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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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This is awesome and surprisingly fitting of her.
As expected of mai waifu.

Uuuuggggghhhh, this season is a complete wash :/

Absolutely nothing of value.


Comes out on my Birthday too. A sign?!

Anything that gives us that certain navel webm must be quality anime. I should watch those OVAs someday.
They are... Interesting. I think you will find some enjoyment out of them.

You get one minute with her while she recites some in-game jargon.
A minute of non-stop Miyukichi?!

Gotta do it for the wife.
God speed.

Inertia yo. #AnimePhysics

Wait a minute, does that mean it would have originally been a Gainax property?
I think Aniplex must have been involved fairly early on, they were probably aware of the studio hijinks too.
Also, KLK had several hundred people work on it. Bloated as fuck production. But of course when Imaishi was in Gainax nothing was actually made and everything was in pre-production so there is no need for many people at all.

Meanwhile in the world of KLK BD re-writes:

:Lucas :Kojima

Haha seeing all the arguments over that one damm scene was so good. How they even mess something like that up during the production process.
They didn't 'mess it up' the script changed. If anything this is evidence of Jex's theory as we'll ever get.


Maturity, bitches.
Oh god, watching Red Nose Reindeer with an audience is amazing.
Best episode is one of the few things I voted for in that joke of a award show. Glad my top pick was runner up.

-Yoshitsugu Matsuoka's (Kirito VA) top three favorite episodes were:
3.Episode 3
Even he knows how good it was.

Watching Kirito be completely useless at saving everyone, SAOSuicide.gif and to top it off the conga party that bursts into his room at the end sining Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer while he is trying to mope. Ah, good times.

Also I like how the US site made a big deal about announcing the results at the con when the Japanese site already revealed the winners ages ago.
No Game No Life 12


And the fun comes to an end for now.

I liked this last 'video game' battle, but not so sure about the rest. Yeah, there's some funny bits and references, but all this explaining all the time. Either if it's game rules, how they planned stuff or how they managed to win there's always lots of mostly boring explanation. And everything always goes according to plan, even when it seems that they misjudged or didn't think of something it's always "Oh, we planned to do that". Not liking Sora much either because of this, it makes him look like a smug ass, even more so than Keima in The World God Only Knows if I had to compare him to somebody. A lot of the other characters are alright though. My viewing situation isn't optimal, so I couldn't hear the music most of the time (maybe I would have enjoyed it more then?). The OP and ED sounded alright though.

Feel a bit conflicted since it started to get better at the end, but I give it 3.5/8 game pieces:


Meanwhile in the world of KLK BD re-writes:


I'm now wondering whether the errors we're noticing in the story had less to do with Nakashima and more to do with Imaishi not keeping a tight control on what was going on.

I mean come the fuck on at this. This was like the pivotal scene.

How does something like this happen but take so long unless everybody was smoking blunts in a room and saying,"Yo dawg you know what would be awesome, some girls nekkid and the clothes are like aliens. Sexy time for everyone".


How does something like this happen but take so long unless everybody was smoking blunts in a room and saying,"Yo dawg you know what would be awesome, some girls nekkid and the clothes are like aliens. Sexy time for everyone".

This pretty much sounds like how I imagine Imaishi in particular works, so...


How does something like this happen but take so long unless everybody was smoking blunts in a room and saying,"Yo dawg you know what would be awesome, some girls nekkid and the clothes are like aliens. Sexy time for everyone".
I want that scene in the making-of!
Sailor Moon Crystal 1

I liked the eyecatches. Not the music or the CG. But other than that. it's like... the first episode redone in this new style. I don't know why, but Umino seems more annoying now than before. Maybe because I don't want to hear him at like 2 in the morning.

Mamoru's voice seems to be working well (but seriously Ms. Bump Head? Crunchy pls) We're seeing some Ami next time, and hey, Usagi is still talking about a bald spot on a cat. It's the Sailor Moon I recall experiencing last year, that's for sure.

And the fact that Tuxedo RAMASAMA did less was also great.


Sailor Moon Crystal Episode 1:

That was, pretty good actually, and certainly less shitty then I was expecting. Yea, it still bears some of the sores of the troubled production and questionable direction but this was still a pretty good adaptation of the first episode. One of the most striking things I found is how faithful the original anime episode 1 is to the source material given how much that would change. Also, I don't want to strangle Crystal Usagi as much, that alone is worth the price of admission.


Sailor Moon Crystal 1

No toast, 0 out of 5.


My face when no toast...

That was actually better than I was expecting. I haven't watched Sailor Moon in...at least 10 years so I don't have a super direct comparison but it was fun to remember the bits and pieces in my mind. The transformation still looks pretty bad but the rest looks fine. Should be fun to continue this and then watch the original after.


Isn't it just great that we're at the point where your show doesn't just not have to be fully-animated by air time, but not fully-written either?
More like they spoiled the end of the first half way earlier than intended.

A fuck up is still a fuck up though. It's why we all knew who it was before the show itself figured it out, after all.


Sailor Moon Crystal 1

No toast, 0 out of 5.

That was actually better than I was expecting. I haven't watched Sailor Moon in...at least 10 years so I don't have a super direct comparison but it was fun to remember the bits and pieces in my mind. The transformation still looks pretty bad but the rest looks fine. Should be fun to continue this and then watch the original after.

Episode 1 of the original anime is on Hulu so you can make a comparison pretty easily if so desired.
Phi Brain S3 21

I'm calling shenanigans, no way is
Rook actually dead
and even if he really is, that's just more reason for Kaito to become the Phi brain and
go back in time to prevent his death

Still that was a very good episode first really good one in awhile
Accurate reaction after watching such a great episode with this bullsh*t twist
( oh no , i lied to you and the puzzle is not what you think it is )

Phi Brain S3 23

Another all girls party at a hotel

and no hot spring scene?!

Yeah but you can't make a hot spring scene because anna.
(not that i mind )

Phi Brain S3 Fin

Overall I thought this was the weakest season of Phi Brain, but it did feel like a good finale for the series. How they beat Orpheus was really weak, but the actual solution to the puzzle game was clever... too bad it had no real impact :/

All in all I really did enjoy Phi Brain all 3 seasons of it were a lot of fun.

This season of phi brain was much fanservice.
ratzel was great overall , but enigma sucked , enigma lasted too long and his reveal, his motivations sucked. JIn momenty were fine , and his orpheus moments were awesome... it's just too bad that the pay-off weren't as good as one would have hoped when you compare it to S1 and S2 finales.

S3 did provide several tag matches and some very great battle royales.
The pyramid puzzle was great stuff and the jin deadly puzzles most entertaining. So the highlights were very phi-brain like.
It was a great season, better than S1 IMO and inferior to S2 even if both had IMO lackluster finales after all that build-up. S3 just leave a bitter taste AFTER that ep 24.
You have that awesome time labyrinth with all those possibilities to MAKE the perfect ending and you just throw that away ? I get it that puzzling is fun , but that's not what i expect after 3 seasons. Especially when you used the same them for S2

But phi brain is well worth the ride regardless.


Soon. So close.

I'm going to fall asleep before it airs and miss the live discussion.

Oh well it's only sword art online.


Utena - 02

Forgot to post my impressions yesterday.

One thing that I noticed now is Ikuhara's used of triggered music. In Mawaru Penguindrum, it was
the Seizon Senryaku
and here, we have the
entrance to the dual arena
. I guess the difference is what while there may have been no meaning to
Rock Over Japan
, it doesn't seem to be the case in Utena. At the very least, the song seems somewhat prophetic (certainly ominous).

Also not sure if I should make anything out of the colors of people's hair. Might be a red herring (i.e. it's nothing but typical anime trope) but let's see. Yes, it's already 2 episodes in and I'm noticing the recycled footage but I honestly don't mine (yet!)

One thing I find a bit odd (not sure if it's intention) is that while clearly a bit oblivious to everything, Utena
still recites the plea to the sword when she draws it from Anthy
. Why? There was no real indication that she was aware
of its importance

Wakaba is great.

Next episode looks interesting. Btw: should I avoid the next episode previews when watching this show? Is it as bad as Legend of Galactic Heroes where absolutely fucking major plot points can be spoiled?

Did I mention how deliciously 90s the OP is? I love it.


Jarmel's Anime Expo visit is the gift that keeps on giving, nice!

-KLK took 5 years from start to finish, started after TTGL movies. I have no clue how long this damn show took. I've heard 3 and now I'm hearing 5.
I don't understand how both these things can be true simultaneously. How do you take forever on a project and still only finish it at the last second? If production took so long, why does the series feel so uneven and the story feel like it was hastily stitched together at the last moment?
I think we should make a distinction between planning stages, pre-production and actual production of the content to make the situation understandable; Mr. Ōtsuka already explained that concepts about this project were being thrown around since the last Mr. Imaishi & Mr. Nakashima collaboration in TTGL, but lot of redoes were in tow with such complex prospect and clashing of crazy ideas, and TRIGGER Inc., didn't establish a full production team until Spring of 2012 (http://www.studio-trigger.com/special-1.html). That makes sense of the difference in time spans being mentioned.

Add to it that creating a studio's infrastructure at the same time multiple works are devised skews a little the usual perspective of what a "normal" production (by normal I mean what we actually know through examples, like in the famous 'Bamboo Blade schedule' one) should be.


It will be.

Reassuring to hear that, thanks.

Shigurui 1-2: Man oh man, why didn't I discover this series earlier? It has Hamsaki written all over it, digging pretty much everything about it so far. Also this artstyle looks pretty similar, if not the same, as the upcoming Terra Formars adaption, very nice.

For me the initial episodes were a bit too much on the slow side but I thought it really picked up by episode 5. If you like it by now you should love the rest as it only gets better. Though don't get your hopes for a very conclusive ending as the anime only adopted about half of the manga.

Kyousougiga 8

For a moment there, I thought this is gonna go full Madoka on me. Phew

I'm starting to run out of words of praise to laud this show. It's been on a very consistent streak of great episodes since the fifth and this one was no different. Greatly paced, with lots of twists, turns and finally some long awaited answers . My prediction about Inari being an impostor suffered an ignominious defeat. :lol
Finally some insights on the Shrine but thankfully they don't seem to be your traditional villains.
Koto's and Yakushimaru's relationship has always been the highlight of series for me and here the events brought it to the fore again.
I can only hope that his help in getting her out of her slump won't mean she will feel obligated to fulfill that twisted promise.
Episode looked as great as ever. I really love the color palette they are using.


Sailor Moon Crystal 1
Loved everything except the 3D transformation.

It's actually almost exactly like chapter 1 of the manga (I have the whole collection), except she doesn't have the mask when transformed (which has the power to see when someone's in trouble). I enjoyed it, and look forward to 2 weeks time for the next one.



stylish. I like it. Best girl doing impossible things.

Haha, didn't even thought at that scene, but you're right. Both shows have to play in the same world with the same weird physics.Yama no Susume


Nothing for Summer looks interesting to me outside of Tokyo Ghoul and Terror in Tokyo, so I think I'm gonna be watching through Darker than BLACK.

I will shorten that series to TiT

I hope they redraw like 75% of Mekakucity Actors for the bluray then. I actually enjoyed the show but it's super rough looking by Shaft's standards lol

You gotta be fucking kidding me. That's fucking ridiculous.

Oh Shaft. The left looks like the enhanced version LOL

WTF is wrong with this studio

Shaft is the greatest. Most intriguing studio that exists. You never know what to expect. I love that.

No Game No Life 12

And the fun comes to an end for now.

I liked this last 'video game' battle, but not so sure about the rest. Yeah, there's some funny bits and references, but all this explaining all the time. Either if it's game rules, how they planned stuff or how they managed to win there's always lots of mostly boring explanation. And everything always goes according to plan, even when it seems that they misjudged or didn't think of something it's always "Oh, we planned to do that". Not liking Sora much either because of this, it makes him look like a smug ass, even more so than Keima in The World God Only Knows if I had to compare him to somebody. A lot of the other characters are alright though. My viewing situation isn't optimal, so I couldn't hear the music most of the time (maybe I would have enjoyed it more then?). The OP and ED sounded alright though.

Feel a bit conflicted since it started to get better at the end, but I give it 3.5/8 game pieces:

Damn. I have a much different view of the series. Loved it completely.

Wine grape juice.

Lumiere would be so proud!


Maturity, bitches.
Sailor Moon Crystal 1

Never really watched the original so this is basically all new to me but:
OP will never beat the original
Melvin should be called Melvin.
No Game No Life 12

And the fun comes to an end for now.

I liked this last 'video game' battle, but not so sure about the rest. Yeah, there's some funny bits and references, but all this explaining all the time. Either if it's game rules, how they planned stuff or how they managed to win there's always lots of mostly boring explanation. And everything always goes according to plan, even when it seems that they misjudged or didn't think of something it's always "Oh, we planned to do that". Not liking Sora much either because of this, it makes him look like a smug ass, even more so than Keima in The World God Only Knows if I had to compare him to somebody. A lot of the other characters are alright though. My viewing situation isn't optimal, so I couldn't hear the music most of the time (maybe I would have enjoyed it more then?). The OP and ED sounded alright though.

Feel a bit conflicted since it started to get better at the end, but I give it 3.5/8 game pieces:

I thought a lot of people were high on this show? I started it last night and the first two episodes have not done much to grab me.


Now, I have only watched the first three episodes, but doesn't that make Ryuuko out to be a huge moron?

I'd say more Trigger but yeah it does. I can't even remember why she thought it was Satsuki on the first place apart from seeing the shadow so changing it to Nui makes the first 14 episodes moot.


Tokyo Ghoul - 01

Haha. This almost started out like one of these weird harem anime and then just goes dark. I dunno, I guess I'll keep watching.
Hayate No Gotoku Oav A

All HAIL Norio wakamoto as the narrator !

i could have giffed that dream scene but i don't wanna trouble but gooddam if this wasn't great. N.wakamoto is trully the BEST to give a voice to objects..trully a master of his kind.
Best part of this episode was without a doubt the hinagiku part complete with the tease that we'll NEVER see the athena arc fully animated ( Seriously guys ! that's what OAVS are for !! ) but it doesn't matter since the hinagiku curse side story is on screen !!!

Remember , anime leads ! Always knock before entering !

I don't want to flood the thread with gifs , so Here is to you , cajun! : GIFT

Dat Oav was awesome, wanna make me read hayate manag all over again !
This episode , the excited and depicted animal ears motions when hinagiku was talking was perfect. GIVE ME MORE


Automotive and volleyball son.
Those are second and third place. I mean, automotive club has the goodness that is Hoshino and Volleyball club seems to touch my weird festish for sport uniforms, but History club is great all around.
I also love Prez very much. She is great. This MMD fits her well.

But it get's messy when it comes to international level (or national level, I dunno). Brits are certainly the best school, closedly followed by the russians and their kickass song.
shirogane no ishi first episode.. was...... really uninteresting..
first show of summer for me and this will be most likely a drop...
military fighting with "normal" robot, protagonist finds a bishoujo and helps her, bishoujo has super weapon (robot) and changes the tides of war.... you can do better japan...
bakumatsu rock first episode... gghghghgh CLEARLY not for me.. thanks but no thanks japan...


How does something like this happen but take so long unless everybody was smoking blunts in a room and saying,"Yo dawg you know what would be awesome, some girls nekkid and the clothes are like aliens. Sexy time for everyone".

Well, that is how they made Black Rock Shooter TV after all. Imaishi just isn't a good director. Sooner people accept that, the better. :p
Well, that is how they made Black Rock Shooter TV after all. Imaishi just isn't a good director. Sooner people accept that, the better. :p
I'm still convinced that everything that happenned in BRS TV was intentionnal.

As a tale that had the theme "suffering" everything was 100% accurate.
Hello Community :eek:

That's my first time here. I want to get back into anime a bit. I used to watch a lot of them 8-10 years ago. Then I decreased their consumption and now I'm trying to get back into it. I've read the (great) OP and I'm gonna try Space Dandy because Watanabe. I'm looking for epic grand story sagas like CB Bebop (#1 ever for me) or Gankutsuou or Code Geass. The most recent animes I've watched are: K-On, Higashi no Eden (dat Oasis feel), Gurren Laggan, voilà.
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