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What's the one thing Nintendo can announce at E3 that would make GAF explode?


Hideki Kamiya directing a new Metroid. Platinum/Retro collaboration.

Now, will that happen? I don't know. Would that cause a meltdown? Surely.


Nintendo with a pvp MMO would be very shocking. It would be the perfect storm of everything the most vocal antagonists criticize Nintendo for, poor online infrastructure, poor online multiplayer, games with prices that don't drop over time,

Nintendo announcing exclusivity for the console port of Star Citizen or Final Fantasy XV would be bananas.

They have done that a few times already but they weren't the type of things most adults found interesting. Remember the Wii Music debacle?


Last year it merely took Nintendo E3 Direct to start for GAF servers to melt, GAF was only up for like 3 minutes somewhere in the middle and came back as it was wrapping up.

Honestly though, I dunno, a new big budget IP from one of the major first party studios would be cool, I guess.
Definite Release date for Smash
Zelda trailer (even though it would be at least two years until release)
F-Zero, Metroid announcement
More details on X
Bayonetta 2 release date
You overestimate the amount of fans Shenmue has. We're not that many, I'm sorry to say.

I think you might me underestimating the fans. Not long ago when we thought SEGA trademarked Shenmue III this thread was made on GAF before it was closed shortly after.

In that very short time GAF went to a crawl and I got a few error pages when refreshing the page. Don’t underestimate the fanbase. It’s picked up a lot of fans over all the years.


Junior Member
Would be funny if someone at Nintendo would read this thread, he would say, "Nah I wont announce these". I bet if you people worked at Nintendo you also wouldnt announce these games, because these are all dream projects. Its like asking a final fantasy 7 remake or Half Life 3, its fun dreaming, but the reality is that Nintendo will never announce random dream post from a neogaf user.


I'd go crazy for cross buy and an exclusive beloved JRPG remake from a high profile developer that was originally released on the Playstation 1.


WiiU being discontinued.

I would explode i dunno about GAF, i have only had mine 18 months !

I dunno, maybe that QoL project they have been talking about,
Any game that Nintendo haven't mentioned before or some new IP.

Are Nintendo even going to e3 or are they doing another video stream again ?
Seems unlikely..it's not like even PS4 or Xbox One has that currently.

exactly- hence I said it

edit: people realize the OP asked what the one thing Nintendo could announce at E3 that would crash GAF, right?

Not what we are Expecting them to announce which, knowing Nintendo, wouldn't be anything we already don't know at this point.
Probably a new F-Zero first and foremost, although I think a new Metroid Prime from Retro would create a big stir too.

Personally I'd like to see them properly invest in some new core franchises, with the budget and talent they'd normally reserve for a Zelda or Mario.


All these "new console" posts mean no matter what Nintendo releases for Wii U at E3, no fucks shall be given.


I honestly think if Nintendo announced a piece of hardware that was 50% more powerful than PS4/Xbox One, had all their games as well as their own exclusives and was $100 cheaper with free online..no fucks would be given either.


These days, I keep an eye on Nintendo mostly for their comedy value. I can't think of anything that would make me explode.
1.) Nintendo going 3rd party
2.) Nintendo announcing or hinting at their "next" system that integrates mobile and console.
3.) An actually, comprehensive eShop library with a huge percentage of Nintendo's back catalogue.

I'm sure some people will get excited if there's a new Zelda or something like that (I would be), but those are the only things I can imagine that would be truly huge news.

Edit: OP, I would genuinely be thrilled for a Pokemon Wii U, but I fear it might end up being a Skylanders-esque NFC game that requires you to buy toys, which I think would be a great business move, but not something I'd be interested in.


Pokemon World - Giant Pokemon game featuring voice acting, anime look, and every island from all the games plus a new one.

That would blow me away. But I would love to see an Animal Crossing that's much more advanced that what it is. The Gamecube version was still my favorite because of all the cool stuff you could do. It would be neat if it were setup like a living world. With more stuff to do. A lot more.
Pokemon World - Giant Pokemon game featuring voice acting, anime look, and every island from all the games plus a new one.

That would blow me away. But I would love to see an Animal Crossing that's much more advanced that what it is. The Gamecube version was still my favorite because of all the cool stuff you could do. It would be neat if it were setup like a living world. With more stuff to do. A lot more.

These pokemon suggestions... Is there actually any smoke for these? I never would have even considered it.


Beyond Good and Evil 2 exclusive.
Buying Capcom
Buying Square Enix

F Zero Wii U probably would..but nobody would buy it.

To me, that'd be the best thing to happen ever. I bought my PS4 for games from Sega, Namco Bandai, Square Enix and Capcom. So far, Yakuza has no Western announcement nor does Deep Down from Capcom. Namco Bandai has nothing in the works yet (that we know of) and Square Enix has FFXIV and FFXV. Square right now is the only publisher doing something with the PS4 that I care about that will actually be releasing games in the West, from Japan.


These pokemon suggestions... Is there actually any smoke for these? I never would have even considered it.

I wish. Since the N64, I've wanted a real Pokemon adventure in 3D. I bought Pokemon Snap and Stadium (as a flippin' jobless allowance teenager!) hoping to support them enough to make one. NOPE!


Shigeru Miyamotos death 10 minutes prior to the conference, and Iwata slowly and somberly walking out on to stage to announce it could quite possibly destroy the internet.


I have a feeling that some people can't separate "What would make GAF explode" from "what would i want Nintendo to do"

Like in every other Nintendo thread
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