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Hunie Pop |OT| Skanky bitchwhores are the new waifus

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Attention: The nature of this game makes literally everything, including the official website and the steam store page potentially NSFW. So please be careful when clicking anything.


Hunie Pop is a dating sim / puzzle game with rpg elements that was kickstarted on November 2013, not only fulfilling it's initial goal of 20,000 Dollar, but reaching 54,536 Dollar in the process. Itt catched interest due it's mix of different gameplay elements, anime girls and most of all: the foulmouthed dialogs. These girls make sailors and writers blush alike. The player is a lonely sexually frustrated person who plays a lonely sexually frustrated person that is so disgustingly sexually frustrated that the love goddess intervenes. She sends a magic love fairy named Kyu who helps the protagonist to woo eight different girls in town. The player can decide what girl or girls he want to approach and design his day to learn more about the girls, gain romance and eventually sexual contact.
There are two versions of the game, a "steamy" version full of vaginas and cream pies and a steam version that is in unknown dimensions toned down. If you want to see the drawn vaginas to judge the art let go of your dick and grab the "steamy" version.


Website huniepop.com [twitter] [Kickstarter]
Platform PC [Steam Version] ["Steamy" Version]
Price 10.00 Dollar
Release late 2014



Kyu is a magic love fairy hailing from the mythical Sky Garden. As a humble servant to the great Love Goddess, it's Kyu's responsibility to spread love throughout the human world. She will be assigned to your case and after helping you get started on your quest she will hang around to offer advice. Though she is very old by human standards she is quite young in fairy years. Sexuality is a way of life for Kyu and her people. Love fairies are almost vampiric in their need for humans to sustain life; but it isn't blood that they suck. As a bisexual, Kyu is often attracted to the same girls you are and isn't afraid to tell you what she'd like to do to them. She even collects female underwear because, well, she just really likes the smell.


Beli instructs meditative yoga classes at the local gym. Though she does not consider herself a religious person she is very in-tune with her spiritual side. As somebody who grew up around Hindu influences she tends to stray away from things like drinking and partying, opting instead to spend her time doing more self-developmental exercises like meditation and nature walks. She loves to be outdoors and can often be found relaxing at the park. Beli tries hard to stick to a healthy vegan diet but has a crippling weakness for fried foods and sweets. She has developed strong friendships with some of the girls who take her class including Kyanna, Lola and perhaps most unlikely of all, Jessie.


Jessie is a semi-famous adult film actress. After having her daughter Tiffany at the young age of 16, she got into the adult film business as a desperate measure to support her and her daughter in the absence of Tiffany’s father who disappeared shortly after Jessie became pregnant. As it would turn out, she rather liked the money and attention that being a porn actress brought and decided to stick with it. Because Jessie wasn’t really able to experience the carefree youthfulness of her late teens and twenties she never quite outgrew her wild side and tends to overcompensate for those lost years. She goes downtown almost every night to dance, flirt and drink. Deep down Jessie know’s she has some growing up to do but isn’t ready to let go of her lifestyle.


Nikki works at the Cafe as a Barista. She would go to university with her friends Tiffany and Audrey if she didn’t believe it was a waste of her time. As an autodidact, she’s really good at teaching herself anything she needs to know. She spends a lot of time at her computer browsing the internet, reading web comics, updating her blog and getting involved in conspiracy theory groups just for fun. In addition to being a talented artist, Nikki is an avid gamer and sinks a large chunk of her paycheck into arcade machines every week.


Being a flight attendant, Lola tends not to stay in one place for too long. She’ll always be a tourist at heart and loves to discover new things to do around town. As a bit of a health nut, she visits the farmers market during the morning to buy fresh produce for the day. She’s also quite the cook and enjoy baking sweets for her friends. Lola aspires to be a great Tennis player and can be found practicing at the courts near the Park on her days off.


Audrey is a college student studying cosmetology. Unlike her friend and classmate Tiffany, she doesn’t care for the academic setting and does not take her school work very seriously. She can often be found skipping class and hanging out at the Mall. Audrey is a self described party girl. She admires Jessie’s carefree lifestyle and tries to emulate her. She loves to go dancing and drags her friends to the local nightclub several times a week. Though the extent of the problem is unclear, Tiffany and Nikki suspect Audrey of having drug abuse issues.


Kyanna is a hairdresser and stylist at the beauty shop in the mall, but she dreams of becoming a famous actress, singer and dancer. As a result, she is obsessed with beauty and body image. She spends most of her free time working out at the gym and never misses one of Beli’s yoga classes. While she can be a bit vain at times, she is loyal to a fault and very protective of her family and friends.


Aiko is a substitute teacher who found herself in a longterm teaching gig at the local college because of the absence of one of the school’s prominent math and science professors. It’s a responsibility she reluctantly accepts as living up to the legacy of her predecessor proves difficult. She often has Tiffany and Audrey in her classes. Despite her knowledge of odds and statistics, Aiko has developed a gambling addiction and can be found at the casino almost every night.


Tiffany is a college student who is studying to become a nurse. She takes her academic work very seriously and it shows on her marks. In addition to being the head cheerleader for her school, she is involved in several extracurricular and student life activities. Though she rarely has any, she likes to spend free time at the beach or relaxing in her dorm with her friends Audrey and Nikki. Tiffany does not get along with her mother Jessie and makes great strides to stay away from her mother and her lifestyle.


SlutSmackSmutGAF are the brave heroes who divided the girls like objects and will pleasure you with their own playthroughs.

- BinaryPork2737 (Nikki)
- Chariot (Lola)
- dani_dc (Beli)
- dot (Kyanna)
- Gunstarheroes (Skankerbell)
- Jawmuncher (Aiko)
- Lain (Jessie)
- taco543 (Tiffany)
- Uzzy (Audrey)


I feel bad for wanting to play this. Wait, is that... bejeweled? Ban this sick filth.

Inb4 a mod posts that there will be no more threads about this game


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I don't....god why did I even click on this? Now I'm on some watchlist right? This is just some trick right? Oh god no. Make it go away


Love fairies are almost vampiric in their need for humans to sustain life; but it isn't blood that they suck. As a bisexual, Kyu is often attracted to the same girls you are and isn't afraid to tell you what she'd like to do to them. She even collects female underwear because, well, she just really likes the smell.

WTF...Character of the Year.
The guy/gal who came up with that characterization must has a very creative mind.


This game seems like a good laugh. Especially if it is filled with awful dialogue like that video.

Steamy version is pretty much straight up porn. Damn.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
OTs are supposed to be for games near release. I feel misled.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Damn, that steamy version is really2 steamy.

Also, dat thread titles.

I salute you OP for making this beatiful thread.


The player is a lonely sexually frustrated person who plays a lonely sexually frustrated person that is so disgustingly sexually frustrated that the love goddess intervenes.

Still unsure why I clicked and read this, but that joke made it worth the time.
OP might want to mention they have a twitter account Oh wait, just noticed you did, my bad.

oh man it would be amazing if this game was ported to consoles XD the reactions (in a dedicated 18+ area of course) but still the reactions XD


Loving the Aussie Gamer Cafe fan who drinks beer. Its like any one of mates would fit that description at some point in their life.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Not even a release date? Bye thread
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