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Empire Magazine's Greatest 100 games of all time [Reader Voted]


CT deserves much, much better.

Again, as I said a few pages back, didn't come out till Nintendo DS remake in the UK, so no one played it. Blame Square Enix(Or well, Square then known), not the gamers. ;)

SNES or NES wasn't big at all in the UK, combine that with a lot of games not making it over from Japan and you get a lot of missing entries on that list.


Cracking list. Some killer titles in there.

Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.

Man, that's some arrogance.

No... Super mario bros was far more important. Nice try though. TLOU is a good game, just shouldn't be on a top 10 of all time list. Far overrated, and gameplay wise, won't hold up very well


Lol why are you guys pissed of the rankings? If it bothers you so much why not go make your own ranking? These are just opinions.


Well, y'all are welcome to your feelings. I mean, some people don't like The Godfather or Thriller either.

Honestly, at this point the game and the acclaim surrounding it speaks for itself.


Lol why are you guys pissed of the rankings? If it bothers you so much why not go make your own ranking? These are just opinions.

I doubt anyone is "pissed". we're just commenting on our views of the list. What else are we supposed to do on a thread based off a list?
Red Dead Redemption in the top 10? I'm guessing they turned the game off and skipped the last 3-4 hours?
Biggest snoozefest in a long time.


So, the likes of Skyward Sword, Dragon Age: Origins, The Walking Dead, Oblivion, Call of Juarez, Bioshock Infinite, Mario Kart 64, Assassin's Creed II, Halo: Reach, Uncharted 2, Skyrim etc, are all better than Super Metroid eh?

Who knew.

Also, LOL @ No1.


Well, y'all are welcome to your feelings. I mean, some people don't like The Godfather or Thriller either.

Honestly, at this point the game and the acclaim surrounding it speaks for itself.

Critical acclaim is not the same thing as how important that game is in the industry itself.

I doubt anyone would say The Godfather is the most important movie of all time, or that Thriller is the most important song of all time. Thriller as a music video being the most important would be a legit argument.


Well, y'all are welcome to your feelings. I mean, some people don't like The Godfather or Thriller either.

Honestly, at this point the game and the acclaim surrounding it speaks for itself.

Eh, this is more like saying The Dark Knight is the best film ever made, compared to the Godfather/Shawshank Redemption/Pulp Fiction/<insert film of your choice> (feel free to compare to Last of Us to SM64/Ocarina of Time/MGS3/Resident Evil 4/whatever).

The Last of Us is a great game, but I find the term 'gaming's equivalent of Oscar-bait' pretty fitting. But hey, opinions are opinions.
Every 'greatest game of all time' list that doesn't have Metroid Prime at No.1 is wrong I tells ya. WRONG.


Red Dead Redemption has one of the best endings of any game ever made.

The cohesiveness of everything is what sets it apart from other open world games. It felt like a legitimate open world story, instead of disjointed parts making the game whole. RDR is whole throughout the game.
I doubt anyone is "pissed". we're just commenting on our views of the list. What else are we supposed to do on a thread based off a list?
I would say telling readers to fuck off and eat a dick if you don't like their rankings fits the description.


Call of Juarez is actually a really neat game, considering what it is.

Never forget eagle mountain, and getting a gameover for whipping dead animals.


Well, y'all are welcome to your feelings. I mean, some people don't like The Godfather or Thriller either.

Honestly, at this point the game and the acclaim surrounding it speaks for itself.
It does. Video gaming is becoming worse and worse. People have trouble acknowledging pc exists and gaming didnt start in 2003?


Call of Juarez is actually a really neat game, considering what it is.

Never forget eagle mountain, and getting a gameover for whipping dead animals.

The first Call of Juarez is still third fiddle to both Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. It stands only on top of The Cartel, but so does almost every other game ever made.


Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.
I want to puke.

Eh, this is more like saying The Dark Knight is the best film ever made, compared to the Godfather/Shawshank Redemption/Pulp Fiction/<insert film of your choice>


The first Call of Juarez is still third fiddle to both Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. It stands only on top of The Cartel, but so does almost every other game ever made.
Yeah, the Gunslinger is pretty great. Also, Sonic 1 over Sonic 3 is one of the ones that gave me a chuckle. Bioshock Infinite being the greatest at anything other than lazy racism is just beyond me.


The first Call of Juarez is still third fiddle to both Bound in Blood and Gunslinger. It stands only on top of The Cartel, but so does almost every other game ever made.

I still like CoJ more than Gunslinger, Gunslinger is so damn plodding.

Maybe I wasn't in the right mood.


Critical acclaim is not the same thing as how important that game is in the industry itself.

I doubt anyone would say The Godfather is the most important movie of all time, or that Thriller is the most important song of all time. Thriller as a music video being the most important would be a legit argument.
Fair enough. I'll happily drop the 'important' part and just stick to best.

Oh, so you got nothing then? Great point.
What do you want? Me to prove it's the best game of all time according to Empire? It's in the OP. Or am I supposed to convince you? We both know that ain't gonna happen.

It does. Video gaming is becoming worse and worse. People have trouble acknowledging pc exists and gaming didnt start in 2003?
You're welcome to feel that way. I disagree though. Gaming has never been better for me, and I started with the VIC-20.

I want to puke.
I'd say that's your problem chuck. Ultimately, why do you give that much of a fuck about what I think?


It's a good thing this list wasn't written in 2010 or else we'd be seeing Mass Effect 2 or Heavy Rain in the top spot.


It's a good thing this list wasn't written in 2010 or else we'd be seeing Mass Effect 2 or Heavy Rain in the top spot.
Haha, yeah.

I feel like video game "Top X" lists should just automatically disqualify anything made in the last 5 years. Games need time to stew and even more time to have some decent criticism written about them.

The zeitgeist has an extraordinary amount of influence on things like these, when simple decisions could easily fix them. Similarly, listing games is probably a bad idea too (doing a top 100 list without "this game is #1" would probably help too - granted, this does make it less click-baity).


Haha, yeah.

I feel like video game "Top X" lists should just automatically disqualify anything made in the last 5 years. Games need time to stew and even more time to have some decent criticism written about them.

It also reeks of IMDB Top Movie-itis where people just vote on their current favorite as the "GOAT" thing. It's basically no better than a GameFAQs poll.

It doesn't help that Empire is like Famitsu for movies.


Where's God of War? Terrible list eitherway. Also, I love TLoU to death, but saying it's the best game ever made discredits just about everything before 2013, no?


You gotta admit that those character battle polls are entertaining though.

My favorite internet poll is The Consumerist one where I jokingly vote EA every year and a vocal minority of NeoGAF cries about the Golden Poop Internet Award.
LOL at bringing up "rose-tinted glasses" while completely neglecting to acknowledge how utterly engulfed in hype modern releases are.

It has nothing to do with hype, modern releases are doing more things, better than past videogames.

The movies comparison is bogus too, you won't see many if any silent movies in top 100 lists, this industry is still in it's infancy, they'll be a tipping point when videogames go as far as they can but before that, the best videogames are more likely to be modern.


It hurts to be one of the apparent few who thought TLOU was mediocre at best.
Above average but not spectacular IMO. Far too scripted, too much cutscene and not enough gameplay (bordering on a David Cage game at times), gunplay lacks fun and satisfaction. A case of style and story over gameplay. And that's fine, I like that games like TLOU exist, there's a place for them and I enjoy them from time to time. But I wouldn't even put it in the Top 100 personally, never mind 1. I almost find it insulting and offensive and it just seems like this whole list is nothing more than an advert.



Cracking list. Some killer titles in there.

Really pleased to see TLoU at number 1. People can moan all they like, the critical acclaim spoke for itself (was it 200 GoTY awards?). It probably is the best, most important game ever made.

Man, that's some arrogance.

Most important game of all time? Wow, you've sunken low lately. Almost as low as Vita sales.
That's pretty hyperbolic. Its a great game with great presentation.

MGS2 did more when it came to context and legitimate themes. Yeah yeah, Hideo Kojima is a awkward writer, MGS as a series is convoluted, but tic for tat what he sets out to do is more risky and ambitious than other developers.

MGS is the granddaddy of cinematic console games. It's more important than TLOU, by a longshot.

I love me some MGS craziness, especially 1&2, but in no sane world is it more important of a game than TLOU. Also, Ninja Gaiden is the granddaddy of cinematic console games.


Well, y'all are welcome to your feelings. I mean, some people don't like The Godfather or Thriller either.

Honestly, at this point the game and the acclaim surrounding it speaks for itself.

There are a lot of better movies than The Godfather:)

Critical acclaims have a meaning when something stands the test of time. There's a reason Seven Samurai is considered one of the greatest movie ever (zero Oscars) and Slumdog Millionaire is nowhere to see in any Top list (11 Oscars).


I love me some MGS craziness, especially 1&2, but in no sane world is it more important of a game than TLOU. Also, Ninja Gaiden is the granddaddy of cinematic console games.

MGS2 predicted the information economy and surveillance state fairly accurately. In 2001. In a video game. It's more important.
I usually just look at Zelda placements to see if they fit what a enjoy out of games. TP is ranked higher than WW and most Zelda's as it should so this is a decent list.


I really don't understand the love for TLoU

Maybe it's just not for me

Hell I have yet to play a single ND game I enjoyed :/


After playing the PS4 version of TLoU, I kind of agree. The game certainly isn't the best from a "game" perspective, but it achieves a feat of storytelling games have been attempting to tell since MGS.


Not a single 2D shooting game? No Symphony of the Night or any other Castlevania game? Just lots and lots of modern, popular stuff. What a failure.
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