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Empire Magazine's Greatest 100 games of all time [Reader Voted]

Expected TLOU at #1. It's certainly a very well crafted experience with some very memorable moments - very nearly a great game to me, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near #1. OoT encapsulates more of the possibilities of gaming, not just the shootbang stuff. It still dominates lists 16 years after release. Get back to me 15 years later and see if anyone still brings up TLOU.


Junior Member
You people are so angry when your precious Final Fantasy VI is not on this list, its probably the same with movie fans when they see a movie like The Thing not being included in a best movie of all time list.
As someone who hasn't played Ocarina Of Time when it came out but years later I'm fine with TLoU beeing in front of it.
Overall not a bad list, its a list of 100 very good games, but I think ranking videogames is inherently a stupid idea.

Thats like ranking your favorite foods and expecting your list to be universally valid.


You people are so angry when your precious Final Fantasy VI is not on this list, its probably the same with movie fans when they see a movie like The Thing not being included in a best movie of all time list.
Any best movies list that ignores The Thing is a list worth ignoring.


Junior Member
Any best movies list that ignores The Thing is a list worth ignoring.

Nah, I mean there are more than 100 great videogames/movies out there, so it's normal that some fans will be angry when their favorite videogame/movie of all time is not mentionned in the list.


The original Call of Juarez ahead of fucking Chrono Trigger?

I feel like videogames is one of the few mediums where a list skewed towards the present is justifiable, you just have to look at Shovel Knight as a game that takes inspiration from the past but surpasses its predecessors. And that's a pure gameplay title, The Last of Us destroys the narrative of your favourite videogames growing up, even if your rose tinted glasses want you to think otherwise.

This is still a young industry, in ten years time another magazine could do a similar list and I bet you it would be filled with games of the next decade, we're only scratching the surface of what videogames can do.
Most of those 'problems' in that image aren't even glitches, but were likely intended and got 'fixed' in later games after they re-evaluated them. Of the actual glitches, Missingno remains one of the coolest glitches in the series, hell, in the entire gaming history.

Concerning the actual gameplay, Many of the Pokemon in the early game in G/S were near worthless. In R/B, at least you could get some really cool Pokemon early (coupled with the TMs you found) that you might actually use in your final team. Plus, the starters apart from Totodile were so bad. And Totodile was still pretty bad, since it had a high attack stat but his STAB is water.

While I don't agree that Cyndaquil is a bad starter, I'd agree with the rest. Most of the new Pokemon were terrible in battle and a good chunk of them were only available after you'd beaten the main game. Not to mention that the level curve/pacing is shit. It wasn't a problem when I was younger because like most people, I just used my starter and maybe one or two other pokemon and just tore through the game but now when I want to have a full team, it doesn't work without being under-levelled.


Hah, that's quite a peculiar list..

Edit: Oh wait, it's from a poll.. Jesus Christ, now it makes perfect sense. But I mean, I thought online polls were banned from the internets because they never make sense anyway..?


Shadow of the Colossus and Silent Hill 2 are too low. Other than that not a terrible list. ;-)

It's the worst list I've ever seen. Is there a single NES game on the list? It would be like seeing a movie list where all top 100 movies came out in the last decade. That would just make you laugh.
what i find intresting is that not a single mario game is in the top 10, and the last of us is the single greatest video game of all time? I mean whattttt, its a fantastic game no doubt, but i dont even think it deserves to be in the top 10 let a lone number one, thats just an odd choice


last of us is getting way too much credit i love it but come on really best game ever give me a break of like 83 kit kat bars


I see 100 good games so it's a decent list I guess. User votes make the actual numbering even more ignorable than it usually is.

I feel like videogames is one of the few mediums where a list skewed towards the present is justifiable, you just have to look at Shovel Knight as a game that takes inspiration from the past but surpasses its predecessors. And that's a pure gameplay title, The Last of Us destroys the narrative of your favourite videogames growing up, even if your rose tinted glasses want you to think otherwise.

This is still a young industry, in ten years time another magazine could do a similar list and I bet you it would be filled with games of the next decade, we're only scratching the surface of what videogames can do.

LOL at bringing up "rose-tinted glasses" while completely neglecting to acknowledge how utterly engulfed in hype modern releases are.


I feel like we should all be able to get behind a "if the game came out within the past two years it can't be considered on 'best of' lists".

Impossible to separate TLOU's actual merits from the hype right now.

Interesting to me that aside from Halo: Combat Evolved the only Halo they put on there was Halo: Reach. Certainly an interesting choice seen from a Halo fan's perspective.

Expected TLOU at #1. It's certainly a very well crafted experience with some very memorable moments - very nearly a great game to me, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near #1. OoT encapsulates more of the possibilities of gaming, not just the shootbang stuff. It still dominates lists 16 years after release. Get back to me 15 years later and see if anyone still brings up TLOU.

I do think it's interesting what games get forgotten while others still are remembered fondly. For me OoT has a lot of issues, but there's no doubt that it has persisted in an exceptional way among fans. I can't see as many AAA games these days having that same impact, TLOU included.


It's the worst list I've ever seen. Is there a single NES game on the list? It would be like seeing a movie list where all top 100 movies came out in the last decade. That would just make you laugh.

To reiterate:

1) This is a reader's poll for a UK film magazine. NES was not popular in UK.

2) Elite was made in the 80s. A lot of the PC games on the list were made well over a decade ago


It's the worst list I've ever seen. Is there a single NES game on the list? It would be like seeing a movie list where all top 100 movies came out in the last decade. That would just make you laugh.

Super Mario Bros. That's it.

No Pac-Man. No Galaga. No Donkey Kong. You have to look to Street Fighter II for any coin-op representation.

This is very much an early twentysomething list with a few token "old" games thrown in that these kids heard about from somebody else at some point in time.


I need a cheap PS4 to play TLoU. Anyone? Apparently it's the game of the forever and I'm sitting outside all the discussion like the Wii-U out in the rain meme.


Well, good to know that almost all of the greatest games of all time have been made in the last ten years.

Sarcasm. Sarcasm everywhere.
Interesting choices, i agree with many of them but maybe not with the order. For most of the last 10 yrs or so Ocarina was my fave, now i would say The Last of us and WoW are pretty close for me tbh.


A lot of my favorite games are on this list, I really can't complain about it. Halo: Combat Evolved (and Reach is on that list, interesting), Metroid Prime, BioShock & BioShock Infinite, Red Dead Redemption, Star Wars Battlefront, and I can go on, but awesome list nonetheless.


Going by the article, it's the greatest game of all time because of the story and characters.

...sorry, that doesn't sit well with people. Nor should it.

Everyone must like what I like! Other people liking what I don't like or don't care for is unacceptable!!
TLOU on the first spot? Lmao. It's one of the best games I've ever played but nowhere near top 5 imo.

The game is seriously overrated.
How did Call of Juarez make it? If it was just one guy's opinion, I could kind of see it, but since when does this game have any sort of mass following that could get it on a list like this? It's baffling.


Cracking list. Some killer titles in there.

Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.

Going by the article, it's the greatest game of all time because of the story and characters.

...sorry, that doesn't sit well with people. Nor should it.
Man, that's some arrogance.


Cracking list. Some killer titles in there.

Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.
First of GoTY awards don't mean shit. Especially in an alltime ranking. And it can't possibly be the most important game when it's been out literally a year. That's just BS.

Say it's the best, fine. That's utterly subjective. But most important/influential? GTFO.


Cracking list. Some killer titles in there.

Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.

Man, that's some arrogance.

That's pretty hyperbolic. Its a great game with great presentation.

MGS2 did more when it came to context and legitimate themes. Yeah yeah, Hideo Kojima is a awkward writer, MGS as a series is convoluted, but tic for tat what he sets out to do is more risky and ambitious than other developers.

MGS is the granddaddy of cinematic console games. It's more important than TLOU, by a longshot.
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