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Bill Maher vrs Charlie Rose: Islam different from other religions

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Not true. Moslems live in the year 1435 (they history begins with the Hijra).

This is like expecting a 16year old to live like a 36year old. 'Yeah, I did a lot of shit when I was 16, but I am not 16 anymore so this is inexcusable'.

The leading christian country, the USA, is one of the most uncivilized countries on earth (leaders in pollution, proponents of torture, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa_Treaty, war-crimes, the list goes on and on). There is moral superiority here.

... What the heck am I reading?

Boko Haram
Ansar al-Islam

The fact that I can name several Islamic terrorist organizations off the top of my head shows that there is just something different about Islam. (And you can dig up tons more.) I put it down to the fact that the religion was formed during a period of warring tribes and that is heavily reflected in the Quran. That and the fact that there has been no reformation . . . . The old testament is filled with that kinda stuff but most modern jews ignore it all (They ignore it more than many Christians!). Edit: Oh . . . and a big issue is that most view the Quran as the literal word of god so there is little wiggle room to ignore all the barbaric bronze age nonsense.

Go ahead and make up any excuse you want (Colonial times, western interventions, poverty, whatever) and talk about true Scotsman . . . but the fact remains that Islam has violent extremist wing problem.

media visibility
media visibility
media visibility

people eat up what is created as a threat to them imminently.

however. Islam is such as free will religion that you can either follow its path to heaven by doing nothing (being good) or you can use it politically and socially to support what is already going on in your mind.

I would think not many good people turned to terrorism but most bad or hopeless people turned to terrorism and the flavor of modern terrorism is an ideology of hate.


I used to be in the "Islam isn't THAT bad" camp until I read this book. I mean, simply put, the religion is fucking ass backwards and one of the worst on the planet right now. If someone truly believes what's in the Quran, and I mean truly fucking believes every word, then they're most likely a fucking wacky who thinks some fucked up shit about women and basic human rights.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a person who fucking deals with absolutes and blanket generalizations.
I used to be in the "Islam isn't THAT bad" camp until I read this book. I mean, simply put, the religion is fucking ass backwards and one of the worst on the planet right now. If someone truly believes what's in the Quran, and I mean truly fucking believes every word, then they're most likely a fucking wacky who thinks some fucked up shit about women and basic human rights.

Speaking of dealing with Absolutes, here is a book that you should read as well. written by a friend of mine:



Clothed, sober, cooperative
So I'll agree with him on a couple of items.

  • Chronologically, he has a point. Right now, some of what he says is demonstrable.
  • And the way the religion is IMPLEMENTED.

Both of these used to be true for Christianity and Judaism too. And not necessarily a thousand years ago. And not everywhere.

Islam is a newer religion, with about the same distance between its original teachings and the moderation of them, as Judaism and Christianity have the luxury of already enjoying.

In this country, there are plenty of Christians who believe in the death penalty for murderers, and that abortion is murder.

In MAN-FUCKING-HATTAN there are thousands of Hassidic Jews with toxic beliefs about the role of women.

We're more alike than we like to pretend. And there are plenty of atheists with utterly disgusting beliefs.

I'm not trying to make a false equivalence, and partially I'm inclined to agree with aspects of what Maher's saying, and I know he also knows the above, but we don't have high ground here. At all.


Junior Member
Every religion goes through its rough times, and Islam is still a young one. itis about 1300 years old and in their age of conquering and in-fighting. Guess what Christianity did when it was 1300 years old?


How long does it take to get the idea that you shouldn't behead people?

It's 2014 and times are different. This isn't much of an excuse.


And there are plenty of atheists with utterly disgusting beliefs.

The difference is this: Atheists aren't coming together to form large groups to start raping women, torturing men, and forcing children into becoming gun-toting warriors. Is there any evidence of atheist extremists, whatever that would be, doing anything that could be considered even relatively "terroristic"?


So I'll agree with him on a couple of items.

  • Chronologically, he has a point. Right now, some of what he says is demonstrable.
  • And the way the religion is IMPLEMENTED.

Both of these used to be true for Christianity and Judaism too. And not necessarily a thousand years ago. And not everywhere.

Islam is a newer religion, with about the same distance between its original teachings and the moderation of them, as Judaism and Christianity have the luxury of already enjoying.

In this country, there are plenty of Christians who believe in the death penalty for murderers, and that abortion is murder.

In MAN-FUCKING-HATTAN there are thousands of Hassidic Jews with toxic beliefs about the role of women.

We're more alike than we like to pretend. And there are plenty of atheists with utterly disgusting beliefs.

I'm not trying to make a false equivalence, and partially I'm inclined to agree with aspects of what Maher's saying, and I know he also knows the above, but we don't have high ground here. At all.
It's not that we're not alike or we're infallible it's that at their worst, it's a hell of a lot worse than ours.
If you need to compare rich, and some educated and technologically advanced countries to Uganda then you can see you have an issue.

I feel like we can't really ignore the comparison, as the commonality underscoring a lot of radicalized Islam is a very low standard of living, wrought more often than not by the influence of foreign exploitation. If the youth in a war-torn country where only the elites enjoy things like uninterrupted electricity and clean drinking water had more options in life than to pick up a weapon and die at the orders of extremists, do you think he wouldn't pick any other option because Islam? Put another way, would the extremism in Saudi Arabia be any better if the royal family were devout Pastafarians, but every other part of the oil culture, rivalry with Iran and buddy buddy relationship with the United States remained intact?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The difference is this: Atheists aren't coming together to form large groups to start raping women, torturing men, and forcing children into becoming gun-toting warriors. Is there any evidence of atheist extremists, whatever that would be, doing anything that could be considered even relatively "terroristic"?

My point, as an atheist with arguably disgusting beliefs, is that I wouldn't want to be grouped or generalized with say, a bunch of teenage libertarians. Outside of that broad label, we have nothing in common.


Here's a question I've asked to several muslims;

If the Quran is the word of God and he says that you shall not interpret the Quran in any other way than it is written - why do you defy your God that you love so much when you say that "I don't interpret it that way" regarding certain texts, laws etc.

Feel free to answer it, muslim-GAF.
one of mahers points, the one where non muslims cant go into mecca, why is that always a big deal to some people. its islams holiest site and for pligrims only, the whole city is devoted to hajj. why do they want to go there so bad.


My point, as an atheist with arguably disgusting beliefs, is that I wouldn't want to be grouped or generalized with say, a bunch of teenage libertarians. Outside of that broad label, we have nothing in common.

I still fail to see your point.

one of mahers points, the one where non muslims cant go into mecca, why is that always a big deal to some people. its islams holiest site and for pligrims only, the whole city is devoted to hajj. why do they want to go there so bad.

Why wouldn't people want to visit Mecca? It's a site of historic significance, and many people would find visiting it to be enlightening and informative.


One could argue all day regarding them being real muslims or not, going by such things as how the majority of the muslims live their lives today. The fact remains that this is a problem (this being IS, for example) arisen because of religion. Let's not deny that.


one of mahers points, the one where non muslims cant go into mecca, why is that always a big deal to some people. its islams holiest site and for pligrims only, the whole city is devoted to hajj. why do they want to go there so bad.

If the Vatican suddenly said "Catholics only" I'm sure there would be an outrage.
Here's a question I've asked to several muslims;

If the Quran is the word of God and he says that you shall not interpret the Quran in any other way than it is written - why do you defy your God that you love so much when you say that "I don't interpret it that way" regarding certain texts, laws etc.

Feel free to answer it, muslim-GAF.

well. do you want to accept the moderate interpretation or the maudoodi interpretation. the maudoodi interpretation came into foray in the 1930s. the moderate interpretation was there since 630 AD. All terrorists subscribe to the maudoodi interpretation.

So again.....do you want the world to accept the maudoodi interpretation or the moderate interpretation

read up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abul_A'la_Maududi

he has more influence among extreme thinking than even Wahabism



Boko Haram
Ansar al-Islam

The fact that I can name several Islamic terrorist organizations off the top of my head shows that there is just something different about Islam. (And you can dig up tons more.) I put it down to the fact that the religion was formed during a period of warring tribes and that is heavily reflected in the Quran. That and the fact that there has been no reformation . . . . The old testament is filled with that kinda stuff but most modern jews ignore it all (They ignore it more than many Christians!). Edit: Oh . . . and a big issue is that most view the Quran as the literal word of god so there is little wiggle room to ignore all the barbaric bronze age nonsense.

Go ahead and make up any excuse you want (Colonial times, western interventions, poverty, whatever) and talk about true Scotsman . . . but the fact remains that Islam has violent extremist wing problem.

I think that is the biggest problem with Islam and why it is extremely difficult for reformation to happen. I don't really see a way for Islam to modernize unless Muslims start compartmentalizing all the terrible shit in the Quran. However, It seems that you will always have a large part of the Muslim community taking the Quran literally. I think Islam is one of the worst religions in the world partly because of how resistant it is to change.


Here's a question I've asked to several muslims;

If the Quran is the word of God and he says that you shall not interpret the Quran in any other way than it is written - why do you defy your God that you love so much when you say that "I don't interpret it that way" regarding certain texts, laws etc.

Feel free to answer it, muslim-GAF.

Isn't that the same way for Christian-GAF too? The Bible is supposedly the "Word of God" with no amendment process.


Junior Member
Isn't that the same way for Christian-GAF too? The Bible is supposedly the "Word of God" with no amendment process.

Pretty much. And it's hypocritical of them. Yet at the same time, the world is better off when not taking these scriptures too literally.

The New Testament IS the amendment process.

If you want to be technical about it, but many people still consider the OT law; it's not ignored. At least not with everything.


Did you know that Jesus said there would be true and false followers? Why would He say this? He said this because there are people that are self-deceived or pretend to be something that they are not.

I'm sorry, the "They're not true believers/christians etc" isn't a good argument in afraid.
I've heard it from almost denomination within Christianity. I guess it's time for a group meeting and settle who's the True Believer?
Here's a question I've asked to several muslims;

If the Quran is the word of God and he says that you shall not interpret the Quran in any other way than it is written - why do you defy your God that you love so much when you say that "I don't interpret it that way" regarding certain texts, laws etc.

Feel free to answer it, muslim-GAF.

Every Abrahamic religion cherry picks from the scripture available to them. The Bible in its current form is a very edited form of texts, some of which were excluded just because. If we're to discuss how Islam is different from other religions, how literally its practitioners take the holy texts is not a solid point to hammer on.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I still fail to see your point.


Maher is generalizing about the religion, rather than its implementation. He's paraphrasing the Koran (and Hadiths), rather than its interpretation. 99.9999% of ALL religions or objectively false, almost every single one claims to be the one true religion, or aspect thereof, so even if, like Pascal, you pick one, you're probably fucked, but many of them, including Islam, CAN live in perfect harmony with their neighbors, if rationally or reasonably applied.



... yeah...

In every thread there's always that one person nonsensically playing devil's advocate. Congrats on not being you!

Also, I'm curious, are there different versions of the Quran like there are of the bible? I feel like that was part of the reason people started realizing it didn't make sense to take everything in it literally, when, depending on your version, the wording could be different meaning there was little that could be stated as the "absolute word of God"


Every Abrahamic religion cherry picks from the scripture available to them. The Bible in its current form is a very edited form of texts, some of which were excluded just because. If we're to discuss how Islam is different from other religions, how literally its practitioners take the holy texts is not a solid point to hammer on.

I'm not asking who's the "true Muslim" in this case, I'm asking; why do you defy your God when you know that it says in the Quran that it is forbidden to interpret the text in any other way.
Also its interesting:

When someone says this is the moderate interpretation, the response from Maher is usually well terrorists do not do that so there has to be validity to their beliefs. To which people say well why are you giving terrorist views validity, to which the response is, well they seem more Muslim and act on it to which the moderate response is, well so do the Moderate Muslims by being more Muslim and acting on it (by doing no terrorism). Its basically some muslims apply no true scotsman to terrorists and islamic critics both who believe islam has a certain interpretation and then terrorists and islamic critics apply no true scotsman on the moderate muslims who believe islam has a certain interpretation.


Every Abrahamic religion cherry picks from the scripture available to them. The Bible in its current form is a very edited form of texts, some of which were excluded just because. If we're to discuss how Islam is different from other religions, how literally its practitioners take the holy texts is not a solid point to hammer on.

Yes it is, because it shows that religions are man made. It shows that the texts are old, static, weak and in the end false.


It is hard to over look the written words in the quran, in regards to violence toward "infidels."

I always see excuses for these words, but they never change the fact that those words are being followed by muslims every day.


Yes it is, because it shows that religions are man made. It shows that the texts are old, static, weak and false.

Its a shame that religion is so clearly and obviously made up and completely imaginary, and yet you have so many people get so violent over such nonsense.
I'm not asking who's the "true Muslim" in this case, I'm asking; why do you defy your God when you know that it says in the Quran that it is forbidden to interpret the text in any other way.

Why do you speed when the limit is clearly posted and the penalties are spelled out when you get a driver's license? Humans are fallible, and when presented with a set of absolute guidelines the human brain is exceptionally good at justifying any wiggle room around them. I'm not muslim, but I suspect I can take an educated stab at the root of all 'X says Y, why don't the people who agreed to X obey Y 100% of the time?' queries.


Define 'we.' Orthodox Christianity is the cudgel used to imprison and kill gays in Russia. Christianity is the pretext used to out and murder gays in Uganda. As the 'but wait that's not us!' interjection crosses your mind try for a second to pretend you're muslim and you see your religion painted with those colors.

The fact is though, islam is given this huge free pass among people. People are called bigots because they are speaking out against practices of muslims. Do christians do bad things? Sure, but there sure as hell isnt much resistance when you call them out on it.

I mean, just look at the Rotherham situation. Even now the media is trying to keep it hush hush, and that is just one of the many incidents in Britain where this has occurred.

The fact is, if we dont criticize islam then it will never get better. The reason that christianity got better over the centuries was because people wised up and started scrutinizing what adherents were doing.
It is hard to over look the written words in the quran, in regards to violence toward "infidels."

I always see excuses for these words, but they never change the fact that those words are being followed by muslims every day.

yes quite true.

Fight those christians and jews who attack you and your children and your alies

and slay them where they stand until they repent

For if the do repent and don't attack you anymore, don't harm an unarmed man who is not attacking you

Hint: Terrorists and Islamophobes will treat the spoiler parts as spoilers and ignore it for convenience or malicious intent, Moderate Muslims will treat those as CONTEXT,

amazing huh?

One interpretation is reading with context and one interpretation is reading without context. and its amazing people believe reading without context has validity to it. simply amazing and tragic. No common sense,


My point, as an atheist with arguably disgusting beliefs, is that I wouldn't want to be grouped or generalized with say, a bunch of teenage libertarians. Outside of that broad label, we have nothing in common.

Or perhaps Christians and the LRA.

How ridiculous is that?



Why do you speed when the limit is clearly posted and the penalties are spelled out when you get a driver's license? Humans are fallible, and when presented with a set of absolute guidelines the human brain is exceptionally good at justifying any wiggle room around them. I'm not muslim, but I suspect I can take an educated stab at the root of all 'X says Y, why don't the people who agreed to X obey Y 100% of the time?' queries.

Bending the rules, ok, but I'm talking about completely breaking them and reciting them in a totally different way - or even front out lying that "it doesn't say that".
I'm sick of Bill Maher's racism. The violence in Western Asia is a result of Anglo intervention, colonialism, absurd wealth, and a cast of brutal dictators. Muslims in the U.S. don't behead people because they did not grow up in a chaotic society. When it comes to violence, religion is almost always an after the fact justification. Islam is not the prior cause of West Asian strife.

What he said was 100% true and you can easily prove it statistically.

Even with 2 world wars, the holocaust, the millions killed in gulags in the USSR, the great leap forward, Pol Pot decimating Cambodia, the 20th century was the least violent century in human history.

Do you have data to back that up? 60 million people died in WWII alone. I have a hard time believing that any century had more human-caused death than the twentieth. Even the mongol conquests didn't match that figure.

youre seriously arguing the world is not more peaceful and humane that it was in the 1300s?

This is first world privilege. if you live in the imperial or post imperial nations of the west, the world is comparatively peaceful. But if you live in their present or former colonies, usually referred to as the third world, things are radically different. The first world is safer because we export our violence.


Wow didn't know Saudi Arabia beheads people for being homosexual. These people are our government's allies? Sickening.


I guess it's time for a group meeting and settle who's the True Believer?

The Bible is a lot more clear than this. It says that there will be evidence if a person knows God or not.

Evidence that they do not know God.
Evidence that they do know God.

That is why Jesus said that there would be evidence if a person knows God or not. He says it because there are liars in His church pretending to be something they are not. The good thing is He tells his followers what to look for to warn people.
Every religion goes through its rough times, and Islam is still a young one. itis about 1300 years old and in their age of conquering and in-fighting. Guess what Christianity did when it was 1300 years old?


This would be a valid point if the modern world existed when Christianity was 1300 years old, but it didn't. There's no excuse for this shit when our species is in the Information Age and you can fact-check and in/validate your behavior in seconds via the Internet or other bastions of knowledge. The excuse for ignorance and hate dwindles with each year of increased worldwide information sharing.


The fact is though, islam is given this huge free pass among people. People are called bigots because they are speaking out against practices of muslims. Do christians do bad things? Sure, but there sure as hell isnt much resistance when you call them out on it.

I mean, just look at the Rotherham situation. Even now the media is trying to keep it hush hush, and that is just one of the many incidents in Britain where this has occurred.

The fact is, if we dont criticize islam then it will never get better. The reason that christianity got better over the centuries was because people wised up and started scrutinizing what adherents were doing.

Here's a clue.

When people talk about the bad things the Christians in Uganda do, they don't say it's because of Christianity, they say it's a bastardization of it. When some people talk about what a Muslim group does, they say it's because of Islam, not a bastardization.


The New Testament IS the amendment process.

Is it now?

Matthew 5

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.
19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
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