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Square-Enix Executive Embarrassed by Company's E3 Showing



Anoop Gantayat said:
Final Fantasy XIII-2 got plenty of attention at E3, but one Square Enix exec wanted to see more from the company's Japanese side.

Square Enix had on the whole a pretty good showing at E3, with Tomb Raider featured as one of the headline titles at Microsoft's press conference and games like Deus Ex and Hitman Absolution in the headlines.

Of course, those are all from the Eidos side of the company. The question is, where were all the Japanese Square Enix games?

There were some Japanese produced titles, most notably Final Fantasy XIII-2. But one Square Enix higher up was disappointed by this side of the company's showing.

Koji Taguchi, a senior executive officer at Square Enix Holdings, posted the following at Twitter on the final day of the show: "Because we merged with Eidos and had games like Tomb Raider, Deus and Hitman, as a company we were able to keep face. But the decline in Japanese titles was almost humiliating. This has been a week where I worried daily about how we can fix this."

Taguchi isn't the only Square Enix higher-up who has been open in his opinion about the company's Japanese development. Last month when Square Enix announced huge losses, CEO Yoichi Wada said that he expects an internal development revamp to take two years.

well, looks like it's a mutual feeling!
huge lack of japanese games at the show period. my favorite trailer was nowhere to be found on the major american outlets. (armored core V)


They're only embarrassed about E3 showcases? What about the fact that Versus, and Type-0 have been in development far longer than they should?


I was actually slightly depressed at the lack of more Japanese titles. Hopefully a bunch of new titles will be announced/shown at TGS or something. I exclude Nintendo of course, but the point still stands. It was weird.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Solution: Square Enix Japan should stop developing pseudo-Western games.
Takao said:
They're only embarrassed about E3 showcases? What about the fact that Versus, and Type-0 have been in development far longer than they should?
Exactly what I was thinking.

Since they were in development for over 5+ years, you'd think they'd have something to show.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Final Fantasy XIV didn't help

Talk about a steal for the PS3 that just went away lol

FFXIIIVersus not even being shown is ugh..maybe TGS..but still, you show the goods to one of the big events for gaming...not be like maybe later at a pre-determined time, etc.

Thank God there's no more that SE closed movie theater lobbies or hush hush viewing of FF stuff


For some reason they think they have to make FF games in the vein of 13 when they could make the game with the graphical style of Dragon's Crown with fully explorable towns and everyone would be happy.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I think they should have felt embarrassment before now, tbh. Why is it taking so long to develop some of their games? Why are some of their interview answers unintentionally funny/"smh-worthy"? Perhaps they should stop focusing so much on FF and KH, and start looking at their other IPs on the Japanese side. All that development time spent on FFvXIII and Type-0 should have yielded something at least playable by now.

I was very surprised upon hearing SE's lineup for E3 in that it excluded Japanese content like many in this thread. It was disappointing, really. At least someone there knows something is wrong now.

Goon Boon

They need to go out of business so a competent company can take over all their games, with all this releasing ff14 in a poor state, stating they want to release more mmos before fixing ff14, and this whole ff versus taking forever bullshit.


XTERC said:
First step to solving a problem, is admitting you have one.

I honestly don't know what to say, but hopefully something changes soon and they can start finishing games quicker.
When one of your project leads just lets slip the fact that your world art team produced enough content for two games in an interview speaks of serious management issues where time, man hours and money are completely wasted.
akilshohen said:
Well that's the reason they bought Eidos in the first place.

Ironic that the company they bought has been doing so much better than Square proper.

Given directions, you'd think that Eidos could have waited for a year or two and bought Square than the transaction happening the other way around. Eidos execs are probably kicking themselves.


Seda said:
Well...I'd rather hear them say this than say there wasn't an issue.
This. I feel this way, but at least they might attempt to patch it up. the Eidos showing was one of the strongest of the show, so it isn't so bad. TR, DX and Hitman make for some great headlines.


The problem with Square-Enix lies squarely (pun intended) at the top. Pass the torch to the programers who do so much hard work and probably have tons of ideas on how to make great games. All of Square's designers have little to no understanding on what makes a great piece of code. Most of their work is artistic masturbation, making games that only please them and no one else.


A Japanese person is humiliated?


And its pretty lolworthy that Eidos is now their saving grace >.<


They need to start giving Matsuno big money to make them new games. Tactics Ogre is definitely the best thing to come out of Square-Enix in the last five years. We need Ogre Battle PS360 right fucking now.
DatBreh said:
For some reason they think they have to make FF games in the vein of 13 when they could make the game with the graphical style of Dragon's Crown with fully explorable towns and everyone would be happy.
You must be joking. Hardly everyone would be happy with that.


Yoshiya said:
This. I feel this way, but at least they might attempt to patch it up. the Eidos showing was one of the strongest of the show, so it isn't so bad. TR, DX and Hitman make for some great headlines.

Can you fix my quote ala my edit so I don't come across so tired? lol


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
They should be. They need to sort their shit out and get some stringent development practices in place, the time it takes for them to release games is absurd. Most of them aren't any good anyway. They need a complete restructuring.


I'm surprised they are saying this just now. XIII was disappointing, the spin offs are becoming duke nukem forever type status and what jrpg has anyone really been excited about in the past 4 years? This generation wasn't just the rise of western developers taking the crown, but the fall of lack of anything from japanese game studios. Besides nintendo, who really has been able to release titles that people honestly want to play?


Well, at least they've admitted it. They need to either aborting Final Fantasy or find something new, preferably both. "Embarrassing" is almost too kind.
With their management issues, I didn't really expect much from them anyway. Kept my expectations low and ended up being surprised at how awesome FFXIII-2 looks.


They've come full circle from corporate hubris to decline. Must have been a shock that the only titles anyone largely cared about are western franchises.

It'll good for them in the long run to get a fire set under their ass.
cosmicblizzard said:
With their management issues, I didn't really expect much from them anyway. Kept my expectations low and ended up being surprised at how awesome FFXIII-2 looks.

Excited about hammer pants are we?


Hmmm, yeah.

How about you start acting like Capcom and drop the esoteric methods and famitsu humping? This isn't the 90s. Capcom was at e3 with a decent showing. (And get this, livestreamed the entire day for their fans.)

P.S. Having your latest Final Fantasy trailer showcase that your protagonists are JRPG cliches doesn't help either, especially considering what you did with Lightning. Hire some writers.


Really? He's just now starting to feel embarrassed? So I guess these past 5 years have been just fantastic haven't they?


maybe now they'll stop taking fucking forever to put out games


finish vs13 and whatever the fuck else youre working on get the fuck to work on Kingdom Hearts 3

and make some new shit too.


Reluctant Member
They may understand that they have a problem, but on whether or not they actually attempt to solve I have my doubts (Wada's nonsense aside.) I'm one of the few people who actually seems to have enjoyed a lot of their games this gen (although... the last three games I bought were really, incredibly, bad. :/) but even I think that their business decisions are atrocious and their management is a mess. I've completely lost faith in their ability to fix things.
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