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Losing your virginity in high school: makes you confident, irresistible to women?

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I've had this theory about age of virginity loss and sexual confidence/success for a while now, and I'm curious what GAF thinks.

Basically I believe that straight men who lost their virginity in high school or earlier are much more likely to be very confident in terms of their relations with the opposite sex. These are the people who easily end up sleeping with 30+ gorgeous women by the time they are 23.

Straight guys who lost it at age 13-17 will grow up to be "naturals" when it comes to women. They will never have difficulty finding a woman for casual sex, a short fling, or even a long term relationship. Their confidence and charm oozes out of every pore, and women are attracted to this like moths to flame. Women seem to sense and want guys who have had numerous previous sexual partners, as these guys are, in their eyes, desirable by other women.

I've observed guys like this walk into a party, spot a group of girls they don't even know, start gaming them, dancing, flirting, and within minutes end up making out, and certainly within a couple hours end up taking the girl back to his place.

From my experience, these naturals don't read stuff like "The Game" by Neil Strauss - they don't need it.All their "skills" have been internalized through their early experiences with sex and women. They are not intimidated by girls, they don't put the pussy on a pedestal. More importantly, sex is just a normal part of life for them, just as common as eating, exercising, or going to the bathroom. It's just so ingrained in their lives that they don't possess the fear of women and rejection and the feelings of potential inadequacy that plague guys who lose their virginity after the age of 20 or so.

On the other hand, men who lose their virginity in college or beyond (especially age 20/21 and beyond) will almost always have hangups, insecurities, shyness around women, and general cluelessness as to how to be a "player", i.e. how to almost subconsciously utilize seduction skills to bed whatever woman they want.

Personally, I grew up being indoctrinated by sexual harassment programs at school that taught that any kind of flirting or physical contact towards a girl is predatory and could get you arrested. These indoctrinations started around 4th or 5th grade. Fucked me up completely and made me think girls would lash out at being flirted with or touched in any way.

Basically, fuck those sexual harassment programs. All they do is make guys feel like shit.

Finally, I've noticed that guys who never had sex in middle or high school tend to maintain a preferred attraction towards teenage girls into their 20's and beyond. These guys missed out on the experience of having sex with girls this age and therefore become obsessed with younger women in an attempt to make up for their lost high school years.

TL;DR: Guys who lose their virginity in middle or high school end up being much better sexually adjusted and confident than those who lose it at age 20+. Also, guys who lose it at age 20+ tend to always pine for teenage girls well into their 20's and 30's.

It's true for me (lost my virginity at 20). What do y'all think?
Honestly yes. I haven't had sex with any, but I feel like I missed out on a big part of life.

So as long as they are 18/19, I'd be super happy.

I'm 25, but have read about guys (Neil Strauss for instance) in their mid 30's who commonly hook up with 19 year olds.



It is possible that the guys who lose their virginity earlier always had less trouble with flirting than guys who lose their virginity later on.


I lost my virginity at 15 and in the 15 years since then, I've had a lot of fun.

I cannot imagine the psychological effect that being a virgin at 25+ would have had on me.

I support your assertion.


Dilly said:
It is possible that the guys who lose their virginity earlier always had less trouble with flirting than guys who lose their virginity later on.

I think this.

And maybe they don't like teenage girls because they missed that experience, but rather because they want a younger more inexperienced girl because they themselves are not that experienced.
Eh, I kinda see where OP is coming from. All that unrequited affection forming a kind of infection in your soul, leaving you with a kind of arrested development tending towards ephebophilia.

I got laid for the first time just months after I graduated, so I'm immune.


Post Count: 9999
I think it's a crock ... or I'm simply an outlier.

I started hitting it relatively early but didn't end up a slut or super confident. Not that I'm inept or anything, but I wouldn't call what I've got game :lol


Tence said:
I think this.

And maybe they don't like teenage girls because they missed that experience, but rather because they want a younger more inexperienced girl because they themselves are not that experienced.

I can see this too. I'm not a smooth player by any means, so whenever I happen to meet 18-20 year olds I always feel much more in my league, and that I have a flying chance with them due to our similar levels of flirting/sex/relationship experience.


i lost my virginity when i was 39 now and frankly i don't see why i'm look down upon when i date a legless women.
Shin_Kojima said:
I lost it at 16 but I'm no player, so there goes your theory.

Interesting...did the girl take all the initiative? Also did it not give you a huge boost of confidence when dealing with women?
Raistlin said:
I think it's a crock ... or I'm simply an outlier.

I started hitting it relatively early but didn't end up a slut or super confident. Not that I'm inept or anything, but I wouldn't call what I've got game :lol

But I bet you've had sex with many more women than most guys who lost it at 20+ have. And you probably went after them, whereas a lot of the guys I know who lost it at 20+ waited until a girl hit on them. So I bet you do have more confidence...maybe not super-player level, but still much more than the guy who lost it after the age of 20.

In general, guys who lost it in high school or earlier have always ended up as the guys who bang 30+ chicks by the time they are in their early/mid 20's


TekkenMaster said:
I can see this too. I'm not a smooth player by any means, so whenever I happen to meet 18-20 year olds I always feel much more in my league, and that I have a flying chance with them due to our similar levels of flirting/sex/relationship experience.

I can understand, but I think at a certain point you have shagged enough to feel comfortable enough with chicks your own age.

I mean you are racking up Exp so that ought to make you more confident haha.


also i think your theory is stupid because its totally backwards.

the guys who lost their virginity when they were 15 won't be naturals because they lost it when they were 15, chances are they were naturals in the first place hence losing it at 15.


Sex for the first time is like an eye opener, like you can do anything you want; (obviously depends if you had sex with a gorgeous girl or with a grenade); after the first time you see the world like a different place.

Smoking pot for the first time is also an eye opener too. :D


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Someone who does X when they are younger are likely to do well at X when they are older.

Well, duh.

Your arguement that "young first time sex" -> "later playa" is not necessarily true. A "later playa" might actually -> "young first time sex".


erotic butter maelstrom
sex in high school is normal, I doubt that it makes us more special than anyone else*

* it does, but still


Beardz said:
Sex for the first time is like an eye opener, like you can do anything you want; (obviously depends if you had sex with a gorgeous girl or with a grenade); after the first time you see the world like a different place.

Smoking pot for the first time is also an eye opener too. :D

Sex for the first time does that for people ? All I can remember is being super-excited and then when it happened I was like, is that it ?


I'll be honest. I lost it at 19. I grew up in a strongly religious home, so I never really tried as a high-schooler. Had probably an average number of hookups for the rest of college, but I didn't ever start having consistent, satisfying sex until I was 23.

I've had dry spells, but for about six months earlier this year I was on a tear. I hooked up with 11 girls during that span.

For about the last month and a half I've been striking out again, or mostly not even swinging. Hooking up with a chick generally requires you to give up a lot of your night, and lately I've been content to just chill with friends at the bar and play beer-pong or whatever rather than really put myself out there.

That hot streak I had earlier shows that the potential is there. I do think that I might hesitate a little more than someone who lost his virginity at 16 or who had a lot of satisfying relationships between the ages of 17-22, but I think you can train yourself to get past that.

Edit: and just to comment on the posts immediately above, yes, finally having consistent sex with a real girlfriend did change my outlook on things. So did getting my driver's license, which happened very late for me (21). I'd spent the first three years of college without a license, and I think that killed my confidence way more than losing my virginity at age 19 did.

I sometimes wonder if my life would be a lot different now if I'd taken more initiative and gotten shit done in high school, but you can't waste your time with that.


Seems quite believable to me. Anything like this is going to depend on your location, class, the local social structure, etc, however I think generally the earlier in your life you get used to having intimate relationships, the easier it is to do it. I don't think it's that different to anything really, isn't this also true with things like swimming? That if you learn later on in life you are less likely to ever become a confident swimmer? I remember reading that more than once.


I lost it at 20, and I have the easiest time chatting up girls among anyone I know now, and has been called a "player" by many different people by now. Neither me or my friends get it, but I just go with the flow for now, heh :D

EDIT: I should mention, though, that I didn't score until I was 18, not even a single kiss, and I've always seen sex as something I would only have with people I'm really into. Therefore, if I was to turn 23 and had sex with over 30 girls, I wouldn't been proud, I would be ashamed.
Chinner said:
also i think your theory is stupid because its totally backwards.

the guys who lost their virginity when they were 15 won't be naturals because they lost it when they were 15, chances are they were naturals in the first place hence losing it at 15.

Sure they might have been naturals in the first place.

But my point that the people who lose their virginity in high school end up bedding more girls and are more confident as a result still stands, regardless of whether they started as naturals.

But I also do believe that some 12 year olds who aren't naturals who have sex for the first time at 13/14 do end up becoming naturals, and thus having tons of sex well into their 20s.
Puddles said:
I've had dry spells, but for about six months earlier this year I was on a tear. I hooked up with 11 girls during that span.

I need your advice on how to hook up with 2 girls a month for 6 months.

Did you go to bars/clubs/pubs? Girls you knew through work or hobbies?

I've been in a dry spell for almost 4 years now for various health reasons and now that I'm finally better I feel like the world will end if I don't fuck as many girls as possible in the next 6 months.


I can see where OP is coming from. Lost mine at 15 and after that I've just been a lot more confident. Despite not actually getting any other chicks (been with the same girl for three years) chicks talking to me a lot more, and I've had to turn down a few offers :(
TekkenMaster said:
Interesting...did the girl take all the initiative? Also did it not give you a huge boost of confidence when dealing with women?
She did indeed take the initiative, as did most of the other girls I've been with since then. It's still very hard for me to make first moves of any kind since I'm still insecure.
(for reference, I'm 34 and have slept with 6 women total)


Chinner said:
also i think your theory is stupid because its totally backwards.

the guys who lost their virginity when they were 15 won't be naturals because they lost it when they were 15, chances are they were naturals in the first place hence losing it at 15.
Woah, M. Knight Shyamalan in goose form!

I'm not sure if I agree though, I was an ugly duckling at 15 and got lucky. I earned my nookie when my face sorted itself out throughout my teens.

We need some graph paper for this shit.
I had no sexual contact whatsoever until after I graduated high school.

I lost it this year in, I think March it was with my ex, and now I'm a fucking sexual tyrannosaurus and a flirtatious asshole. It's odd considering I was a complete oddball-social recluse during those four years in high school, had absolutely no friends and my penis had already come to terms with its fate as forever married with my right hand.


Ulairi said:
I must be the only uncool gaffer. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 26 and that was with my wife.
That's not uncool, that's pretty sweet actually. Losing it at 26 to a hooker would be uncool.


TekkenMaster said:
But my point that the people who lose their virginity in high school end up bedding more girls and are more confident as a result still stands, regardless of whether they started as naturals.

Your point that you just made it with no base of facts? That's more of an opinion.. and quite frankly, I don't see anything in it that would have any truth.
I'd agree with you. I also think that when those people who couldn't get laid because they were fat and/or full of acne manage to rid themselves of those "restraints" (or even become hot) later on they still suck at dating and flirting and all that. They are also more likely to settle for the first woman they have sex with and maybe even marry her.
At least that is what I observe.
Lost it at 15. I'm a nice guy, but far from confident when it comes to talking to the ladies and really fucking far from being a player.

I do think it helps to know women better... i'm pretty confident in that departement. But i wouldn't know how to hit on a girl if my life depended on it. While i never had any problem finding a new girlfriend, it was never because i was a smooth player. It always was a growing process of falling in love with eachother.
AwesomePossum said:
I had no sexual contact whatsoever until after I graduated high school.

I lost it this year in, I think March it was with my ex, and now I'm a fucking sexual tyrannosaurus and a flirtatious asshole. It's odd considering I was a complete oddball-social recluse during those four years in high school, had absolutely no friends and my penis had already come to terms with its fate as forever married with my right hand.

Haha I was the same way. I shunned everyone in my 40-student class (no hot girls anyway), and was considered a huge fucking nerd. Then in the first month of college I was sucking on a blonde girl's tits while rolling on E. (Still didn't lose it until the following year however).
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