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As this generation closes, are any of you done with any of your consoles yet?

First off, I totally expect the first post to say that they are still playing their PS2/SNES/Colecovision. And naturally, I still bust out older consoles now and again.

So I'll elaborate on what I mean: are any of you done feeding any of your consoles?

For example, I'm pretty much done with the PS3. Nothing coming out this year exclusively for the system interests me, and I've pretty much cleared through my backlog on the system. I still have a PS+ sub that lasts until April, so I'll see what they throw at me until then, but I can't say I'll be perusing the PS3 shelves at JB HiFi. In fact, if it wasn't a Blu-ray player, it's safe to say it would be going in the box and in the cupboard.

The 360 is spared a similar fate simply because I still have a few games to clear from my backlog, and a lot of them are quite large titles like Dragon Age, Borderlands, and Skyrim. I was planning to get Aliens on it, but now I have a Wii U, I've decided to get it on that instead. I have enough in the backlog to last me until the new Xbox launch, but I think I'll let Xbox Live lapse in April.

Obviously, like many, I was done with my Wii about a year ago. The Last Story was sort of able to hold my attention, but Pandora's Tower and Xenoblade Chronicles not so much. But then it's got a true successor now, so it's sort of just what happens.

I guess, in short, I'm definitely ready for the next offerings from Sony and Microsoft. But is anyone else in a similar boat? Or is there still enough this year that interests you?


I'm definitely done with the 360.

Halo 4 was the last thing I was waiting for, and now that that's done i'm gonna sell it off soon. I don't see the point in paying for XBL gold when I can get the services I want to access not behind a paywall, and I just don't care for online gaming on the Xbox 360 because of the community and that it's free everywhere else.

My Wii I still need cause I just haven't transferred my saves to my Wii U yet, nor do I want to remove my ability to use HBC on it, so I need to use it when I wanna play Last Story, or Brawl. Also I'm keeping it because I play Brawl with a Wavebird, and friends and I still meet up every once in a while to play together. Also the GC support is great too.

My PS3 is still going strong too, with me only recently having gotten into PS+. And Tokyo Jungle is fucking awesome. It's also my bluray player.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Sad enough, that's how I feel about my Wii U, since there's nothing announced for future release that I want to play :p


Gave the Wii away to family

PS3 has been my Blu-Ray player for a long time now, last played game was... Tokyo Jungle, I think?

360 has mainly been my Spelunky Box last year. A friend of mine buys 360 games so we play them together sometimes, though. Forza Halo Gears etc.


no way. i paid a lot for my ps3 at the time and it has to pull its weight in this household!

if it isnt streaming movies, its playing dvds, games, music, etc


Still waiting for Versus XIII.



Nope, I've got over a hundred games for both, I'm keeping them. Half of those games are digital, and therfore have no resale value, it'd break my heart! I thoroughly regretted getting rid of my OG Xbox and my Wii.


Dumped the Wii three years ago. Dumped the 360 last year. I still have the PS3 for BluRays.

I play games on my new gaming PC.


extra source of jiggaflops
I guess the Wii qualifies.

I'm done with any system until there is a game out I'm interested in. The proverbial dust is always accumulating on the system I'm not currently playing.

On 360 I still want to play Dust: An Elysian Tail and after that nothing looks very interesting at the moment.
PS3 there is still at least Beyond and The Last of Us I'm looking forward to this year.


Buying games slowed down last year and the only games I plan on buying this year are Tomb Raider and maybe Dead Space 3. Then I'll just spend the time playing those games, Halo 4, and Skyrim as I wait for Microsoft's/Sony's next-gen systems. Then I'll retire the 360 to the bedroom if I don't trade it in to GameStop and put whatever I get towards next-gen.


First off, I totally expect the first post to say that they are still playing their PS2/SNES/Colecovision. And naturally, I still bust out older consoles now and again.

So I'll elaborate on what I mean: are any of you done feeding any of your consoles?

For example, I'm pretty much done with the PS3. Nothing coming out this year exclusively for the system interests me, and I've pretty much cleared through my backlog on the system. I still have a PS+ sub that lasts until April, so I'll see what they throw at me until then, but I can't say I'll be perusing the PS3 shelves at JB HiFi. In fact, if it wasn't a Blu-ray player, it's safe to say it would be going in the box and in the cupboard.

The 360 is spared a similar fate simply because I still have a few games to clear from my backlog, and a lot of them are quite large titles like Dragon Age, Borderlands, and Skyrim. I was planning to get Aliens on it, but now I have a Wii U, I've decided to get it on that instead. I have enough in the backlog to last me until the new Xbox launch, but I think I'll let Xbox Live lapse in April.

Obviously, like many, I was done with my Wii about a year ago. The Last Story was sort of able to hold my attention, but Pandora's Tower and Xenoblade Chronicles not so much. But then it's got a true successor now, so it's sort of just what happens.

I guess, in short, I'm definitely ready for the next offerings from Sony and Microsoft. But is anyone else in a similar boat? Or is there still enough this year that interests you?

PS3 an amazing line up this year
Nope, I've got over a hundred games for both, I'm keeping them. Half of those games are digital, and therfore have no resale value, it'd break my heart! I thoroughly regretted getting rid of my OG Xbox and my Wii.

I don't necessarily mean selling them or getting rid of them; I just mean at best their collection is complete and at worst they are getting boxed up as they are never used. I was actually thinking of getting a dedicated Blu-ray player so I could box up the PS3, but my fiancée still plays some JRPGs on it so that isn't going to happen. My 360 will go in the box the minute I've finished the last game in my backlog.

OP, you don't care for The Last of Us or GTAV?

Nope. Certainly not for the former (I find Naughty Dog to be a highly overrated developer when it comes to gameplay) and I couldn't even get past the start of the last two GTA expansions so I just think I'm over the series.

PS3 an amazing line up this year

That's obviously subjective.


I still have PS Plus until the end of 2013 that will give me good stuff, like always.

Games that makes the PS3 still strong for me:

- Beyond
- The Last of Us

Maybe God of War but I won't get it day one. I think I'm starting to keep only the games I want to collect right now (Steelbooks) . Ni no kuni is a big Maybe.

For the 360 I still have the SP of Halo 4 to start and I might have right now 10-15 games, no more. 2013 is empty for this console in my case. Gold will run out on March, new Gears seems pretty bland.

I can't wait to play Tomb Raider, Dead Island Riptide and others. Plus, the Backlog on Steam and on the rest of the other consoles is still there.

I will not make the mistake like I did with the PS2 (I sold it when PS3 was coming in 6 months or something). I will keep both of them so far, if I sold one it will be the 360, but let's see.

I kinda wish to have just one single system next gen for space and clean minimalistic space/setup purposes.


Still use my 360, especially for XBLA games.

PS3 is mostly dormant, especially since I got a blu-ray player. Though I'll pull it out for Last of Us.

My Wii has been in the closet for years.

Even though the consoles have served me well overall, I'm looking forward to the next set of systems (if one does indeed launch this year).


Besides joining friends on a game that is already out, I am pretty much done with the 360 and can't see myself getting anything else for it at this point.

For PS3, well there's where I play all my multiplatform games, and with GTA5 and TLoU coming out soon along with all the other games shoved into the first few months of next year it is going to get busy.
Wii has been more or less idle for years. My 360 is a BLOPS2 machine coupled with the occasional odd game (although my backlog is huge) and my PS3 sits idle unless I'm downloading PS+ games for free.

I'm drowning in games and have no time to play. I have a great PC rig that I can't find time to use :(


Haven't used my wii since no more heroes 2 came out. My 360 when it rrod' and I never bothered to get it fixed due to the free warranty expiring. Never owned a ps3.

The only gaming I do nowadays is on PC.
I still haven't bought Forza 4 and Halo 4 for the 360 and there's several titles coming out for the PS3 in 2013 that I plan to buy, so no.


My 360 gets zero use now. PS3 is only ever used for blurays. I'm done with consoles, and exclusively use the pc. Can't see that situation changing either, even with the 'next gen'.
Been done with Wii since Xenoblade (JP). Busted it out for Dragon Quest X; two weeks later it went back in the box.

360 - Dodonpachi Saidaioujou

PS3 - Puppeteer, Last of Us, Metal Gear Rising, Sen no Kiseki, Dragon's Crown, and the "lol ya rite" games (Versus, FFX HD, The Last Guardian)


I'm only just getting back into my PS3 and X360 after spending most time gaming on PC in the last few years.

I haven't played anything on my Wii in ages but I have gone through some titles on Dolphin, although after one more thats it.

PSP/DS I don't touch...ever. Same with my 3DS actually even though thats my newest system/not last-gen.


My PS3 is the only console I still use regularly, because of a bunch of Japanese games I can't get on PC.

PSP is still seeing some occasional use, best console for classics on the go.
360 is taking dust for quite some years now, subscription fees for P2P online + shitty dashboard with ads quickly pushed me out.
My og DS is busted and the Wii is not seeing much action those days, simply a lack of new games.


I'm pretty much done with the PS3. It's only ever used when I have something to review and can't remember the last time I bought a disc-based game for it. I really should just sell it and be done with it once and for all.


Pretty much done with the Xbox as soon as gta comes out I may get rid of it because I'd rather play multi plat games on the pc.


No way, plenty of games coming this year.

Beyond: Two Souls
Ground Zeroes?
Lightning Returns (who knows, it might actually surprise us)
Versus (some day?)
Yakuza 5, hopefully.
When is Persona 5 coming?
MGS: Rising
Ni No Kuni

And of course some unexpected or under the radar games too.


360 is getting less and less use.

I don't see myself ditching my ps3 because i have around 50 blu rays and it's my only blu ray player.

Not surprisingly, my pc is my go to device for gaming now.


My 360 had accumulated a lot of dust by the time I picked up Black Ops 2. Then I noticed how awful it looked and picked up the PC version instead. That was the last console game of this generation. I'm done with this generation of consoles.
When this generation started, I was all behind everything Ninty said they were going to do and was hyped for the revolution they were bringing.

Nintendo is dead to me now.


I was done with and sold my Wii after after finishing The Last Story.

Still need to play Halo 4 so after that i'll probably sell my 360

PS3 has a few exclusives yet to come out that I'm eyeing. Plus with it being my main platform, I'll be keeping it until I buy a 720 or PS4

Sold both my PSP and DS in anticipation of 3DS and Vita. There's a few DS games I overlooked though, but I'll play them on my 3DS when I eventually get one. Still have several PSP games, but I wanted to play them on Vita instead


My Wii hasn't been hooked up since I moved to my current place in 2010, and it's unlikely to be now that its successor is out.

PS3 is hooked up but not plugged in because I haven't used it since Dark Souls came out. I'm getting Ni No Kuni and will get The Last of Us, though, so it's got a couple of games left in it. I've got a proper Blu-ray player so I don't need it for that.

The 360 is the only one still plugged in because I'm playing Halo 4 regularly. It's likely to be my GTA V box but assuming there aren't any last hurrahs on it, that'll be it.


Homeland Security Fail
I'm done with consoles period. I have moved onto better, greener fields...PC gaming. <3
I haven't powered up my Wii after finishing Galaxy 2. I did however play Xenoblade via Dolphin. Won't probably touch it in a looong time. I won't get rid of it tho.

PS3 will have quite a bit of use. I still play PSASBR, have tons of PS+ games on backlog and will buy DMC, Revengeange, MGS (provided it doesn't appear on next gen) Puppeteer, Ni No Kuni and most importantly Last Of Us among other titles that are coming and have already released. I don't own a 360.

3DS has been collecting dust since summer but it will most likely see some action in the future. PSP has lately seen 0 use since Vita is taking its place. I do conciderably less PC gaming nowdays too.


I'm done with my NES, I have waited on new games long enough now.

Serious answer: when you look at 2013 for ps360 you can't be done yet.
The pc has really grown in popularity.

It's not hard to see why. Even in countries where getting a rig is costly (like mine), it's like the SodaStream of gaming.

Obviously, if you don't drink a lot of soda, it's probably not so good, but if you do it's hard to pass up the benefits.


Wii. Though lately I've been thinking about playing some Super Mario Galaxy (2) or Bomberman '94, but I'm astonishingly lazy when it comes to getting stuff down off the shelf or replacing the batteries in barely-used controllers. I simply have way too much to occupy my time.

The 360 is an ESPN machine along with a slow trickle of games (still playing Spelunky, Dishonored, it'll be used for BioShock Infinite) while the PS3 is used for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and Blu-rays. Occasionally some Little Big Planets. I'm sure there'll be something worth playing on there soon.
No my ps3 isn't nearly done eating .

ni no kuni , last of us , atelier ayesha , god of war accension & gta5 for this year alone
but even for 2011 & 2012 i still have games i plan to play ( vanquish is being installed ATM )

heck i still have games to play on my wii and Psp.

The answer to the main question is , without a doubt "NO"


I'm coming very close to finishing off my Wii.

With the sheer amount of games on the system, I don't feel like I'll ever be finished with the PS2.


If it weren't for all the Cave shmups love, Trouble Witches Neo! and the sad fact that I haven't bought Dust: An Elysian Tail or Tales of Vesperia yet, I'd have retired sold my 360 years ago. The front page is nothing but an advertising hoarding now, it's ridiculous how bad it's gotten.

My PS3 still rocks my house, though. I'm just praying it stays the course after getting repaired for a YLOD last month. And surprisingly, my Wii still gets some use (mostly Xenoblade and Rhythm Heaven related).
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