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7 Minutes of Bill Maher's bigotry - why do liberals & leftists still listen to him?

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His criticism of Islam goes well past the faith though into bigoted statements and jokes about middle-eastern people, he's constantly equivocating the religion to the culture while sitting back and going: "Islam isn't a race, so I'm not being racist!"

I think he's dialed it back quite a bit in recent times. His discussion with Sam Harris earlier this month is actually very reasonable and without the usual more extreme views that you'd normally associate with him on the topic. I'm completely certain that a few years ago he'd be completely in favor of Trump's ban as well as Austria's recent ban of the burqa, but he's against them now. He's definitely evolved over time, likely from continually speaking to people in and around the religion.


It's not, but for modern liberals, criticizing jihadists makes you a racist.

Which makes me sad, because I used to think of myself as a liberal.

Case in point.

@ Lime

You were calling people right wing concern trolls for Criticism in the Iran/Swedish ministers in headscarves thread

I find supposedly "progressive" people who abandon all criticism of powerful and often times suffocating religions and cultures in the name of avoiding "racism" far more dangerous than left wing Atheists.

(I'm not American so not that familiar with, Bill Maher)

What Maher is doing isn't criticism of a religion, it's dumb bigotry and racism.


I think Maher does have a racist bent towards Middle Eastern people. I do recall him making some comments about local Iranian people in LA, that had nothing to do with their religion.
If Maher cared about criticizing philosophical aspects of Islam, he would bring on Muslim intellectuals and debate them in good faith. Instead, he brings on concern-trolling Muslim Trump supporters with whom he can easily find common ground.

Has Maher ever brought on a trans person?


I think he's dialed it back quite a bit in recent times. His discussion with Sam Harris earlier this month is actually very reasonable and without the usual more extreme views that you'd normally associate with him on the topic. I'm completely certain that a few years ago he'd be completely in favor of Trump's ban as well as Austria's recent ban of the burqa, but he's against them now. He's definitely evolved over time, likely from continually speaking to people in and around the religion.
That Maher has changed is at least something I can respect. It doesn't excuse what happened on Friday, but it does show the man has at least some curiosity.


His Arabic views has always been based on polls in Muslim countries that suggest a large percentage are cool with the extremist views and the violent path to push Islam. He hates that liberals defend this religion because of this.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
That Maher has changed is at least something I can respect. It doesn't excuse what happened on Friday, but it does show the man has at least some curiosity.

He does have some curiosity. The problem is that he just seems so slow and stubborn to adjust on just about anything
That Maher has changed is at least something I can respect. It doesn't excuse what happened on Friday, but it does show the man has at least some curiosity.

You won't find me defending what happened last Friday (although his New Rules was fantastic). In an ideal world his opening this week would be him apologizing for what he said, or in some cases didn't say, last week. But I don't really hold much hope for that happening.


You won't find me defending what happened last Friday (although his New Rules was fantastic). In an ideal world his opening this week would be him apologizing for what he said, or in some cases didn't say, last week. But I don't really hold much hope for that happening.

He will either say sorry, or "This is why Trump won."

Heck, he might even say both.


You won't find me defending what happened last Friday (although his New Rules was fantastic). In an ideal world his opening this week would be him apologizing for what he said, or in some cases didn't say, last week. But I don't really hold much hope for that happening.
Unfortunately, doesn't look like it.

Given all that has transpired since Friday's show, how do you feel now about your decision to have Milo Yiannopoulos as a guest, and how those segments transpired?

Well, let's recap. About a week ago, I went on Van Jones's show, and somebody asked me about the booking. I hadn't really gotten into the details of Milo yet. He was just getting on my radar. I said, specifically, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Then we had Milo on, despite the fact that many people said, ”Oh, how dare you give a platform to this man." What I think people saw was an emotionally needy Ann Coulter wannabe, trying to make a buck off of the left's propensity for outrage. And by the end of the weekend, by dinnertime Monday, he's dropped as a speaker at CPAC. Then he's dropped by Breitbart, and his book deal falls through. As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. You're welcome.

You think his appearance on ”Real Time" helped lead to his downfall?

That's what I was just saying. And by the way, I wasn't trying to get him removed from society. I'm somebody who, many times, people have tried to make go away. They were successful that one time, for six months in 23 years, because that's how long it was between the two shows [”Real Time" and ”Politically Incorrect," Mr. Maher's previous talk show, which aired on Comedy Central and ABC]. It just rubs me the wrong way when somebody says, ”I don't like what this person is saying — he should go away."

So basically, Bill Maher took credit for something he had nothing to do with.

When he said that transgender people have a ”psychiatric disorder," do you just move on from that?

Move on? It dominated the entire [online] segment. The other guests attacked him. When I say, ”That's not unreasonable" [to not want to share a bathroom with a transgender person] it's because women have said that to me: ”I want to know," or ”I'm not comfortable with someone in the bathroom, even if they, in their minds, have decided they are a woman." Doesn't that opinion count at all?

But you don't agree that transgender people have a psychiatric disorder.

No, I don't agree with that. But I don't know that much about the situation. If somebody feels like they're a woman, fine, then you're a woman. I'm O.K. with that. If they've studied that, and they say it's not a psychiatric disorder, I'm O.K. with that too. If that's what scientists decided, that it's not any psychological disorder, it's fine with me. I agree.


I think he's dialed it back quite a bit in recent times. His discussion with Sam Harris earlier this month is actually very reasonable and without the usual more extreme views that you'd normally associate with him on the topic. I'm completely certain that a few years ago he'd be completely in favor of Trump's ban as well as Austria's recent ban of the burqa, but he's against them now. He's definitely evolved over time, likely from continually speaking to people in and around the religion.

That Maher has changed is at least something I can respect. It doesn't excuse what happened on Friday, but it does show the man has at least some curiosity.

Sorry, but I don't see any moderation or self-reflection in this interview. It's still complaining about Muslims as a single entity, about the Left criticizing people like Harris and Maher for being bigoted, about so-called 'moderate Muslims', and finally doing the irresponsible thing by reducing complex geopolitical, cultural, and socio-economic issues to one only about religion.

They're being less hostile and belittling about it, I guess, but it's still the same blanket and simplistic statements about Muslims and Islam.
I think it's curious to see conservatives laughing at progressives rightly calling out Maher. They think that Maher is some progressive or liberal authority figure, and I guess they're seeing this as a refutation of liberal concepts. Actually, it could not be further from that. Evidence has been presented, and using that evidence Maher appears to be a complete asshat and worthy of scorn. Unlike conservatives, when evidence presents itself that a famous member of the liberal movement is a shitbird, progressives do not double down and defend them, but discard their messages and label their identity as harmful.


I'm not a fan of the liberal/progressive purity test, so I listen to what he has to say, even if I don't agree with all of it.
Is your whole shtick based on commenting against arguments no one has made or defended? Cuz that's what it looks like.

Where in that post has that argument ever been fucking made?

Maher is being called a bigot and a racist for criticizing jihadism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I just want the people in this thread defending Islamic theocracy to know they are defending societies in which the female literacy rate is 35% and most women are married by the time they turn 18.


Bill Maher really needs to think about his attitude. I haven't watched him in years because it's so tiring.

Try living for ONE DAY as a young woman in rural Yemen and see if you still think Islamic fundamentalism is so great.

All religious fundamentalism is generally shitty for women. It's not just Islam.

Get rid of the fundamentalists, and everyone will be happy.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Maher is being called a bigot and a racist for criticizing jihadism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I just want the people in this thread defending Islamic theocracy to know they are defending societies in which the female literacy rate is 35% and most women are married by the time they turn 18.


Because it is simultaneously possible to recognize that when a government is being run as an Islamic theocracy it causes great harm to many people and also recognize that peaceful Muslims are victims of discrimination and violence and that turning away refugees fleeing for their lives due to their religion is inhumane. Both of these things can be true!

And any idea that Islam is "incompatible with Western values" is such thin bullshit. I've shared this anecdote before but it was eye opening teaching a children's robotics summer class and having like a third of the students in the class be 10 year old Somali Muslim girls wearing headscarves. Hard for me to jive Islam being so fundamentally and irreparably hostile towards women's rights with the reality that these girl's parents wanted them to get a headstart on their freakin STEM education. There are cultural problems correlated with Islamic countries, not fundamental incompatibilities between the Muslim faith and decency
Maher is being called a bigot and a racist for criticizing jihadism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I just want the people in this thread defending Islamic theocracy to know they are defending societies in which the female literacy rate is 35% and most women are married by the time they turn 18.

No. He's being called a bigot and racist for conflating the people with the religion. No one's defending Islamic theocracy/jihadism/fundamentalism.

Because it is simultaneously possible to recognize that when a government is being run as an Islamic theocracy it causes great harm to many people and also recognize that peaceful Muslims are victims of discrimination and violence and that turning away refugees fleeing for their lives due to their religion is inhumane. Both of these things can be true!

And any idea that Islam is "incompatible with Western values" is such thin bullshit. I've shared this anecdote before but it was eye opening teaching a children's robotics summer class and having like a third of the students in the class be 10 year old Somali Muslim girls wearing headscarves. Hard for me to jive Islam being so fundamentally and irreparably hostile towards women's rights with the reality that these girl's parents wanted them to get a headstart on their freakin STEM education. There are cultural problems correlated with Islamic countries, not fundamental incompatibilities between the Muslim faith and decency

Who in this thread is defending Islamic theocracy?

You have a lot of people in this thread defending Islam. I just don't think many of them have actually thought about how awful life is in conservative Islamic societies. Especially if you're a women, homosexual or apostate.
No. He's being called a bigot and racist for conflating the people with the religion. No one's defending Islamic theocracy/jihadism/fundamentalism.

I don't think he's done that, rather he paints all adherents of the religion with a broad stroke. Maher doesn't hate brown people, he dislikes Muslims (ie people that practice Islam). In his mind it is a violent and repressive religion and anyone who is an adherent of such a religion supports these terrible elements of the religion.


Maher is being called a bigot and a racist for criticizing jihadism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I just want the people in this thread defending Islamic theocracy to know they are defending societies in which the female literacy rate is 35% and most women are married by the time they turn 18.
Again, where in that post (or this thread) has anyone suggested that they

A) respect severely misogynist practices in Muslim countries...
B) would be fine with those practices being adopted or normalized by secular/western societies...
C) think these practices are above criticism

Please point them out.

Because it must be one of those and not, y'know, Maher being a piece of bigoted trash by not only broadly generalizing Muslim counties as some kind of singular entity but their people and ideologies as well.
Maher is being called a bigot and a racist for criticizing jihadism and Islamic fundamentalism.

I just want the people in this thread defending Islamic theocracy to know they are defending societies in which the female literacy rate is 35% and most women are married by the time they turn 18.


You're acting like the only way one can criticize human rights abuses in Islamic countries and Muslim communities is to look at them from the simplified, one-size-fits-all point of view that Harris and Maher use.
No. He's being called a bigot and racist for conflating the people with the religion. No one's defending Islamic theocracy/jihadism/fundamentalism.

But if you were to actually watch his show instead of viewing cobbled together hit pieces on YouTube, you would know that he often points out that he's not talking about all Muslims. Which, by the way is not a race -- it's a set of ideas. He literally makes it a point NOT to conflate race and religion.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Liberals are really turning on Maher this week.

I've disliked Maher for awhile now. The nutty thing is that he says he's a liberal because being a liberal is about being empathetic, and yet Maher is probably the least empathetic liberal I know.



You're acting like the only way one can criticize human rights abuses in Islamic countries and Muslim communities is to look at them from the simplified, one-size-fits-all point of view that Harris and Maher use.[/QUOTE]

Which middle eastern country do they mischaracterize?


Maher is an idiot and a bigot.

He uses his liberalness conservatively, to berate what he thinks is normal or safe or established in American culture. His tolerance is tinged with intolerance.


For left-leaning people. He taints the message.

I'd argue that progressive thought is, by its nature, not a singular definable message. Conservatism is. Conservatives want to conserve the past, progressives want to progress toward the future. But the past is already written; it's singular and definable for the most part. The future is not written, it's based on an huge number of different people's visions, hopes, goals and predictions... it's plural. It's why there's all the general (justified) perception that republicans are so good at falling into line, and democrats are like "herding cats" as they say.

"The left-leaning message" is kind of a questionable concept. That can mean a lot of things.


Most of us don't? I've always been amazed he has any audience at all. He's not funny, he's not interesting, he's a terrible example of any of his views. He always struck me as a character just like Limbaugh. Honestly I wonder if most of his actual audience is just hate watching. I've never once heard someone hold him up as a good or wise example.


I'd argue that progressive thought is, by its nature, not a singular definable message. Conservatism is. Conservatives want to conserve the past, progressives want to progress toward the future. But the past is already written; it's singular and definable for the most part. The future is not written, it's based on an huge number of different people's visions, hopes, goals and predictions... it's plural. It's why there's all the general (justified) perception that republicans are so good at falling into line, and democrats are like "herding cats" as they say.

"The" message for left leaning people, is kind of a questionable concept.

I was about to post something similar.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Most of us don't? I've always been amazed he has any audience at all. He's not funny, he's not interesting, he's a terrible example of any of his views. He always struck me as a character just like Limbaugh. Honestly I wonder if most of his actual audience is just hate watching. I've never once heard someone hold him up as a good or wise example.

1 minute later...

Bill Maher is awesome. Love his show. Love his Stand Up.

Can he be better. Of Course. We All Can.
Because nobody is perfect. There is a reason there isn't a prominent leftist radio commentator while the right is full of them. It's because given time NOBODY can withstand the left purity test.
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