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Okay, we're halfway through the year, what are the media frontunners for GOTY?

Far Cry 4 could win it on Giant Bomb. FC3 won in 2012, I believe. Destiny will probably scoop up most of the awards, however.

X-com won that year, Far Cry 3 came 3th as far as I recall.

I agree that Destiny is probably going to take the most awards, but South Park: The Stick of Truth seem to have generated nothing but positive buzz, so I could see that taking some awards as well. Dark Souls 2 is the best reviewed game, but a lot of people seem to have soured on it so I don't see it winning a lot.
Half-Life 3

Valve: "SURPRISE motherfuckers!"

Back to reality...Evolve is my dark-horse pick. Edit: COD AW is looking great too so despite the fact I havent liked one of the entries since MW it looks like it could reinvigorate the franchise. However, the media will be creaming itself over Destiny so its a tough call.


Bayonetta 2 is looking fantastic.



It wouldn't be my pick but I'm surprised South Park got forgotten so fast. I figured that would be more of a contender.

I did too, but then I played it. It's an overly easy and short RPG with too many QTES and glitches and too few original jokes instead of ones recycled from the show. I liked the game, but it was a bit of a disappointment. Despite how much it got delayed, it really needed a lot more polish.
Should be: Wolfenstein The New Order

This is just me from seeing mentions of them but not having played: Shovel Knight has a good chance. Divinity: Original Sin for best RPG? Monument Valley for best mobile game.
My personal GOTY happens to be some fps with good gameplay and a good, mature story.

But you're right, a lot of people will give it to Far Cry 4.



Oh, yeah, Far Cry 4 looks really interesting. The mountains are nice, and the villain seems interesting, and then oh my fucking God am I really climbing up another mountain tower to reveal filler-quest icons on my minima-ZzzZZzZzzzzzz


It will be a Ubisoft game. Yeah, I'm sure Far Cry 4 will have fun gameplay but its design will probably wear me down to enough negativity that it overshadows.

The Destiny Alpha was the best Bungie game I've played since Myth II: Soulblighter.

I need to get on this antitrop hype then. But then I have to buy a PS4. Hmm, now might be the time...I passed my exams (might curry some parent favour) and should be getting some paid work soon.
It's probably going to come down between Destiny, FC4, DA:I. Nothing so far released screams clear favorite. Not even Titanfall, but it might be in the race regardless. Dark horse might be Evolve.

Probably something shootery and boring. Not Titanfall though, it launched too early in the year.

My personal GOTY is probably Shovel Knight, unless usurped by No Man's Sky.

Launching early shouldn't be an issue if a game is good, memorable enough. See ME2 or Portal 2 for ex. They won lot of awards despite launching early. Question, is TF good, memorable enough?


Well, guess I need to start paying more attention to Destiny.

The persistent online aspect kept me at bay, but I guess the Alpha must have been really good to garner all this praise.


Has anyone mentioned Divinity: Original Sin yet? No?

Well, I guess it's not out until Monday but goddamn, the first quarter of the game is the best RPG we've seen in years. Not that the press will notice. Ah well.

PC only?
Hardcore RPG?

Mainstream press won't give a shit unfortunately.


Far Cry 4 could win it on Giant Bomb. FC3 won in 2012, I believe. Destiny will probably scoop up most of the awards, however.

Doubt it, FC4 looks like a blatant case of "let's just make the same game again guys!" that will probably hurt it's overall reception/metascore relative to FC3.


It's gonna be Destiny.

That game is locked into that position. It just HAS to be. Like it's...like it's been chosen before or something.

Like it's... like it has a certain... like as if it doesn't matter what we do, it will achieve this. Like there's some...crap, there's gotta be a word for what I'm describing. There probably isn't, though. Not in English anyway.

Edit: FATE!
For the incredible amount of hype that Titanfall had, it died incredibly fast. Mario Kart 8 has too many issues. Infamous SS maybe? I'm not entirely sure how well it was received.

For the second half of the year, I'm personally hoping for Bayonetta 2. Destiny could be a contender, and Call of Duty AW looks to be quite a step up from Ghosts.
The Destiny Alpha was the best Bungie game I've played since Myth II: Soulblighter.

It must be a LOT more fun to play than it is to watch. The gameplay footage is a straight up snooze-fest. I like hearing good things about it though bc Im hoping to be proven wrong....
Has anyone mentioned Divinity: Original Sin yet? No?

Well, I guess it's not out until Monday but goddamn, the first quarter of the game is the best RPG we've seen in years. Not that the press will notice. Ah well.

This would be one of my personal "wishful thinking" picks.
so far? maybe Titanfall gets some votes, but I can't see that being a big favorite by the end of the year.

Rest of the year: Destiny, Dragon Age, "wait-for-2015"

I'm putting my bets on "wait-for-2015" currently


It's gonna be Destiny.

So we can all agree that GOTY means nothing right? Only way Destiny gets GOTY is if Game means something new in 2014. Just because there is an insane marketing spend for the game it does not make it good. You all played the preview version. Do you really think a few months will change much? Not hatin on Destiny as it will probably be decent, but no way in hell it's GOTY 2014.

But the again this is the games media...
It must be a LOT more fun to play than it is to watch. The gameplay footage is a straight up snooze-fest. I like hearing good things about it though bc Im hoping to be proven wrong....
Yeah, just from watching the gameplay I haven't seen anything to top Wolfenstein. Maybe the dancing is just that good? :p


So we can all agree that GOTY means nothing right? Only way Destiny gets GOTY is if Game means something new in 2014. Just because there is an insane marketing spend for the game it does not make it good. You all played the preview version. Do you really think a few months will change much? Not hatin on Destiny as it will probably be decent, but no way in hell it's GOTY 2014.

But the again this is the games media...

You touched on it. GOTY and sales success are mainly based on marketing dollars.

Of course, there are exceptions, but you see many bad and mediocre games achieve success primarily through marketing alone.


If Destiny is half of what I anticipate, it'll take it.

I am also super-excited for Dragon Age: Inquisition, too. Not sure how I'm going to juggle my workload, Destiny, and Dragon Age all within weeks.


So we can all agree that GOTY means nothing right? Only way Destiny gets GOTY is if Game means something new in 2014. Just because there is an insane marketing spend for the game it does not make it good. You all played the preview version. Do you really think a few months will change much? Not hatin on Destiny as it will probably be decent, but no way in hell it's GOTY 2014.

But the again this is the games media...

This is a really shitty year videogame-wise.


Should Left Behind be eligible? It's certainly deserving of such an honor, but there's no precedence for DLC being treated like a full game. I guess we'll cross that bridge later.
Looking back at the previous generation media picks from Cheesemeister.

2013: The Last of Us(with a lot of GTAV
2012: The Walking Dead(with plenty of Journey)
2011: Skyrim
2010: Mass Effect 2(RDR was close)
2009: Uncharted 2
2008: GTA4/Fallout 3
2007: Bioshock/Super Mario Galaxy

With the exception of 2012, the most GotY votes go to:

-Big AAA games, not mid-tier retail titles, downloadables, or indie productions
-90+ Metacritic
-Readily accessible to a wide variety of people, since these things are voted on consensus. Games with really deep/obtuse mechanics like the fighting game genre or DOTA2 or Platinum Games need not apply
-Can not be a handheld game, because as we all know handheld games are lesser than console/PC games. Preferably, it won't be exclusive to PC either, cuz PCs are weird and you gotta upgrade them all the time and shit and just who has the time cuz comfy couch
-Single player, because that way everyone can have the same experience to vote on instead of the crapshoot that is other people *shudders*
-Shooting people in the face/non-Nintendo games, with the rare exception of SMG and Skyrim
-Can't be an UbiSoft open-world game, which despite being factory-produced by 1,000 robots annually to hit all these marks, are just too damn bland and repetitive to win
-Must be able to sustain its popularity throughout the year. You can release early in the year(ME2, Portal 2, TLOU, RDR, Journey all came out in the first half of their respective years), but if a big critical backlash forms around you like Bioshock Infinite or Mass Effect 3, its like all the previous points on the checklist don't matter and gaming publications will pretend they didn't give it a 9/10 earlier in the year.

2012 is different because it had no game that met all those criteria. Mass Effect 3 came the closet, but the backlash was so fierce it was like its AAA multi-platform single player shooting people in the face 93 metacritic resume didn't matter. Far Cry 3 was an UbiSoft game. Thus it fell to some indie darlings to win because fuck all else was out there. It was kinda like when No Country for Old Men won and people thought the Academy has changed their ways. No stupid, it was because they wasn't a The King's Speech or the Artist released that year.

So going by this metric, the best possible contender is...Dragon Age 3: We Don't Suck This Time We Promise edition.


From what I've seen of Bayonetta 2 it seems to have a good chance. Otherwise I'm guessing Destiny, Dark Souls 2, smash bros or maaaybe Watchdogs/Asscreed Unity?


I hate to say it, but I think DW8 complete is the best game thats come out so far this year. Infamous Second Son is fun too, but even to 100% the game is so damn short.


I wouldn't be surprised if Wolfenstein gets a nod here and there, not a win, but at least some recognition.

I think Titanfall is all but forgotten at a lot of outlets.

I'll personally be pissed off if Second Son doesn't get a nod here and there, it's possibly the best open world game this year, unless Unity really shines. That's not including GTAV.
After playing so many hours of the Alpha, I'm expecting it to be Destiny. What a polished game that was.

And I'm echoing the Master Chief Collection statements. It's all of the Halo I grew up with. How could that not be the best thing this year?

Winter John

Child Of light deserves to get a mention. I thought that was a very good game. Otherwise Destiny will probably get a lot of awards this year. Maybe Dragon Age, but I'm taking a wait and see approach to that one due to Bioware's recent history.
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