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Summer 2014 Anime |OT| this thread has been outsourced to Toei Phils

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Some more minor things from today:

-Sushio has a pretty playful personality. Nakashima and the Trigger producer guy were saying that they were going to work him when he gets back to Japan for Ep.25 but he said he's already done.... in his mind. He also played around with the audience and staff members a bit. At the end of the event, he even pulled up his shirt a bit. Real life Belly Button Forte.
-Tattun and Wakabayshi were in the back of the line for the KLK event. I laughed and joked to Tattun about it. I guess they just wanted footage of the lines?
-English dub cast was at KLK event but didn't do anything.
-Yuzuki and Koshimizue were in the cosplay for their respective characters.
-Kawahara and abec were both in Hawaii shirts. I have no clue why.
-Yoshitsugu Matsuoka's (Kirito VA) top three favorite episodes were:
3.Episode 3
2.Episode 24 because of how Kirito might die in real life and portraying that
1.Episode 22 for the sorry scene in that he really had to convey the emotional damage and Kirito's state of mind.
Some more minor things from today:

-Yoshitsugu Matsuoka's (Kirito VA) top three favorite episodes were:
3.Episode 3
2.Episode 24 because of how Kirito might die in real life and portraying that
1.Episode 22 for the sorry scene in that he really had to convey the emotional damage and Kirito's state of mind.

Holy shit


you such a dramabear :p

I feed on it. (also she's the best)
Uuuuggggghhhh, this season is a complete wash :/

Absolutely nothing of value.








Another OVA? Fuck yeah.


Sort of asked, he completely dodged.

-Watanabe and Minami kept in touch about possible projects.
-Satake auditioned for Honey initially. Watanabe said she wasn't sexy enough.
-Minami said pictures(animation) are way better than Season 1.
-CN decided to air this last October.
-Animators around the world wanted to work with Watanabe due to Cowboy Bebop
-Minami planned Space Dandy and had to find partners. Role of producer does everything.
-Satake's favorite episode was 13. Loved to work with Hirano.

Wow, that's crazy.


Sort of asked, he completely dodged.

-Watanabe and Minami kept in touch about possible projects.
-Satake auditioned for Honey initially. Watanabe said she wasn't sexy enough.
-Minami said pictures(animation) are way better than Season 1.
-CN decided to air this last October.
-Animators around the world wanted to work with Watanabe due to Cowboy Bebop
-Minami planned Space Dandy and had to find partners. Role of producer does everything.
-Satake's favorite episode was 13. Loved to work with Hirano.

Woah what? Wow.


Need to know what your stance is on that comment for me to properly respond lol. Granted I watched all of Elfen and more than half of Brynhildr so the amount of stupid stacked with those shows in comparison to the one ep of Tokyo Ghoul, but it actually felt more smartly written in comparison (as far as introductory episodes go). We'll see by the next couple of eps though.

I mean, it may be technically true that Tokyo Ghoul is less stupid then Elfen Lied and Brynhander, that's kind of like saying being stabbed to death is less painful than bearing burnt alive - it's accurate, but doesn't really tell the full story. Talk about setting the bar low!


The problem with Ghoul is that the story is pretty much pulled by having this great MC, seeing him grow and adapt but the issue with episode 1 is by cutting his monologues the staff has effectively destroyed anything that the source material's narrative was trying to say. I doubt they'll rectify this in upcoming episodes either given it being one cour which is a real shame.
Tokyo Ghoul 1

Whelp this guy was crushing hard on not 1 but 2 different girls who both who would have wanted his d... along with the rest of his tasty flesh. This is a very different kind of seinen series, seems like it could be really cool. Dark and tense, will have to see where things go from here.


-KLK took 5 years from start to finish, started after TTGL movies. I have no clue how long this damn show took. I've heard 3 and now I'm hearing 5.
-Names in KLK come from a lot of old proverbs
-Final episode finished several hours before airtime
-Mako VA acts like Mako, Koshimizu claims she's slightly annoying. Would wipe her nose on her pants or bother the manager of a restaurant, stuff Mako would do.
-Elite 4 VAs would encourages Yuzuki, especially Nonon

I don't understand how both these things can be true simultaneously. How do you take forever on a project and still only finish it at the last second? If production took so long, why does the series feel so uneven and the story feel like it was hastily stitched together at the last moment?

| wonder if they'll ever explain their earlier iterations of the storyline e.g. the "post apocalypse" stuff mentioned in the early previews.


I don't understand how both these things can be true simultaneously. How do you take forever on a project and still only finish it at the last second? If production took so long, why does the series feel so uneven and the story feel like it was hastily stitched together at the last moment?

| wonder if they'll ever explain their earlier iterations of the storyline e.g. the "post apocalypse" stuff mentioned in the early previews.

How can you make a show that parodies old anime without parodying their production problems?


I mean, it may be technically true that Tokyo Ghoul is less stupid then Elfen Lied and Brynhander, that's kind of like saying being stabbed to death is less painful than bearing burnt alive - it's accurate, but doesn't really tell the full story. Talk about setting the bar low!

Hey man, I'd totally take being stabbed over getting burned alive, no question!
Gonna watch the K movie premier tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect. And hopefully I get there early enough. It seems 2 hours early is no longer good enough.



The visuals were quite depressing. I was against the pre-airing hate but now that I've seen it, I'm very likely to drop it lol. If you're gonna be fan-service centric, at least animate well... I'd even take drawn well, but a lot of shots look off-model. No part of this show seems like it was made by people who really believe in the show, or like trains for that matter. Looks like it'll just be another bleh light novel adaptation.
I don't understand how both these things can be true simultaneously. How do you take forever on a project and still only finish it at the last second? If production took so long, why does the series feel so uneven and the story feel like it was hastily stitched together at the last moment?

| wonder if they'll ever explain their earlier iterations of the storyline e.g. the "post apocalypse" stuff mentioned in the early previews.

People MUST have been really spread thin if they working on P&S simultaneously. I mean, how big can Imaishi's team be?

Wait a minute, does that mean it would have originally been a Gainax property?


The Light of El Cantare
No part of this show seems like it was made by people who really believe in the show, or like trains for that matter. Looks like it'll just be another bleh light novel adaptation.

Half of the OP is seriously just "how many angles can we shoot this static CG model of a train from?" If this show is actually catering in part to train otaku, the studio clearly believes that they're going to watch unconditionally.



The Light of El Cantare
Oh yeah, that's all footage from the first episode behind the trains. It's either an incomplete placeholder OP, or that's some extreme apathy and incompetence.


Yes they did and I think most people will be pleased with it. That sword fighting bit that I saw earlier during the concert was the OP.

It's not really storyboarded that well except for the action bits. Like the swordfighting vs bullets looks better than anything in SAO, funnily enough. Kirito does this twirl move that looks slick as fuck.

Also lol at Kirito having a lightsaber this arc.
What? Even now this fucker brings a sword to a gunfight? Come on!


Ha so you're on the side that didn't like it. Care to elaborate, so I get better idea what I'm getting myself into.
Just curious, what made it awful for you? With it's frequent use of name dropping and unnecessary quoting I can see a major gripe but I wouldn't call it awful because of it. Though I've seen the QUALITY screencaps from its tv airtime, and was shocked by it (I watched the BD's).
Well I suppose I should explain. I have myriad problems with Psycho Pass. Here's a handful that I can remember clearly:

- The series looked awful when it aired. One of the ugliest shows I've seen from Production I.G., especially for a "tent-pole" release. I'm not just talking about the animation errors, I'm also referring to the lighting, the colouring, the background art and especially the composition. The composition, and especially the colouring, just made the show look terrible:

- The animation, while occasionally impressive, was largely average with bouts of being completely appalling.

- The writing...well I have a lot of issues with the writing. The laziest way to describe it would be baby's first cyberpunk story, which neatly encapsulates quite a few problems the show has but I will go into more detail. The problem is that the science fiction aspects are never really explored in a particularly interesting or rich way because the story is either focused on dumb action, dumb crimes, or philosophical nonsense.

- Lets talk about our proto-gonist, Akane. The whole conceit of her character is that she's a genius who could do anything but for the sake of naivety and JusticeTM she ends up working as a cop. The problem here is that the audience needs to be told everything about how the world works 'cus it's scifi, so usually in these kinds of stories the hero is a character who knows nothing (amnesia perhaps, or he's travelled in time, or some other dumb conceit) so he can ask people questions about how the world works so the audience knows. But Akane-Hana-Kana-Chan is a super genius so she should know everything, but she acts like she doesn't and has to keep asking people and being informed by people how stuff works that she should already know. This goes on, episode by episode, for weeks.

Or, as mac put it:
mAcOdIn said:
From seemingly not understanding how the Sybil system works and how it affects people, to not understanding how people's mood and emotion can change as well as their hue despite seemingly writing a paper on it, to basic shit relating to her job, she just comes off as stupid.
More here.

- Leaving aside characterisation because, frankly, everyone else in the show is pretty poorly written, lets move on to the other problems with the writing. No one talks like a human being in this series which is why none of the characters resemble actual people. There are three main things characters talk about: the case at hand, how stuff works in the future (exposition) and philosophy. People will just casually launch into conversations about the nature of Justice and Freedom at the drop of a hat and everyone sounds like they're reading from a pre-written speech on the subject. It never feels organically integrated into the characters or the story. Or as I said earlier:

In what I'm discovering is fairly typical Urobuchi style, everything that happens is extremely predictable. If you think a certain character is going to do X and then do Y that's probably exactly what plays out in the story. Whether or not this is a 'problem' with his writing style is up to you, I suppose, but it's not a very attractive feature in a series that's firmly rooted in the police procedural genre.

More problematic than that is his attachment to exposition-heavy dialogue, something which is theoretically a hold-over from this days of working on visual-novels. I'm not simply referring to the kind of exposition that goes on, at length, to explain various aspects of the world. I'm also talking about character exposition, a slightly different kind of exposition. The nub of the matter is this - far too often characterisation is achieved not through naturalistic dialogue or action but through long-winded speeches that explain every aspect of their own personal philosophy. They literally explain everything about themselves and why the act as they do. Not only does this make for some really unrealistic (and long) conversations but it's also extremely lazy. A better, subtler writer, would use dialogue about between characters to allow us to indirectly infer to give us some insight into their character, or we'd learn about the character through the actions they perform. Literally having them explain themselves is the worst possible option.

- As a result of all this pointless chin-waging between characters it feels like whole episodes are wasted as heroes and villains wax lyrical about freedom and name drop sci-fi writers and philosophers like they're teenagers. The pacing is atrocious.


Thanks for the response, I agree with nearly everything you've mentioned, though I suppose I was able to stomach it 'cause the fun looking action appealed to me, as I haven't seen a decent action series since Noragami (Kill la Kill, more like Tween la Tween).
This also reminded me of that stupid as hell holo-net crap that was in the early episodes
and lol the futuristic cyber-Buffalo Bill.

PP Season 2 is gonna synergize well with Terra Formars as the Fall train that goes off its tracks.


People MUST have been really spread thin if they working on P&S simultaneously. I mean, how big can Imaishi's team be?

Wait a minute, does that mean it would have originally been a Gainax property?

Good question. Maybe they were planning it at the same time they were planing to leave Gainax anyway?


Good question. Maybe they were planning it at the same time they were planing to leave Gainax anyway?

Maybe at that stage it was merely notes of ideas being passed back and forth between Imaishi and Nakahara during their bathroom breaks.


Yeah thanks for that Jexhius.

More problematic than that is his attachment to exposition-heavy dialogue, something which is theoretically a hold-over from this days of working on visual-novels. I'm not simply referring to the kind of exposition that goes on, at length, to explain various aspects of the world. I'm also talking about character exposition, a slightly different kind of exposition. The nub of the matter is this - far too often characterisation is achieved not through naturalistic dialogue or action but through long-winded speeches that explain every aspect of their own personal philosophy. They literally explain everything about themselves and why the act as they do. Not only does this make for some really unrealistic (and long) conversations but it's also extremely lazy. A better, subtler writer, would use dialogue about between characters to allow us to indirectly infer to give us some insight into their character, or we'd learn about the character through the actions they perform. Literally having them explain themselves is the worst possible option.

I'm going to really hate this about the show that's for sure.


I'm going to really hate this about the show that's for sure.

If you're interested in Psycho-Pass for its cyberpunk action I'd really recommend instead checking out Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, if you haven't already done so!


The Light of El Cantare
Bakumatsu Rock 1

Why even exist when Free! AND Sengoku Basara are both airing in the same season?


If you're interested in Psycho-Pass for its cyberpunk action I'd really recommend instead checking out Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, if you haven't already done so!

Hmm I think I will. I've only seen a couple of episode here and there back in the day on adult swim I believe.


If you're interested in Psycho-Pass for its cyberpunk action I'd really recommend instead checking out Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, if you haven't already done so!
Even if not, GitS is a legend. All people should at least tried it.

Apropos, I don't feel Arise yet. It's nice and all, but something is missing. Also I dislike the artstyle. Not that Motokos torpedos were appealing in SaC, but the faces in Arise are weird.
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