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Titanfall Beta (PC/Xbone) Impressions (No Key Begging/Trading or I will ban you!)

Kydd BlaZe

I scrolled back a few pages and saw Kydd BlaZe had a 6.6 versus other Pilots.

6.6? I don't know that I've ever seen someone play a competitive shooter legitimately that's had higher than a 4.0, and I've played Call of Duty at a pretty high level since Modern Warfare. Having a 6.6 KD against other players in any game is ridiculous unless you've only played two games and have played extensively to get good on an alternate account. Not saying that's what Kydd is doing at all, but I've seen some pretty high KD's on PC using a controller that I don't know are possible on a console against everyone else using controllers.

Granted, my last ten games I had a 3.7, but to almost double that? Maybe Kydd's really that good. (Yo, Kydd, get Titanfall for XBox One so we can run some lobbies!)

I do kind of chuckle when I see people have 20.0 KD's and I can see it's from farming bots. I almost completely ignore bots when playing and keep my eye out for other pilots. Maybe I should exploit those bots more...

The game just felt incredibly smooth for me. My gaming set up probably helped a bit too as I was using a 1ms response time ASUS monitor, so my aim and reaction time were SPOT ON. Played in crystal clear 1080p 60fps with absolutely no dips. The beta was buttery smooth for me on PC. I'm a huge console Call of Duty guy, so I was right at home here in the Titanfall beta. I've always loved fast paced uptempo shooters.

My k/d on the Xbox One version of the beta was 4.0 against players. Probably would've been a bit higher, but I prefered the visual fidelity of the PC version. Could barely see shit half the time on the Xbox One version since I was used to playing it in 1080p. With that said though, I still plan on double dipping on both versions. Send me a FR on Origin or Xbox.

Origin ID: Kydd_BlaZe
GT: Kydd BlaZe


My opinion after 10+ hours on the beta :

The good

  • Perfect controls and parkour, crazy amount of fun running on walls and double-jumping
  • Juicy effects and particles
  • Dropship evacuation whether you lose or win the game
  • Badasss ideas such as rodeo, titan falling from sky, shield power etc
  • Very good level design for both pilots and titans

The bad

  • Very repetitive
  • Burn cards
  • Smart pistols
  • Not skill-based at all, way too easy to kill and get killed due to low-life and high damages
  • Useless and frustrating minions, it's not fun to kill them but you're forced to if you don't want to lose the game
  • Too many titans, respawning too often and dying very quickly
  • Teamplay is almost impossible, everything is going too fast to try searching your friends (unless if you're both in titans and then it becomes fun)

So IMO, this game is pretty much overhyped, and I am the first to blame, there are good ideas but it's quickly very repetitive and frustrating. We all thought it would be the next-gen shooter but I think in the end, TitanFall isn't any better than COD, BF and so on, it's just different. FInally, I won't buy it, spending 10 hours on it is enough to grab its refreshing feeling and I won't spend 60€ in a MP-only game
(yes I know, the beta hasn't all the content of the final game but weapons, maps and mode won't change what the game is).


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The people that still play CoD, will buy Titanfall, yes. But not because it's reinventing, but because it's more of the same.
If you removed the Titans and the Free Running, people would mistake it as a successor to CoD Black Ops 2.

"If you removed *core elements here* it would be the same as *game name here*"

Asgaro said:
The people that wanted something different from CoD style games (= small maps, perks, casual shooting mechanics) now play Battlefield or Planetside.

The massive amount of people in that code begging thread shows that there's certainly a lot of interest in this. I'm also quite sure that there's a ton of crossover of CoD players into all of these games, as that series just sells that much.

Asgaro said:
I am in the latter category and that's why I don't get the hype for this "next-gen AAA game".
I thought CoD was dying because people were getting tired of the "CoD succes formula", being
- small maps
- perks
- low recoil
- no team work

CoD was 'dying' because the team making these games has no clue what made it work. The map design went down the toilet, focus on killstreaks just started to dilute from the pure gameplay to get randomly killed by things you could barely prevent, the gun balance was typically off with a few guns being noticeably above the rest, etc.

There are some people that have issues with things such as low recoil or the small TTK, but that's more preferential than anything else. Much like some would dislike Halo just because of how long it takes to kill someone.

Asgaro said:
So my conclusion:
- do you still like CoD? You will like Titanfall.
- did you get fed up with what CoD style games offer? You won't like Titanfall that much. After a month you will come to realize it's CoD with some differences.

I don't like CoD. I had some of the best MP gaming I've had in a LONG time in the titanfall beta. You're being very dismissive of how much different it is, and how well it's all executed. The 2 maps here are great and the movement is an absoulte joy. Pilots can get around not touching the ground at all, having mid air battles(just like CoD™), and combating Titans while still being able to die very easily to them. It changes how you approach a mode where you simply capture points as you're finding the fastest route around the map, getting your movement down pat so you can perfectly fit through a window without dropping to the ground and losing time, etc.

Asgaro said:
Titanfall won't attract gamers that like Battlefield and Planetside for the fact it has huge battles and requires team work...
I think that's sad. We are 2014, we are in the next generation, and YET we are here again with dumbed down shooters without any team play depth.

You keep talking about Lone Wolfing, and I'm not sure why. In PUB GAMES, of course it's like that. But take a group of randoms, pit it against a team of friends. In here, they can coordinate Titanfalls to swing the tide of battle, actually communicate and stick together. You will lose in CoD against a good team as well. I don't see what's dumbed down here unless you simply mean the low TTK, in which case I would say deaths down the board seemed much lower than CoD if you know what you're doing.

Asgaro said:
Since there isn't a single big team oriented game mode in Titanfall.
I was - at least - expecting a team oriented game mode where normal players have to defend the Titans for certain reasons.
Similar to the concept where Medics have to heal the Heavy's in TF2 all the time, because they play a crucial role.

...like Last Titan Standing, which is exactly what you asked for? Not to mention hardpoint, something always helped with competent teammates.

Asgaro said:
There is no game mode that makes the interesting thing in this game - the Titans - feel "special". It's a wasted opportunity.

See above quote.

Also see point C in both beta maps during Hardpoint. Also see the many videos of people starting with a burn card titan and wrecking teams the entire game.

Asgaro said:
Titans are merely timed consumptions.
- you make some kills
- call in your Titan
- get in Titanfall or use it as AI companion
- eventually your Titan gets destroyed
- ^repeat^

Videogames are merely timed consumptions. You make some kills, cutscenes play, fight a boss, game end. videogames why you so shallow

The less snarky version, is what you accomplish with your Titan. You can very well keep it alive the entire round and hold parts of the map down. I'm not sure what you really want from them. Unless you are expecting them to be be able to destroy the map ala Battlefield which would be terrible here.


Neo Member
Meh I had fun in it for a while, but the battles tend to congregate into the same areas, so I have no idea how big of a map we actually have, so it seems very small, almost CoD style (i.e. terriblebad small). Also, due to the fact these battles all converge in the same area, it kind of defeats the draw of dynamic events and all this other stuff that I'm supposed to see going on. Game reminds me of a well done and better version of Brink though. Still reserving judgment.


Unlimited Capacity
This thread is hilarious. Just because a game/game mode doesn't focus on team play, it isn't dumbed down. Quake and UT aren't dumbed down.


I don't even.
I have been a battlefield only player since quitting COD back in mid. Mw2 era.

Couldn't possibly be more excited for Titanfall and the fact that its bringing me back to faster/close quarter combat shooters.

I am just burned out from CoD and Battlefield. Just the whole 'modern' fluff is old now. Titanfall is a fresh take on FPS and a breath of fresh air in general. Maps are pretty big and open a lot of verticality no match is the same. I love those titans cant wait to try out the ogre and stryder. Just the frantic action to me has something like in the old days with UT99/Quake 3. It has it's influences and it's just damn fun that's what i missed in these couple of years in terms of multiplayer shooters...


the gameplay is basically COD with wall running, jetpacks, and three mechs that feel incredibly weak (are taken down quickly)

This never gets old. Seriously, keep posting it folks.

"It's just like jogging, except underwater with a scuba suit on, and an air tank and sharks..."

This shit should be bannable at this point.


Shocked how much I liked this. I never cared for cod multi or multi in general but I'm probably gonna get this after playing the beta sorry Jeff.

Special C

I really really wish they would leave it out in games going forward. Or at least have different stats track per gametype, and not even list kills or deaths in modes like hardpoint or at least only list kills near a hardpoint while capping.

Edit: Talking about KDR. I thought I had a quote in there.


Does anyone know what's going to happen to the Titanfall Beta data that PC players downloaded? Is it going to be converted to Titanfall proper or is it just going to be sitting there uselessly? (I suppose what someone could try doing if they want to save data cap room is copy paste the beta files into the Titanfall proper folder)

I'm really debating pre-ordering digitally or from Amazon. Usually I'd go digital but I kinda want to have the box...
This never gets old. Seriously, keep posting it folks.

"It's just like jogging, except underwater with a scuba suit on, and an air tank and sharks..."

This shit should be bannable at this point.

That reductiveness always annoys me. "If you took out the vehicles and destruction, Battlefield is just like Cod." Who cares? In the end, Battlefield has destruction and vehicles and it's a core part of the game that differentiates it from game X. There isn't some hypothetical version of Titanfall where you can't wall run, double jump, and have Titans so why reduce it to that hypothetical version and then criticize it on that merit? So weird.
The people that still play CoD, will buy Titanfall, yes. But not because it's reinventing, but because it's more of the same.
If you removed the Titans and the Free Running, people would mistake it as a successor to CoD Black Ops 2.

The people that wanted something different from CoD style games (= small maps, perks, casual shooting mechanics) now play Battlefield or Planetside.

I am in the latter category and that's why I don't get the hype for this "next-gen AAA game".
I thought CoD was dying because people were getting tired of the "CoD succes formula", being
- small maps
- perks
- low recoil
- no team work

So my conclusion:
- do you still like CoD? You will like Titanfall.
- did you get fed up with what CoD style games offer? You won't like Titanfall that much. After a month you will come to realize it's CoD with some differences.

Titanfall won't attract gamers that like Battlefield and Planetside for the fact it has huge battles and requires team work...
I think that's sad. We are 2014, we are in the next generation, and YET we are here again with dumbed down shooters without any team play depth.

Since there isn't a single big team oriented game mode in Titanfall.
I was - at least - expecting a team oriented game mode where normal players have to defend the Titans for certain reasons.
Similar to the concept where Medics have to heal the Heavy's in TF2 all the time, because they play a crucial role.

There is no game mode that makes the interesting thing in this game - the Titans - feel "special". It's a wasted opportunity.
Titans are merely timed consumptions.
- you make some kills
- call in your Titan
- get in Titanfall or use it as AI companion
- eventually your Titan gets destroyed
- ^repeat^

I don't see why you have to call this type of game dumbed down because it doesn't have a huge amount of players. The amount of teamwork required between planetside/bf and this game is minimal, and also highly dependent on the mode and willingness of your teammates. Same thing with bf and planetside. TF has plenty of opportunities for teamwork, from clearing hardpoints, to riding titans, and using teamwork to take out titans and superior numbers.

Your conclusions are glaringly superficial. Movement in TF is very much improved and discernibly different than COD. And that is a big reason COD players may not like titanfall. And the reason why you think it is COD with some differences is just superficial nonsense; I don't expect to read these types of posts on this forum.


I really really wish they would leave it out in games going forward. Or at least have different stats track per gametype, and not even list kills or deaths in modes like hardpoint or at least only list kills near a hardpoint while capping.

This is one of the things Tribes: Ascend did right. Hiding KDR limits the sort of self-aggrandizing attitudes and terrible teamplay you often see in games that do feature it.


Gold Member
homefront was basically battlefield why didnt they just play that.

why do people always make stupid arguments with the relative absurdity of the above. there's an elegance in design its what makes it seem effortless when they aren't.

Titanfall is truly a sum of its parts. its things like the way it feels when you hop into a titan, the way that ejection off a titan gives you high ground advantage which lets you come back. there are so many of these little things that are straight masterful when it comes to game design.

the smart pistol one of the most bold designs i've ever seen in a competitive shooter yet somehow is actually very well balanced and even expands role in a way thats never been seen. smart pistol allows you to be support, its exceptional in eliminating pilots which are rodeo-ng titans, can even shoot off grenades and missiles. Its also geared towards taking down NPC which gives an alternative way to contribute to your team if you're not as good at direct engagements with other players.

even titan battle design is really masterful. lets take battlefield for example in tank vs tank its essentially dodge and shoot very binary, no real strategy, and shallow. Aerial was even worse where you would basically tail another jet in large circles flare when you get locks and wait for regen, all of bf vehicle combat is how much better can you aim how much better can you fly because of its difficult learning curve especially for aerial vehicles and yes there is a very nice sense of accomplishment once you do get very good at them. titanfall really scraps all of that it becomes more about mind games, risk/reward and timing because the controls are so intuitive. Things like doomed state, bullet shield, damage core, boosting, make the fights unique every time.
This is one of the things Tribes: Ascend did right. Hiding KDR limits the sort of self-aggrandizing attitudes and terrible teamplay you often see in games that do feature it.

I agree. KDA needs to die in a fire. It actually takes a higher priority than having fun for too many gamers.

homefront was basically battlefield why didnt they just play that.

why do people always make stupid arguments with the relative absurdity of the above. there's an elegance in design its what makes it seem effortless when they aren't.

Titanfall is truly a sum of its parts. its things like the way it feels when you hop into a titan, the way that ejection off a titan gives you high ground advantage which lets you come back. there are so many of these little things that are straight masterful when it comes to game design.

the smart pistol one of the most bold designs i've ever seen in a competitive shooter yet somehow is actually very well balanced and even expands role in a way thats never been seen. smart pistol allows you to be support, its exceptional in eliminating pilots which are rodeo-ng titans, can even shoot off grenades and missiles. Its also geared towards taking down NPC which gives an alternative way to contribute to your team if you're not as good at direct engagements with other players.

even titan battle design is really masterful. lets take battlefield for example in tank vs tank its essentially dodge and shoot very binary, no real strategy, and shallow. Aerial was even worse where you would basically tail another jet in large circles flare when you get locks and wait for regen, all of bf vehicle combat is how much better can you aim how much better can you fly because of its difficult learning curve especially for aerial vehicles and yes there is a very nice sense of accomplishment once you do get very good at them. titanfall really scraps all of that it becomes more about mind games, risk/reward and timing because the controls are so intuitive. Things like doomed state, bullet shield, damage core, boosting, make the fights unique every time.
well said.

I have a number of concerns, but gameplay and gunplay are not among of them.


still kinda shocked at people downplaying Titanfall saying its a COD clone ETC. is it hard to admit that this game will exceed expectations from many FPS fans?

and who knows maybe titanfall 2 would set a standard in FPS like HALO did for FPS


still kinda shocked at people downplaying Titanfall saying its a COD clone ETC. is it hard to admit that this game will exceed expectations from many FPS fans?

and who knows maybe titanfall 2 would set a standard in FPS like HALO did for FPS

Some people like to be contrarians. Of course it's good to have a devil's advocate, but a lot of these arguments people come up with are just silly.

I agree. KDA needs to die in a fire. It actually takes a higher priority than having fun for too many gamers.

On the other hand, some people are stats-geeks and love to have all this information to analyze. It's fun to see how you're doing and to track your improvement. In other games this could have been damaging to a persons confidence if they had a negative K/D ratio, but in Titanfall with the minions and the way that the game is balanced everyone (who are reasonable people) should have stats that they're happy with. If people want to be sour about something they'll find something to be sour about, even if you hide the K/D ratio from them.


This thread is hilarious. Just because a game/game mode doesn't focus on team play, it isn't dumbed down. Quake and UT aren't dumbed down.

I agree but those are two of the worst examples I could think of for that, quake and ut tdm required a huge amount of teamwork to get and keep map and item control.


Neo Member
I'll say this about Titanfall, it doesn't piss me off as much as COD. I'm not one of these people that plays COD MP for 60 hrs a week and has all the maps memorized. I don't have a modded controller or a head set to hear peoples footsteps. Hopefully I'll be able to play TF with casual players like me and have a good time.


Pardon a stupid question, but do I have any hope of running this game on a 2010 laptop running an nVidia GT 330m GPU?

Up until now, this little machine has exceeded my expectations and handled all cross-gen games with playable frame rates at high or high-ish settings.

I suppose this is asking a bit too much, however.

My other option is to see about the Xbox 360 version, but I thought I would ask about PC first.

Thanks in advance.
Fuck! I messed up. I had a $10 off coupon from GMG for Titanfall. I thought it ended on 2/24 but it ended at 2/21 this morning. It would have been nice to have paid $50 instead of $60. Oh well.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I've sorta just resigned myself to paying the 60$
I don't want to preorder until I can download it because I'm an idiot, so most of those sales just dont work for me. Then I considered using the 9 dollars of instore credit I have along with trading up a few DS games to gamestop to preorder a PC code.. but they won't just give you the code right then and there. I would have to go back to the store on the 11th and get a code I can type into origin to preoload it.

Honestly, right now I'm just kinda torn about whether to get the artbook or not. Usually artbooks are garbage, but sometimes theyre incredible. The Avatar artbook was so out of control.

But yeah, the last time I was straight feverish like this about a release was like, portal2.


Trucker Sexologist
I agree but those are two of the worst examples I could think of for that, quake and ut tdm required a huge amount of teamwork to get and keep map and item control.
Last Titan Standing might be the most team oriented mode I've ever played in a shooter. You are literally destroyed in seconds if you try to take a pack on by yourself. It's the first time I've seen random pubbers work together for an entire match.

I really want to see more oddball modes in Titanfall. Half of the game's appeal for me is the novelty of its mixing pot mechanics.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Damn I only played like 4 matches of LTS. It was all hardpoint for me!
Pardon a stupid question, but do I have any hope of running this game on a 2010 laptop running an nVidia GT 330m GPU?

Up until now, this little machine has exceeded my expectations and handled all cross-gen games with playable frame rates at high or high-ish settings.

I suppose this is asking a bit too much, however.

My other option is to see about the Xbox 360 version, but I thought I would ask about PC first.

Thanks in advance.

I don't think so, 8800GT ( min requirements for TF) is about twice the power of your 330M.


Fuck! I messed up. I had a $10 off coupon from GMG for Titanfall. I thought it ended on 2/24 but it ended at 2/21 this morning. It would have been nice to have paid $50 instead of $60. Oh well.

Did you try the code anyway? I just used my $10 off GMG coupon a couple minutes ago.


On the other hand, some people are stats-geeks and love to have all this information to analyze. It's fun to see how you're doing and to track your improvement. In other games this could have been damaging to a persons confidence if they had a negative K/D ratio, but in Titanfall with the minions and the way that the game is balanced everyone (who are reasonable people) should have stats that they're happy with. If people want to be sour about something they'll find something to be sour about, even if you hide the K/D ratio from them.

Something I really liked about the stat tracking in TF was the "Average for last 10 games" my K/D started low in the beta, and it was really cool to see "Ok, awesome on average im doing much better now"
So what is the consensus from Australians on this game? I am really pumped to pick this game up but not if it is going to be unplayable here due to a lack of servers.

I will be playing on PC.


So what is the consensus from Australians on this game? I am really pumped to pick this game up but not if it is going to be unplayable here due to a lack of servers.
I will be playing on PC.

I generally sit on around 150ms and as long as the lobby is full of players on similar pings it's fine imo, could be better but not unplayable, however once someone with under 80ms joins it starts to get messy, at least in my experience with the beta.


So what is the consensus from Australians on this game? I am really pumped to pick this game up but not if it is going to be unplayable here due to a lack of servers.

I will be playing on PC.

No real consensus. Some were saying the lag was unacceptable, others were saying it wasn't much of a problem.
So what is the consensus from Australians on this game? I am really pumped to pick this game up but not if it is going to be unplayable here due to a lack of servers.

I will be playing on PC.

I'm getting it (on PC as well). I averaged between 130-150 ms in the Beta and it honestly wasn't too had in that I didn't notice the lag that much. Then again I've never played the game at low ms so I don't have anything to compare it against. The rare occasions when my ms got close to 200 is when things really got dicey.
As much as I love this game I feel that it has made me worse at other games. I am having the worst time trying to get back into BF4. I don't know how I will ever be able to play again, as I have been trying for about 4 days now. The fun factor of BF4 is also gone now.


I generally sit on around 150ms and as long as the lobby is full of players on similar pings it's fine imo, could be better but not unplayable, however once someone with under 80ms joins it starts to get messy, at least in my experience with the beta.
exact same for me.
I generally sit on around 150ms and as long as the lobby is full of players on similar pings it's fine imo, could be better but not unplayable, however once someone with under 80ms joins it starts to get messy, at least in my experience with the beta.

Our group generally played on East Asia or South East Asia. It was okay as long as everyone was on the same level of one bar. But we did have some people come in with five bars (not sure if they were people with awesome Korean connections, or just Americans who came in for easy pickings) and that made it a little less fun.

It's playable enough and most of the group seemed to really enjoy it. I was cold to it at first but I gradually warmed to it. Will pick it up simply because it's uniting a group divided by CoD and Battlefield allegiances.


People keep talking about how TItanfall will influence future games, but Destiny seems to me to be a much fuller, richer experience. That could be the one to influence future games imo.

I'm not sure if Xbox One owners are just so desperate for it to do well, but after playing up to level 10 on the beta I just don't see why people think it's some sort of game changer. Sure it's fun, but it's not anything that special.

To me Titanfall seems like a filler game until something bigger gets here. I really can't see any longevity in this game and honestly think people will be bored playing it by the time Destiny arrives.


People keep talking about how TItanfall will influence future games, but Destiny seems to me to be a much fuller, richer experience. That could be the one to influence future games imo.

I'm not sure if Xbox One owners are just so desperate for it to do well, but after playing up to level 10 on the beta I just don't see why people think it's some sort of game changer. Sure it's fun, but it's not anything that special.

To me Titanfall seems like a filler game until something bigger gets here. I really can't see any longevity in this game and honestly think people will be bored playing it by the time Destiny arrives.

what about us desperate pc owners?
People keep talking about how TItanfall will influence future games, but Destiny seems to me to be a much fuller, richer experience. That could be the one to influence future games imo.

I'm not sure if Xbox One owners are just so desperate for it to do well, but after playing up to level 10 on the beta I just don't see why people think it's some sort of game changer. Sure it's fun, but it's not anything that special.

To me Titanfall seems like a filler game until something bigger gets here. I really can't see any longevity in this game and honestly think people will be bored playing it by the time Destiny arrives.

Level 10? That means you barely played the beta. Also, you know it's on 2 other platforms besides XB1, right?
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