controller support?

Yes, as once you go into the demo menu, it asks you to press Ctrl + another key (forgot what the other key was X(. But it tells you this in the menu).

The controls from using a PS3 MW3 Wireless Controller (the one I used for the demo) the controls are the following:
-Left Stick: Movement
-X Button: Attacks
-Square Button: Jump
-Circle Button: Switch between Power-Up
-Triangle/Double Tap Stick in any direction: Dash
I am going to have to back this.

I loved Sonic Before the Sequel and After the Sequel. In terms of my enjoyment, I put them up there with the classic trilogy. Great games there.

I cannot wait for this one! Looks great!


Yes, as once you go into the demo menu, it asks you to press Ctrl + another key (forgot what the other key was X(. But it tells you this in the menu).

Cool. Will check it out after SGDQ's Earthbound run. Thanks for the info :)


To help explain the game better to you guys, I will share my experience with the demo. Will be adding this to the OP in case people miss it:

-It looks fantastic; heavily mirroring the look of both the Before/After Sequel games and Freedom Planet
-The soundtrack is great as expected :); Flak and his team once again provide great Sonic-like themes that really fit with the level designs and appearances
-The core level design seems to be more virtually focused with some horizontal elements in a few spots. In Sonic terms, it feels like a mix between the verticalness of CD while having the speedy horizontal elements from Sonic 2
-You have five hit points and you can refill your hit points with collecting objects in the level
-The boss fights in the demo were very enjoyable, with fun patterns alongside great animation/attacks
-The power-up system is very promising; each power up does something different and unique to Spark
-Wind makes the game control a lot more like Sonic (air-dash, stomp, roll, double-jump that has a spin)
-Electric Staff gives you a jump-spin as you press attack and jump
-Sword gives you multi-directional attack based on where you are tilting the stick/D-Pad. Also can summon energy balls of you hold attack while pressing down, and you can hit them with your sword, sending them flying all over
-The frame-rate from the demo seems strong, but the Wind form does slow things down a bit due to the after-effect animation (particularly in the water level in the demo).

Cool. Will check it out after SGDQ's Earthbound run. Thanks for the info :)

No problem bede :).


I totally just saw this recently on the SonicRetro forums. I didn't realise they were going to take it commercially, good for them! If it worked for Freedom Planet it can work for this guy too :D


Mega Man X, Sonic, and Kirby are games that do not mix.

PS check out my indie Panzer Dragoon Metroidvania when you get a chance.


Mega Man X, Sonic, and Kirby are games that do not mix.

PS check out my indie Panzer Dragoon Metroidvania when you get a chance.

Why not try out the demo?

The game feels like a mix of Kirby (power up system) and Freedom Planet more then anything else but the latter game took elements from both Mega Man X and Sonic, so that is why the game was described as that.

My demo impressions are in the OP, as is a link to the demo and said demo has controller options (played through it using my PS3 MW3 Wireless Controller).
Between this and Freedom Planet it's nice to see Genesis-era platformers finding a niche with indie games. I'll try to back enough for a copy before it's over.
I like how much there is in some of the backgrounds, yet the parallax scrolling doesn't make me sick.Some of the older games that tried their hand at this were just parallax nightmares and vertigo inducing.


Looks like a worse version of Freedom Planet, a game I didn't much like, and their team is almost entirely made up of composers/audio people which is never a good sign.


Looks like a worse version of Freedom Planet, a game I didn't much like, and their team is almost entirely made up of composers/audio people which is never a good sign.

If you want a better understanding of this teams work, check out Before the Sequel and After the Sequel. Those are true 2D Genesis-style Sonic's and the games this team is the most known for producing.

While Before the Sequel has its issues, After the Sequel fixes all of them and offers a great package that ups the presentation value, greatly expands the musical score, and does some cool things with the Sonic gameplay (the energy shot that Spark has is a power-up for Sonic during one of the stages XD).


Backed for $10~
Liked the demo and looking forward to them doing a full on release.

Stretch goals should be for Console systems.


I would love to give him my money for the other two games (Sonic BTS/ATS). But I can't say I really like this one at all. Played the demo some days ago and thought it wasn't really that good at all.

Wish him good luck though.


Looks pretty neat. I don't really like playing this kind of game on PC, though... hopefully it's successful enough that they can do a console port.

I'm pretty broke, but I'll think about backing it anyway. It's only $10, after all.


Looks like a worse version of Freedom Planet, a game I didn't much like, and their team is almost entirely made up of composers/audio people which is never a good sign.

That's because the game was made by one guy. The money is needed because he can't just reuse Sonic sound effects and various other game soundtracks like he could for his non-profit fan games.
Played multiple builds of this both public and private and the game plays like a dream. A perfect love letter to Genesis era platformers. Preferred it to Freedom Planet by a mile. It's just so impeccably designed under the hood. It reminds me of Ristar the most to be honest. Probably more than Sonic. Also of note is that the new trailer looks beyond fantastic. The game has improved considerably since the early releases I played. It's genuinely becoming this beautifully made, wonderfully compelling original idea that goes far beyond Lake's earlier work on Sonic fangames.

If you're on the fence my advice would be to try the latest demo. I didn't fall in love with this until I played three or so stages and then I just became fascinated by it.

So looking forward to this when it's finished!


Looks fun!... And a more competent Sonic game than the last decade's Sonic games.

That being said, I think the art design is terrible .
Looks okay. Like freedom planet, I feel that the attachment to sonic is unnecessary, both in art style and in the main character being fast for no reason in a mostly combat focused game.


Something about how smooth it moves makes me feel really uncomfortable and I don't like it because of that. It's a shame, as I think it looks like it's put together well otherwise.


The Kickstarter seems to be going really strong. 4.5K out of a 7K objective with 27 days to go. Looks like this should easily reach its target if not vastly surpass it. Awesome.

They said this on the Kickstarter page regarding stretch goals and console ports:
"As we are almost at the end of our second day, we are already passed the 50% mark.
We can do this!

For those who are wondering about stretch goals and console releases: Currently it is very expensive for us to port spark over to a console and we will only talk about stretch goals when our base goal is reached."

So, they do plan on having stretch goals, but they want to wait until the full game is funded first before announcing anything :).

I like that mentality, as it doesn't over-promise anything and thus leads people to fell confident that the 7,000 is going to be making a full game instead of part of a full game.
Looks like a worse version of Freedom Planet, a game I didn't much like, and their team is almost entirely made up of composers/audio people which is never a good sign.

Ditto on both counts. Any KS where there's mostly non programmers is a bad sign. Also the amount of money asked for is pretty low which means they have no idea what things cost or they're doing this as a side project or some other cheap thing.


Ditto on both counts. Any KS where there's mostly non programmers is a bad sign. Also the amount of money asked for is pretty low which means they have no idea what things cost or they're doing this as a side project or some other cheap thing.

Consider that this isn't say, a Bloodstain or Yooka-Laylee level production; its being built off the tools and (likely) engine that Before/After the Sequel used, so they know what they are doing alongside the game likely not being that expensive to make.

The reason they went to Kickstarter was to ensure the game is a polished as it can be and to accomplish that, they need Kickstarter funding. And considering the asking price (7,000), that isn't a lot in comparison to other Kickstarters I think :).

I said to another poster in the thread, but I made a link to the demo and it has controller support, so check it out if you have the time :). My impressions of the game are in the OP as well in case you don't feel like playing it.
I think the non-programmer thing is a good point... till you actually play the demo. That isn't something that a bunch of non-passionate/non-capable people put together in an hour. There is a lot here, and if you're worried about if it's any good the demo is right there to check out.


Backing it! I don't see why not. They seem up front about what they're trying to accomplish and I miss games like this.


Re-Played the demo again and found two more of Sparks power-ups: Board and Gravity.

Board is simple; you ride on a hoverbord and can ride over water. Its a great tool to use during the third level, as you can skip over large sections of the under-water areas by using the power up and it has potential for future levels for some fun riding levels :D.

Gravity is unlimited flight; you double tap the jump button and Spark floats in the air. His purple look seems to be an homage to the Nights series and while its great to fly across the level similar to the Cape Mario, I don't see this being the helpful power up.


Played the demo a few days ago, and I thought it was pretty decent but that final level turned me off of the whole thing. Level design doesn't seem to be a strong suit, but I loved playing around with the abilities.


Ditto on both counts. Any KS where there's mostly non programmers is a bad sign. Also the amount of money asked for is pretty low which means they have no idea what things cost or they're doing this as a side project or some other cheap thing.

The game's basically finished and the kickstarter is mainly for the music and sound. The creator has proven himself capable with his previous solo projects.
Between this and Freedom Planet it's nice to see Genesis-era platformers finding a niche with indie games. I'll try to back enough for a copy before it's over.

I've only just started playing Freedom Planet and I've realised how much I've missed this kind of game.

Though maybe it is just me but $7k seems a bit low. I'm probably just used to all the other Kickstarter games asking for much more. Maybe the game is much further into development than I think it is, I'll download the demo before I think about backing it.


I've only just started playing Freedom Planet and I've realised how much I've missed this kind of game.

Though maybe it is just me but $7k seems a bit low. I'm probably just used to all the other Kickstarter games asking for much more. Maybe the game is much further into development than I think it is, I'll download the demo before I think about backing it.

From the Kickstarter page:
The majority of the game’s initial development has already been finished, and we’re ready for polish iteration. But there is still a lot of work to do. Our major and primary goal with this Kickstarter is to raise funds towards the game’s soundtrack and sound design. Additional funds will be put toward new software and hardware development tools.

So yeah, it's a lot further into development than a game Kickstarter usually is, with most of the money (outside of stretch goals) going towards the sound.
The game's basically finished and the kickstarter is mainly for the music and sound. The creator has proven himself capable with his previous solo projects.

Fair enough. That's a bit more palatable. I respect having to pay music people since that's a situation I'll probably find myself in at some point.


that puzzling face
Was linked the thread. Didn't figure our little project would end up on GAF! I guess I should explain a little as to what's going on here.

As on the kickstarter page:

The majority of the game’s initial development has already been finished, and we’re ready for polish iteration. But there is still a lot of work to do. Our major and primary goal with this Kickstarter is to raise funds towards the game’s soundtrack and sound design. Additional funds will be put toward new software and hardware development tools. We also plan to get Spark into Steam Greenlight sometime in the future.

That's all there is to it, really. Felipe isn't asking for $7k to make a game. He's done multiple full-length fan games in the past, and is a lot more committed to this considering it's a commercial undertaking.

As to why a one-man show needs an army of composers, and why the majority of the kickstarter is for sound/music (as opposed to many kickstarters where sound/music is an afterthought with like 5% of the pie) suffice to say, essentially we worked together on fan games in the past, and more than a few people keep asking us to do more of the same. However, as we've all moved on with our own careers, etc. we can't keep doing free stuff. For a more long-winded version, don't mind my copypasta from elsewhere:

Hello, this is Falk!

If you’re viewing the Kickstarter page, you may already be familiar with the work of Felipe Daneluz. He’s put together his fair share of fan projects, and I’ve had the pleasure of working with him on a strictly non-profit basis, alongside many other stellar composers and musicians, whom I number among my close friends and colleagues.

While we’ve individually moved on from success to success, plying our trade for entities like Harmonix, Square Enix, Bandai Namco, etc. the projects I’ve done with Felipe hold a very special place in my heart, as it was one of the first major musical undertakings I’d put together, and in the process forged strong friendships and working relationships with Felipe and the rest of the music crew. It would be an understatement to say we learnt a lot during that time, both individually and as a cohesive group, and the end result was nothing short of remarkable! (Okay, maybe I’m a little biased)

What this Kickstarter, what this project entails, honestly, is a reunion of sorts. We’d really like to get together again to give this another whirl. As we’ve all become increasingly busy with our careers, however, this undertaking has to be made worth our while. Felipe has talked to us and we’ve come to an agreement as to what we can do a project for, and here it is.

Regarding the Kickstarter itself, it may seem like there’s a strong slant towards the music side. I don’t disagree at all. Some have joked about our previous undertakings together that it was “a soundtrack with a game attached”. I cannot objectively disagree, in terms of the scope of resources and man-hours involved, but regardless, all of us individually believed in Felipe’s projects, and I still do think of it as a complete package. Without the soundtracks, the fan games would lack something. Without the games, the soundtracks have been meaningless.

That’s also the case here. Make no mistake, 6 composers attached to an otherwise 1-person development team is not what you’d typically see even in the wild west of the indie scene, but we want to bring you more music in the vein of what people have enjoyed in the past, and we acknowledge that each of us added a distinct flavor to our overall sound, and have worked out a budget that will let us do just that.

I'm happy to answer questions.

edit: beaten by Timmit. Not fast enough :'(
I dont really like the character's design. The gameplay looks interesting, but not enough to get me to play it like, for example, Freedom Planet.


Was linked the thread. Didn't figure our little project would end up on GAF! I guess I should explain a little as to what's going on here.

I'm happy to answer questions.

When your and your teams work was as fantastic as Before/After the Sequel, this Sonic fan has to share it with Gaf :D! Wish you guys the best of luck making your game as great as it can be and I can't wait to see more of it :).

My question regarding the soundtrack is how is the process In making the games music different in comparison to the Before/After the Sequel games?


that puzzling face
Similar. We're gonna be bouncing stuff off each other, playing on each other's tracks where applicable (e.g. for some familiar examples my bass on Maxie's Redhot Ride, Andy's guitars on Foliage Furnace, etc)

I don't think I can really comment on the genres at this point without spoiling a few surprises. But if you liked ATS/BTS you'll love this.

One thing that's gonna be different is that since this is a proper gig with a proper budget, it's not going to be relegated to 'when we have time' status. I know ATS had a period where the release date moving backwards was a running joke. ;p


Similar. We're gonna be bouncing stuff off each other, playing on each other's tracks where applicable (e.g. for some familiar examples my bass on Maxie's Redhot Ride, Andy's guitars on Foliage Furnace, etc)

I don't think I can really comment on the genres at this point without spoiling a few surprises. But if you liked ATS/BTS you'll love this.

One thing that's gonna be different is that since this is a proper gig with a proper budget, it's not going to be relegated to 'when we have time' status. I know ATS had a period where the release date moving backwards was a running joke. ;p

That's great to hear; Before/After the Sequel's Soundtracks were fantastic, so its great to see the same creation process those games use be applied to Spark :).

Regarding your last sentence, you mean that the Kickstarter delivery date will be the release date for the game (Spring 2016)? If that is the case, that is great that it will come very soon :D.
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