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The Order: 1886 - Preview Thread

Can't say I'm overly annoyed with it being a "bog standard TPS". As long as the story is engaging and the core gameplay is good I'm looking forward to it.

Anyone else? Or are we all TPS haters now?

Sure, if it's decent, I'll probably give it a try eventually, although I can't say that what I've seen excites me at the moment.


I have to say that I'm sincerely floored by the negative vibes here. To me, what I saw was finally that "next level" of games that we all expected from this new generation of consoles. I love the alternate universe that they're using, I love that they're bringing Arthurian legend to a more modern time, and I love that this squad is essentially the Knights of the Round Table.

There's a LOT more to the game than what was revealed today (even evident in the new trailer.) Personally, I just don't understand some of the comments here, and it makes me feel like some people have finally gotten to a point where NOTHING is going to impress any more. It also makes me realize that a good chunk of the community here has 0 understanding of the process of developing a video game, and those comments just make me laugh.

If you think nothing impresses them anymore than you haven't been reading all of the topics on Neogaf.

Your point about '0 understanding of the process of a video game' is a giant assumption and is kind of irrelevant to the point because it's been proven time and time again across the history of videogames no less that it's completely within dev's power to design games to the standard of quality that makes some of us not groan with disappointment.
I am loving the storyline I am hearing and seeing so far. Descendants of the Knights of the Round. Horror mixed with action. Slow paced exploration mixed with combat both long range and short.

And damn those cloth effects and animations. Astounding.

As long as the QTEs are more of the Tomb Raider style and not the central gameplay theme like in Ryae I will be fine with them. God of War kicks ass with QTEs and Tomb Raiider was fantastic so people saying they always make a game suck are living in their own little world.

Just enough seen here To get me intrigued as hell, but not enough to where the pure E3 gameplay demos will look similar.

Well done RAD. For them to have this level of tech makes my heart sing for this generation of exclusives on the PS4.


I have to say that I'm sincerely floored by the negative vibes here. To me, what I saw was finally that "next level" of games that we all expected from this new generation of consoles. I love the alternate universe that they're using, I love that they're bringing Arthurian legend to a more modern time, and I love that this squad is essentially the Knights of the Round Table.

There's a LOT more to the game than what was revealed today (even evident in the new trailer.) Personally, I just don't understand some of the comments here, and it makes me feel like some people have finally gotten to a point where NOTHING is going to impress any more. It also makes me realize that a good chunk of the community here has 0 understanding of the process of developing a video game, and those comments just make me laugh.

its not that, people where just expecting more, and it just looks like a straight up TPS, i believe you when you say thers more to the game, but only being shown this is a bit disappointing, despite the amazing graphics, next trailer they should show what makes this game different, because TPS and QTEs isnt going to make people jump in joy
I have to say that I'm sincerely floored by the negative vibes here. To me, what I saw was finally that "next level" of games that we all expected from this new generation of consoles. I love the alternate universe that they're using, I love that they're bringing Arthurian legend to a more modern time, and I love that this squad is essentially the Knights of the Round Table.

There's a LOT more to the game than what was revealed today (even evident in the new trailer.) Personally, I just don't understand some of the comments here, and it makes me feel like some people have finally gotten to a point where NOTHING is going to impress any more. It also makes me realize that a good chunk of the community here has 0 understanding of the process of developing a video game, and those comments just make me laugh.

An enthusiast forum is the wrong place to look for enthusiasm.


Bumping for the bottom of the page:

About the QTE's from Kotaku:

They come in a sequence, and missing a button doesn't doom you immediately but changes that sequence. Fail too many times and you're dead, sure, but this is the new age, not the old one. Ready At Dawn wants these QTEs to customize the experience a bit for you, and to be one of many bits of curation the studio is using to deliver its vision
The question is how many times am i allowed to fail? And if it were me i would want to know how many times i can fail before each QTE scene because i would want to experience the lengthiest fight possible.

Who wouldn't want a 3-minute fight scene over 1-minute scene?
Glad this game is purty. Need more console exclusives that are purty things to remind me 'next gen'. Core gameplay looks a bit... standard? And with no MP, what are the bulletpoints of why one should pay $60 for this over a redbox/gamefly rental? A bit worried that this might be a short experience.


The Order, per these reviews, sounds like a real piece of shit.

Gamespot and IGN seem more negative than others. So what we have basically is that everything else is amazing but the shooting is 'generic' and doesn't reinvent the wheel.

I don't mind if it's generic as long as it's good.
Those who've been following The Order has known that the core of the game is undeniably a cinematic, linear cover-based TPS. And that's exactly what was shown today, and as well as what was hinted by the write-up of GameInformer. The GI article itself said that it was pretty much a following the conventional design wisdom of a cover-TPS, with a QTE implementation for melee.

However, games are made of more than just their core-mechanics. We've also known that The Order at least have a few elements that they're adding to expand themselves to be more than just a pretty TPS with a nice lore:

- filmic, cinematic quality that completely meshes cutscene/gameplay - delivered in spades.
- branching QTE time-slowdown melee. - shown. whether or not it's good in practice, who knows.
- soft-body physics and combat impact - ???
- unique enemies and how they impact combat - ???
- traversal - ???
- unique weapons and combat impact - ???
- investigation moments - ???

The most uniquely hinted things about The Order have yet to be shown. They're still hiding the half-breeds design, even though they've been talking about them ever since E3.


I don't know, this is sounding more and more like a game that isn't meant for me (again). Everything in the previews sounds boring to me. From what little info we have this is going to be what I feared: standard TPS with impressive tech behind it. I hate this "cinematic vibe" they're always going on about. Where are AAA developers that recognize the strengths of the medium instead of wanting to be a movie all the time? Oh right, they're indies aren't they?

Sorry if I seem overly negative, but I just hate this cinematic trend in the industry. Games should be games first and foremost. I'm probably overreacting; the game is probably gonna have enough gameplay, but I needed to vent for a bit.


Hmm. People sure are shitting on the TPS aspect of this game. TLOU was voted GOTY and was generally well received and that game hardly reinvented the wheel.

It's gonna be interesting to see the reactions to the next Uncharted gameplay reveal.


benevolent sexism
Actually he said reviews, so I guess he was going for irony...

Also, not to beat a dead horse, but the comparisons to Ryse do actually seem pretty fitting now that I have seen more previews...they are prioritising the cinematic experience as in that game, although they have the advantage of not being saddled with kinect origins. When he said he didn't want to introduce mechanics that took people out of the gameplay experience, he meant cinematic gameplay experience, I think. Now I am all for cinematic gaming, but I think you can still have that have some variety in gameplay mechanics and non-linearity in narrative. The Witcher 2 does this pretty excellently, and the Witcher 3 is looking to push this forward even more.

D'oh, I'm the idiot.

I'll defend The Order (for now at least) against claims that it is similar to Ryse by arguing that Ryse was a very shallow entry into a genre full of complexity, which is worse than simply being a "standard" TPS. If The Order does just turn out to be a beautiful but otherwise uninspired TPS, I think that's better than being a poor melee action game.

If The Order turns out to be actually worse than the average TPS in terms of gameplay, then I will happily concede that it is like Ryse.

Definitely said 'reviews:

Yeah I suck.


More excited about the things we haven't seen in action yet. Having fun with BF4 even though it did nothing particularly special but the gameplay is solid

Dead Man

Hmm. People sure are shitting on the TPS aspect of this game. TLOU was voted GOTY and was generally well received and that game hardly reinvented the wheel.

It's gonna be interesting to see the reactions to the next Uncharted gameplay reveal.

Yeah, that I don't understand. Or the criticisms of the art direction. Maybe the palette but the character design is fantastic.


Gold Member
Initially it doesn't look that impressive, but when you consider that this is what a first generation ps4 game looks like, you have to admit its a very nice milestone by RAD.


So first impressions seem to rival Ryse: it's damn pretty but the gameplay leaves something to be desired. Maybe they'll get it sorted out; certainly have the time.


Initially it doesn't look that impressive, but when you consider that this is what a first generation ps4 game looks like, you have to admit its a very nice milestone by RAD.
RAD's a good studio. I keep saying this but the psp god of war games were fantastic and Ghost of Sparta was a technical powerhouse for the system.
What bothers me about this preview is the way they presented that extremely small snippet of the game. RAD wanted to showcase the blending of 2 sequences: Cinematic and gameplay. The blending between both cinematic-gameplay doesn't even need an introduction or explanation to say the least. We CAN determine where the gameplay starts regardless if the visual quality between them is equally uncompromised.

This is intrinsically counterproductive to what games should be showing: GAME MECHANICS. The bulk of the player's experience starts from there. Where the hell was the soft-body physics (aside from the player clothing) they were touting? How does it change the way encounters work? Even a 30 second demo can highlight the major aspects of the gameplay if the developer intended to.

And this is what all the previews have presented. They've shown a brief snippet that will send discussion into a frenzy determining whether this will be a typical 3rd person shooter with Heavy Rain/Beyond like elements or they tease is simply a misdirection while the real meat is saved in the coming months.

It is all the more concerning because they're basically trying to achieve what many have feared. Safe gameplay with limited agency in favor for visual-spectacle highlights. This isn't 2009 anymore, the Uncharted 2 gimmick has run it's course. Last I checked, a lot of reviewers are going to home-in on this particular weakness (See Ryse, KZ: Shadowfall) until developers man-up and present something unique instead.
D'oh, I'm the idiot.

I'll defend The Order (for now at least) against claims that it is similar to Ryse by arguing that Ryse was a very shallow entry into a genre full of complexity, which is worse than simply being a "standard" TPS. If The Order does just turn out to be a beautiful but otherwise uninspired TPS, I think that's better than being a poor melee action game.

If The Order turns out to be actually worse than the average TPS in terms of gameplay, then I will happily concede that it is like Ryse.

Yeah I suck.

Fair enough. I think some comparisons with Ryse are definitely valid. Not in terms of initial impact though. This is not bad by any stretch. In fact, the visuals look outstanding. Very little gameplay was shown and what was, was pretty standard. Disappointment is normal. Personally, I was mostly interested in seeing how it looked, and I am content. Gameplay looks fine as long as there is more to it. Ryse's E3 reveal was pretty shocking. The visuals looks nice enough, but it looked like a kinect game hastily divested of its raison d'etre.


Im sure E3 will have a playable mission similar to what TLOU had. I was incredibly hyped for today...and still am.

Maybe Sony should just not show ANYTHING to us from now on, since they're going to get pooped on for not giving you EXACTLY what you want?

We've already heard a bunch about the physics and they are obviously saving some "Wow" moments for a greater stage. Remember, still about 8-9 months away from release, given there aren't any delays.

For the most part, Im gathering that media is disappointed at the fact that they didnt show more...Not necessarily a bad thing. This spoiled baby "give it all to me now or im deeming it meh" attitude is kind of pathetic.


Looks fantastic. The best looking game I've seen in my life so far. However, I was hoping for a bit more gameplay. Some unedited b-roll without narration would have been fine. But hey, I guess they have to leave something for E3 too.

Congratulations RAD, you're doing an amazing job. Keep it up!

And if you have some free time, have a rest. Or implement a co-op. That would be fine.


Holding out hope this is more than a TPS tech demo, similar to ps4 killzone.

Great visuals, average gameplay. No new ground broken beyond being pretty.

For my money, AC Black Flag was an amazing experience on the ps4.
So first impressions seem to rival Ryse: it's damn pretty but the gameplay leaves something to be desired. Maybe they'll get it sorted out; certainly have the time.
Why do people keep saying this? Ruse had negative first impressions regarding gameplay. The worst I see are concerns about this being yet another TPS with QTEs. Kind of different.


You fellas are gonna see a lot more in the months to come. Breathe easy. But if any of you are expecting the third person shooter to suddenly become something else, it won't.

This is a cinematic linear shooter with horror elements. Don't like it? It's not the game for you.


Neo Member
I have to say that I'm sincerely floored by the negative vibes here. To me, what I saw was finally that "next level" of games that we all expected from this new generation of consoles. I love the alternate universe that they're using, I love that they're bringing Arthurian legend to a more modern time, and I love that this squad is essentially the Knights of the Round Table.

There's a LOT more to the game than what was revealed today (even evident in the new trailer.) Personally, I just don't understand some of the comments here, and it makes me feel like some people have finally gotten to a point where NOTHING is going to impress any more. It also makes me realize that a good chunk of the community here has 0 understanding of the process of developing a video game, and those comments just make me laugh.

We can only base our opinions on what we have seen, and so far the only thing thing that appears to be "next level" are the graphics.

What they have shown of the gameplay is QTE's - which have barely changed all since Shenmue 15 years ago - and a bit of standard TPS shooting. For me, QTEs and "cinematic moments" just removes any player agency and sense of accomplishment and turns it from a game into a slightly interactive movie.

Show me compelling gameplay and you'll have me excited.
So you can fail a qte and it keeps going, that sounds oddly familiar but I love it so good stuff rad.
Yeah, they even talk about Quantic in their interviews:

There are others still; Quantic Dream's handling of largely linear narrative seems to have bled through in the lightly interactive cut-scenes, and it's bled too into Ready at Dawn's desire to serve story above all else.

"One thing that people say about Quantic Dream is that they have their path and believe in it," says Weerasuriya. "I know they'll strive to achieve their vision, and not a lot of people have the guts to do that. You compromise and compromise too much, and when you over-compromise you lose the game you wanted to do. What I love about Quantic is that on the emotional beat side, they're doing stuff that a lot of people wished they could do. They've achieved something in gaming that's another path. We don't all have to be the same, we have to have diversity."

Not hard to see certain similarities lol

Not that I mind. I like it and wish more developers would better integrate their QTEs. They can be fun if done right.
I'm sure I'll enjoy the campaign, but I want a competitive mode for this game really badly. This could easily be like Gears multi, please, delay it if it's necessary!!


You fellas are gonna see a lot more in the months to come. Breathe easy. But if any of you are expecting the third person shooter to suddenly become something else, it won't.

This is a cinematic linear shooter with horror elements. Don't like it? It's not the game for you.
Its exactly what this game is. Gears + Resident Evil. I think some people were expecting a radically different Third Person Shooter experience. I'm fine with the Gears like gameplay, Gears gameplay was never a bad thing anyway, the story and setting is what has me hooked on this title.


I'd be in the dick
I really wonder how Sony is going to avoid having this and Uncharted step on each others' toes at E3. I thought today would be more of a blowout for this game to show it well before the big E3 rush. Still excited but I really wish they showed more of the unique stuff instead of just the base concept.


You fellas are gonna see a lot more in the months to come. Breathe easy. But if any of you are expecting the third person shooter to suddenly become something else, it won't.

This is a cinematic linear shooter with horror elements. Don't like it? It's not the game for you.

I like that ALOT. The setting alone makes me smile in glee.
I really wonder how Sony is going to avoid having this and Uncharted step on each others' toes at E3. I thought today would be more of a blowout for this game to show it well before the big E3 rush. Still excited but I really wish they showed more of the unique stuff instead of just the base concept.

It actually makes one wonder how the hell is E3 going to look like for Sony's press conference.

It feels like there's quite a bit of stuff that Sony needs to show gameplay footage of, both first-party and partners.

Destiny is very likely going to get another key blowout gameplay reveal prior to Sep.launch/beta. The Order is almost surely getting one. Uncharted's surely to have something to show as well.


We can only base our opinions on what we have seen, and so far the only thing thing that appears to be "next level" are the graphics.

What they have shown of the gameplay is QTE's - which have barely changed all since Shenmue 15 years ago - and a bit of standard TPS shooting. For me, QTEs and "cinematic moments" just removes any player agency and sense of accomplishment and turns it from a game into a slightly interactive movie.

Show me compelling gameplay and you'll have me excited.
Seems like you came in here expecting the same breakthrough gameplay experience you got from the first Gears game at the start of last generation.

Uncharted 2 is considered the best in the series and the pinnacle of Naughty Dog's creative talents, what you effectively described in your post is Uncharted 2. Based on what we've seen thus far suggests this title is similar to Uncharted in how it is being developed and the overall vision the developer is persuing. I see similarities here.


Junior Member
You fellas are gonna see a lot more in the months to come. Breathe easy. But if any of you are expecting the third person shooter to suddenly become something else, it won't.

This is a cinematic linear shooter with horror elements. Don't like it? It's not the game for you.



I love third-person shooters, so I'm sure I will get excited for this one as it gets closer to launch, but nothing they've shown so far has me interested.


You fellas are gonna see a lot more in the months to come. Breathe easy. But if any of you are expecting the third person shooter to suddenly become something else, it won't.

This is a cinematic linear shooter with horror elements. Don't like it? It's not the game for you.

Thats exactly what I think. DO people really think they will recreate and reinvent the TPS ? No but, what they are aiming for just looks awesome .
And to be honest. Did LoU or UC reinvent something ? No. But they know how to combine everything that is good in one game and make it spectacular. This is what RaD wants to do and what ND always did. Everything has been invented in Videogames. It is just the question how developer cope and use these inventions and give them a new twist with new technologie


Neo Member
Seems like you came in here expecting the same breakthrough gameplay experience you got from the first Gears game at the start of last generation.

Uncharted 2 is considered the best in the series and the pinnacle of Naughty Dog's creative talents, what you effectively described in your post is Uncharted 2. Based on what we've seen thus far suggests this title is similar to Uncharted in how it is being developed and the overall vision the developer is persuing. I see similarities here.

It was more a reply to say I was surprised that others would be surprised at some of the lack of the enthusiasm and doubting of the gameplay.

You're right about Uncharted 2 though. A friend convinced me to push through it and and even with my distaste of QTE's I found it excellent. Naughty Dog are the only developers that have won me over with this sort of stuff though - there is just way too much stuff along the lines of RE6 that puts me off the whole idea.

Fingers crossed that Ready at Dawn can find some of that ND magic and manage to pull it off.
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