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Whodunnit |OT| The Mole meets a little murder mystery

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The series follows 13 investigators living in a mansion, Rue Manor, where one of the investigators is the "killer." A "murder" takes place around which the players base their investigation using CSI technology and establishing pacts among one another. At the end of each episode, each player, in a private video confession, explains how the murder took place; the end credits indicate that they also take a written test on the crime, as on the previous ABC show The Mole. During dinner, Giles hands each investigator an envelope, presumably from the killer. Those who deduced most accurately receive a card saying "Spared", while those doing the worst receive a card saying "Scared" and are up for elimination. During the night, the "killer" "murders" one of the "Scared" players, eliminating that investigator from the game, and setting up the "murder" for the next episode. In the finale, the investigator to correctly solve the identity of the "killer" wins $250,000

Airs on Sundays on ABC at 9 PM.

So who's watching this. It definitely does seem like a version of the Mole, which I loved with a little overblown with the whole murder thing. But so far, it's pretty fun to watch.


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Is it cheesy or actually interesting?

I assume we as the viewers know who is who the whole time, so it's really just watching others try and fail/succeed at figuring things out?
Is it cheesy or actually interesting?

I assume we as the viewers know who is who the whole time, so it's really just watching others try and fail/succeed at figuring things out?

Haven't seen this, but if it's like The Mole, no. There were viral clues and whatnot throughout the eps, but you find out in the last episode, along with how they sabotaged the game, etc etc.
Is it cheesy or actually interesting?

I assume we as the viewers know who is who the whole time, so it's really just watching others try and fail/succeed at figuring things out?

It's somehow cheesy and interesting. The solving they are doing is pretty interesting but the whole reveal is more cheesy with how dramatic it is.

It looks like there is one killer that is knocking off the people over the course of the show that follows how the Mole executed the players who failed to guessed who the Mole was. Just instead of sending them off in a limo, they get killed in some dramatic way.

I assume we'll get some visual clues on who it could be as we watch, but after watching the first episode, I'm in the dark as well.

It does help that the players are decently likable and not like other reality show personalities.


Wife and I watched last night. I made the comment that it felt like a cross between Clue (the movie) and The Mole.

It was insanely corny and some of the players are dumb as dirt. But the format is good for weeding people like that out early and often letting the best rise to the top.

The whole murder thing though is pretty over the top corny though...especially the contestants with their faux dread about being murdered for the sake of the game's immersion.

Dunno how long it'll hold my interest.
I feel like Fox did something like this called Murder in Small Town X, where contestants had to investigate a crime and get clues from the townspeople, go into challenges and either get killed or not.
Is it cheesy or actually interesting?

I assume we as the viewers know who is who the whole time, so it's really just watching others try and fail/succeed at figuring things out?
If the first episode is going to be the barometer it's going to be cheesy as hell. The premise of the show has the contestants killed off every week. The other contestants can then examine the scene of the crime, the last know whereabouts, and the body in the morgue. Yes, they have to examine a not really dead contestant in a "morgue" presumably in the basement of the house where the show takes place.

So far the contestants are dumb as dirt and are already falling into the reality TV gameshow trap of trying to make alliances. The problem is everyone is bad at making alliances so no one really trusts anybody else and there have been no real alliances. They also are all really bad at lying. The ex-cop said he was a football coach but everybody figured he was a cop anyway and his feeble attempt to continue to hide his true job was funny to watch.


I just watched the first episode and I'm devastated. I loved Murder in Small Town X and The Mole, so I was hoping this would be some combination of the two. Not only was it campier than RuPaul at Yellowstone, but the first murder seemed all kinds of contrived even by murder mystery standards.
I'm willing to suspend disbelief that the killer got enough power off a sling-shot to kill someone with a shot to the neck, but then they went and added the bit about the slow splintering of the fish tank giving him enough time to stash the evidence and make his escape. Except Sheri had giant chunks of the glass lodged in her face, so clearly it didn't splinter. I'm hoping they're smart enough for next week's show to not have the guy set on fire in his room to where he could have just hopped in the shower or something.

Eric C

I liked the Mole when it originally aired, so when I saw the previews for this and it reminded me of the Mole I was excited to watch it.

Yeah, I liked the Mole way more than I liked this. I just couldn't get into this show.
I thought it was alright. They didn't do a very good job of explaining the format of the game to the viewers. The presenting of their cases at the end came out of nowhere and was really weirdly handled. It's certainly no Mole, that's for sure.

But the "death" scenes are hilariously campy, and the concept is still fun, so I think I'll keep watching.


I feel like Fox did something like this called Murder in Small Town X, where contestants had to investigate a crime and get clues from the townspeople, go into challenges and either get killed or not.
I fondly remember that show for scaring the bejesus out of me when I was younger and then being bummed out about the firefighter winner that died just days later after 9/11.
The entire campy level of this seems to have gone up and makes it extremely amusing to watch. This time I kinda got the murder method and such while watching so that was cool.

I do wonder if they are actually doing any clues in the show itself of who's the murderer will be but I always been terrible on catching that.

I don't really care much about the contestants right now, but it's at least they haven't exactly got on my nerves yet. The butler's delivery is awesome.


I thought it was alright. They didn't do a very good job of explaining the format of the game to the viewers. The presenting of their cases at the end came out of nowhere and was really weirdly handled. It's certainly no Mole, that's for sure.

The reality show fine print at the end of the episode said losing contestants are decided from a written test score, so even the "presenting of their cases" is just hammed up semi-reenactments.

I would love to see a blooper reel of the morgue scenes at the end of the series though.


Yeah, the amount of camp in this show is crazy heavy, but at the same time, it's fascinating to watch. I think I'll stick with it for the time being.


Neo Member
My favorite part in the second episode was when the butler told the contestants that he was also trapped in the house, and then showed his ankle monitor, which made the curly-haired contestant say,"At that point, it just got real!"

I think the killer is either the Retired cop with no confidence, Dana or Tyler Perry
This show is so ridiculous.
Andrea's death scene was lol worthy
I personally thought she was the killer because just how over the top bitchy she was, not to mention how often she tried to point to wrong clues.

Right now my candidate is either the cop, but he's crap at lying so it probably isn't, or the bounty hunter guy.



I so thought Don was the killer. I liked Don, too. DAMMIT. Also, am I the only one who thinks that the Butler did all this?

That said, I fucking love this show so much. It's cheesy and ridiculous and staged to HELL but I love it.


Actually enjoying this, as ridiculously cheesy as it is. Then again, I find a lot of the contestants to be morons, so maybe it's just fun to watch them die.

I do think the first two deaths were plants and not contestants. Figured the first death would be a plant (they wouldn't throw a contestant out in the first few hours for no reason), but
required a professional stunt man, in addition to how fitting his name was. From here on out, however, the real elimination begins.

At the moment, the two prime suspects for me are
Lindsey and Sasha
. Both are present enough but still flying under the radar, which is what I would expect from the killer at this point.



I so thought Don was the killer. I liked Don, too. DAMMIT. Also, am I the only one who thinks that the Butler did all this?

That said, I fucking love this show so much. It's cheesy and ridiculous and staged to HELL but I love it.

Well, fuck...I thought only two had aired so far, and checked your spoiler. Even their website only showed the deaths in the first two episodes....oh well....


cheesy and rdonk this show sure is.
but I'm watching it guilty as guilty does.
Oh and I certainly have my big guess on who the murderer is.

It was funny seeing the Killer tweet the show after they did their confessions.
I wish this was more popular than it currently is, because I think it has the potential to be somewhat of a Mole successor. Obviously there are a lot of rough edges to smooth out, but it could be refined into something better.

Give it a chance ABC. This is a perfect summer show.


I wish this was more popular than it currently is, because I think it has the potential to be somewhat of a Mole successor. Obviously there are a lot of rough edges to smooth out, but it could be refined into something better.

Give it a chance ABC. This is a perfect summer show.

It's better than that Siberia crap on NBC. Survivor meets Lost MY ASS. I'll take campy Whodunnit any day, thanks.


Subete no aware
I only watched the first episode... but I can't see how this is a reality show. It needs so much suspension of disbelief on behalf of the contestants that they might as well be paid actors.

And since The Mole was brought up... the Australian version of the show started up again.
I wish this was more popular than it currently is, because I think it has the potential to be somewhat of a Mole successor. Obviously there are a lot of rough edges to smooth out, but it could be refined into something better.

Give it a chance ABC. This is a perfect summer show.

Haha, yeah. It's completely fun and pretty great to watch when there's nothing else on like Wipeout.

Ronnie's reaction at the dinner was hilarious, he really thought he'd won.

I found that funny too.

I only watched the first episode... but I can't see how this is a reality show. It needs so much suspension of disbelief on behalf of the contestants that they might as well be paid actors.

And since The Mole was brought up... the Australian version of the show started up again.

You expect too much out of a reality show.

And, damn you Australia!

This episode wasn't bad. I mean, yeah, it's really getting alliance heavy, pretty much us vs. them, but at the same time, still campy enough to watch and enjoy. That bomb clue.

And man, Dana, are you even trying at this, lol.

Oh god, that death scene. Hahahaha


Neo Member
If you survive the night, do NOT go into the kitchen by yourself to heat up your raw steak. Rookie Mistake!

I love how the other contestants were so thrilled to see no one had died and then tried to convince the victim to not go cook the steak.


OK, after seeing Ep 3, I'm changing my previous guess....

I no longer think
it's Lindsey,
I'm going with
Cris or Sasha
Holy shit, my jaw dropped at the last scene.
A fucking cougar! Lol oh my god this show is just too much.
At this point I don't care who the killer is just give me more bat shit insane death scenes.


I think it's totally
. There is no way
could have survived after saying
died of


And since The Mole was brought up... the Australian version of the show started up again.
Would anyone be interested in watching this (hint: use the Internet), and an OT to discuss theories?

The season has had 3 executions so far, with 6 more two-hour episodes plus a (live) finale/reunion left to go. Perfect time to jump in!

Edit: I also had this idea of doing a THE MOLE: GAF EDITION OT/online game. Anyone can sign up but there'll be a quick elimination process at the start to whittle players down to the top 12 or something, one of whom gets picked as the Mole. I have plenty of ideas for challenges but am a bit stuck on the finer details, including the incentive/prize.


So I just finished Episode 4, and this show is actually pretty entertaining, with relatively high production values.

Although at this point, it's really more of a "howdunnit" than a "whodunnit," but I wonder if closer to the end it's more about alibis and who had the opportunity to commit the crime than simply how it was committed (considering there'll be fewer people around, this should be much easier to manage).

And I wonder how the winner/murderer get revealed - when it's down to just three people, perhaps they will all be asked to drink from a chalice of wine, with one of them containing poison. One of them dies overnight, poisoned, while the other true contestant - supposedly the winner - wakes up the following morning to breakfast with the third person who is thus presumably the killer
except that there's a twist - the killer drank from the poisoned cup in a fit of remorse :p meaning the other two contestants will go through the whole day fervently accusing each other of being the killer, and maybe they are separated and the winner is given special instructions on how to kill the loser, at which point the actual killer will rise from slumber, and congratulate the winner.

Anyway, my top three suspects at this point - not knowing what happens in Episode 5 - are as follows:

1. Melina
2. Chris
3. Dana
Haha, that ending.

I liked Kam's acceptance speech.

Melina definitely feels like the killer now especially since we didn't get to see her say who she thinks the killer is during the confession. How strange.


Haha, that ending.

I liked Kam's acceptance speech.

Melina definitely feels like the killer now especially since we didn't get to see her say who she thinks the killer is during the confession. How strange.
I don't understand why Giles announced
nobody was going to be killed tonight when that was not true? Or did they mean "overnight" as opposed to "tonight"?

Anyway, it's pretty obvious that
is the killer... unless they deliberately hired a bad actor and told them to overact at every opportunity, and not try to actually solve anything (seriously,
she just wanders around aimlessly as if she doesn't care whether she goes home or not, then cries left and right as though she's afraid of going home? It just doesn't ring true.)

Having said that, apparently there was a big clue hidden in the opening FOYER champagne party of the first episode, and most people are speculating it's the iron maiden that Sheri (presumably a hired plant) pointed out - I mean, how many cheerleaders know what an iron maiden is?

Some possible suggestions:

- Something to do with the band Iron Maiden (Lindsey is originally British)?
- For the record, there is an Iron Maiden song called "Murders in the Rue Morgue" (an Edgar Allen Poe detective story), and of course the Manor is called "Rue Manor" and there's a morgue in it
- An anagram? Iron Maiden spells "I am Ronnie" without the "d".
- A cryptic clue? Something to do with weight or maiden = unmarried girl?
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