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Destiny - Review Thread

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There were plenty in some. One of those "Content" threads was a graveyard in the runup to launch. I love the game and am inclined to agree with the Diablo theory I have seen mentioned a few times. That being, it will grow and improve over time. It is honestly exactly what I expected and wanted. I am sorry that it is not meeting the expectations many had for it, that does suck but I think with the beta/demo being so available at least part of the blame falls to the purchaser, I don't feel like Bungie pulled some evil bait and switch or something like some have said.

I knew what I was getting would be the Beta times 4 or 5 in size. That seems to be what I got. I'm level 22 and have not been to Mars yet. There seems to be a ton of content to me, of course I am not one to speed run or blast through it just to do so. I dunno, different strokes for different folks and there is not a damn thing wrong with that.

Edit; They do need more multiplayer maps desperately. I will say this unequivocally.

That's a perfectly reasonable way to look at things. To your complaint at the bottom, I agree, but only because the majority of the maps favor shotguns. However, I think even before they need to worry about muliplayer maps, they should worry about their playlists. I know they have more, but only making one of the ones they're holding back available for only the weekend seems hugely counterproductive. It even seems sloppy when you still have daily bounties up for a mode that can't be accessed any longer.
20 hours later will not make the PvP any better, or the loot system less boring, or the storytelling less awful, or the sociliazation less terrible, or the strikebosses less crappy grindfest, breh

Also, if you thought THIS was a PR piece, check out dude's review diary. Some snippets:

"Indeed, on that same note, the scale of what’s going on can be really affecting. With its carefully constructed world feeling so lived-in and alive from the offset, the effect of every set-piece is amplified. Early on, a small fleet of Fallen dropships warps in over open ground, just above me. As the majority of the ships thunder past, a handful of metres over my head, the instinct to run, duck and hide is uncontrollable. It’s a pretty damn intimidating experience!"

"The ‘no’ part of the solo equation? Some of Destiny’s bosses are insane. Like, ’15 minutes spent hammering away at them with a three-man team, watching their health bar whittle down pixel by pixel, while beset by every normal enemy in the area’, insane. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. Destiny is an MMO, and its bosses need to be demand something more involved than a circle-strafe while aiming at the glowing red bit. "

"The Tower, Destiny’s safe, market area, is really starting to thrive as an online community hub. Increasingly bigger crowds are already amplifying its bustling, atmospheric Mos Eisley vibe, just a few days after launch. But even better than that, the community is starting to get really silly with its communications and activities.

Last night, for instance, I found myself partaking in a sneak-line. A few people had realised that you can crouch-walk at The Tower, which looks pretty funny in third-person. Thus, a conga line of creeping broke out around the perimeter of the main market square. I don’t know why, but it was fantastic. And then there was the big dance-off, which broke out into a full-scale wedding disco, as I adopted the role of excitable ten-year old and started using the slide move to skid across the ‘dancefloor’ in between the grown-ups. Oh, and every so often, someone finds a bouncy ball, and we all start jostling and slide-tackling it around, by way of an anarchic game of football without any rules. I died leaping over the edge while going for a header last night. It was brilliant. "

"Destiny’s economy just exploded. In fact it’s now a game in itself. Bungie is just getting started. Destiny is just getting started. I am just getting started. We’re all in this for the long-haul. I could not be more excited about this weekend’s play. And of course, I'll let you know how it all went down, very soon, right here. "


"On the subject of the Crucible, I cannot overstate how good Destiny’s competitive multiplayer is. This really, really is something special I’m talking about here. Very much Halo in its core handling and conceits--though perhaps a little faster and more aggressive--extended exploration of its maps, game modes and tactical possibilities reveals a truly monumental array of depths and intricacies.

Exhilarating, player-created, set-pieces-in-waiting aplenty float just below its surface layer of accessible, aerobatic gunplay. The arresting visual sweep of its maps belies multitudinous, granular skirmish points and invisible, unlabelled, but utterly vital strongholds. Broad-strokes superheroism clashes with intimate, precise, tactical clarity, as rockets and plasma rain bombastically from the sky and small, two-man defence crews turn innocuous caves into impenetrable fortresses. It is, not to put too fine a point on it, sublime. 10-year old Halo clans are getting back together over it. Friends who’ve never played together online before are forging unstoppable new alliances and claiming sections of the Crucible’s maps for their own, with their own strategies and their own terminology. Something big is going on here. It really feels like we might be at the start of a new, Halo 2-style golden era for online multiplayer. "

"I’m in deep, and I’m never coming out

I can’t imagine ever wanting to stop playing Destiny now. The content available already, with its depth, spiralling strategic possibilities--both on and off the field of war--and pure, none-more-satisfying, moment-to-moment action is already enough to keep me enthralled by the present and enticed by my next set of steps. But there’s more to come. There’s already so much more to come, just over the period of September and October. I’m 30 hours in, and only getting more excited and involved all the time.

And the best part is that--as you might have noticed by my wording over the last few slides--it’s really now about ‘we’ rather than ‘I’. Over the last few days, the community has really coalesced into a tangible, thriving entity. Any time I go in, I know I’ll have a whole bunch of people to play with, whatever we want to get involved in. I’ll always have a wingman for locking down that cave with. I’ll always have a strategic strike squad for surgically tearing through Salvage. I’ll always have a team of brave warriors ready to take on the next, incredulously challenging Vanguard mission. And should we ever need to make up the numbers, we’ll always find a random compatriot ready and willing to do the business and work as part of a close, symbiotic team. I’m staggered. I really am staggered by how well this is going and what it’s turning into. I’m going in again as soon as I’ve posted this. Because why wouldn’t I? Destiny is where everything is happening. "

Jesus. I cannot stop laughing. Holy shit. Wow.

Thats where I got the quote so I wouldn't say it's worse, haha. Btw, that bolded statement seems pretty troll like. There is just a bit of hyperbole going on there.

Name a single part of the game where they went above and beyond what they said they would do. Or even general expectations.

Ding II

I know the world's been waiting, so here's my review:

Well, wait, I must first admit that I haven't actually played Destiny. This is GAF, after all. But I did play the Beta, including the Moon story-missions. Normally, that wouldn't qualify anyone to pass judgement on a full game, but based on what I've read about Destiny, the Beta provided access to close to half of the game's locations and missions, and demonstrated the majority of the game's mechanics. Still and all, let's just call this a review of the Beta.

Oh, and Destiny was probably my most-anticipated game, to date. I didn't come into this predisposed to hate.

I liked it. But it seemed weirdly limited. The shooting mechanics, and even more importantly, the movement mechanics, were very strong. I can't remember having that much fun leaping around (as a Warlock) and shooting fools since I did it way back in Tribes 2. Also, the graphics and general production values are lovely.

The story was terrible, but frankly, who cares? It's a shooter. Shooter stories are routinely awful, and this one is no different. I'll live. Would it have been a better game (beta) with the addition of an engaging story? Sure, but the lack of a story doesn't really hurt it that much. Especially since Destiny has far worse problems than it's (lack of) story. (Certainly, Bungie did themselves no favors by promising LotR-level story telling, but I'm not going to hold that against the actual game. I'm just going to stop believing things that Bungie says.)

Fatal problem number 1: Ridiculously small number of small(ish) maps. Four areas? Seriously? Fully one quarter of the game (half the beta) takes place within a single Russian launch facility. A mostly empty launch facility. It's not like there's a lot of density or verticality to make the maps worth revisting repeatedly.

Fatal problem number 2: The (horrible, repetitive) mission design makes the limited real estate feel even more repetitive than it needs to. You are repeatedly spawned into the same desolate spot, and are asked to run past the same spots you ran past in the last mission. Talk about beating things into the ground as quickly as possible! The only unique parts of missions are typically some small enclosed space that you're locked into for an arena battle.

Just for contrast, let's look at EDF 2025. (Bear with me.) That game was $40 brand new, has laughable production values, no marketing, and the game play consists solely of killing perhaps 10 types of enemy on maybe 6 different maps. I've got over 400 hours into the game, and it's fricking awesome! Why? Well, the maps are pretty big. Also, the scenery is pretty diverse within most of the maps. There will be parks and high rise hotels and suburban neighborhoods and bridges and wooded hills and train stations... all within a single map. Each of the (90+) missions then varies the spot at which you spawn into these maps, making it feel like a totally new area that you haven't seen before. You don't always spawn at the same train station and then run somewhere else, you spawn in some other location, facing in some other direction. For all you know, you might be someplace entirely new. (A different town or city, in this example.) You aren't, but it feels like you could be.

In Destiny, it is always(?) super clear that you've come back to the same damn place, to do pretty much the same damn thing. That "thing" includes shooting and jumping which are pretty awesome, but come on. Some variation is desperately needed.

And that's about it for the bad parts of Destiny in my mind. But they are doozies: Nothing to do, and nowhere in which to do them in. I exaggerate of course. There are a few things to do, and a few places in which to do them. That just isn't nearly good enough for my $60. (I have no interest in the Crucible. I don't hold that against Destiny, but at the same time MP does not improve the value proposition to me. Just like it doesn't for Halo or CoD.)

TLDR: Destiny has a weak story, a lackluster loot progression, and poorly differentiated classes, but I forgive all that. I don't care about the mysteriously absent matchmaking, because I'd never use it. Those aspects are "good enough" that they don't impede me from enjoying the great shooting and movement. But sadly, the ludicrously small amount of real estate we're given to run around in, and the hilariously limited types of activities available in those areas, are pretty much a deal breaker for me. At least for 60 bucks. Gimme twice the content or half the price, and I'm starting to get interested.

STLDR: The game isn't that bad, it's just too small.

Score: 7.62


All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.
All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

I think that the story is pretty good, with huge potential. But I have to use the explorer in a website to learn about it, instead of exploring ingame to discover it.


Yeah, going online, posting and asking for a group, then adding Gamertags in Xbox and creating a fireteam is an equivalent solution to pressing a "Find a group" button in-game.

You're absolutely right. Just saying.


Except find a group results in a random, likely crappy team, and adding GAFfers results in a higher quality team.




This is something we need to be able to do in Halo.

If anything, Destiny nailed the psuedo-ghost mechanics.


Name a single part of the game where they went above and beyond what they said they would do. Or even general expectations.

Well, the original quote of yours that I took issue with was that they "over promised and under delivered in EVERY aspect of the game." Obviously, this is an opinion, while the promises are at least debatable I don't feel like you can even argue the "under delivered in EVERY aspect of the game". That smacks of hyperbole. You seriously can't find anything of value in there? I won't touch another FPS this year, there is plenty of value there for me and many others as well. No under delivering here. Maybe you aren't looking for the good and are focusing extensively on the negative?
All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

While I could probably do a bit on the Halo plot and the various subtexts, metaphors, and imageries that could be tacked on to it, I could do the same thing with Destiny. The plot isn't the problem here, not really.


All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

The plot in halo was "good enough", it served to give you a reason to do whatever it is you're doing in the game. It was functional. From a literary standpoint it's meaningless pulp.


All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

It was a good piece of military sci-fi. I even read a couple of the books.


Reached lvl 20 a few days ago. Grinding up to lvl 26 doesn't sound like any fun at all to me. I tried to play a mission on hard alone here and there, but it isn't fun anymore, it just feels kinda pointless. Right now Destiny has become more of a chat app to me, which is ok. I played 17h of the Beta and 20h of the finished game. Thinking about sending back the game.


Speaking of Youtube impressions, now that I think about it, Angry Joe was pretty spot on for me with his complaint about the game feeling too grindy. I just want to move from one level to the next. I don't want to grind for hours to level up my character just to be able to play the next mission.

I wonder when his review is going up.

If it's too easy then the sense of satisfaction is lower and the tower going to be swarmed with people of the same level cap.


If it's too easy then the sense of satisfaction is lower and the tower going to be swarmed with people of the same level cap.

By too easy, do you mean how long it takes, or how challenging it is?

Because grinding isn't by any means challenging when you receive the same chances of loot from the lowest level enemies.

As for time, sure, but most RPGs people can expect to progress a certain about after a certain amount of time. I just turned LV25 at 50 hours, I dunno how long it will take to get the armour I need for LV26. 10 hours? 2000 enemies? 20 Bounties? I have no idea. I could level up the Vanguard Points but I'm barely LV1 and I need to be LV2. I have enough Strange Coins and Motes of Light for at least one bit of gear, but I have to wait until Friday.

EXP bars let you know if you were ever making progress. Mathematically I should eventually level up, but I could technically go a very long time before receiving anything.

Rare loot chances being tied to the progression system makes no sense when such rare loot doesn't even make the player feel more powerful. Light only lets up deal damage to higher level enemies, not more damage.


All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

Short answer: yes.

Master Chief is memorable because the narrative reinforced him as memorable. The storytelling made you feel like a superhuman soldier fighting for the good of mankind, and he had genuine chemistry with Cortana. It works on a small, intimate scale, and has as much crazy expanded universe as you feel like getting into, too.

Id argue Myth and Myth II are their best stories, which are quintessential "grounded" fantasy games, but Im sure there are those (whove actually played it) whod argue otherwise. They very much have a specific cup of tea (strong visual identity, immediate grounded story with a lot of optional reading for super fleshed out worlds)


Edge review tomorrow I reckon. 6 or a 9 could go either way....
They could go like 10 out of 10, motherfuckers, and everybody would be like no way, gives us that guy's number and they'd be like look at the author, man, EDGE staff, motherfuckers, nobody knows.
The issue with it. It isn't enough "Bungie". No flying. No vehicles(the bike thing doesn't count). Loot chests are plenty enough. So exploration isn't that great.

It is definitely a 6 or a 7.


All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.
The Halo games have a great world but Bungie's storytelling has never been anything to write home about.
Halo always gave you just enough of an excuse to pay attention to the cutscenes and go from A to B while killing things. The story wasnt great even by video game standards but it was there and it wasnt offensive. The background and lore complimented it so that if you did find it interesting there was enough stuff to dig around and read up on.

Destiny's problems (from what I can make out) is that they just removed the first part.
All this talk about the story and how it's subpar of a Bungie product makes me think:

Did the Halo franchise even have good stories from a literary standpoint? I mean, they were cinematic, the characters were likable and the battles were epic, but was there any meaning to it? I haven't played any Halo game in years and back when I did, I didn't really know or care for plots or subtext.

I wouldn't mind the lack of story if there was more agency or personal stake. We keep getting told about Light, and the Darkness, and all of these other things, but what exactly are they? Why is my traffic-jam casualty self the special guardian(s)?

It doesn't help that half the things brought up are dropped almost immediately, and big revelations such as Hive about to invade Earth or those "Invincible" cyborg Vex are kind of met with a whatever from even the NPCs who mention it.

In Halo, you had your purpose. There were clear goals and you knew, or were lead on, about what everything was, why you were doing it, and why you should care. They weren't great stories by themselves, but it did well with what little it had. Even in the mess that was Halo 2 things worked out this way.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've been absent and so many posts. This thread is fast. So, in a nutshell, since the raid was released has there been changed opinions for the better or worse? What do you all think of it now that the raid has been released?
I've been absent and so many posts. This thread is fast. So, in a nutshell, since the raid was released has there been changed opinions for the better or worse? What do you all think of it now that the raid has been released?

The cool mechanics introduced in the raid are a plus, the realization that a) most players won't be able to see them and b) they make the strikes look even worse in comparison are minuses. So about the same.


Short answer: yes.

Master Chief is memorable because the narrative reinforced him as memorable. The storytelling made you feel like a superhuman soldier fighting for the good of mankind, and he had genuine chemistry with Cortana. It works on a small, intimate scale, and has as much crazy expanded universe as you feel like getting into, too.

Id argue Myth and Myth II are their best stories, which are quintessential "grounded" fantasy games, but Im sure there are those (whove actually played it) whod argue otherwise. They very much have a specific cup of tea (strong visual identity, immediate grounded story with a lot of optional reading for super fleshed out worlds)

I'd argue that Myth and Myth II are not only Bungies best stories, but their best games, period.

I would kill for a new Myth game.


i don't get the lack of content worries.. i've hit lv 22 ..and finshed the story ..and i don't have even a hint of running out of things to do yet.

what FPS has more online modes than this thing ? all the co-op, all the pvp, the daily and weekly playlists .. there is a reason why there are o many people playing.

and unlike GTA5, which i freaking loved but stopped playing the moment i was done with the main story arch ... i can't stop playing ..
Master Chief is memorable because the narrative reinforced him as memorable. The storytelling made you feel like a superhuman soldier fighting for the good of mankind, and he had genuine chemistry with Cortana. It works on a small, intimate scale, and has as much crazy expanded universe as you feel like getting into, too.

Halo's story is terrible. I am guessing when you played Halo you were between 10-15 years old when stories like this seem awesome. If you were exposed to Halo as an adult like I was you would see that it was incomprehensibly stupid much like if I watched Star Wars now for the first time it would be real dumb.

Right now there are kids between 10-15 that thinks the story of Destiny is awesome.


Halo's story is terrible. I am guessing when you played Halo you were between 10-15 years old when stories like this seem awesome. If you were exposed to Halo as an adult like I was you would see that it was incomprehensibly stupid much like if I watched Star Wars now for the first time it would be real dumb.

Right now there are kids between 10-15 that thinks the story of Destiny is awesome.
Yup. Halo one had nothing for a story besides your on a halo.


Halo's story is terrible. I am guessing when you played Halo you were between 10-15 years old when stories like this seem awesome. If you were exposed to Halo as an adult like I was you would see that it was incomprehensibly stupid much like if I watched Star Wars now for the first time it would be real dumb.

Right now there are kids between 10-15 that thinks the story of Destiny is awesome.

I don't think it's that Halos story is GOOD, but it's cinematic at least. I honestly don't even remember many of the details, but I do remember there were cutscenes, which at the time were at least entertaining and gave you a reason to do stuff. Most of Destiny's cutscenes are just a guy talking. Moreover, Halo had some personality to the characters, which Destiny sorely lacks. In destiny every character has less personality than Master Chief. Don't get me wrong, Halo is not 'high fiction' but at least I remember there was a black dude who chomped cigars, a stuffy admiral, a blue AI, and a general that gets absorbed into the flood.

A bigger crime in Destiny is the lack of variety in the missions. Every mission feels like a repeat of the library.

I bought Destiny expecting to roll into battle in my space hog with my space bro manning my space turret. While my other bro flies in on his space banshee.
Halo's story is terrible. I am guessing when you played Halo you were between 10-15 years old when stories like this seem awesome. If you were exposed to Halo as an adult like I was you would see that it was incomprehensibly stupid much like if I watched Star Wars now for the first time it would be real dumb.

Right now there are kids between 10-15 that thinks the story of Destiny is awesome.

Once you've read enough and seen enough stories, you could pretty much say that about everything. Kind of the side effect of growing up ... you recognize every new story's influences.

There aren't many truly original or different stories that don't borrow heavily from a ton of other sources. When I saw the Matrix with friends who'd never read Harlan Ellison or Isaac Asimov or watched anime, they were blown away. But I couldn't get past all the "inspirations" and guessed/knew where the story was going before everyone else.

In Halo's case there's some Ringworld and Ender's Game and Starship Troopers in there. But it was presented in a compelling and interesting package that felt very unique for gaming. It had a decent relationship between Cortana and Chief. It had terminals that were in-game (not on a website) if you wanted to dig into the arcane lore. And there was enough of a story about the Halo installation that by the time you got to the Guilty Spark, and realized he/it wasn't benevolent ... it was fun. It at least had something of a plot.

Destiny just doesn't feel like a complete story yet in comparison.
Did anyone else get an exotic bounty?

Yeah I did actually. It's called Monte Carlo. I decided to rent the game before I buy. I got it the last day I had the game from Redbox. My friends were super pissed cause they've been farming legendary stuff for quite sometime now with nothing to show for it lol

Renting it was a super smart move, because while I certainly enjoyed controls, and some of the PvP, I mostly didn't care for the game overall and won't be buying as a result. I still agree with Giantbomb even after playing it. I think I'd give it a 6.7 though-the point .7 being a small bump for my time spent in the multiplayer. It'd be a bigger bump, but the only multiplayer mode I happened to enjoy was control unfortunately. Not to mention there are clear lines in the sand as far as the weapons go in the multiplayer. Shotguns, machine guns, and rocket launchers are definitely king in the multiplayer. My favorite weapon, the hand cannons, are basically an exercise in futility in the multiplayer. PvP definitely needs some balancing acts going on.

The missions just seem too repetitive. I can't stand patrol for the life of me, and the same goes for strike missions. Strike missions just feel like bigger more annoying versions of normal mobs with more hit points. They're pretty much bullet sponges.

I think this game should have been delayed to April or May when they'd have more content and more story. Maybe that'd give them a chance to add some more variation to the content, and more content in general.


I just replayed Tsavo Highway and The Storm. Yep, Halo 3 is still amazing. Crazy how much better than Destiny it is.

The scarab battle alone feels more varied (and fun) than the whole campaign (+ strikes) in Destiny. The marines have more personality than all the characters in Destiny combined (I had the IWHBYD skull active though) And it feels good to be able to jump while still having my bullets go where I'm aiming, with no random bullshit spreading them all over the place like in Destiny (seriously Bungie WTF?)

Oh Bungie, what happened to you? You used to be good at this...


I just replayed Tsavo Highway and The Storm. Yep, Halo 3 is still amazing. Crazy how much better than Destiny it is.

The scarab battle alone feels more varied (and fun) than the whole campaign (+ strikes) in Destiny. The marines have more personality than all the characters in Destiny combined (I had the IWHBYD skull active though) And it feels good to be able to jump while still having my bullets go where I'm aiming, with no random bullshit spreading them all over the place like in Destiny (seriously Bungie WTF?)

Oh Bungie, what happened to you? You used to be good at this...

Honestly, if they just built Missions like that and layered all the grinding stuff on top, it would be a much more impressive game.

Add in more interesting loot (armor that modifies abilities in crazy ways, more variety in weapon types, etc.) it would have been a classic.


that eurogamer review is excelent , well thought out..and hits on the key aspects of the game that say poloygon completely blanked on.


that eurogamer review is excelent , well thought out..and hits on the key aspects of the game that say poloygon completely blanked on.

Yea, the Eurogamer review is the one that hits closest to my own feelings for the game. I love reading divergent opinions, but I can't deny that it's enjoyable to read a review from someone who seems to share most of your opinions.

About the only difference I have with that review is their lukewarm impressions of the competitive multiplayer. I absolutely love the PvP in destiny.


i think the co-op nature of the game kinda hurts the story as well .... i mean from my own exp ... i was too busy yacking about work and other stuff to my freinds while playing to even notice what my goast was yacking baout half the time. it was all about the gameplay ..which was awesome. so yeh ... maybe that means a strong uncomplicated story would have worked better but ...meh .. i need race diversity to give me new things to shoot at ..so hence your going to get several story archs weather you like it or not ..
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