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Old computer games you're pretty sure no one but you ever played.

Ski-Free (First game I remember)

Seriously? That's one of the most famous Windows games ever.


Vette! an open world 3d racing game set in San Francisco... from 1989


Spaceship Warlock a cd-rom exclusive adventure game... from 1991


Snakes Alive! the only good snake game ever made


Fafracer forever
My contributions are obscure enough that I can't find any media for them - partly because I can't remember enough about the games - so more like questions:

- First was a futuristic/pod racing game of some sorts that used "voxel" terrain like Novalogic games and Outcast. I can't recall the name and it's driving me nuts - the most I remember that there may have been an Amiga version of the game.

- Second is a very old PC strategy called "President" - running a country and trying to get reelected without being killed or worse in the process. Plays a bit like "Save the queen" but a lot more random and less dialogue-y. Sadly google has not been helpful trying to locate any media for the game :(

- Third, and possibly the most obscure was a "Pirates" like game for ZX Spectrum. Released many years before Sid Meier's Pirates existed - It had basically the same gameplay elements (trading, fleet building, ship upgrades, exploration, ship2ship combat), with some oddities like "docking minigame". Sadly I don't remember the exact title anymore so no luck finding anything about it online either.


Overlord I think it was called. It was 4x like, but not quite a 4x game. Very old game. Got fond members of Wolfpack and Command HQ as well.

Holy shit man, I came into the thread to post this. Overlord was awesome, apparently released elsewhere as Supremacy: Your Will Be Done in other places.

Also, glad to see mentions of F-117A/F-19. Spent A LOT of time playing that in the early 90s.


Don't think I'm the only one who played this but no one else posted it,

Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure:

Yeah, I played this. Cool game actually, but I remember it being really short.

Vette! an open world 3d racing game set in San Francisco... from 1989

Yeah, some games are just way ahead of the curve. Ran at about 5fps on my 286. Worse than Stunts. Not much fun, but great novelty value.


Bish loves my games!
Any BBC Micro Model B ex-owners in here? The computer had some pretty unique titles.

I remember playing the heck out of games like Imogen, Chuckie Egg, Citadel, Castle Quest, Fire Track, Frak!


How about UNIX games? Anyone here old enough to remember Larry Wall's space war game called Warp? It ran on text terminals using the UNIX curses library. The latest version I could find in the USENET archive (comp.sources.games) was Warp7, dated June 10, 1987.

I can't find any images of it using Google Image Search and there doesn't appear to be a page about it on Wikipedia either (though they mention the game on other pages).

I'm sure plenty of people played it back in the day but probably not many people on NeoGAF besides yours truly (geezer in residence).


I actually played that in middle school. We were divided into 10 groups and had to see who could design the most fuel efficient car while still reaching other benchmarks.

Craziness, I also played this in middle school in my Technology class. Doing the same thing lol.
My third post now... and GAF, I reaaaaalllyyy miss this game. I lost my copy years ago, and I really want to play it again. There's almost no media or information on this game now, I've only found 2 screenshots ever.

The Indian in the Cupboard





My childhood. The feels. One of the best adventure point-n'-click games ever made... I've heard it's super-rare now. :(


I used to play Commodore 64 all the time as a kid...

Space Taxi, Summer Games, Forbidden Forest, The Mansion of Dr. Creep, Jumpman, The Trivia Monster, Moon Patrol, Toy Bizzare, Pogo Joe, Hess Games...

I could go on and on but those are a few of my favorites.


Pretty sure I'm the only one who ever played Jones.

Ha ha, such a classic :D

I remember this overview shooter game where you played a caveman or something, and of the best items you could get was shooting toothpaste (at least that's what we thought), I haven't found it since :/

edit: Also on our mac there was this puzzle game with a white bar and a map full of dots, and then you had cling on to the dots by pressing space and gather things and get to the exit.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh sh#t I just thought of another one. I must of played through this a dozen times:


Loved Mixed-Up Mother Goose!

I played a lot of this game where you just selected from different carnival games that you would play and try and set high scores (and maybe win prizes). I feel like it was something along the lines of "Popcap Alley", but obviously hard to google search it with Popcap games now.
I used to love this brilliant frogger clone on my Atari 800XL; it got ridiculously hard at about level 8 or 9. I played it on an emulator with save states to see what happened when you beat the last level, but I think it just repeats that same level over and over. Great game.



Perhaps even more obscure was one called Ghost Encounters. Hard to describe it, but you were a ghost who could change into various objects (like a shovel) to solve certain screens. It was incredibly simplistic, but engaging all the same. Sort of a mix between Bezerk and Avenger on the Atari 2600.



These were great. Preppie 2 was even better though, and JV Software also did Action Quest and the mighty Journey to the Planets. Brilliant stuff.

Have to give a shout out to Necromancer, by the same (sadly deceased) guy who did Alley Cat- Bill Williams, an absolute genius.



The sound and music is superb.


I'm extremely insecure with how much f2p mobile games are encroaching on Nintendo
troggle trouble math

number munchers


Ignition (1997) - My favourite arcade racing game. Dodge trains, do jumps, take shortcuts. All very fun :)


Does the name "Marvin's Magic Castle" ring a bell to anyone? Had a whole host of computer games as a kid and it sticks out as being the only one I recall by name not listed anywhere online (at least via search engine). All I remember is some magician guy guiding you around a medieval castle and a giant book featuring the alphabet.

Edit: holy shit! Found out it was actually found "Scooter's Magic Castle" from this very thread! Rad find.



I'm not talking about Starsiege:Tribes, I'm talking about the original Starsiege with mechs.

Have yet to find anyone who played it.

I love how Tribes winds up being a spinoff of a spinoff of a spinoff yet it's the best known game by far.

Metaltech: Battledrome -> Earthsiege: Metaltech -> Starsiege -> Starsiege: Tribes


I played demos for some of these, but like Hunter Hunted there were some Sierra games I never saw sold in stores. Did anybody play any of these?

The Last dinasty was a space sim mixed with adventure sections between missions. Was pretty OK from what I can remember!


at last, for christ's sake
Ahh which version of Hunchback was that? I posted a screen earlier in the thread, though fairly sure the version I played didn't look nearly as pretty. I remember it being pretty bloody difficult.

must have missed your post, I played the C64 one, which looked exactly like that gif. Bloody difficult indeed expecially when you had arrows, fireballs, guards, bats and some other crap all thrown at ya at the same time...them levels were nightmare fuel


I've never heard anyone mention this one:


Sango Fighter for DOS.

My dad once bought a "25 games in 1" CD of DOS games (had some cool stuff like Commander Keen and raptor) and this was one of them.

It was terrible. But I was a kid and didn't know better xD

I know someone played this.. but no one I KNOW. This was soooooo goooood.
Loom is heavily underrated and, sadly, too short.

I love how they created an entire universe for you to explore that felt very much alive. Very tight experience from beginning to end. I still have the Book of Patterns around somewhere.
I don't even remember how I ever came into possession of this one:

Talisman: Challenging the Sands of Time




Download it here at your own peril. I recall it being hard to the point of unfairness when I played it as a kid. You can also tell that the graphics require some imagination to really get into it...
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