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Has Resident Evil 5 become a classic by now?

So I've replayed RE5 with a friend in splitscreen mode over the weekend. Not the best way to play the game, but besides the small window it is still tons of fun. Gunplay, weapon customization and item management in combination with the co-op aspect are some of the biggest strong points for me.

I remember huge GAF drama about not being able to move while aiming. But the whole game design is built around it, so it seems like a non issue to me at this point. The graphics are still mindblowing at times, the 360 version is a showcase for the hardware similar to a few other third party games (Bayonetta and RDR come to mind).

Replayability is another strong point. There's so much stuff to upgrade and unlock and the mercenaries mode on top of it. The writing is horrible, but that's what we can expect from an RE game I guess.

I remember not liking the demo at all back in the day, but the full game has left me pretty satisfied overall. Do you guys feel similar or is there still a lot of hate for this game? Should Capcom focus on the co-op again with the sequel?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I think RE5 has become an opposite of a classic by now.

RE4, on the other hand...
I think you could say the same about REmake and RE2.


No. Don't think so.

I played the demo, and didn't like it, despite loving Re4.

Bought the game earlier this year and still didn't like it. Really don't see it becoming a classic any time soon.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Resident Evil 5 belongs in a dustbin, not on a mantle.

Everything about it is worse than Resident Evil 4, and then they threw co-op on it.
4 was way better. I was always of the opinion that co-op will always make games better but after RE5 I realized Devs sacrifice alot when it comes to level design due to co-op. RE5 while still being fun was no where near as polished as re4.


I replayed RE5 via proper co-op a few months back and it reaffirmed the exact opposite.

Co-op and replaying the game with ridiculously overpowered weapons was entertaining though.
If adding -100% of Resident Evil 4's atmosphere +100% unnecessary co-op gameplay in a game which doesn't have the proper atmosphere for such gameplay to add synergy to the design elements of the game means the design of a "classic" then, yes.

Otherwise, hell fucking no.
RE5 was just there. I got up to right before the ending in the volcano and just couldn't play it anymore. Parts of it were cool, but it seemed like a generic RE4 copy or derivative somehow. Someone on GAF compared it to a direct-to-DVD sequel, which seems amazingly fitting.

Heck, I was so put off by RE5 that I immediately booted up RE4, and without even meaning to ended up doing another entire run through of the game.


No, nor will it. RE4 was an incredible game in it's own right, but I don't think it was the future of the franchise; apart from the name, there was very little relation to previous titles in the franchise. Moreover, RE5 wasn't even as good as RE4.

Capcom needs to head back to the drawing board for RE6, perhaps with a new MC, and a return to Raccoon City. I'm probably just dreaming, though.
schennmu said:
So I've replayed RE5 with a friend in splitscreen mode over the weekend. Not the best way to play the game, but besides the small window it is still tons of fun. Gunplay, weapon customization and item management in combination with the co-op aspect are some of the biggest strong points for me.

I remember huge GAF drama about not being able to move while aiming. But the whole game design is built around it, so it seems like a non issue to me at this point. The graphics are still mindblowing at times, the 360 version is a showcase for the hardware similar to a few other third party games (Bayonetta and RDR come to mind).

Replayability is another strong point. There's so much stuff to upgrade and unlock and the mercenaries mode on top of it. The writing is horrible, but that's what we can expect from an RE game I guess.

I remember not liking the demo at all back in the day, but the full game has left me pretty satisfied overall. Do you guys feel similar or is there still a lot of hate for this game? Should Capcom focus on the co-op again with the sequel?
You know sometimes when you play a game and you say "welp that certainly was a sequel to X game" That's basically how I felt.

When RE4 came out it was just filled with Holy Shit moments. It was fresh and new, but RE5 was just.... a sequel. It ended up being completely forgettable other then me remembering how pretty it was on my laptop.


tagged by Blackace
OP are you flamebait? You already know the rest of the world feels the exact opposite about it.

Archaic controls for me.


schennmu said:
I remember not liking the demo at all back in the day, but the full game has left me pretty satisfied overall. Do you guys feel similar or is there still a lot of hate for this game? Should Capcom focus on the co-op again with the sequel?
Things haven't changed. For every person that enjoyed the game, you'll find a few that hated it. For every person that consider it one of the best games from 2009, you'll find a few declaring it; the worst game: [Insert here A. Of this generation, B. Of the RE series, C. EVER, D. All of the above]

So, just enjoy it. I did.
Great game, got Platinum last year back when it was released. Then got over 1,000 achievement points on the 360 version this year, when the DLC was released and got the 360 version.
Cat in the Hat said:
You know sometimes when you play a game and you say "welp that certainly was a sequel to X game" That's basically how I felt.
This is the exact feeling that RE5 put in me.

Someone asked me how I was enjoying it while playing it. My response, after several seconds of silence was, "I'm having a... time." Not a bad time, not a good time. I was just killing time, but never felt like I needed to keep playing.
BomberMouse said:
Wow this thread sure is a bait for RE5 haters. RE5 won't be a classic but it sure is a better game than RE4.
Himuro said:
That it was a great game with the best replay value in the RE series?

It wasn't the best RE, but it was certainly the funnest.
holy shit ahhhhhhh ganados
BomberMouse said:
Wow this thread sure is a bait for RE5 haters. RE5 won't be a classic but it sure is a better game than RE4.
What crack do you smoke? I dare you to post a point by point post on how RE5 is better than RE4. Dare you.


RE5 is a good game but not a great game. And I don't think it will ever be revered as a classic. It's just a retread of RE4's gameplay but prettier and lacking a certain something.


BomberMouse said:
Wow this thread sure is a bait for RE5 haters. RE5 won't be a classic but it sure is a better game than RE4.

But in all seriousness- RE5 will never get the rep it deservs.
Cat in the Hat said:
You know sometimes when you play a game and you say "welp that certainly was a sequel to X game" That's basically how I felt.

When RE4 came out it was just filled with Holy Shit moments. It was fresh and new, but RE5 was just.... a sequel. It ended up being completely forgettable other then me remembering how pretty it was on my laptop.

I guess a huge part of me liking the game so much comes from not being hyped at all beforehand. I never really played RE4 much myself, I've just watched a friend play through it back in 2006 I think. Most of the disappointment seems to come from people loving RE4. I'm not saying that RE5 is a better game, but a lot of people may have wanted a direct sequel in terms of gameplay, though RE5 is just a very different beast. It's all about expectations I guess.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Not until RE6 comes out, I'm afraid. But don't worry, at that point it will become the bestest RE ever.
no see that illogical batshit line of thinking only works if you're a zelda fanboy


Classic? Nah. It's a good game - nowhere near the "COMPLETE AND UTTER SHIT!!!" level that most of GAF has seemingly made it out to be - but definitely not anywhere near classic-level quality. And even if it were, less than a year isn't nearly enough time for something to become a classic.
I'm don't get all the hate, I found the controls and gameplay fine. What killed it for me, and one of the reasons why it'll never be a classic in my opinion, was the terrible single-player game. Trying to play with AI Sheva was a fucking nightmare and I can't even imagine using her on the harder difficulties. They should have either left her in a co-op specific mode and left it to Chris or have you switch between the two. Other than that, with a friend that has the same limited ammunition, the game was a blast and intense.


Synless said:
In going to go ahead and say it, I liked RE5 over RE4.
Yep, I enjoyed it more too. All my friends did too.

I've been with the series since 'around' day one and was actually introduced to it by a friend. So it was (also) nice, after more than a decade of friendship; to play this game from beginning to end with that same friend. :)

riceandbeans said:
I'm don't get all the hate, I found the controls and gameplay fine. What killed it for me, and one of the reasons why it'll never be a classic in my opinion, was the terrible single-player game. Trying to play with AI Sheva was a fucking nightmare and I can't even imagine using her on the harder difficulties. They should have either left her in a co-op specific mode and left it to Chris or have you switch between the two. Other than that, with a friend that has the same limited ammunition, the game was a blast and intense.
No problems with Sheva AI on Nightmare difficulty; the 2 times I beat the game on that difficulty. :D
BomberMouse said:
RE5 won't be a classic but it sure is a better game than RE4.
It's prettier and it's got co-op, but the atmosphere is worse (nothing even remotely comparable to RE4's village), the set pieces are worse (see, for example, literally any of them in the game, and none of them come close to RE4's heights of the initial village scene and the later cabin standoff), the boss battles are worse (bright red weak points and/or horrible gimmick battles), the minibosses are worse (no enemy in RE5 is as good as the Garrador or El Gigante, the regular enemies are basically identical except when they're worse (guns, boring shoot-the-weak-point-or-die-instantly bug enemies), the weapons are worse (far, far less diverse and individual than the ones in RE4), the weapon economy is worse (everything costs a ton to upgrade for measly gain), the story is atrociously written po-faced b-movie-actually-taking-itself-seriously crap (PARTNERS!!!!) in place of RE4's hilariously self-aware script, and it doesn't have the fucking Merchant.

Fuck your horrible opinion.
I don't like RE5 that much but saying it's "piss poor" and "not even good" is ridiculous. Even with all its issues it's still a good game, and maybe very good in co-op.

And no it's not a classic.


I had plenty of fun with RE 5 even though I only ever played it single-player, but it's not in the same league as RE 4 which was deservedly one of Edge's top 5 games on the 2000s.
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