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Nintendo full year financial results [23.2B yen loss, 3.6M Wii U/12M 3DS forecast]


I cant get over the irony of releasing a poorly conceived tablet controller and not acknowledging the obvious connection to their rival competitors.

Anyone picking up a WiiU would immediately compare it to an Ipad.

What were they thinking

Who compares the gamepad to an Ipad or any other tablet? They are entirely different things with entirely different functions. Is it just because they both have big touch screens? The Wii U having trouble selling is because of marketing and not much games outside of Nintendo first party, not because people want to compare it to a tablet.

Many people I showed the pad to said, "so it's basically an iPad that only plays video games?"

Ipad doesn't have buttons, Ipad doesn't also primarily play games on the big screen (without spending more on an apple TV... but does anyone actually want to play mobile phone games on a big screen?)
Who compares the gamepad to an Ipad or any other tablet? They are entirely different things with entirely different functions. Is it just because they both have big touch screens? The Wii U having trouble selling is because of marketing and not much games outside of Nintendo first party, not because people want to compare it to a tablet.

I am stating that creating the Gamepad was a mistake

Because it will inevitably draw comparisons with the superior product. I know Nintendo tried to market it as otherwise but they should have went a different direction.

I want to get a wii u but I'm not sure if I should wait until after all the e3 announcement stuff incase they add new stuff or give it another price drop.

Any suggestions?
Did anyone think this?
Perhaps, one or two out of the 100M people who owned iPads by the time the Wii U launched thought it. But no more than three I imagine. Because it's not like it's an incredibly pervasive device produced by one of the world's most powerful brands. And it's not like there's anything about a touchscreen controller and a tablet that would draw comparison. Well, I guess they're both white, so maybe just that.
Nintendo isn't Doomed, there's just no obvious way to reverse the decline. The wiiu is in terrible shape, but their handheld sector long term is in worse shape.

The 3DS is not selling like the DS, and is operating in a market where there is no real competition from Sony. The vita may as well not exist at ALL in the west.

Smartphones are just killing that market, and the decline is clear and irreversible. Smartphones are viewed as a necessity and will only get cheaper and more powerful. There is no strategy or game Nintendo can make to reverse that. Dedicated handhelds are dead men walking, the only question is time.

this. smartphones/tablets in five years will be a massive leap from what is out now. gaming on smartphones/tablets can only get better. Nintendo has to then compete with a dedicated handheld in a market were everyone owns a smartphone/tablet that'll easily be able to play games that are similar to what the Vita can offer in quality now. any big publisher could put out a hardcore or casual game capable of delivering almost console quality experiences, smartphones/tablets all the while still being a phone with apps, and other features. how does Nintendo compete?

-releasing a smartphone? sounds costly and unfruitful. i don't know any adult that would be a "Nintendo phone" compared to whats already on the established market, not to mention the amount of money competing with cell phone service providers would cost.

-releasing a high end dedicated handheld? not unless dedicated handheld gaming becomes really niche. it still has to be affordable, expensive handhelds that do nothing but game don't offer much in value compared to consoles, PC's, or tablet/smartphone gaming.

-the kids market? in five years time kids and tablet/smartphone gaming will be even more prevalent than it is now, which is saying a lot because it's already extremely mainstream. also kids are playing run-away-success type of games, which can't just be manufactured with any proven formula, so it's a constant guess as to what will become the next Angry Birds or Minecraft, either way the tablet/smartphone ecosystem seems to be getting more complex with online gaming and features, so i only think kids will become that much more invested into whatever smartphones/tablets have to offer.
Why do people find what mithos said so contraversal? Its not supposed to be offensive or anything.

It basically validates every critique about the stereotypical Nintendo fan ever levied, and it simultaneously comes off as smug and oozing with sour grapes. If most fans of Nintendo's games felt that way, they would have never had any problem moving Wii Us after the Wii and DS success.

Watching the last remnants of Nintendo's shamelessly sycophantic die hard base claim that "______ was a shit franchise anyway, good riddance" as each and every 3rd party abandons the hardware has been quite amusing. Hopefully when making hardware decisions in the future, Nintendo ignores the pleas of their most vocal fans who would rather see them die than adapt.
Perhaps, one or two out of the 100M people who owned iPads by the time the Wii U launched thought it. But no more than three I imagine. Because it's not like it's an incredibly pervasive device produced by one of the world's most powerful brands. And it's not like there's anything about a touchscreen controller and a tablet that would draw comparison. I guess they're both white.

Its totally draws comparisons Instantly to ANY touchscreen device we use everyday.

Why include it on a game system? I know what Nintendo's logic was and they were clearly marketing it towards new gameplay experiences much like what they did with the Wii.

But its was just too close to everything else at a first glance and didn't wow people like Wii Motion controls did.


Updating some graphs I've maintained out of boredom.



Wow, 2006 fucking sucked.


Forecasted 100B yen operating profit. Posted ~46B yen operating loss. So no.

Actually the CEO promised 100B yen to investors.

Was this before or after the revised forecast though? Because I clearly remember them warning investors of a $240 M loss in early 2014.


I only skimmed through the beginning of the thread but why are people acting like we should ignore the losses cause their due to R&D expenses. There still losing a ton of money and they aren't going to stop R&Ding.
It basically validates every critique about the stereotypical Nintendo fan ever levied, and it simultaneously comes off as smug and oozing with sour grapes. If most fans of Nintendo's games felt that way, they would have never had any problem moving Wii Us after the Wii and DS success.

Watching the last remnants of Nintendo's shamelessly sycophantic die hard base claim that "______ was a shit franchise anyway, good riddance" as each and every 3rd party abandons the hardware has been quite amusing. Hopefully when making hardware decisions in the future, Nintendo ignores the pleas of their most vocal fans who would rather see them die than adapt.
Way too dramatic..I highly doubt its like that.
The lack of multi touch told consumers right away that it was worse than an ipad as an input device, sure.

The market that bought Wii's are likely the same people jumping onto Smartphones and Tablets to play games

So why the fuck would you make a 300 dollar system with a Tablet controller. To hook into the trend?

It immediately was rejected clearly assuming people even knew what a WiiU was. I can tell you that the average person picking this up in a store immediately didnt take it seriously next to an ipad


I don't understand the argument here. Nintendo shouldn't be compared to other firms in the sector because they're not able to compete, and when someone isn't able to compete, we should stop considering them a competitor? Blackberry couldn't compete with the technological resources or know-how of Apple or Samsung, but they were still forced to, hence their current predicament.

I don't really think this is a very thoughtful reflection on the course of business. A company that does nothing but sell video games is a video game company, even if they tell themselves that they're an entertainment company. But companies can change; if in your alternate reality where electronics cease to exist, electronics manufacturers would use their accumulated capital to transition into markets* that still exist

* markets wouldn't exist without electronics

Sony being one of the largest actual entertainment companies in the world--being one of the largest TV, film, and music publishers in the world--would not be able to adapt to producing new forms of entertainment but Nintendo, a company that only makes video games, would transition smoothly to making other things?

Again, I'm talking only about R&D, in that area Nintendo is quite different, I remember an old article talking about experiments they did with mirrors decades ago to have multiplayer games for people in the same table, it didn't work, but is the kind of things I don't see the other companies in the market doing. They are stuck with the NES model and don't let go, they just beef it up.

RIM has nothing to do with Nintendo though, Blackberry 's know-how and technology resources were poor, Nintendo's are non existent, they aren't researching stuff like the cell processor, they research how to use current and upcoming technology to make games. In that way they have to be behind someone like Sony, who is ahead because they are the ones doing the actual technology research.


It's not embarrassing at all, it's actually the cheapest current gen console and it is very simple.

It's the hardcore techies that see it as horrible because it is not state of the art stuff, but is more than capable of making great games and great looking games, as it has already shown.

If anything they underestimated how harmful their "weak" hardware was going to be for third parties and word of mouth.

I think he's referring to the half-cooked state of the software that the Wiiu launched with...

That thing crashed a lot and was waaaaay slower. That had to have an impact on potential consumers


I kinda disagree. The WiiU is an awful console with some really great games.

Edit: Since software is what "makes" a good hardware, most people get the wrong impression about the WiiU. It's dated, slow, not impressive at all. But again, at least 5 "must play" games.

Didn't you kinda contradict yourself there?
It's not embarrassing at all, it's actually the cheapest current gen console and it is very simple.
It wasn't cheap at all when it launched. Oh sure, now it's cheaper after the industry came up with their new toys, but with the 360 at it's prime cheaper than the Wii U, that thing was never ever going to sell.


That makes sense, but the same would presumably apply to hardware R&D after the basic shape of the product takes form; so what would you expect accounts for a general trend over many years to expand their R&D budget? More experimental research that isn't making it into products? That seems somewhat unlikely.

Same applies to hardware too, correct. R&D expenses increase as they research new concepts and products, some of which never materialise. However, some R&D expenses are for products that are actually released. Yet those expenses cannot be capitalised retroactively. But usually R&D expenses do not accrue in the later stages of product development.


I want to get a wii u but I'm not sure if I should wait until after all the e3 announcement stuff incase they add new stuff or give it another price drop.

Any suggestions?

You can probably already get one for less than whatever they'll drop the price to.

Smartphone remains the smartest thing they could do. Not for adults but for the 5-12 demographic

I really doubt kids would want a watered down smartphone from Nintendo. They're not dumb, they want Apple or Android, who will have all the apps Nintendo never will.


I wish they would just try something like Pokemon red and blue on the App Store. Throw them up for 4.99 and watch them top the charts.

Funny anecdote. I work 1 on 1 with autistic kids. One wanted to earn Mario after our session. I naturally assumed he was talking about NSMB on the Wii U his parents just got him.

We finished our lesson and he asked for his iPad mini. Here, all the kids at his school figured out how to put that Gameboy Advance emulator on their iOS devices and he was on the last level of Mario 2.


Smartphone remains the smartest thing they could do. Not for adults but for the 5-12 demographic

Interesting idea. In Japan I remember quite a few phones geared toward children with tracking devices and communication limitations. Certainly modern smartphones contain none of that in a sensible and focused way so I guess this could be viable but it's certainly a small market for the effort.


I wish they would just try something like Pokemon red and blue on the App Store. Throw them up for 4.99 and watch them top the charts.

Funny anecdote. I work 1 on 1 with autistic kids. One wanted to earn Mario after our session. I naturally assumed he was talking about NSMB on the Wii U his parents just got him.

We finished our lesson and he asked for his iPad mini. Here, all the kids at his school figured out how to put that Gameboy Advance emulator on their iOS devices and he was on the last level of Mario 2.

Nintendo is worried if they do that, that people won't have an incentive to buy their consoles. I definitely don't blame it, cause let's be honest, the reason people buy Nintendo consoles is for Nintendo exclusives, if they can be seen elsewhere what is the point.
actually,they lose this gen because they weren't gamer friendly enough

They're losing this gen because they were too unfriendly to the markets that were receptive to them last-gen. They have never been as friendly to PlayStation/Xbox gamers as people want them to be, so I don't see why being behind now would hurt them any more than it ever has. But there was a definite shift toward their GameCube-like methodologies this gen, which were the closest Nintendo has ever been to the PlayStation/Xbox.


Smartphone remains the smartest thing they could do. Not for adults but for the 5-12 demographic

I'm interested in seeing what their plans are for that, they've hinted at "small teams" making things. And I agree, something needs to be done regarding that demographic, something that involves a response to smartphones and tablets.


Junior Member
They're losing this gen because they were too unfriendly to the markets that were receptive to them last-gen. They have never been friendly to PlayStation/Xbox gamers, so I don't see why not doing so now would hurt them any more than it ever has.
They lost this generation because they don't have a this-generation system.
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