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Cave cancels 2 Vita titles, Cave COO resigns


Yikes. The COO resigned for 'personal' reasons.




One was this:


The other was an unannounced shooter.

*Insert pun involving bullet hell + vita doomed*

It's a shame... I recall there were a few vertical shooters that worked well on psp.


nods at old men
When we're these ever announced? I must have missed it.

I remember there being a mistranslation that Cave was on board that was eventually put to rest months later.
This was discussed in the Mega Cave Shooter thread. Apparently, Cave is in the process of closing down their official shop. The future seems to be bleak for them at this point. I hope they don't close down.


... welp, that reduces the reasons I bought a Vita to 1 (Zero Escape: VLR).
Now it feels even more like a waste of money.


... welp, that reduces the reasons I bought a Vita to 1 (Zero Escape: VLR).
Now it feels even more like a waste of money.

Agree...mine is just collecting dust. They are not selling at all...I work retail and thse things are just collecting dust on the shelves...it was not this bad when the 3ds was at it's high price, but that also did not sell well eathier, but it did moreso than the Vita. Sad thing is, the Vita is one great little portable, but pretty useless without some good games and a flow of good games.
Hopefully it's just because the Vita is doing so poorly but this combined with the fact they're even cancelling social games and their store is having a goodbye sale this week (both these bits are per someone in the 'totally awesome and sweet' Cave thread), things aren't looking good.
So sad.

Would have loved to see a Cave shmup on that gorgeous screen.

Now I have no faith that we'll even see any kind of shmup on the Vita. Hoping someone comes out of nowhere and announces something, though.
I was gonna say, people seem to be missing the bigger point here. Cave is not having good times and things aren't looking good for them right now.

Two less Vita games, sure. But as of right now Cave has got like zero going on for it.
I was gonna say, people seem to be missing the bigger point here. Cave is not having good times and things aren't looking good for them right now.

Two less Vita games, sure. But as of right now Cave has got like zero going on for it.

Any stories on this? Been kinda curious how they survived at all with pretty much just bullethell stuff in 2012.


Unconfirmed Member

And so equilibrium was maintained.

I think the iOS focused strategy is a good one. Shmups are a great fit for the tablet platform, and their iOS releases have been successful.


I know the Vita is stillborn and everything, but the point here is that Cave appears to be in serious trouble.
I'm really surprised to hear Cave is doing bad. I thought all their recent arcade games were huge successes in Japan, and that it was a good move to make some iOS games. Then again, there was a recent article on iOS not being the goldmine everyone thought it would be, at least on the apps side. As cool as Dodonpachi is, most iPhone owners probably don't know about it or don't want to play it. You never know, they could be closing down for totally unrelated reasons... Maybe they all got quite rich and felt they could retire now, lol. I heard a while back that the entire dev team took a year long vacation.

Either way, if they want to make more shmups, they can just be like Grev. Rent out a cheap apartment and work from there, lol. Shmup developing always was for the real men.


Heaven forfend a developer focus on a platform where people actually buy games.

It might keep them afloat, but that wouldn't mean anything to me if their games no longer interest me.

It would be the same if they decided to only develop for traditional handhelds.
This was discussed in the Mega Cave Shooter thread. Apparently, Cave is in the process of closing down their official shop. The future seems to be bleak for them at this point. I hope they don't close down.

It really raises the question: If they were so bad off what the fuck were they thinking with their 360 exclusive strategy?
I really like Cave but i was unable to play there games this gen since i own a PS3.
Truth is i will never play a Shmup on a small screen so if they move to tablets , iOS or phones only they are dead to me .

Might take out the PS2 to play some ESP GALUDA .
It really raises the question: If they were so bad off what the fuck were they thinking with their 360 exclusive strategy?

Pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere before, but:

  • Cave was not the first to market this console generation - and the first to market chose the 360, for reasons we can only guess. So, the install base was on the 360 before they even released Deathsmiles, their first port this generation.
  • The 360 is much simpler to develop for.
  • Sony has reportedly been hostile toward "old" looking games being released for their console.
  • Cave likely only has the resources to develop for a single console.
  • Microsoft may have provided some sort of incentive to make themselves attractive to smaller developers.
Note that while Cave never developed anything for the PS3, other companies tried - and not only were the products completely different from their 360 versions (most notably, the games were forced to a 16:9 aspect ratio even if it meant making large portions of the gameplay area invisible), they failed to make much of a splash at all.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This was discussed in the Mega Cave Shooter thread. Apparently, Cave is in the process of closing down their official shop. The future seems to be bleak for them at this point. I hope they don't close down.

The web store was just a store...

..and these games were on Vita... not exactly a sure bet.

I'm hoping these two actions have nothing to do with the direction for the entire company....


Heaven forfend a developer focus on a platform where people actually buy games.

If they were doing smoking hot business on iOS/mobile, I could get behind this (though I prefer to play their stuff on a big screen), but the dollar volume from console to iOS was a pretty flat trade. I hope they stick around and make it through this, but it's looked grim for them for quite a while.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
If Cave goes under, they only have themselves to blame. Their business sense must have committed suicide years ago, otherwise it's impossible to explain why they chose the 360 as their main platform for almost an entire console generation even though it sold like crap in Japan and then made it impossible for non-Japanese to play their games for the longest time.

Normally if you make niche games, you release them on as many platforms as possible to broaden the base: PS3, PSP, PC, etc.
If Cave goes under, they only have themselves to blame. Their business sense must have committed suicide years ago, otherwise it's impossible to explain why they chose the 360 as their main platform for almost an entire console generation even though it sold like crap in Japan and then made it impossible for non-Japanese to play their games for the longest time.

Normally if you make niche games, you release them on as many platforms as possible to broaden the base: PS3, PSP, PC, etc.

Please see my post above:

Pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere before, but:

  • Cave was not the first to market this console generation - and the first to market chose the 360, for reasons we can only guess. So, the install base was on the 360 before they even released Deathsmiles, their first port this generation.
  • The 360 is much simpler to develop for.
  • Sony has reportedly been hostile toward "old" looking games being released for their console.
  • Cave likely only has the resources to develop for a single console.
  • Microsoft may have provided some sort of incentive to make themselves attractive to smaller developers.
Note that while Cave never developed anything for the PS3, other companies tried - and not only were the products completely different from their 360 versions (most notably, the games were forced to a 16:9 aspect ratio even if it meant making large portions of the gameplay area invisible), they failed to make much of a splash at all.

They were releasing for the 360 because the console had become the defacto STG console, just like the Dreamcast became late in its life. Anyone who was interested in the genre owned a Japanese 360 - and I find it extremely doubtful the genre has enough mass market appeal to carry the risk of developing for other consoles, even in Japan.
StarCreator said:
Sony has reportedly been hostile toward "old" looking games being released for their console.

Sony has been anti-2D and anti-shmup for many years. Back in 2000/2001 a small U.S. company tried to bring over the PSX rev of DoDonPachi to North America but Sony wouldn't let them. To back this up, editor ECM of Gamefan used to post on the Shmups boards and he said 'This seems to be due to the usual draconian measures from Sony.'
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