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Star Wars is getting brand new Expanded Universe

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The Stackpole X-Wing books and a handful of the stuff Zahn did are the only things that I ever truly enjoyed.

I've not followed any of this in years and years, so I have no clue if those books would actually hold up for me today, but those are the ones that I do recall being solid books from my Star Wars fanboy youth. Makes sense that they had to do this though, would have been too hard to fit new movies into that giant book universe.


Entire old SWEU [both pre and post EP 1-6] will get name "Legacy", new content will continue to come out

Do they say this in the video? The post mentions the "Legends" banner for reprints of previous material, but it doesn't say anything about new content in the old SWEU.


Does that mean they will remake 1-6 but with differences to go with this new universe or are the new movies going to be something completely new?


I love Pokken!
Dismissed as non-canon.




So, like all of Clone Wars? Like even the
Mortis stuff
and the last few episodes of season six? To me, that all seemed pretty out there compared the mythology in the films.


Feel bad for whoever edits Wookiepedia.

fuck those spoiling cunts. [legacy of the force]
I tried so hard to get the title for jacen solo changed, because officially his page is called darth caedus. meaning anyone googling him while reading the previous books will eventually know that the son of han solo and leia and the nephew of jedi grand master luke skywalker eventually becomes a sith lord. that is such a pivotal and dramatic moment in the EU and is so easily spoiled. but those wiki nazis wouldn't budge.


Very well, Star Wars got punched by Superboy Prime.
I, for one, am looking forward to this though, I couldn't keep up with the "Legacy" Universe.


It's for the best, and I'm excited for what's to come.

As they mentioned in the video, The Legacy EU may not be canon but it will still be mined for ideas and such. It's not entirely 'useless'

Not that it hasn't already happened... Coruscant first appeared in the EU many many years before Episode 1, so it's business as usual really.
Didn't care about the EU. Seemed like a bunch of fan-fiction garbage to me. Not affected in any way by this. All I've ever really cared about are the films.
But... but... They told me it was canon.

This is why I don't acknowledge the authority of creators, let alone massive brands, to dictate what is and is not canon. What the original, primary property is, or "how the chips fall" in terms of what becomes most popular, is what determines canon.


In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe.

Well that answers that question.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Sad times, though the only probably irreplacable stuff for me is, like people have said, some of Rogue Squadron and the Thrawn Trilogy.
Bring back Waru!

All the EU fans:

Not so much for me. Sure, they're throwing out a lot of great material that I loved over the years, but I gave up on the EU because of a lot of their recent works. Now that they're officially having two separate continuities, I can just focus on the good stuff that I enjoyed and continue to just roll my eyes at the stuff I didn't enjoy. As they focus on their new works, they won't be retconning/ruining things that I loved.

The old EU had some great stuff. I won't forgot it, and that's enough for me.
Makes sense. the EU continuity was fucking insane, so might as well create a fresh start. I wouldn't be surprised if Abrams had something to do with this, he wanted to make episodes 7-9 without being shackled by 30 years of content, so he can bring in characters like Chewbacca
who died in the EU
for the casual moviegoing fan.

This is similar to what happened with Star Trek, they wanted to reboot the series, but made it so its an alternate timeline so to not piss off the fanbase. So yeah, this reeks of JJ.
So, like all of Clone Wars? Like even the
Mortis stuff
and the last few episodes of season six? To me, that all seemed pretty out there compared the mythology in the films.

No, The Clone Wars (and the upcoming Rebels) are fully canon.

While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU consistent with our film and television content as well as internally consistent, Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.

On the screen, the first new canon to appear will be Star Wars Rebels. In print, the first new books to come from this creative collaboration include novels from Del Rey Books. First to be announced, John Jackson Miller is writing a novel that precedes the events of Star Wars Rebels and offers insight into a key character's backstory, with input directly from executive producers Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Greg Weisman.



I like this idea. Star Trek needed a clean slate and delivered; the one Star Wars is getting allows this while also keeping the basic movies in.
In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe.

Sounds perfectly understandable to me.


So, like all of Clone Wars? Like even the
Mortis stuff
and the last few episodes of season six? To me, that all seemed pretty out there compared the mythology in the films.
It's because Lucas was part of the production somehow... It's sad since Fate of the Jedi was heavily influeced by one of the episodes, in a negative way.


Is there a conference room where I can set up a support meeting for me and the three other people who will be heartbroken that the Young Jedi Knights series no longer has any canon status? And is there anyone I can sue to change this decision? It's discrimination against the differently abled! Tenel Ka deserves her day in court!


Saw this coming the moment they announced the prequels. It was all just glorified fan fiction anyway, and now they get to sell more books.

So pretty much the entire New Jedi Order stuff goes poof, essentially? Man... I guess that means that Thrawn is out too, huh? Lame.

Not necessarily. Isnt mara jade confirmef for the new trilogy? Itll probably be like the marvel movies. Theyll pivk and choose from whats popular from the original material, rearrange it as they see fit. Some of the backstory might change but the character and personality will mostly remain. Which is good because most of the later stuff is crap and i wouldnt want it canon anyway.

People like corran horn, ysanne isard, thrawn and daala will likely make an.appearence in the new EU. Its not like lucas ever cared.about it that much and all the new writers wont be above it for the chrap publicity and easy writing ideas. See marvels ultimate universe for an (more desperate) example.

Plus didnt revans image appear in clone wars? I know the selkath at least did as i just saw them in an episode. So kotor is still canonish.
Not necessarily. Isnt mara jade confirmef for the new trilogy? Itll probably be like the marvel movies. Theyll pivk and choose from whats popular from the original material, rearrange it as they see fit. Some of the backstory might change but the character and personality will mostly remain. Which is good because most of the later stuff is crap and i wouldnt want it canon anyway.

How would that work though, if it's 30 years later? As far as the audience is concerned, Luke would just be married to some random jedi chick? Or have them meet on screen at the awkward age of 60?

Beyond that it would take some major reworking to the point of the character being unrecognizable.
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