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"PC is decimating console, just through price" - Romero

His quotes read like a wrestling heel promo.



He's talking about these mega F2P games. You're sort of missing his point quoting Minecraft at us.

A game like League of Legends has more concurrent online players than there are Xbox One owners, it probably has more concurrent online players than all PS4 games combined.

It handily beat the biggest player counts on the 360 at its peak.

And once League of Legends comes to console, then the genre will find a new home. Like all of the genres before it. It is only a matter of time.
In the case of the consoles, I wouldn't assume complete conspiracy because the need to get away from stuff like Cell was very real. And bolting an Xbox 360 or a PS3 into the new systems would have increased prices even further - after Sony demonstrated $599 consoles don't fly last gen.

However, even if this situation was not contrived purely to sell remasters of games, it's still anti-consumer, and is a relic of old attitudes about game consoles. Console manufacturers have had the luxury of not being required to architecture continuity until now. Because video game consoles began as expensive toys sold to an audience that didn't have much economic sense (being kids). They just wanted new graphics when the old console was played out.

This situation has persisted past its expiration date IMO, propped up a certain percentage of customers who still don't mind discarding their investment to date as long as they get more impressive hardware in a new generation of games. Now the rest of the world has caught on to games but has different standards. Mobile customers expect to buy a new device in an ecosystem and bring their digital identity with them. PC has been revitalized and is easier than ever to use for gaming, so its advantages stand out more clearly.

I still think it was more intentional in the sense that they could have solved the problem of compatibility if they wanted to but intentionally devoted no resource to it because they didn't want the problem to be solved.

But you're right intentional or not it still makes the entire console industry more anti-consumer than the PC or mobile industries where such things are assumed. The games I bought on my iOS and my PC years ago I can still play, and will always be able to play. The digital games I bought on my PS3 and 360 dies with those consoles. This is probably more than any other reason why I will never buy the PS4 or the Xbone.


He's talking about these mega F2P games. You're sort of missing his point quoting Minecraft at us.

A game like League of Legends has more concurrent online players than there are Xbox One owners, it probably has more concurrent online players than all PS4 games combined.

It handily beat the biggest player counts on the 360 at its peak.

As a matter of fact I think I'm going to play some League right now. Just out of spite.


The point about "free-to-play" morphing from shareware to the current model was interesting. Many things have changed in 20-25 years.


But the cost of entry to these F2P games is basically zero for many people - who already have a laptop or desktop capable of playing these games. LoL and DOTA2 are massive in part due to their ability to run on anything - most people in the target market for these games have machines that are capable of it - these can be laptops that cost about the same as a new next-gen console - can play these games and do everything else they need a laptop for (work, regular web browsing, email, school, uni, etc).

People make this mistake all the time, they assume that PC gaming is only done on enthusiast hardware, when no, it isn't. The biggest games on PC can be played on a toaster, and that's a good part of why they're the biggest games - anyone can play them.

That's absolutely true, and why those games have huge audiences. Not everyone want's to play Dota, or LoL however. Some people don't want to play online at all, and for those that don't F2P because sort of a moot point. Granted, there are plenty of SP F2P games.

How much money would I need to spend to play Skyrim (at launch atleast) on a PC? Most consumers won't care to answer that question, and would find it easier to get a console. Console's won't be going anywhere any time soon due to that point.

I'd wager we'd see services like PS Now take over the console space sooner, given a 1:1 experience.

He's talking about these mega F2P games. You're sort of missing his point quoting Minecraft at us.

A game like League of Legends has more concurrent online players than there are Xbox One owners, it probably has more concurrent online players than all PS4 games combined.

It handily beat the biggest player counts on the 360 at its peak.

You're stating that a single game, League of Legends, is singly handily destroying consoles because it has more players? You're wrong. Maybe look at the total number of gamers vs. those that play LoL/DOTA and rethink your argument.
Romero said:
"With PC you have free-to-play and Steam games for five bucks. The PC is decimating console, just through price. Free-to-play has killed a hundred AAA studios," he remarked.

~looks at PSN store~

PS4 = PC confirmed.


Am I misconstruing him, or is he implying that Id created the shareware concept? I won't deny that their games played a huge part in popularising it, but that's not the same thing.


And once League of Legends comes to console, then the genre will find a new home. Like all of the genres before it. It is only a matter of time.

I know it wouldn't completely fit, but I am still amazed that riot at least hasn't made an attempt at moving LoL to consoles.


Moving those goalposts.

I'm not really moving them - the goalpost is still League of Legends - and for it to match that, it would need to nearly double 2.7m concurrent players and regularly hit that.

That level of success would be unprecedented - because LoL's success is unprecedented and that's free to play. If Destiny could even come close to matching it as a full priced game, it'd be the biggest game the industry had seen.

CoD peaked at high numbers (and still not close to LoL) but didn't sustain numbers close to that high, especially in comparison to LoL.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
I'm surprised there hasn't been a multi-console free to play title yet, with connected playerbases.


CoD surpassed this number
Arguably not, since the news was about 3,3 millions concurrent users that shortly after turned out being actually 3,3 millions of unique daily accesses (and no, it's not the same thing).
But even taking that number at face value, that's precisely my point: I would be impressed to see Destiny surpassing or even just matching CoD at its peak in popularity.


Oh god and he's a Doom designer as well, no doubt still bitter that Halo saved the FPS genre from the mess he created.

I think you meant Half-Life, and it's not Romero's fault that his game was so good everyone wanted to make one exactly like it.


Oh god and he's a Doom designer as well, no doubt still bitter that Halo saved the FPS genre from the mess he created.


1| PC version's humongous head start
2| Console representation was only one platform until very recently
3| Lifetime sales could well have PC as lowest selling version

I wonder if PC gaming is gonna be dominated by mostly F2P games moreso than now in the future. Many games that are coming exclusively to the pc are F2P besides the indie games. Although it does seem that the Ps4 and to the lesser extent the Xbox1 are embracing the F2P market and indie gaming ; I wonder how F2P gaming effects the sales and revenue on consoles
Shareware model ought to regain some of its popularity. You could argue that demos provide the same try-it-for-yourself function, but they're increasingly uncommon today anyway. Having a well-designed, consistent opening segment of your game that you can have players sample is good game design on the whole, supposing the devs can follow that content up with something just as good. Letting players own their copy of the shareware portion and have options for modding is even better than downloading a mere demo!

Re: Daikatana, I definitely wish Romero set up Ion Storm just so Hall and Spector could get their games out. Romero was too sucked into e-sports at the time, but he could have spared the whole company from wasting money on a half-baked party platter of an FPS. He's learned his lesson at this point.


However he wants to try and spin his argument I guess.

Fairest would probably be whatever the two most recent games are - usually that's where the CoD community is.

I doubt it hits much over a million online, at least this far outside of launch week.


I'm surprised there hasn't been a multi-console free to play title yet, with connected playerbases.

That won't happen because Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo don't play nice with each other. There's games on those platforms that share player bases with hardware from the same manufacturer + PC (Phantasy Star Online 2, Monster Hunter Frontier G etc.) but you're probably not going to see PS4+XB1+WU+PC.


I wonder if PC gaming is gonna be dominated by mostly F2P games moreso than now in the future. Many games that are coming exclusively to the pc are F2P besides the indie games.

PC gaming isn't really dominated by anything, it's very diversified with plenty of self-sustaining niches. If you want to primarily follow just one genre, like strategy games or even point 'n clicks, it's fairly realistic to do that.

But yes, a new crop of major F2P games are on the way and will probably wind up being pretty influential. Perfect World has scooped up quite a few Western developers including some major names like CliffyB and Robert Bowling.


I wonder if PC gaming is gonna be dominated by mostly F2P games moreso than now in the future. Many games that are coming exclusively to the pc are F2P besides the indie games.
And all the other things that apparently don't count because of reasons.
I hate how the devs always talk about LoL and WoT as f2p done right.

Also, AAA has killed a hundred studios.

Yeah, WoT is a massive massive grind to get access to later tanks
There's lots of payed for only tanks , which are a requirement to play in higher tiers without losing 30-40k gold every game and then having to grind 3-4 t5 games to get the gold back (let alone buy another tank)
Then there is the whole premium pay2win ammo that circumvents the game's main mechanic (armor penetration)

that game is a whole moneypit once you advance to the higher tiers

You can't 'just' buy the subscription and play the game , you need those premium tanks to get the currency

source: me playing well over 1000 matches over a period of 3 years and spending about 300 euros on the monthly premium sub and on premium tanks (like 40 euros for a t54 it was, I believe)

Wot has a bad f2p system
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