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LTTP - Shin Megami Tensei IV - Old school mold, modern recipe, awesome experience.

Context : I love JPRGs, and two of my favourite RPGs ever are Persona 3 and Persona 4 and my first contact with the series thanks to the overwhelming popularity P3 had and how it brought SMT to the light to western audiences (even if I had already bought SMT III Nocturne and Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army which I didn't play yet).
After being initially interested in the game and fed up with Atlus fucking Europe over with how it treated the gamers, the multiple delays, the absence of news, the release over a year after the initial one and the lack of physical release, I caved in in a sale and bought the game for 12€. So worth it, because if SMT IV isn't the best JRPG ever, it's not far from it.

The beginning of the game : The word that might be best to describe the beginning of the game is unprepossessing. Because it is crazy how different the rest of the game is different from the beginning, to the point it doesn't even look like the same game, and one can only wonder if this was done intentionnally, maybe out of elitisim, maybe as a throwback to old school games, maybe it was kind of a though-love several hours-long tutorial. Anyway, the beginning of the game is likely to discourage a lot of players (it nearly did for me), because of :

- Its difficulty. For those who aren't acquainted with the SMT mechanics (even through spin offs such as Persona), it can be quite brutal if you don't get quickly used to fusing demons, negotiating, exploring, and think buffs and debuffs spells are useless (dear god use them for they are the most important spells in the game)
- Its apparent limited exploration. You only have a few locations to visit and cannot explore them in a 3 dimensionnal space, and even then you are limited to speaking to NPCs and buying things from the store.
- Its austere graphics during battle, contrasting with how the game looks when you explore the Naraku (spoilers :
which I thought was definitely going to be a Tartarus-like randomly-generated dungeon to explore for all the game like in P3
), spanning the two 3DS's screens with displayed at the top the enemy in a 2D sprite with limited animation, and at the bottom the commands for your characters. Like in Dragon Quest, the previous SMT and most old JRPG, you only see the enemy and the effect of your attack/spell. No player character on screen, no 3D models, no invocations like in Persona 3 and/or 4, only one human character in your party with a guest human who's AI controlled, the rest are demons.
It is a little though to get used to it at first, and some might hate it, but personally I grew to love it, as it is functional, fast-paced and keep distraction to a minima
- The majority of JRPGs place you into the role of a hero, a super-important main character and an entourage you get to know everything of, from their past lives, their loved ones, their past times, their tastes in anything, etc. And the story is fed to you through long cutscenes and mandatory exposition. SMT IV has very little of this
as you can guess you ARE kind of important
but you have to go look for it, and think about what happened and what was implied in order to get all of the story.

Why is this game excellent : With all that said, why should you even play this game ?
For the same reasons I played it for nearly 90 hours for my first playthrough ant got 3 out of 4 endings :
  • Nearly everything that might be overly difficult and frustrating with the game is completely reversed after a certain point in the beginning of the game, a boss that serves as a wake-up call and a plot twist (that I hope you don't know of like I did as I went in the game blind, so it came as a great surprise to me)
  • Exploration : there is a whole lot of it. Like, a good chunk of the game is exploring, in a 3D space, and the game can be really awe-inspiring graphically with its setting in 3D mode. There is a lot of optionnal stuff and places to explore too.
  • Sidequests : a whole load of it. Most of them are interesting and test your skills in battle, with a special mention to the special Burroughs quests, which brings us to the next point...
  • The battle system : definitely the high point of the game. The battle system is fast, intelligent and most of the time fair. It's based on the press turn system which applies to foes to allies alike and gets you extra turns to fight when you strike your opponent with their elemental weakness, but erase your turns if you use one of their elemental resistances. The battles can get tactical very quick. Also, even more so than in Persona, the buff and debuff spells are vital to your survival. The game rewards intelligent thinking during battle and punishes brash actions and fighting like you would in other JRPGs (like spamming basic attacks on seemingly weak or underleveled ennemies). You can easily take on ennemies that are 10 to 20 levels above you if you play it right, but the inverse is also true, which keeps you on toes for all the game.
  • Saving anywhere. Woohoo.
  • Anti-frustration features such as continuing the game once if you died in battle by paying a fee of Macca - the game's currency or Play Coins (think like Dragon Quest)
  • Demon recruiting fusion. It gets addicting real quick to fuse demons, test them, playing with skill inheritance, to discover new demons, recruiting them in battle, etc.
  • The setting : without spoiling, let's say the setting is unique and really well done. The sense of urgency and dread is present throughout the game.
  • Multiple paths and endings, 4 of them, wich are all unique and play differently. It is not possible to get all of them in a single playthrough and the arguably "best ending" is really though to get. But fear not, as there is...
  • A new game plus mode which you can choose how to do it (keeping level, equipment, money, etc, or not)
  • 500 demons, all with their really interesting mythos trivia. Gotta catch'em recruit/fuse them all ! On a related note : most of the mythology presented in the game is accurate, which is cool to see.
  • The story is really enjoyable, albeit not the best point of the game.
  • Burroughs is my waifu adorable
  • The music is so good. Special mention to a favourite of mine : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6cSbof7Pik
Granted, the game isn't without faults :
  • I'd rather have the Japanese voice acting, but the English VA is good too.
  • The choices you have to make throughout the game define you alignment : Order, Chaos, or neutral. The problem being there aren't any neutral choices or nuanced chaos/order choices in the game, which makes getting the Neutral ending difficult, and make you sound like a shizophrenic at times if you decide to get the neutral ending.
  • A problem with the neutral path :
    Forcing you to do sidequests to get to the ending feels kind of cheap and like a way to artificially lenghten the game
  • Only two save slots. 6 would've been ideal imho.
  • The story can be difficult to piece together, and apparently there are optionnal DLCs that explain a great deal of backstory.
  • The party guest character AI can get REALLY stupid. Like what the fuck Jonhathan I got my ass handed to me and lost my turns at the previous turn because I used Bufudyne on an enemy who repelled it and YOU'RE USING IT NOW ?
Conclusion / TL;DR : SMT IV is awesome, and a must for every JRPG fan, even if its begining might discourage you. Its intelligent design, setting, ambiance and themes are really welcomed in a genre that can get stale very quickly and easily. SMT IV also proves that you do not need a home console, 1080p/60FPS and expensive technology to make a great, vast and ambitious RPG.

Next I know I have to play the other games in the series to quench my thirst of SMT and Persona 5, maybe by playing SMT III and Soul Hackers I just bought. How are Devil Survivor games ? I heard they're like a mix between SMT and Persona in style of gameplay and story, which might be perfect for me as they also are on 3DS.
I went all strength build because it worked for me in Nocturne, but this game is much different. Got to Minotaur and couldn't beat him, so I had to reset my nine hour save.

Now I'm at 55 hours, absolutely loving it. I've just got to
and I'm doing a bit of grinding before I delve back into the story. I like to be ahead of the difficulty curve so I can get large chunks of story done in games.

Great stuff once you beat Minotaur. Shame that they ringfence you in so hard during those first hours...
Honestly, I feel like people who didn't like the story were only focusing on the required scenes, and weren't willing to think on the lore much. The game has answers to pretty much every major question, and the lore is incredibly deep, but you have to constantly look for it by talking to npcs, and connecting the dots yourself. The thing I think people took issue with is that the story is less about the characters you interact with, and much more about the world it takes place in


Definitely go for Nocturne and the DDS series. Same battle system and just as fun. SMTIV was fucking awesome and I can't wait for the next mainline entry.
I got it during probably the same sale you did, and I'm yet to make it more than an hour in. One day I'll really force myself through the beginning, but I swear that first dungeon is more like a test of patience than a tutorial.


[*]The party guest character AI can get REALLY stupid. Like what the fuck Jonhathan I got my ass handed to me and lost my turns at the previous turn because I used Bufudyne on an enemy who repelled it and YOU'RE USING IT NOW ?

Ah, but you see, HIS demons are a bit different!
...That one line was one of the most memorable parts of the game for me, for whatever reason. I laugh every single time. Same for whenever Flynn smirks.

Overall a great game, for sure. Demon Whisper was thoroughly OP and consequently the endgame was largely trivial combat-wise, the stats were not even remotely close to equally useful, and I had my fair share of problems navigating Tokyo, but those faults didn't keep me from very much enjoying the game. It more than made up for them in the other departments.


The party guest character AI can get REALLY stupid. Like what the fuck Jonhathan I got my ass handed to me and lost my turns at the previous turn because I used Bufudyne on an enemy who repelled it and YOU'RE USING IT NOW ?

*Minotaur fight*

Walter uses Agi
Minotaur smirks
Labrys Strike

"Oh, It's you again, you died so carelessly"
I got it during probably the same sale you did, and I'm yet to make it more than an hour in. One day I'll really force myself through the beginning, but I swear that first dungeon is more like a test of patience than a tutorial.
It's truly a test of patience. Plus the demon variety you encounter isn't that high.

Overall a great game, for sure. Demon Whisper was thoroughly OP and consequently the endgame was largely trivial combat-wise, the stats were not even remotely close to equally useful, and I had my fair share of problems navigating Tokyo, but those faults didn't keep me from very much enjoying the game. It more than made up for them in the other departments.
I liked the Demon Whisper mechanic, no idea how the previous MegaTen games handled how MC acquired skills.
+8 Hades Blast + Luster Candy 3 times + Fog Breath 3 times = MAXIMUM DAMAGE

Can we appreciate the awesome boss theme?

This is the one I put in the OP :)


A huge favorite of mine, and one of my top titles on 3DS. I really fucking loved this game. Reading your post makes me want to go replay it sometime soon, because I miss it dearly, and want to choose another route to run. Also was my favorite OST that year too! I imported it and it's just amazing.

As for your question OP, yeah, you should check out the Devil Survivor titles. It's an SRPG, and when you attack something you get the first-person normal style battle system. I love it because of how multi-faceted that system is. Not only do you need to plan and strategize your physical position on the grid, but you also have to plan your teams of demons for each character too!


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Was a highly enjoyable experience and great soundtrack. Though didnt like some of the newer designed stuff... but asides from that quality title.


Yeah, the OST was the best surprise. They finally found someone to match if not surpass Meguro.

My favorite track. (Aaaah)

It's a great game, but had they made the endgame better(a usual SMT flaw), it would've been flawless. It also loses any semblance of difficulty by that point(something SJ and Nocturne didn't fall victim to).


Neo Member
I just finished the game the other day. I mostly enjoyed it the whole way through, but I felt overall it was a big disappointment after SMT3 (I've never played 1 or 2 so I can't compare them).

My three biggest problems, in declining order of importance, were

1) The story. I felt the story to be boring and unexciting, with some exceptions, from beginning to end. Very little surprised or interested me, and sometimes I found myself groaning at awful cliche lines. On top of that, in SMT3, it felt like the moral paths you have to take were about morally equal. Maybe some were a little more repugnant, but overall it doesn't feel like there was a "right" path. In SMT4, the neutral path strikes me as very obviously being the morally right path. It doesn't help that the Law and Chaos paths are so boring and unappealing. In SMT3 you had, what, 5 different possible paths to follow? Narrowing it to 3 in this one feels like a step back, and when on top of that you get such boring and uninspired moral choices I can't help but feel like they tried to dumb it down for whatever reason.

2) The setting. It's a personal thing with me, but I am really tired of this game's particular setting in jrpgs.
I get that all SMT games are in Tokyo, but it just felt like such a tired use of a tired setting. Especially since in SMT3 you ended up in a weird messed up post-apocalyptic Tokyo that for the most part looked like a unique and different place. In 4, Tokyo just looks like regular old Tokyo. Except it's on fire.
I also felt that the world map was really awkward to move around on and it didn't feel well executed.

3) A minor thing, and I get that SMT games are usually first person, but I felt like the game lost a huge amount of character in going to first person. One thing I found charming about SMT3 was actually having your demons attack for you. So when you got a guy like Alciel which is just a head that pops out of the floor to bite enemies, you get to enjoy lugging him around to chomp angels, demons, and whatever gets in your way. Having unique demon models with unique attacks makes getting new demons fun beyond just the gameplay level.

All of those gripes are basically "but SMT3 did it better!!!" and I know that, but I can't help myself in comparing it to its predecessor. And even just taken completely on its own, I felt the story and characters to be so flat and boring that it was almost never the reason I kept playing. I was playing for the addictive gameplay, which is thankfully something SMT games always get right.


I just finished the game the other day. I mostly enjoyed it the whole way through, but I felt overall it was a big disappointment after SMT3 (I've never played 1 or 2 so I can't compare them).

My three biggest problems, in declining order of importance, were

1) The story. I felt the story to be boring and unexciting, with some exceptions, from beginning to end. Very little surprised or interested me, and sometimes I found myself groaning at awful cliche lines. On top of that, in SMT3, it felt like the moral paths you have to take were about morally equal. Maybe some were a little more repugnant, but overall it doesn't feel like there was a "right" path. In SMT4, the neutral path strikes me as very obviously being the morally right path. It doesn't help that the Law and Chaos paths are so boring and unappealing. In SMT3 you had, what, 5 different possible paths to follow? Narrowing it to 3 in this one feels like a step back, and when on top of that you get such boring and uninspired moral choices I can't help but feel like they tried to dumb it down for whatever reason.

2) The setting. It's a personal thing with me, but I am really tired of this game's particular setting in jrpgs.
I get that all SMT games are in Tokyo, but it just felt like such a tired use of a tired setting. Especially since in SMT3 you ended up in a weird messed up post-apocalyptic Tokyo that for the most part looked like a unique and different place. In 4, Tokyo just looks like regular old Tokyo. Except it's on fire.
I also felt that the world map was really awkward to move around on and it didn't feel well executed.

3) A minor thing, and I get that SMT games are usually first person, but I felt like the game lost a huge amount of character in going to first person. One thing I found charming about SMT3 was actually having your demons attack for you. So when you got a guy like Alciel which is just a head that pops out of the floor to bite enemies, you get to enjoy lugging him around to chomp angels, demons, and whatever gets in your way. Having unique demon models with unique attacks makes getting new demons fun beyond just the gameplay level.

All of those gripes are basically "but SMT3 did it better!!!" and I know that, but I can't help myself in comparing it to its predecessor. And even just taken completely on its own, I felt the story and characters to be so flat and boring that it was almost never the reason I kept playing. I was playing for the addictive gameplay, which is thankfully something SMT games always get right.

It's a testament to SMT3 remaining the best RPG ever that IV's going to inevitably fall victim to comparisons. I think they made the most valiant effort imaginable, especially for a handheld.

As for L/N/C VS five routes, I think that's a given at this point. It's the most accessible route to take. It'd be nice if Law stopped being Fascism, though. The only time Law has ever not been despicable was Imagine of all things.


Neo Member
As for L/N/C VS five routes, I think that's a given at this point. It's the most accessible route to take. It'd be nice if Law stopped being Fascism, though. The only time Law has ever not been despicable was Imagine of all things.

I think honestly the best way to make the routes work would be to A) tune them a bit so they aren't so over the top reprehensible and the the people who support them so quick to resort to mass murder and B) make it so you DON'T have a good choice. If the choices are "world of enforced order at the cost of freedom" or "world of chaos, where freedom is run amok and the strong bend things to their will." Well ok, but then if you have a third choice which is "believe in the heart of humans and fill a chalice with hope" who the hell is going to root against that? I think they should chance the neutral route so that it's truly neutral and involves an element of sadness and suffering instead of just being the shlocky perfect path to happiness.


I think honestly the best way to make the routes work would be to A) tune them a bit so they aren't so over the top reprehensible and the the people who support them so quick to resort to mass murder and B) make it so you DON'T have a good choice. If the choices are "world of enforced order at the cost of freedom" or "world of chaos, where freedom is run amok and the strong bend things to their will." Well ok, but then if you have a third choice which is "believe in the heart of humans and fill a chalice with hope" who the hell is going to root against that? I think they should chance the neutral route so that it's truly neutral and involves an element of sadness and suffering instead of just being the shlocky perfect path to happiness.

Neutral in III was a nice balance. Things go back to normal, but has anyone really changed? There's still that air of unease that it could all just happen again(this is in SJ too).

If I were writing Law, I'd make it less about stealing individuality and brainwashing everyone and more about them wanting to do good at any cost. Christianity isn't inherently evil, Japan. It just has a lot of stupid followers.


Awesome game, I got the neutral (can it be considered the best ending?) ending naturally, first time I did this in a SMT game, I usually end up with the chaos endings xD

The worst thing about the game for me were the directions. I'll explain: they are constantly telling you to go to different places BY NAME with limited instructions, like "Go to Ginza" and the map is useless. I understand this works well if you know Tokyo, but me, being a baka gaijin as I am, have no fucking clue where are the different neighbourhoods and stuff, so I was lost ALL the time. I had to use a spoiler-free walkthrough for directions most of the time because I couldn't for the life of me remember all the names. Atlus people: just design a map with a glossary, please.

Can we appreciate the awesome boss theme?


Yeah, fucking Minotaur. That battle was hype as fuck.
While we're posting tracks from the game, I'll go with my favorite town theme. SO good. I was worried when I found out someone other than Meguro was handling OST duties, but man were those worries unfounded and then some. The whole soundtrack is fantastic.
Yeah I had some trouble navigating through the minimap but as I already knew a little bit about Tokyo geography, it didn't annoy me as much as it would for certain players. But yeah, the mini map is one of the worst of any RPG.

I also agree with you about the endings and how "black and white" they look. It's clear here that the neutral ending is the best ending
though I thought that Akira yearning for more freedom and demon control in Blasted Tokyo and Demonoid Akira wanting control and rules in Infernal Tokyo was a nice touch, indicating that people spontaneously go to the neutral way of things.

As for your question OP, yeah, you should check out the Devil Survivor titles. It's an SRPG, and when you attack something you get the first-person normal style battle system. I love it because of how multi-faceted that system is. Not only do you need to plan and strategize your physical position on the grid, but you also have to plan your teams of demons for each character too!
Awesome ! Now, if I could find it for a decent price in Europe...


Amazing game that just oozes atmosphere, from the setting to the amazing music the game has such a unique feel to it. So much content too put over a 100 hours into it.


While we're posting tracks from the game, I'll go with my favorite town theme. SO good. I was worried when I found out someone other than Meguro was handling OST duties, but man were those worries unfounded and then some. The whole soundtrack is fantastic.

That's my favorite town theme too. Also call me crazy but I'd take the speed of the simple 2D graphics over 3D models and animation I skip 95% of the time anyway.


*Minotaur fight*

Walter uses Agi
Minotaur smirks
Labrys Strike

"Oh, It's you again, you died so carelessly"

That's why I hate that fight, and why I don't see it as a "git gud" boss like Matador for Nocturne.
In the end, Matador fight all boils down to luck: you just have to pray Minotaur won't chain smirks and Labrys Strikes, because else, you're dead, unless you're really really OP and already have physical neutralising demons. What breaks the fight is that, at the level you're likely going to fight it, you have absolutely no way to counter his physical attacks, and Minotaur's crit rate is insane.
Walter doesn't help.

It's a testament to SMT3 remaining the best RPG ever that IV's going to inevitably fall victim to comparisons. I think they made the most valiant effort imaginable, especially for a handheld.

Yeah, while I find it's miles away from Nocturne, I think they managed the handheld part quite well.
The only thing I can't forgive: the new demon designs, apart from Minotaur.
Fantastic LTTP, OP! This was already on my must-play list, but it just jumped up quite a few notches. It sounds fantastic.
Glad I convinced you to play it sooner ! It's really a great game.

That's my favorite town theme too. Also call me crazy but I'd take the speed of the simple 2D graphics over 3D models and animation I skip 95% of the time anyway.
I think it has also something to do with the handled platform. Also, skipping animations look weird in 3D.

That's why I hate that fight, and why I don't see it as a "git gud" boss like Matador for Nocturne.
In the end, Matador fight all boils down to luck: you just have to pray Minotaur won't chain smirks and Labrys Strikes, because else, you're dead, unless you're really really OP and already have physical neutralising demons. What breaks the fight is that, at the level you're likely going to fight it, you have absolutely no way to counter his physical attacks, and Minotaur's crit rate is insane.
Yeah. Plus, I don't think Tetrakarn is available at that point yet.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Great game with a fantastic soundtrack - I played it through three times consecutively to see all the endings, and given how colossal my backlog is I barely ever replay games.

My only real complaint with it is fiend encounters. Fuck that.
Even if you had it (which iirc is in no way possible at that stage), you wouldn't be able to cast it enough times, as it drains to much MP.
Yep I think too, except in NG+ it is not possible to get it by fusing, plus it drains 50 MP, so unless you have a way to get loads of Chakra Drops...
We can agree the Minotaur fight can be infuriating :)

Great game with a fantastic soundtrack - I played it through three times consecutively to see all the endings, and given how colossal my backlog is I barely ever replay games.

My only real complaint with it is fiend encounters. Fuck that.
Yeah first encounter with
I got pwned hard lol.


Almost gave up for the first 3hrs of this game. The difficulty turned me off a lot of times. But I persevered and i loved it now. I'm 60hrs in, mostly fusing and leveling.


Yeah, the soundtrack is just incredible, so many fantastic tracks and suits the game so well. I'm sure it will always stay in my top 5 VGM.


I am 40 hours in and I fucking love this game. Sure it can get a bit unfair at points - the aforementioned stupid party members for one - but it always interesting and I love the designs of the demons.
it's amazing just how old-school CRPG this game is, even more than the rest of the recent series.

Save anywhere, but the game can and will fuck you up without warning.

Breakable as shit, but you need that to even survive at points.

General pacing; teeth-grindingly difficult early before precipitiously dropping later once you have the tools.

Burroughs is my waifu adorable



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
An incredible game. Easily the best original (as in not a port or Remake) RPG on a handheld.





Dat soundtrack. Especially the battle themes are so good.

Did a neutral route on the first playtrough. It favors the magic build like in eternal punishment.
freaking love this game, especially the bosses in the last 20% of the game, easily the most intense gameplay of a jrpg i ever did play.

why don't i remember any of this? :) ...

very unimaginative story & characters. yeah, the gameplay's fine, but smt iv never came close to grabbing me like strange journey did, or like nocturne still does...


why don't i remember any of this? :) ...

very unimaginative story & characters. yeah, the gameplay's fine, but smt iv never came close to grabbing me like strange journey did, or like nocturne still does...

I think the core plot of IV is great. Modern day Tokyo
considered a cursed land by learned people who've taken on a pastoral lifestyle.
It just had some weak spots in the execution, and
majorly dropped the ball on a YHVH/Lucy confrontation. The conflict just keeps on going.

It's Kun Lan/Harman all over again.
Yeah, the OST was the best surprise. They finally found someone to match if not surpass Meguro.

My favorite track. (Aaaah)

It's a great game, but had they made the endgame better(a usual SMT flaw), it would've been flawless. It also loses any semblance of difficulty by that point(something SJ and Nocturne didn't fall victim to).

Where does that song play?

Maybe this post will inspire me to chip away at the game some more. I actually like it quite a bit, but I think Tokyo navigation has made it to where I don't want to play it without a guide, and combined with the limited story and it's a game I play for a few weeks and drop for a couple of months.
Lack of a RES stat really killed the game for me. It never made me feel like my demons were getting any stronger. Maybe one day I'll get back to it but eh.
Adored this game, especially its OST. A personal aside: When I first visited Tokyo, I made sure to play the "Tokyo Overworld Theme" as I walked around. Felt great.
I think the core plot of IV is great. Modern day Tokyo
considered a cursed land by learned people who've taken on a pastoral lifestyle.
It just had some weak spots in the execution, and
majorly dropped the ball on a YHVH/Lucy confrontation. The conflict just keeps on going.

It's Kun Lan/Harman all over again.

guess maybe i should've been paying more attention. which might've been a whole lot easier to do if i'd ever been given a reason to actually care about anyone or anything :) ...

sorry, but the initial set-up of this game just screamed 'generic', & i'm thinking i just never really managed to get past that. my loss (or not)...


Where does that song play?

Maybe this post will inspire me to chip away at the game some more. I actually like it quite a bit, but I think Tokyo navigation has made it to where I don't want to play it without a guide, and combined with the limited story and it's a game I play for a few weeks and drop for a couple of months.

A secret shop in Ginza.
That I never even found

guess maybe i should've been paying more attention. which might've been a whole lot easier to do if i'd ever been given a reason to actually care about anyone or anything :) ...

sorry, but the initial set-up of this game just screamed 'generic', & i'm thinking i just never really managed to get past that. my loss (or not)...

If you didn't make it to Tokyo, you never really started the game.

Mikado is all setup.
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