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Those Windows drivers for the Xbox One controller would be nice

Rubbish.. it's just Microsoft being Microsoft. The decision to release the drivers (and perhaps a wireless dongle for it) will be the footnote on many meetings if it's discussed at all.

It will be lost in the Microsoft meeting grind until someone from "further up" pushes for it. And as we all know Microsoft doesn't give to shits about gaming on Windows unless its a shitty free to play game pushed though the equally shit Microsoft Windows Store.
The timing of your post is just amazing.


Gold Member
I'm not developer or programmer. But how hard could it be to have drivers for this? I mean it's a no brainer. The 360 controller sold so damn well for PC


I'm not developer or programmer. But how hard could it be to have drivers for this? I mean it's a no brainer. The 360 controller sold so damn well for PC

Making it work properly with every game that the Xbox 360 controller worked with is not exactly the easiest thing in the world. I've tried the 3rd party drivers and they are terrible and barely work with any games.


:eek:, do you know if it will be compatible with old games that used the 360 pad? Or new games have to be developed with it in mind.

The reason it's supposedly taking so long is because they're making it so it will be compatible with everything released already. So yes, apparently.


Making it work properly with every game that the Xbox 360 controller worked with is not exactly the easiest thing in the world. I've tried the 3rd party drivers and they are terrible and barely work with any games.

Probably one of those easier said than done. Very likely they ran into compatibility issues with certain games. The wait will be worth it if there are no problems and it works great.
Soon. Very soon.

You understand.

You two could've done a better job than this, you know? A little "hey guys, we didn't forget you (we totally did) and we're still working on it. It takes longer than expected, but it's going to be worth it" back in April would've been nice. Maybe another "We're going to announce our plans before/at/after E3" a little bit later would've worked, too.

It's okay to tell people things like that. They're not your enemy and this is not about some top secret game. It's about a PC-compatible driver for the new controller you spent millions on (which makes the wait even more ridiculous). This wouldn't have hurt anyone.


Even though I am a proud owner of a PS4 I would still buy an Xbox one controller to use on my PC. With Wolfenstien and watchdogs coming out I've been using Steam big picture and PC has always been next to my TV, so right now I have a 15ft USB cord running across my living room with a wired 360 pad attached. Since its impossible to track down the Microsoft branded adapter for wireless pads I just use this solution for the time being. While the DS4 is a semi-vaiable option, it is still quirky in some games like the souls series, and I just really don't feel like screwing with it every time I play a controller friendly PC title. Where are those drivers they said they would be putting out for the xbone pad? I'd love a PC branded one that comes with a USB adapter, or some sort of WiFi solution. Can this be that hard? Or is Microsoft keeping on with that "commitment" to the PC.

My mate bought the non MS branded dongle from amazon cheap and it works perfect.
I hope it's soon, but I get a strong feeling we're talking November or later if the 360 was any indicator

Though to be blunt, there's really no reason to be secretive about this. It's fucking controller drivers.


It's very interesting (at least to me!). Once we announce/release (which as Major said will be soon) I'll be able to talk about it. I believe (hope) people will be pleased which is why it's taken us longer.

Look forward to it! Is there any way you could possibly give us an idea for when we can look forward to news? Next month some time?


It's very interesting (at least to me!). Once we announce/release (which as Major said will be soon) I'll be able to talk about it. I believe (hope) people will be pleased which is why it's taken us longer.

So basically you will announce a Game For Windows Live 2 at E3 that will include support for the XB1 controller amongst its standards.

Please tell me I don't understand...
Can this be that hard? Or is Microsoft keeping on with that "commitment" to the PC.

I use an off-brand wireless adapter to make my Xbox 360 controller work with my pc games. The adapter cost $10, and it works great. I can find the link if you want.

Drivers for the Xbox One controller will eventually arrive, if you are die-hard One over 360 controller.
So basically you will announce a Game For Windows Live 2 at E3 that will include support for the XB1 controller amongst its standards.

I actually wouldn't mind a GFWL ver 2 at all, I actually like being the achievement whore and adding those points to my gamerscore.

*Prepares to be shot


I use an off-brand wireless adapter to make my Xbox 360 controller work with my pc games. The adapter cost $10, and it works great. I can find the link if you want.

Drivers for the Xbox One controller will eventually arrive, if you are die-hard One over 360 controller.

can you link this? i have so many 360 controllers but only two wired ones, which i ended up paying $40 for each because my official adapter broke by just sitting on my desk.

i'm also curious as to how MS will market this. are they going to release a $30 wireless adapter?
A modder did get the X1 controller working on PC too, I have it installed and it works a treat, don't have a source for it unfortunately.
A modder did get the X1 controller working on PC too, I have it installed and it works a treat, don't have a source for it unfortunately.

Here ya go. He doesn't give a very good description of how it works and it doesn't seem to work with everything (or anything in my case), perhaps it is because my controllers have been updated through the Xbox One?
You two could've done a better job than this, you know? A little "hey guys, we didn't forget you (we totally did) and we're still working on it. It takes longer than expected, but it's going to be worth it" back in April would've been nice. Maybe another "We're going to announce our plans before/at/after E3" a little bit later would've worked, too.

It's okay to tell people things like that. They're not your enemy and this is not about some top secret game. It's about a PC-compatible driver for the new controller you spent millions on (which makes the wait even more ridiculous). This wouldn't have hurt anyone.

I hear you. Up until recently, all we really could say is "it's coming soon and we're working on it" - no intention to be cagey or obtuse. I've learned the hard way not to speculate until we have something solid. This it not, despite the perception, something we don't care about. People have been working on this to deliver the experience you want, but we didn't have a concrete date. It's getting closer to being able to give you something real.


I hear you. Up until recently, all we really could say is "it's coming soon and we're working on it" - no intention to be cagey or obtuse. I've learned the hard way not to speculate until we have something solid. This it not, despite the perception, something we don't care about. People have been working on this to deliver the experience you want, but we didn't have a concrete date. It's getting closer to being able to give you something real.

What we're asking is, why couldn't you say any more than that? Why can't you say when we'll get an update? We understand what delays are, and we appreciate that they happen. Nobody's going to blame you if a delay happens. We're asking, could you give us a date to look forward to, say, at E3? When do you expect it to happen? Why can't you tell us that?


What we're asking is, why couldn't you say any more than that? Why can't you say when we'll get an update? We understand what delays are, and we appreciate that they happen. Nobody's going to blame you if a delay happens. We're asking, could you give us a date to look forward to, say, at E3? When do you expect it to happen? Why can't you tell us that?

What if they haven't had any idea of the date and have been playing it by ear with the way the drivers are developing? If they're trying to make it so it's as close to 100% compatible to xinput as possible, there could be a lot of little things holding it up and it would make it difficult to lock down even a release window.


Clearly waiting for E3 to announce it alongside Halo 1-3 on PC guys.

God money ready for when this drops


What we're asking is, why couldn't you say any more than that? Why can't you say when we'll get an update? We understand what delays are, and we appreciate that they happen. Nobody's going to blame you if a delay happens. We're asking, could you give us a date to look forward to, say, at E3? When do you expect it to happen? Why can't you tell us that?

Maybe because they don't know?

I'd rather they said nothing than make promises and not keep them.


DS4 works great on pc. But I do want a XB1 controller as well.

last gen i had a DS3 and 360 controller connected to my pc as well ;)

Doesn't work for me. I can control the steam dashboard like my library and anything else, but when I launch a game no buttons seem to be recognized.

If Microsoft is planning some kind of support for windows again it would be good for them to hold off until E3 to show what their doing and than announce that drivers will be ready shortly after the show or during it.


One of my golden rules. Never promise a date you may not meet.
Did they ever promise a date? "Soon" doesn't count driveclub news was supposed to be coming out"soon" like this past January, not to mention valve-time and blizzard "soon"
Eh, either way I'm cautiously excited to hear something about this (please god no new games for windows bs)


I would think they'd be rushing to do this. The controller can actually sway quite a few buyers between platforms, so whichever controller becomes the standard on PC (as 360 was) will offer that platform an advantage.


Then why can't they say that?

And why can't they say why they don't know? What's holding them up?

I hear you. Up until recently, all we really could say is "it's coming soon and we're working on it" - no intention to be cagey or obtuse. I've learned the hard way not to speculate until we have something solid. This it not, despite the perception, something we don't care about. People have been working on this to deliver the experience you want, but we didn't have a concrete date. It's getting closer to being able to give you something real.

Sure they could tell us why but I don't really see why that's necessary. It would probably be along the lines of "it's not working 100% yet".
It's not entitlement I assure. Purely curious. What's the reason they can't tell us?

A somewhat educated guess: Lots and lots and LOTS of testing to make sure it works with the vast majority of games.

Total speculation: Looks like something fun/new getting announced at e3? If it was just 'controller compat' then Albert P wouldn't be teasing something slightly cooler...


A somewhat educated guess: Lots and lots and LOTS of testing to make sure it works with the vast majority of games.

Total speculation: Looks like something fun/new getting announced at e3? If it was just 'controller compat' then Albert P wouldn't be teasing something slightly cooler...

Hm, I wonder.

At any rate I hope we hear by E3. My wired 360 controller is slowly fading.

Wasn't their a report that they weren't going to do Windows Drivers for the Xbox One controller on Neogaf? Was that fake?

Penello came right in that thread and squashed it. Would be really, really odd if he were to do that and then they actually don't ever show up. I'd count on them arriving at some point.


So if I have perfectly working x360 wireless pad with the play and charge kit and wireless dongle, is the new one worthy upgrade anyway ? From what I read the biggest improvement is DPad (which I use rarely and for nonimportant functions) and trigger rumble, which I am not sure if it actually will be supported in PC games.

And if I buy wireless Xbone controller, will it actually work wirelessly with the PC? Is there some dongle included ?


Rubbish.. it's just Microsoft being Microsoft. The decision to release the drivers (and perhaps a wireless dongle for it) will be the footnote on many meetings if it's discussed at all.

It will be lost in the Microsoft meeting grind until someone from "further up" pushes for it. And as we all know Microsoft doesn't give to shits about gaming on Windows unless its a shitty free to play game pushed though the equally shit Microsoft Windows Store.

Microsoft just released a game on Steam yesterday.
A somewhat educated guess: Lots and lots and LOTS of testing to make sure it works with the vast majority of games.

Total speculation: Looks like something fun/new getting announced at e3? If it was just 'controller compat' then Albert P wouldn't be teasing something slightly cooler...

It's not that much cooler. I really don't want anyone to read into my statements.

We haven't said anything because the date was not firm. We have had expectations when it would release, but there are many reasons through development why that could have changed. Now, we're getting close to a date so stay tuned to Major. I may do something on his podcast to give more history.

I'm only stepping in because I wanted people to know it never dropped off our radar.


It's not that much cooler. I really don't want anyone to read into my statements.

We haven't said anything because the date was not firm. We have had expectations when it would release, but there are many reasons through development why that could have changed. Now, we're getting close to a date so stay tuned to Major. I may do something on his podcast to give more history.

I'm only stepping in because I wanted people to know it never dropped off our radar.

Do appreciate you doing that, don't get me wrong. Probably just one of those things.

I would definitely be interested to hearing the hows and whys afterwards, if you don't mind. thanks.


Did they ever promise a date? "Soon" doesn't count driveclub news was supposed to be coming out"soon" like this past January, not to mention valve-time and blizzard "soon"
Eh, either way I'm cautiously excited to hear something about this (please god no new games for windows bs)

They said it would come in 2014. Also pointed out that it's not easy and requires dedicated work to make it seamless to the user. This is back in August of last year, either it got pushed back because it's not a priority for them, or it really just takes a lot of time. All PC gamers want is driver support, please no more windows live or anything like a windows store or some other drm drivel. Give me steam and this controller with driver support, that's it.



It's not that much cooler. I really don't want anyone to read into my statements.

We haven't said anything because the date was not firm. We have had expectations when it would release, but there are many reasons through development why that could have changed. Now, we're getting close to a date so stay tuned to Major. I may do something on his podcast to give more history.

I'm only stepping in because I wanted people to know it never dropped off our radar.

Too late, the articles are going up on Kotaku, IGN, other sites as we speak.

"Director of Product Planning for MS/Xbox confirms something really cool is coming for Xbox One controllers on PC".

And then the comments will be full of speculation like you're doing this for the controllers because you're planning something to support Halo on PC again, special edition controllers etc.
Too late, the articles are going up on Kotaku, IGN, other sites as we speak.

"Director of Product Planning for MS/Xbox confirms something really cool is coming for Xbox One controllers on PC".

And then the comments will be full of speculation like you're doing this for the controllers because you're planning something to support Halo on PC again, special edition controllers etc.

And this is why I post very rarely. That's way too close to true.
Too late, the articles are going up on Kotaku, IGN, other sites as we speak.

"Director of Product Planning for MS/Xbox confirms something really cool is coming for Xbox One controllers on PC".

And then the comments will be full of speculation like you're doing this for the controllers because you're planning something to support Halo on PC again, special edition controllers etc.


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