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Destiny: Only one area per planet


Trading is limited to characters on the same player account, however. There's no Destiny auction house, and it doesn't look like Bungie will add one to the game any time soon, but trading items between characters on different accounts is "certainly interesting and it's something we'll have to investigate", design lead Lars Bakken told Eurogamer.

Wow. I'm surprised that there aren't more people flipping out about the complete lack of an in-game economy. Maybe an auction house would be too much but damn, at least let me mail an item to a friend. Even Phantasy Star Online let me give a cool drop to someone that needed it. Can we stop calling this am MMO, please?

This is strange. The more I read about the structure of this game the more disappointed I become. It seems like they've made some of the compromises you'd typically deal with in an MMO but a lot of the benefits of what you'd expect from an MMO are missing as well.

I'm also surprised that lack of content and loot variety are concerns at this point. I assumed with the resources being devoted to Destinay and expectations for the future of the franchise would result in a ton of initial content to hook the userbase. Hopefully, there's a lot of surprises coming with the final release because this was a project I was really anticipating and the biggest driver pushing me towards buying a new console.
You only preordered for the beta anyway
So much concern and disappointment..

More zones would be nice, but the beta has shown me that I shouldn't care too much... The crucible is where I'll be getting my money's worth.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
- "You'll be able to explore all of that area over there!"
Nope. Extremely tight restrictions of exploration. Game kills you if you walk out of the intended zone.

That was definitely disappointing. Had they not said that, I would not have expected it, but they did say it, and it is just not the case. Most of the world is just background decoration.


It was the alpha, but the beta really doesnt have much more content, so around 10% is still it.

Then I'm not really worried about Destiny skimping on content. If that's just a tenth of the game then there's gotta be more content to justify their original 'the entire solar system is explorable' idea.

Though I'm bummed that Destiny only has an area a planet, the games still super good despite the original plans not going through as they intended.


Extrapolate that and its looking like half a borderlands standard title.

The thing about borderlands was the sheer amount of maps / enemies and locations, as well as characters.

Borderlands 2 offered me a beefy SP experience, and just considering my first run with the Siren.
The amount and variety of content were gargantuan.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That was definitely disappointing. Had they not said that, I would not have expected it, but they did say it, and it is just not the case. Most of the world is just background decoration.


Were people expecting to go on a quest to unlock scuba gear and go deep see diving off the Mothyard coast? I don't see how you can call this 'extremely restricting' without making it obvious that you are in this for the jokes.



Trading is limited to characters on the same player account, however. There's no Destiny auction house, and it doesn't look like Bungie will add one to the game any time soon, but trading items between characters on different accounts is "certainly interesting and it's something we'll have to investigate", design lead Lars Bakken told Eurogamer.

Wow. I'm surprised that there aren't more people flipping out about the complete lack of an in-game economy. Maybe an auction house would be too much but damn, at least let me mail an item to a friend. Even Phantasy Star Online let me give a cool drop to someone that needed it. Can we stop calling this am MMO, please?
Maybe we should keep calling it an MMO until Bungie begins to understand what kind of feature set everyone expects from a game with so many MMO elements.
The game's shortcomings shouldn't define its genre.

I think Bungie has said there is no trading because they want you to earn your own equipment. Not have your friend give you cool stuff right at the start.
Good loot games usually bind most valuable items to your character/account when you equip or pick them up and that doesn't prevent them from featuring a trading system.
I'm not surprised this is 1000 posts already. I don't know hy some are jumping overboard when we don't know how the final game will be and how much story there is. Do we know all the planets and missions?

I can't speak for others, but the huge sell of this game for me was exploration. Take that away and it's not so exciting anymore.


I bet a lot of people complaining about content are the same people who put 20+ hours in the beta.
Sounds like this will be worth he 60 bucks.

Yeah neogaf tends to suffer from beta burn out. By September most of this thread will buy. I'd bet most people complaining but in 50+ hours in the beta actually.



So we're limited to one area per planet.
The game may only have 5 or so explorable planets.
The player cap is 20.
There is no way to trade items with other players.
The end game appears to consist primarily of grinding reputation.
The game has a low max player count.

Am I missing anything?

I'm still looking forward to this game because when the combat is on point it does scratch that Halo itch...but none of this is especially reassuring for a game that claims to be an MMO, yet is structured more like PSO without even that game's ability to give items to a friend.


Why are people thinking that what we saw of "earth" and old russia is it?

I mean we had a few missions etc that were included in the alpha/beta but whats giving the impression that is all that we will get from that area?

Maybe im wrong but im under the assumption that we only saw the tip of the iceburg when it came to "content" from old russia


So we're limited to one area per planet.
The game may only have 5 or so explorable planets.
The player cap is 20.
There is no way to trade items with other players.
The end game appears to consist primarily of grinding reputation.
The game has a low max player count.

Am I missing anything?

I'm still looking forward to this game because when the combat is on point it does scratch that Halo itch...but none of this is especially reassuring for a game that claims to be an MMO, yet is structured more like PSO without even that game's ability to give items to a friend.

Where has bungie claimed that this game was an MMO? Give me a link. Because I'm very sure Bungie avoided calling it an MMO.

It's Phantasy Star Online if it were a shooter and that's okay.


Doesn't anybody else think Old Russia is an extremely poor choice to represent all of Earth?

It's certainly not the most exciting area visually, aside from the skybox vistas that are stunning. Having said that, it has a fitting tone which gives you an idea of how close humanity came to extinction.
Activision just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Bungie culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Infinity Ward where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw over a Bungie fan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is that Bungie fans, after hearing about this, are not going to want to purchase Destiny for any system, nor will they purchase any of Activision's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Bungie has alienated an entire market with this move.

Bungie, publicly apologize and add more areas or you can kiss your business goodbye.
I guess the major thing that bugs me is the number of missions. The OR ones were extremely easy and fast (even on the higher-level setting). The moon mission was essentially 2 ambushes separated by some fast driving. Sensing a bit of a pattern here and it would be a shame if many of the other missions play out the same way. Hack console, bad-ass guitar riff starts playing, bad guys pop out of monster closets/drop from ship, fight for 3-5 minutes, pick up ammo, move to next mission.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

Were people expecting to go on a quest to unlock scuba gear and go deep see diving off the Mothyard coast? I don't see how you can call this 'extremely restricting' without making it obvious that you are in this for the jokes.

Just as an example: Bungie's quote that "you can actually go there" AFAIK was directed at the landscape that you see right at the beginning, where you stand before the wall of Old Russia. In the Beta you can't even go back to that area. Similarly, all comparable landscapes are not reachable. (Either you drown, or you fall to your death.) But that quote made the impression that they would be. The final area is much smaller than that quote made it seem to be. So in the light of that quote, the final result is disappointing.
I dont think anyone here expected like, 100+ hours.

But we were sold a bill of goods that seemed like they were hinting towards a MASSIVE game.

They told us each planets "campaign" would be as long and as large as Halo: Reach's ENTIRE campaign.

Now we find out its a handful of missions each, on one area. I know some people have sunk TONS of hours into the content already there, and thats so awesome youre that into the game, youll love it come release day.

I dont think im alone in hoping for a lot more content in terms of areas to explore, at least.



Trading is limited to characters on the same player account, however. There's no Destiny auction house, and it doesn't look like Bungie will add one to the game any time soon, but trading items between characters on different accounts is "certainly interesting and it's something we'll have to investigate", design lead Lars Bakken told Eurogamer.

Wow. I'm surprised that there aren't more people flipping out about the complete lack of an in-game economy. Maybe an auction house would be too much but damn, at least let me mail an item to a friend. Even Phantasy Star Online let me give a cool drop to someone that needed it. Can we stop calling this am MMO, please?

What's the point? You don't get drops that aren't relevant to your class. Loot is instanced, everybody's is seperate. Loot in Phantasy Star Online was shared. Everybody saw the same drops, and if somebody picked up an item that was great for you but useless to them, tough shit, meseta or gtfo.

Trading in a game like Destiny would just ruin the game. So your friend gives you some high level shit, then what? That raid you needed to complete to get the high level shit, it's no longer necessary. Why even buy the game in that case? To look cool in PvP? You spent $60 on something you didn't even want to play. It's so backwards.


After years of secrecy, Bungie today officially announced Destiny , its first post-Halo project. A first-person shooter for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with elements of open-world sandbox and persistent world, Destiny is described as the world's first "shared-world shooter." And Activision has big hopes for it.

Destiny has MMO elements, but is not an MMO.

Even more recent: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...ngies-hyped-shared-world-shooter-9301522.html

All these game types and more will be packed together to create what Bungie are calling "shared world shooter", a genre that it's possible to hype as a new departure for the FPS, but that really appears to be a mash of several well-established titles.
Just as an example: Bungie's quote that "you can actually go there" AFAIK was directed at the landscape that you see right at the beginning, where you stand before the wall of Old Russia. In the Beta you can't even go back to that area. Similarly, all comparable landscapes are not reachable. (Either you drown, or you fall to your death.) But that quote made the impression that they would be. The final area is much smaller than that quote made it seem to be. So in the light of that quote, the final result is disappointing.

thats my whole thing, its not what we got, its what they told us we were getting.
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