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RTTP: Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge was actually good, I'm not crazy I swer on me mum

Not Spaceghost

So we had a few recent discussions on Ninja Gaiden and while it was basically unanimously agreed that Vanilla NG3 was dreadful there were a lot of people that insisted that NG3RE was broken and terrible as well. As I didn't recall that being my experience with the game I always jumped in and said "hey I thought that game was pretty great!" only to be shot down a post and a half later.

So I figured that maybe I was recalling the game incorrectly that I was forgetting that points of the game that I truly disliked. Or maybe my love for Ninja Gaiden clouded my judgement? (Well I'm not the worlds biggest NG fan or anything but I do really like the series) So I decided to fire up the unopened copy that I got with my Wii U bundle a while back instead of my PS3 version to start over from scratch.

In the London mission (the first mission) I start noticing where the game makes FATAL mistakes that will make people think the game is worse than it actually is. First of all the game is very combo based, to the point that button mashing will actually get you killed, but not for the traditional reasons. See in NG3RE if you whiff a combo you get stuck in this 2 second recovery animation where you cannot do anything. This means that button mashing will lead you to do a lot of non combos which means that you'll be recovering a lot. Also since there is a large distinction between standing and running combos if you're even moving the stick while you're combing things you may likely whiff a combo since YYYX and YYY running X are two different things and the latter may not even exist, therefore you go into a recovery period and then do a basic strong attack.

What this means is that the game actually gets more fluid and much faster as you play since you'll upgrade your sword to level 2 and then to 3. By the time you reach level 3 you've unlocked so many combos that it becomes soooo much harder to whiff combos and instead you just fluidly go from combo string to combo string.

Then there is the so called input delay, it's not so much of an input delay as it is an input buffer, this is done so that you don't intentionally whiff combos while performing certain combos like YXYYYX for the izuna drop, this lets you count the number of hits landed instead of the number of button presses while comboing. Though I may be wrong about this my experience has been able to rely on this method rather well.

There is also the fact that the game just isn't very friendly to new players / vet players who are learning the new system. For example in the London mission during the first few fights where you're supposed to be learning the mechanics of dismemberment, steel on bone, and how to even play the game. Instead of giving you a comfortable learning environment you're being peppered with rocket launchers and a horde of enemies you have no idea how to fight properly against much less fight while trying to translate "Use X after evading an enemies Ultimate Technique to perform steel on bone"...LIKE WHAT IS THAT? THIS IS INFORMATION OVERLOAD IN A TIME WHERE I CANNOT EVEN HANDLE WHAT IS GOING ON AROUND ME. That coupled with the fact that it's very easy to screw yourself over by whiffing combos makes for a very tough first mission for all the worst reasons.

In fact if I remember right I didn't really understand Steel on Bone at all until day 4 against the Lovelace boss fight where it's basically a requirement if you want to complete it. Regardless of this, NG3RE is an extremely fun game. Fighting enemies is engaging, twitchy, intense, and extremely satisfying. There may not be the variation of enemies previous NG games have had but each one serves its purpose rather well and each one makes you think "okay I need to do this and this to take him out" which is always welcome. I think what puts off a lot of people from NG3RE is that it forces you to learn its system kind of bluntly instead of organically, you don't just go through the game learning as you go. You just get brick walled from time to time and the game basically says UNTIL YOU LEARN HOW TO DO THIS SHIT YOU'RE NOT GETTING PAST ME.

This is where the boss fights come in, half of me really likes them because you're not going to be able to half ass any boss fight in this game but the other half of me hates them because most of them just feel like pure bullshit. The key offenders being, the LOA chairman boss, the fucking dinosaur and the robo spider. But that's only if we consider the game on normal not even on hard or master ninja mode, in MNM most of the bosses gain some form of 1 hit KO move that will make your blood boil.

Honestly though the game is a fucking blast to play, and doing challenge modes either solo or co-op is insanely fun, hell I rank NG3RE as a superior game to Sigma 2 any day of the week, yet nothing comes close to the perfection of Vanilla Ninja Gaiden 1 (I like it more than black), hell I almost feel like NG1 was a total fluke considering how incredible it is. it's funny to me how NG3RE was supposed to be an effort to streamline the series for wider appeal but it just ends up being probably the hardest one for new comers to get into. Also it's a bit weird that I claim to like the game but only focused on the problems I had with the game lmao you'll just have to trust me on this. But yeah I guess I wrote a lot so I'll throw out a TL;DR

TL;DR Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge isn't bad it just has a shit load of issues in its first mission but the game gets better the more upgrades you collect. Game is great in its own right.
I think the issue is its not NG:B which is the standout entry in the series. Its far removed from that. Like if the next Call of Duty played like goldeneye. Good it its own right but I dont buy CoD to play goldeneye I buy CoD to play CoD
Razor's Edge was the reason I played my Wii U for like a month straight, and that was the version with the hard frame rate drops. Loved the game for its brutal difficulty and learning how to deal with it and how each enemy works (it is the only 3D NG I ever played so I can only judge it on its own merits).

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Overall, I have to agree. There's intense hatred and disgust embedded in the fandom due to vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3. And Razor's Edge cannot overhaul aspects such as the basic level design.

But it's still a pretty good character action game, and nobody can argue that it's too easy or lacks intensity. I don't even mind the story. It's just as over the top and melodramatic as the NES Ninja Gaiden games ever were in their cut scenes.

And I think Regent of Masks is a stylish, reasonably cool villain.

Not Spaceghost

I think the issue is its not NG:B which is the standout entry in the series. Its far removed from that. Like if the next Call of Duty played like goldeneye. Good it its own right but I dont buy CoD to play goldeneye I buy CoD to play CoD

I agree with this but you have to content that even NG2 didn't play like NG1. NG3RE isn't like it's precessors but that doesn't mean the game is fundamentally unplayable and broken like so many will lead you to believe. It's satisfying and there are a ton of options at your disposal with combos. Just look at all the ways you can combo into an Izuna drop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb1zF-NT4dQ

No, you're crazy.

But I swore on my mom!

Overall, I have to agree. There's intense hatred and disgust embedded in the fandom due to vanilla Ninja Gaiden 3. And Razor's Edge cannot overhaul aspects such as the basic level design.

I do think that a large amount of NG3RE's hate was the fact that it still has a "3" in it. I never played Vanilla NG3, so I don't know how much worse it was but I can only imagine it must have been reallly bad.


its a polished turd

slapping itagakis weapons and ninpo doesnt make it a good game

why didnt hayashi think about adding a shop,ninpo or different weapons before he launched ng3 ?

played through on every difficulty except ultimate and if ng3 is a 4/10 razors edge is a 6

Not Spaceghost

slapping itagakis weapons and ninpo doesnt make it a good game

why didnt hayashi think about adding a shop,ninpo or different weapons before he launched ng3 ?

played through on every difficulty except ultimate and if ng3 is a 4/10 razors edge is a 6

I'd say NG3RE is a very solid 7/10 if I had to rate it. Just for how fun the ninja trials are. They really keep you on your toes. What's the point of adding in a shop though? The way NG3RE is designed a shop seems rather pointless. Spending karma at a skill tree whenever works a lot better. The shop worked really well in NG1 because it was a solid interconnected world, almost like a metroidvania.

The weapons spice up the combat in NG3RE a lot but there are times when certain weapons just seem extremely broken, like the lunar staff generating Ki at such insane rates. As for ninpo I don't think that it matters that much since it's very under powered and is more of a tool now than how it was in the previous games.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'd say NG3RE is a very solid 7/10 if I had to rate it

As a follow up to 2 of the greatest action games of all time, a 7/10 is wildly disappointing. Much like Deus Ex Invisible War, it was a 7ish game, but when being compared to it's predecessor it comes off much much worse then it otherwise would.
I played the demo, and it was incredibly boring. You fight a wave of goons, then you fight another wave of goons, then you fight another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, with nothing interesting happening in-between, no real sense of escalation or pacing. Just tedious, monotonous, spastic combat, far as the eye can see.
played through on every difficulty except ultimate and if ng3 is a 4/10 razors edge is a 6
I agree with this on an initial play but the chapter selection mode is even more telling as it cuts out almost all of the horrible story section segments and fights as if Hayashi/TN realized exactly how badly they f'd up the vanilla game.

If they released the chapter mode as the main game and corrected the technical issues I would have given the Wii U version a solid 8.

Ninja Dom

Played through this and vanilla NG3.

My favourite levels were when Ryu was back in Japan fighting the Ninja's later on.

I thought the combat was great, the upgrade system for weapons was decent. Good story, crap bosses. Dino boss is terrible.

Didn't like the world hopping level design. One moment we're in the desert. Next we're in the snow etc.

I played the Wii U version and it's a shame the framerate dropped so much. There weren't any real iconic fights. Nothing like Murai, Alma, Doku.

Master Ninja difficulty is a chore. Nothing like the skill required for MN on the earlier Ninja Gaiden's. I found it to be Izuna drop constantly, into some Steel on Bone, then Ninpo, then repeat.

Good game on the whole.


You're not crazy OP. I loved NG:B and NG2 but I hated NG3....that said I felt Razor's Edge addressed a lot of the complaints I had about the original NG3. It's not perfect, no, but it's a much more entertaining and playable game versus the original version which was just...I dunno, mind numbingly boring and easy as well as repetitive.

All I can really say is I hoped they learned their lesson for the inevitable NG4.
I agree with some of your points (though calling it better than Sigma 2 on any level is rather reaching lol but opinions). Bought it for the Playstation 3 some time back and while some core detriments are still there, what they did change (and add) made Razor's Edge a much more enjoyable experience than Ninja Gaiden III proper which was outright tedious for me. I don't subscribe to the "It's not X therefore it sucks" mindset; On its own merits Razor's Edge is a solid beat'em up game for my money.
RE was a good improvement over 3.... but the BIG problem was the levels design.

They were really amazing in 1 and 2, but they had a HUGE downgrade in 3.

Can't wait to see how 4 is going to turn out.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I do think that a large amount of NG3RE's hate was the fact that it still has a "3" in it. I never played Vanilla NG3, so I don't know how much worse it was but I can only imagine it must have been reallly bad.

Vanilla is not an easy game either, but it's really really dull. Almost no weapons, no mechanics, steel-on-bone done in a different way (random QTE when doing a combo on enemy), and just feels like an empty stripped down game.

It also had way less content, such as none of the girls (or Ayane stages) playable in chapter challenge or ninja trials.


RE shows where 4 can go if they learned from all other games. I liked it. Funnily enough it is still active on psn.


I'd say NG3RE is a very solid 7/10 if I had to rate it. Just for how fun the ninja trials are. They really keep you on your toes. What's the point of adding in a shop though? The way NG3RE is designed a shop seems rather pointless. Spending karma at a skill tree whenever works a lot better. The shop worked really well in NG1 because it was a solid interconnected world, almost like a metroidvania.

The weapons spice up the combat in NG3RE a lot but there are times when certain weapons just seem extremely broken, like the lunar staff generating Ki at such insane rates. As for ninpo I don't think that it matters that much since it's very under powered and is more of a tool now than how it was in the previous games.

the campaign is a complete clusterfuck even for ninja gaiden standards allthough thats kinda moot since its the same game as 3

what about the combat depth ? i still remember the amazing faqs people wrote about ng2s and blacks combat system. now its just slashing up enemies until your arm glows and you go into autokill mode. absorbing orbs atleast required strategy and skill

ng3 and re both have noticable input lag which is a big no no in a game like this.

after every attack there is a slight movement delay in which enemies can fuck you up big time on higher difficulties

whoever designed those bosses needs a kick in the face

it is fucking short, environments are bland as hell i mean what happened to the amazing people who designed the levels of ngb or 2 ? oh right they followed itagaki, a man who actually knows how to design a game properly.

Ninja Dom

RE was a good improvement over 3.... but the BIG problem was the levels design.

They were really amazing in 1 and 2, but they had a HUGE downgrade in 3.

Can't wait to see how 4 is going to turn out.

Ryu fighting in semi realistic environments in NG3 isn't as enjoyable as him fighting in fantasy/horror settings or Neo Tokyo from NG2. Desert & Snow in NG3 were awful. Ryu just was so out of place.

Not Spaceghost

As a follow up to 2 of the greatest action games of all time, a 7/10 is wildly disappointing. Much like Deus Ex Invisible War, it was a 7ish game, but when being compared to it's predecessor it comes off much much worse then it otherwise would.

It's true but I don't think Sigma 2 is particularly better than NG3RE, Sigma 2 has a lot of its own problems so it's not like the series has always had consistent quality.

I played the demo, and it was incredibly boring. You fight a wave of goons, then you fight another wave of goons, then you fight another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, then another wave, with nothing interesting happening in-between, no real sense of escalation or pacing. Just tedious, monotonous, spastic combat, far as the eye can see.

Well it was just a combat demo if I remember right, the desert town fight was a lot of fun in game, not sure about in demo. There is a lot of variation in the combat, once you start to get it but for a long while it will actually just feel like you can only spam Y or hold X, which is a huge flaw of the design.

Doesn't that demo end with the crazy caster enemies in the final wave? You didn't think those guys were fun to fight? They force you to do so much stuff to not die, it was exciting.


invincible cyber trex was the worst boss in any game ever

and that last boss oh god killing those enemies until your ninpo is full was a fucking drag on master ninja. cant believe i bought 3 and razors edge full price

K' Dash

Gold Member
NG, NGB and NG2 are 3 of my favorite games ever, seeing how NG3 got destroyesby critics and players alike was really sad for me.

I'll play Reveangeance instead and pour one out for Itagaki.


i swear i remember an interview where hayashi said a better version would release at a later date.

before the fucking release of ng3

unbelieveable how they fucked this franchise
The biggest problem with RE are the bosses. One of the worst, perhaps the worst, bosses in a game I have ever fought. The only decent boss is the Regent of the Mask.

But I thought the game was okay...


I thought the game was enjoyable. The combat was fast and fun. It just had some of the worst boss fights I have ever encountered in a game. There may have been like one or two good boss fights and the rest just felt like a big chore.

Ninja Dom

Regent of the Mask had so much potential.

A wste

He got reused a fair few times in the game. Four fights with him.

I was doing a Hard play through on RE, Wii U version and I got up to Evil Ryu later in the game. Don't know what happened but I one hit killed him. Some sort of bug. Couldn't repeat it again. Was just fighting him and the cutscene of him dying played and me completing the section. Was weird.



Not Spaceghost

the campaign is a complete clusterfuck even for ninja gaiden standards allthough thats kinda moot since its the same game as 3

what about the combat depth ? i still remember the amazing faqs people wrote about ng2s and blacks combat system. now its just slashing up enemies until your arm glows and you go into autokill mode. absorbing orbs atleast required strategy and skill

NG3RE doesn't have the same level of combat depth as before but that doesn't mean it's devoid of depth, you can still do an on land UT charge but you've got a very tight frame input to do so and it has to be triggered from a sliding jump since the game has no essence to absorb. The only way to trigger "auto kill" is after a long combo kill chain where you're already on a killing spree and this only triggers a quick charge. It's not as if you just get a free charge up every once in a while. Combo's are just as intricate as before, the only thing that's kinda shitty is the counter attack system.

ng3 and re both have noticable input lag which is a big no no in a game like this.

It's more of an input buffer than input lag, ryu is still very responsive. Not once did I feel like I got screwed because of this once I figured out how it worked.

after every attack there is a slight movement delay in which enemies can fuck you up big time on higher difficulties

I also talk about this in the OP, this doesn't happen after every attack, it happens when you whiff a combo chain, it's supposed to punish you for button mashing. As you level up your sword it makes combat more fluid because your get more than three times the amount of combos at your disposal.

whoever designed those bosses needs a kick in the face

I 110% agree, 80% of the bosses in this game are a frustrating pain in the ass.

it is fucking short, environments are bland as hell i mean what happened to the amazing people who designed the levels of ngb or 2 ? oh right they followed itagaki, a man who actually knows how to design a game properly.

It is rather short, but I think NG3 in general was a failed attempt to go back to a more arcade style with Ninja Gaiden, I don't know if I'd say the environments are very bland, uninspired maybe but they're not offensive nor are they mind blowing.

I haven't fired up the Wii U version in quite some time. Is the online still active?

It's semi active, but mostly kinda toasted.

I never really had much NG experience, I played half of Black on the OG Xbox, never touched any version of 2 and got Razor Edge on Wii U launch day. Wasn't perfect by any means but it was fun *kanyeshrug*
I don't think razors edge is complete crap but it's a 3/5 kind of game.

Much better than the god awful original version but it still shares a lot of that game's flaws.

The remnants of the steal on bone mechanic are still annoying, ninpo still isn't nearly as satisfying as in past games and the additional weapons added to RE don't do enough the differentiate themselves from each other. Also personally I don't like how ultimate attacks are handled (no floating orb management). Very few enemies actually feel in anyway intimidating too. These are all at least improved from ng3 to RE though.

Most damning for me is that the game has VERY few bosses that are actually good. Nearly all of them are poorly designed, outstay their welcome or try too hard to be cinimatic. VERY disappointing from a series that usually has such great boss fights.

RE isn't shit by any stretch (while vanilla NG3 is) but I'd hesitate to call it straight up good too. It's still quite flawed in many ways. Hopefully they very seriously go back to the drawing board for NG4.


want to know what itagaki thinks about ng3 ?

I was there just watching the trailer, I didn’t really play the game. I did see some of the gameplay. Of course, that game is made by a different team of people. It’s not like I was going to make another one or anything, but I found it completely different from what I would make.

what a shame

Not Spaceghost

The remnants of the steal on bone mechanic are still annoying, ninpo still isn't nearly as satisfying as in past games and the additional weapons added to RE don't do enough the differentiate themselves from each other. Also personally I don't like how ultimate attacks are handled (no floating orb management). Very few enemies actually feel in anyway intimidating too. These are all at least improved from ng3 to RE though.

RE isn't shit by any stretch (while vanilla NG3 is) but I'd hesitate to call it straight up good too. It's still quite flawed in many ways. Hopefully they very seriously go back to the drawing board for NG4.

I guess by good I just actually mean enjoyable and decent. It has the foundations for a game that could actually be good lmao. The game does have problems but they don't really ruin the experience completely. Ninpo being more of a tool than an attack was kind of a shame but it works since there are no potions in the game. Steel on Bone is a cool idea but the implementation for it feels a bit strange, it's more like a super dodge counter than anything else. What I like about it is when you're fighting one dude and you see a guy behind you reving up his UT so you slide at the last moment then SoB him and chain kill the other guy you were fighting. It feels like a nice reward for having situational awareness.

As for intimidating enemies, the lesser fiends with the pink crystals on their back during the final few missions scared the hell out of me, they would gang up on you so fast and even attempting to get a few hits was terrifying ordeal on any difficulty above normal. One slip up and they would bounce you around the room until you're deader than dead.

On one occasion I had them combo me dead and then continue to combo me for a good 8 seconds before the retry screen popped up because they wouldn't let me hit the floor.

I do hope NG4 is completely different from NG3RE and maybe a bit closer to NG1 in overall design, but I really do like NG3RE for what it is. I definitely can't say I dislike it. No matter how much those bosses get on my nerves.


You're not crazy at all. RE is actually a very good action game, with a fantastic combat system. It still has problems, but even NG2 had them and it was fucking awesome as well.

Brief demonstration:





If you think that this is boring, then I don't know what to tell you. Go play Lords of Shadow, it's very nice if you want to look at the fucking background in an action game. I played over 60 hours of RE and I'm still not tired of it.


You're not crazy at all. RE is actually a very good action game, with a fantastic combat system. It still has problems, but even NG2 had them and it was fucking awesome as well.

Brief demonstration:





If you think that this is boring, then I don't know what to tell you. Go play Lords of Shadow, it's very nice if you want to look at the fucking background in an action game. I played over 60 hours of RE and I'm still not tired of it.

you cant compare razors edge with ng2

they took a few weapons and ninpo and UT OT, slapped them into ng3 and sold it to us full price

ng3 is a shitstain in this amazing franchise

i respect your opinion allthough its wrong to think this is close to being a ninja gaiden game

edit: scratch that i think razors edge is a nice upgrade and much closer to ng2

i tend to dramatize when its about ninja gaiden


Not Spaceghost

You're not crazy at all. RE is actually a very good action game, with a fantastic combat system. It still has problems, but even NG2 had them and it was fucking awesome as well.

Brief demonstration:


Funny you bring up these weapon demo's, because that single katana video was the original reason I decided to buy NG3RE. Game really is addictive to play because of its intense speed.
You're not crazy at all. RE is actually a very good action game, with a fantastic combat system. It still has problems, but even NG2 had them and it was fucking awesome as well.

Brief demonstration:





If you think that this is boring, then I don't know what to tell you. Go play Lords of Shadow, it's very nice if you want to look at the fucking background in an action game. I played over 60 hours of RE and I'm still not tired of it.

So, I just watched these. Here's the thing about those videos:

Most of them look really cool because of the dynamic camera on the finishing moves. Half or more of each video is that. Which aren't player skill, obviously. There's obviously some skilful gameplay in there but those finishing kills with exciting camera movements are really carrying those videos. They still don't hold a candle to the past games (though I don't think RE is straight up bad, again).
I agree with the OP, RE is really fun on normal and maybe hard. At its surface its fun, has different enough side characters, and the story is more coherent than ever, while still being bad.

After you beat it once, jump into the extras.... then it gets murky, the absolutely bullshit mechanics of the game come through in full force the more you play it sadly. I loved this game from when I beat it, unlocked characters ect. Played it about 6~8 hours more after beating it in the extra modes and restarting the story on a harder difficulty and just kinda shelved it since. It was just so blatant in its bs that I had to.

Great ideas but I wish the game itself was better under the hood, fun though. More so than 2, yeah I said it.

I also played it after beating the first again... gawd that games movement and camera were awful.


I own it and thought it was serviceable at times, but I wasn't able to finish it. It wasn't anywhere near as enjoyable as Black or II, though. I need to finish it and see for sure.


You can count me as being a fan of NG3:RE as well. It's the reason why I bought a Wii U!

The vanilla version nearly shattered my faith in the series. But I feel like Razor's Edge addressed most of the issues of the original game. The added content is definitely welcome too. I love playing as Kasumi!

Hopefully, Team Ninja can do something great with Ninja Gaiden 4!


I can also agree that NG3RE was actually very enjoyable experience.

Now the loyal, fundamentalist of ninja gaiden 1 might disagree with, and I also think the last boss stage of NG3RE can go fuck itself (who designed this clusterfuck?), the rest of the game was very fun. Actually more fun than NG2S.

I really love the feeling of 'steel on bone'. =D


It went back to its roots and that's a great thing. I respect them for trying to make amends. That's very Japanese of them and I dig that. I bought this the other day in fact and I was enjoying it. But once the new gen starts I tend to shut down the previous so I hardly play my PS3 right now. Meaning to give it another bash.


NG3RE with Hayabusa sucks. NG3RE with the new characters is actually pretty fun. I can't go back and dig deeper into it on Wii U because it has one of the worst framerates I've ever experienced in a game. :/

I really want to unlock more stuff with Kasumi, though.


Worst game I played in 2013. I absolutely hate it. Nonexistent level design, boring wave after wave of the same soldier enemies, They made Hayabusa slow as fuck, wtf.

Worst helicopter bosses ever.
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