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Acclaimed/classic movies you secretly didn't like

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Because let's face it; 2001: A Space Odyssey lacks vision, Citizen Kane is overrated, The Seventh Seal makes no sense and black & white movies in general are boring.

Let's have em, GAF, what critically acclaimed/classic movies don't you like? If possible, describe why. And please respect each others opinions.
Bicycle Thieves. Let's shit on our main character for an hour and a half escalating the torment to unrealistic levels, but call it neo-realism. Lesson learned? Life sucks. The end.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Citizen Kane is a piece of dull filmmaking that is completely overwrought and wrongfully acclaimed since Deren, Lupino and Arzner had created a lot of these camera moves and techniques waaaay before Kane ever projected to a screen.

And just fuck Pulp Fiction, god is it so completely overrated. It's a fun cheap movie, but nothing special.
Saving Private Ryan, so heavy-handed and schmaltzy.

The Dark Knight, without Oldman & Ledger's performances TDK is nothing and I'm amazed that so many went absolutely crazy over this film.

And, not really in the same vein, but a seemingly unpopular opinion nonetheless; O Brother, Where Art Thou? is the best Coen Brothers film to date.


Cabin in the Woods gets a lot of love here but even as a big Amy Acker fan this movie was completely terrible and pretentious. Joss continues to suck at everything after Angel.


Acclaimed: The Hurt Locker. Worst movie I've seen this century.

Classic: The Godfather. Thankfully it was all corrected in Part 2.


2001, Clockwork Orange, Bladerunner, PI, Amelie, The Original Chainsaw Massacre, Dr. Strangelove, There Will Be blood, and oh yeah, Crash.

Shawhsank Redemption is the best film ever created though. Just for the record.

Shawshank, but my dislike for it isn't much of a secret.



And just fuck Pulp Fiction, god is it so completely overrated. It's a fun cheap movie, but nothing special.
Shh, you'll make all those "edgy tumblr girls" mad.

I mean, I like the movie, but I'm amazed at all the "Pulp Fiction fangirls" I have met and that think they're "interesting and edgy" for liking that damn movie.

On topic, maybe 500 Days of Summer. Must be because of how tired I am of people quoting it and because I feel like punching Zooey Deschanel in the face.


Toy Story 3: worst of the three, by far. Not necessarily a bad movie, but certainly a very average one.
Wall-E too. A movie is more than just its first act.

Shame: fans of this movie just like Fassbender's cock

guilty as charged


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The Big Lebowski.

I get the love though..just don't enjoy it myself.
How many times have you watched it? No joke, ask almost anyone who considers it their favorite movie and they'll say they didn't like it the first time they saw it, myself included.


Neo Member
Slumdog Millionaire by about a million miles. However many things my friends said in its defence (granted, the cinematography is far from bad), it still remained a boring, piece of shit movie for me. Could see the ending coming from about 6 light years away.

The Station Agent is less 'critically acclaimed' on a mainstream level, though I still fail to see how it achieved such acclaim in the independent movie scene. It was pedestrian at best and the character development was nowhere to be seen. Didn't give a monkey's what happened to anyone in the movie.


Avatar sucked, Lord of the Rings sucked, Titanic sucked, Jurassic Park sucked and so on.

Although I wouldn't say I secretly disliked these movies, I think I make it pretty well known to my friends.

Also I'm over the whole Star Wars thing, so it feels good for me to say fuck Star Wars and it's whole stupid universe, because who honestly gives a shit whether Han or Greedo shot first? Stupidest franchise ever.


I'll agree with Saving Private Ryan (I actually think the Oscars got it right that year since I am able to watch Shakespeare in Love anytime and still enjoy it a great deal, yet SPR will put me to sleep once the beach scene is over.)

Just glancing through this topic, add Forest Gump, Titanic, and Avatar as well
Blade Runner is a bad movie with very good art and production design. Also see: Clockwork Orange.

Agreed on both.

Kubrick is hit-or-miss for me. Some of his works are great (Dr. Strangelove, 2001) and others leave me feeling like something is missing. It's the same issue I have with some of Bergman's films: it feels like the director's vision is cold to the point of being almost sterile, even if technically their works are very good.
12 Angry Men

I'm sorry, I see no value in watching 11 ignorant idiots make bad arguments while the one guy in the room with a brain slowly changes all their minds. There's just no mystery or riddle to it at all; it's one guy who's clearly right about everything arguing with 11 idiots who are clearly wrong about everything.

I thought it was really good when I saw it as a kid though.


Also I'm over the whole Star Wars thing, so it feels good for me to say fuck Star Wars and it's whole stupid universe, because who honestly gives a shit whether Han or Greedo shot first? Stupidest franchise ever.
9gaggers that try to pass themselves as faux-hardcore Star Wars fans.
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