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Microsoft Q4: 1.1M XBO/360 Shipped


Not counting out ms either.. Ps3 managed to recover despite being in deeper shit than what xbone is currently facing.

The PS3 was also severely supply constrained in key regions, which limited its success early on. The XBO has been clogging retail shelves since day one.


If anything, this should tell anyone who intends to buy an Xbone to wait. It will become cheaper, soon. How much depends on Microsoft's level of desperation, so the longer you wait, the better.


The PS3 was also severely supply constrained in key regions, which limited its success early on. The XBO has been clogging retail shelves since day one.

i really really doubt that. the ps3 wasn't going head to head with the gba in 2007 because of supply issues.


Not counting out ms either.. Ps3 managed to recover despite being in deeper shit than what xbone is currently facing.

That talking point has been discredited several times in this thread alone. XB1
is nothing like the PS3 with regards to major markets outside of US/UK. The Xbox brand
cannot count on markets outside those two.
If Xbox goes away, and only PS remains, then all the core gamers console gamers will head to whatever PS console there is. Devs can survive just fine if they adapt to that. It's not good news, but it doesn't mean the end of the industry.

I think MS has brought a lot of change, some good, but a lot of it bad. At this point, I just don't see what they have to offer. They're trying to make the X1 as much a PS4 as they can, which screams redundancy. I'll still buy one for cheap for Halo, but yea, I don't think they have too much of a place going forward.

I'd like to see another company come in and shake things up again, like MS did with the early 360.

The game industry sucks. Why would any company want to get into it? Honestly if MS drops out Sony will control the core console gaming market and they won't have any competition.


The game industry sucks. Why would any company want to get into it? Honestly if MS drops out Sony will control the core console gaming market and they won't have any competition.

Yeah, a one console future is nothing but bad news for the game industry.


That talking point has been discredited several times in this thread alone. XB1
is nothing like the PS3 with regards to major markets outside of US/UK. The Xbox brand
cannot count on markets outside those two.

Not to mention the PS3's primary problem was price, Xbox One started at a somewhat reasonable price, and has already dropped to par with the competition and it's barely helped. In fact it looks like it just moved May sales to June.


Good thing Microsoft has mainland Europe and Japan to fall back on! Just like the PS3.

Their thinking is that the Xbox 360 sold around the same as the PS3 without either Mainland Europe or Japan. The XB1 is already ahead of the 360 in sales (technically true) and if MS can catch fire where they have already been successful they won't need the areas that they haven't been successful before. It would be nice for them, but unnecessary.
You can't compare the XB1 to the PS3, Sony didn't remove the blu-ray drive 8 months after release to gain price parity. Sony have never had a price advantage against the 360 because of the continued packing of the blu-ray drive with their console, but I guess Sony saw the blu-ray as integral to the PS3 experience unlike MS with Kinect.


I dont know man, ps2 era back then was preaty awesome...

Primarily because it had competition that forced Sony not to sit on their laurels.

The PS3 was also severely supply constrained in key regions, which limited its success early on. The XBO has been clogging retail shelves since day one.

What limited the PS3's success was its price, late start, and unexciting exclusives. It wasn't a problem with supply; it was a problem with demand.


No, it isn't. The industry does not need Microsoft in it.
It's actually a good sign, because it means the majority of consumers didn't share Microsoft's vision for a future without private property & privacy, and no amount of marketing could convince them that the weaker, more expensive choice was somehow superior.
Sometimes, the better product wins.

I think this has less to do with Microsoft's vision, and more to do with the market not being able to support three consoles anymore.

i really really doubt that. the ps3 wasn't going head to head with the gba in 2007 because of supply issues.

You're probably right for 2007, but I could have sworn at launch (and a bit after) in Japan and Europe they had shit-all stock, which killed a whole lot of momentum. Especially in Japan. This is the only link I can find right now.

I dont know man, ps2 era back then was preaty awesome...

The PS2 generation also had fresh a competitor spending billions in order to compete and innovate. Who's going to want to invest in this lethargic industry now?


That PS3 launch was great amirite?

Until Sony shows differently I think they'll abuse their position. And its not like Sony is evil or something any company would including MS (they'd love that.

It was pretty great. I got the only console with HDMI output that was able to play 3 generations of games and was half the price of other blu-ray players at $500.

They let me take home what cost them $800 to build for the low price of $500. I'll take that kind of arrogance any time.


You're probably right for 2007, but I could have sworn at launch (and a bit after) in Japan and Europe they had shit-all stock, which killed a whole lot of momentum. Especially in Japan. This is the only link I can find right now.

i do recall that for the first two weeks, even in america, that stock was abnormally low. the ps3 sold less than 200k in november the year it launched. that was definitely due to a lack of stock. however in december, systems were back in stores and while people were buying them, it wasn't an enormous amount. it definitely wasn't a super long lasting, widespread thing like the 360 or ps4 or wii.


US is the big region for it and it sold 2.9m.

UK a over 500-600k.

So it sold 1.5m in the others 11 countries? I don't believe.

France 126k
Germany 100k
Spain 35k
Italy unknown, but projected to be at 150k at the end of 2014 by Ubisoft. Italy is usually slightly lower than Spain as a market, so let's say 30k.
That leaves 1.2M

2014 (till May):
2.02 million Gen8 consoles sold in the aforementioned countries. I doubt the XB1 accounted for more than a 4th of that and that's maybe generous.
So, yeah...

Another way to look at it is US/rest ratio. 60% in 2013. It for sure hasn't dropped below that, likely increased, but keeping that value constant, that would mean the XB1 is at ~4.83M WW.
It was pretty great. I got the only console with HDMI output that was able to play 3 generations of games and was half the price of other blu-ray players at $500.

They let me take home what cost them $800 to build for the low price of $500. I'll take that kind of arrogance any time.

That's all well and great but the 500 SKU was impossible to get and the idea that a 600 dollar console is okay at all doesn't sit well with me. Anyway I'd rather not get into a conversation about a one console future being good or bad.
Yeah, a one console future is nothing but bad news for the game industry.

If people ate up the turd MS was selling back in the beginning and a DRM Kinectified underpowered console future became part of the status quo then it's also very bad news for the game industry. The industry might as well been dead to me anyway.


I dont know man, ps2 era back then was preaty awesome...

That era had lots of great games on all the consoles, the level of hardware power I think is what kept budgets in check and allowed creativity to flourish without so much risk. I didn't have a PS2 (had Xbox and Gamecube) and I look back on that era as fondly as I think PS2 owners look back on it. If third parties had to rely on a single company's success and failure in managing its platform though, then their success and failure would be solely dependant on one company's decisions, which could be risky.

Tommy DJ

That's all well and great but the 500 SKU was impossible to get and the idea that a 600 dollar console is okay at all doesn't sit well with me. Anyway I'd rather not get into a conversation about a one console future being good or bad.

It isn't but Sony probably werent intending to sell a $600 console. The PS3 wasn't really an abuse of position or anything. It was basically an example of failed project management. I really doubt they were really actively trying to fuck people over with a $600 console but rather all of that poorly controlled investment pushed them towards that price. If you look at the development of the PS3, nothing about it makes sense unless you were in the business of trying to build the most amazing piece of hardware possible. Which is why they seemingly threw out the old guard who were focused primarily on hardware.


You can't compare the XB1 to the PS3, Sony didn't remove the blu-ray drive 8 months after release to gain price parity. Sony have never had a price advantage against the 360 because of the continued packing of the blu-ray drive with their console, but I guess Sony saw the blu-ray as integral to the PS3 experience unlike MS with Kinect.


That's how you push new technology.

MS isn't really that committed to Kinect compared to Sony on Bluray.


That's what I'm getting at. The people who have it are happy. However I do have hope that it will rise again.

XB1 the official console of the Confederacy confirmed.

Not counting out ms either.. Ps3 managed to recover despite being in deeper shit than what xbone is currently facing.

You can't compare the XB1 to the PS3, Sony didn't remove the blu-ray drive 8 months after release to gain price parity. Sony have never had a price advantage against the 360 because of the continued packing of the blu-ray drive with their console, but I guess Sony saw the blu-ray as integral to the PS3 experience unlike MS with Kinect.


That's how you push new technology.

MS isn't really that committed to Kinect compared to Sony on Bluray.

another Quarter, another Neogaf thread full of Sony fanboys gleefully forgetting the first 2 YEARS of PS3 sales :)

XB1 is doing fine. It has sold better than the 360 did at this point so far.

Summer sales for consoles always suck, due to extreme lack of games.

Wait for the fall

I have made it pretty clear where I stand on the whole "XB1 is just like the PS3" BS. I wont quote myself again but if you're curious look at my post history and you'll find what I'm talking about. That said it might not be worth repeating at this point, I think these abysmal numbers pretty much speak for themselves but I really wish people would stop parroting it.

It sold units. Imo, it's doing good. I'm not down with this constant grim outlook everyone loves to cast. It will catch stride soon. Which ever the case, the Xbox is doing fine and customers are happy.

It's pretty obvious this little down blimp was people waiting for kinect less sku. Train needs a little time to get its momentum going.

It breaks my mind that people are trying to dismiss these figures as "not that bad." That is just a whole new level of delusion.


It isn't but Sony probably werent intending to sell a $600 console. The PS3 wasn't really an abuse of position or anything. It was basically an example of failed project management. I really doubt they were really actively trying to fuck people over with a $600 console but rather all of that poorly controlled investment pushed them towards that price. If you look at the development of the PS3, nothing about it makes sense.

Oh it made sense.

They wanted to win the Bluray v. HD-DVD format war.

And get their Cell architecture in place for synergy with other devices.

Two initiatives they thought were crucial and sort of "succeeded" but were largely fruitless in the long-run.


another Quarter, another Neogaf thread full of Sony fanboys gleefully forgetting the first 2 YEARS of PS3 sales :)

XB1 is doing fine. It has sold better than the 360 did at this point so far.

Summer sales for consoles always suck, due to extreme lack of games.

Wait for the fall

See, this defense right here drives me nuts. Xbox One is in no way like the PS3. PS3 was actually more powerful than Xbox360 but it was you had to master the CELL to bring out it's full potential. PS3 launched @ year behind Xbox360 and @ $600 dollars. Only reason we started seeing the graphical difference between the two was because of Sony's first and 2nd party studios. Sony also won a little thing known as the HD format war with Bluray. PS3 could also perform active 3D. Price and getting 3rd party support was a big problem for PS3 in it's early years.

Unfortunately, Microsoft doesn't have any of these things this generation. Xbox One is outright weaker compared to PS4. Xbox One isn't pioneering some new technology. It's harder to program for due to ESram. Both systems launched within a week of each other. Microsoft needs to make a dedicated team who's sole purpose is to maximize performance like TEAM ICE @ Sony. Xbox One just isn't what people wanted. It's not that they can't afford it, it's just PS4 offers so much more value.


Have a look at that list and determine whether this is relevant when we're talking about whether or not Activision/Ubi/EA and the like could still afford to develop their big, expensive "AAA" games if one console were to be canned.

I think its time this extravagant spending on AAA games was hoisted with its own petard. The budgets are just insane. The fact that the advertising often exceeds the actuall development costs is just icing on the cake. The industry really needs to stop this policy of just throwing money at things until they stick and refocus themselves on efficiency. Look at what smaller more cost efficient developers are able to accomplish (No Man's Sky, Journey, Ori) with a tiny fraction of the budget. It's high time the tide came in and washed away the current AAA playbook.

Game Guru

One console future if MS leaves? What's Nintendo? Chopped Liver?

Fad or not, it was Nintendo that won last generation, and if Microsoft left, Sony would be stupid to not just merely compete with Nintendo in regards to power for the PS5. The alternatives to Sony and Nintendo would be PC and mobile at that point and neither Nintendo's, PC's or mobile's biggest games are that graphically impressive.


The numbers obviously show a reality. It's not selling amazing, that does not mean it's DOA and better off dead. That's what I'm getting at. The people who have it are happy. However I do have hope that it will rise again.



As a MSFT shareholder, I would definitely pull the plug on the Xbox console project and focus on mobile (high margins, growing segment)/PC gaming (complements their core products).
If you are a shareholder, you wouldn't give two shtts about Xbox or gaming anyways.

You would be more concerned about keeping Office and Windows the top dog, while coming up with a solid plan for mobile and HPC.


Not to mention the PS3's primary problem was price, Xbox One started at a somewhat reasonable price, and has already dropped to par with the competition and it's barely helped. In fact it looks like it just moved May sales to June.

Price, lack of games, terrible online network.. Lots of things were wrong with the PS3 for most of its first 3 years.
Their thinking is that the Xbox 360 sold around the same as the PS3 without either Mainland Europe or Japan. The XB1 is already ahead of the 360 in sales (technically true) and if MS can catch fire where they have already been successful they won't need the areas that they haven't been successful before. It would be nice for them, but unnecessary.
So do they realize the xbox one lost market share in all areas? So they would have to do even better than the 360 in the US and UK to break even...


That's all well and great but the 500 SKU was impossible to get and the idea that a 600 dollar console is okay at all doesn't sit well with me. Anyway I'd rather not get into a conversation about a one console future being good or bad.

It was a bad deal for a console but an amazing deal for a blu-ray at the time. I was able to get the $500 version at launch.
One console future if MS leaves? What's Nintendo? Chopped Liver?

Fad or not, it was Nintendo that won last generation, and if Microsoft left, Sony would be stupid to not just merely compete with Nintendo in regards to power for the PS5. The alternatives to Sony and Nintendo would be PC and mobile at that point and neither Nintendo's, PC's or mobile's biggest games are that graphically impressive.

PC's biggest games aren't graphically impressive? Also, Sony wouldn't suddenly start pushing out weak hardware like Nintendo. Sony has always tried to put out a powerful console. Just look at what Sony tried to do with the PS3 despite their previous generation of (PS2) competitors being mostly irrelevant.

I'd be completely fine with Sony dominating this generation. PS1 generation was awesome, PS2 generation was awesome, and PS3 generation would have been (more) awesome if Sony didn't botch developing the PS3.


since this thread is now about ps360 and I couldn't find any estimates about how much one's and 360's were sold, I'll just quote this what I've "found"


derpex said:
MS is combining their X1 and 360 shipped (sold-in) numbers now. That makes it even harder to tell what X1 is moving.

Xbox revenue up 14% to $104 million, but no profit, otherwise they would have said profit. That means they lost money on Xbox this quarter.

3m sold to consumers by Dec 31, 2013
3.9m shipped by Dec 31, 2013 (Q2 2014)
5.1m shipped by March 31, 2014 (Q3 2014)
5.7m shipped by June 31, 2014 (estimate) (Q4 2014)

Assuming the same X1 to 360 shipped ratio as last quarter (1200k to 800k), MS shipped 660k X1 and 440k 360 this quarter, bringing the total shipped to ~5.76m. Assuming 750k XB1 and 350k 360, the total shipped would be 5.85m.

They’ve been shipping about a million ahead of consumer sales (3m to 3.9m), so estimated consumer sales by the end of June 31 are about 4.7-4.8 million, still under 5 million total.

so.. how accurate might these numbers be?
If you are a shareholder, you wouldn't give two shtts about Xbox or gaming anyways.

You would be more concerned about keeping Office and Windows the top dog, while coming up with a solid plan for mobile and HPC.

The investors in the Q&A session of the conference call didn't ask a single question about Xbox. Really shows you how utterly worthless Xbox is to overall profits.

Yeah it's a great passion project and works as a conduit to attract people to the Microsoft ecosystem but...it's pretty inconsequential.

For the past year:

Gross Profit, Fiscal Year 2014:

Commercial Licensing - $38.604 billion
Devices and Consumer Licensing - $17.216 billion
Commercial Other - $1.856 billion
Devices and Consumer Other - $1.770 billion
Computing and Gaming Hardware - $0.893 billion
Phone Hardware - $0.54 billion
Corporate and Other - ($0.494 billion)


I thought the shipped number would have been something like in the range of 6 - 8 mil for the combination of X1 and 360. 1 million sounds just bad.


So do they realize the xbox one lost market share in all areas? So they would have to do even better than the 360 in the US and UK to break even...

I'm not sure. I don't think that their point of view takes an ultimate market share into consideration considering it has been less than a year. Then on top of that is the market going to grow this gen or recede, there would be a lot to consider for them.


since this thread is now about ps360 and I couldn't find any estimates about how much one's and 360's were sold, I'll just quote this what I've "found"


so.. how accurate might these numbers be?

At E3, MS said that Xbox 360 hit 84 million. So in ~2 months (April 1 - June 9th) they sold 300k, or 150k each month. Nothing of note happened in June for MS to increase shipments for the 360, so it likely sold ~150k again in June, totaling 450k. That leaves ~650k for the One, bringing it at ~5.7 million.

So in short, yeah seems likely, unless I screwed up somewhere in there.


PC's biggest games aren't graphically impressive? Also, Sony wouldn't suddenly start pushing out weak hardware like Nintendo. Sony has always tried to put out a powerful console. Just look at what Sony tried to do with the PS3 despite their previous generation of (PS2) competitors being mostly irrelevant.

I'd be completely fine with Sony dominating this generation. PS1 generation was awesome, PS2 generation was awesome, and PS3 generation would have been (more) awesome if Sony didn't botch developing the PS3.

Minecraft, DOTA2, and LoL aren't exactly setting benchmarks on fire.
So do they realize the xbox one lost market share in all areas? So they would have to do even better than the 360 in the US and UK to break even...

I'm not sure. I don't think that their point of view takes an ultimate market share into consideration considering it has been less than a year. Then on top of that is the market going to grow this gen or recede, there would be a lot to consider for them.

Y'all just lack faith.

The X1 will roar back into popularity like a beast that's found its testicular fortitude. Sony will slip up, they are too arrogant not too.

MS are just biding their time like a hyena, waiting for the right time to pounce and steal the win from their arrogant and increasingly blind enemy.

Y'all just lack faith.

The X1 will roar back into popularity like a beast that's found its testicular fortitude. Sony will slip up, they are too arrogant not too.

MS are just biding their time like a hyena, waiting for the right time to pounce and steal the win from their arrogant and increasingly blind enemy.

The must be it.

Game Guru

PC's biggest games aren't graphically impressive? Also, Sony wouldn't suddenly start pushing out weak hardware like Nintendo. Sony has always tried to put out a powerful console. Just look at what Sony tried to do with the PS3 despite their previous generation of (PS2) competitors being mostly irrelevant.

I'd be completely fine with Sony dominating this generation. PS1 generation was awesome, PS2 generation was awesome, and PS3 generation would have been (more) awesome if Sony didn't botch developing the PS3.

Minecraft, Dota 2, and League of Legends are graphically impressive? Because those are the biggest games for PC at the moment because they make the most money. I'm not saying Sony won't focus on making a capable box, but they likely won't focus on power as much as they have to when competing with Microsoft when their biggest competition otherwise are F2P mobile games, the PC games I have mentioned, and Nintendo's usual staple of franchises.


Y'all just lack faith.

The X1 will roar back into popularity like a beast that's found its testicular fortitude. Sony will slip up, they are too arrogant not too.

MS are just biding their time like a hyena, waiting for the right time to pounce and steal the win from their arrogant and increasingly blind enemy.


Microsoft is a lot like Ed now that you mention it :p
Minecraft, DOTA2, and LoL aren't exactly setting benchmarks on fire.

And most of those games aren't coming to consoles. But anyways I thought he meant the graphically best PC games weren't that impressive. Games like The Witcher and Crysis. I didn't know he was referring to the best selling games/most players on PC.
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