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Hilariously underpowered RPG party members.


This stupid motherfucker

Heh. I don't even use him.
He's just standing around the camp with his default uniform until I beat the game.

Btw, these are my pick from the classic.


Kiwi in Shining Force 2. Actually decent when you first get him, but he pretty much falls off a cliff for the remainder of the game.

Also, Rafa and Malak are pretty bad in Final Fantasy Tactics considering you get Mustadio and Agrias first.
True story, I crawled my way to the top of the
Riovanes Castle rooftop. Because I'm a moron, I didn't check skills and teleported Ramza up and attacked the Marquis.

Since he had Shiratori, he instantly killed poor Ramza. A moment later, one of the Assassins charmed Luso, who was unable to resist her feminine charms. He turned around and punched my Black Mage to death. I thought that was the end.

Then Rapha ran up and hit the Marquis with Asura five times and ended the battle.

So I can't think of them as the worst.

Meg and Fiona from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Probably half of Micaiah's shitty friends could go here. And every FE game has a few characters who are markedly worse than the rest. But Meg and Fiona are among the most memorable because you almost have to deploy them as meat shields in some of the early chapters.
Hey, I used em! Meg can tank a hit from a tiger and the Dawn Brigade is full of squishies so I wasn't too displeased with her.

Fiona... was just because I could, she comes with innate Renewal and Savior! Damn, that gal is ineffective. Who knew horses don't do so hot in swamps and indoors.

So bad. Everybody is better than him
I didn't notice him being significantly worse, unless it was a boss battle that mattered.
... Err, what I did notice that his backstory seemed to be Kratos-lite and I didn't need another Kratos.

My vote goes to Tales of... every damn healer in this franchise.

How do they make so many damn games and NEVER improve the AI. Even when set to tactics made to blatantly heal soon as you take 1% damage the game miraculously fails at it every iteration. Especially this one!

Most frustrating character to have around waiting for a damn heal.
Easiest character to run the Arena with! (probably some oversight that allows her to retain an invincibility buff indefinitely). But yeah, Tales healers tend to want to "help" by smacking the enemy in the face, which is totally not their expertise. I usually shortcut their longest animating heal spell and spam it. They're indispensable though so I wouldn't say underpowered so much as high maintenance.
I always found cloud in final fantasy tactics to be very underwhelming. He starts off unleveled. You have to find his materia blade and you can only perform his job limit breaks if you had it equipped. He required too much investment to be a decent party member. Plus his limit breaks if i remember correctly had ridiculously long charge times making some of the higher ones really hard to land.
Come to think of it, I dislike all bards/dancers characters in RPG that I've played, relying on weak, cheap dancing/singing moves that provides crappy, boring effects.

This person did not play Final Fantasy 11 thats for sure. Bard buffs were insane, Dancers were pretty much the OP button when they were added. Toss those job skills on basically anything and watch your ass not die ever.

My vote goes to Tales of... every damn healer in this franchise.

How do they make so many damn games and NEVER improve the AI. Even when set to tactics made to blatantly heal soon as you take 1% damage the game miraculously fails at it every iteration. Especially this one!

Most frustrating character to have around waiting for a damn heal.
I always found cloud in final fantasy tactics to be very underwhelming. He starts off unleveled. You have to find his materia blade and you can only perform his job limit breaks if you had it equipped. He required too much investment to be a decent party member. Plus his limit breaks if i remember correctly had ridiculously long charge times making some of the higher ones really hard to land.

Agreed. But omg the fan-service.
Agreed. But omg the fan-service.

Yep and I totally would of used him but i think by the time you can get him you have access to people like tg cid and better members plus your generic ones are pretty leveled too. He's not really worth the investment either unless you simply want to use Cloud Strife because hes Cloud Strife.



Edward from FFIV.

He's completely useless in the original. Somewhat better in the DS remake, but still sucks ass. Come to think of it, I dislike all bards/dancers characters in RPG that I've played, relying on weak, cheap dancing/singing moves that provides crappy, boring effects.

Bard could break the SPD cap for the entire team on FF:T.



I never dug deep enough into the numbers to see which Suikoden characters were the worst, but I remember Gadget and Hix being pretty bad.

I thought I remember Gadget being a pretty good heavy-hitter, but I may be remembering incorrectly or thinking of the Suikoden 3 version.


In Star Ocean 3, you get Sophia and Adray when your party is like level 50 and they come in at level 1. Their skills are pretty terrible too, magic sucks compared to straight up attacking in that game.


Dot Hacked
I always found Gong to be utter garbage in Shining Force.
I dunno, I always found him to be pretty useful through the first few chapters. Seems like once he hits promotion his stats never recover back to semi-relevant territory but early on slap the power ring on him and he holds his own. Amon and Balbaroy however are always terrible!

I was wondering when someone was going to try to make that claim. Kiwi falls off if you fail to upgrade him properly so he can absorb the higher levels of magical damage that would quickly punish him. It's hard but still doable. Once he has enough buffer HP he can go into waves dishing out huge critical hits.
Whats the proper way o.o? I've brought Kiwi through to the very end many times but always hit that steep decline in the lil critters usefulness falls off a cliff somewhat early on.


I found both Mazzy and Keldorn from Baldur's Gate 2 to be kind of useless. For a fighter Mazzy's strength was hilarious.

Mazzy isn't that good (grandmaster archer doesn't mean much in BG2, where bows and grandmastery are both nerfed), but Keldorn is pretty godly. Dispels at double his levels and is able to equip the Carsomyr.
Final Fantasy X - Kimahri

Only not bad for maybe the first 3-4 hours because Auron isn't around. A bit more use in NSG because of good base HP, STR, MAG plus Stone Breathe. Useless otherwise. Stat growth is bad. Just make sure to teach him Steal then you can bench him the entire game.


Final Fantasy Tactics - Meliadoul

On her own, she's good, but why bother when you get
at pretty much the same time and is better in every single way?



So bad. Everybody is better than him

Okay this is pure wrong. Regal is one of the better characters in the game due to a myriad of reasons (infinite, ridiculous guard break/spell interrupting properties, high stats in the stats that matter, double jump).

If you're going to point at the bottom of the barrel for ToS, you need to point it at Genis or Sheena.
Okay this is pure wrong. Regal is one of the better characters in the game due to a myriad of reasons (infinite, ridiculous guard break/spell interrupting properties, high stats in the stats that matter, double jump).

If you're going to point at the bottom of the barrel for ToS, you need to point it at Genis or Sheena.

I always thought Genis was pretty useful. He was great at exploiting elemental weaknesses.
Okay this is pure wrong. Regal is one of the better characters in the game due to a myriad of reasons (infinite, ridiculous guard break/spell interrupting properties, high stats in the stats that matter, double jump).

If you're going to point at the bottom of the barrel for ToS, you need to point it at Genis or Sheena.
Yeah, I think some people think this because you get him last, but Regal is freaking amazing. Probably the most well rounded character for player control, and has a ton of unique attributes. Fast, powerful, can heal himself, CRAZY combos, etc.

As much as I like Sheena, she really doesn't have that much going on for her. Her skills are way too situational. (I still used her though.) And Genis is just flat out awful, in every way.


I always thought Genis was pretty useful. He was great at exploiting elemental weaknesses.

Genis biggest problem is the spell queue. Early Tales games made it so that any mid or higher level spell is put in a queue per ally or enemy side. Only one of these spells can be in effect per side and any spells in the queue have their cast time halted until the current spell animation finishes, making what seems to be a 3.5 second cast of Splash turn into 8 seconds from waiting for Healing Circle to finish it's animation or vice versa.

As such, this makes putting Genis + Raine in the same party quite detrimental as they'll be fighting each other to queue a spell up.

Also doesn't help that even with elemental weaknesses, the melee characters straight up outdamage him. (and Magic caps at 999 while Str goes to the 4 digit numbers)
Genis biggest problem is the spell queue. Early Tales games made it so that any mid or higher level spell is put in a queue per ally or enemy side. Only one of these spells can be in effect per side and any spells in the queue have their cast time halted until the current spell animation finishes, making what seems to be a 3.5 second cast of Splash turn into 8 seconds from waiting for Healing Circle to finish it's animation or vice versa.

As such, this makes putting Genis + Raine in the same party quite detrimental as they'll be fighting each other to queue a spell up.

Also doesn't help that even with elemental weaknesses, the melee characters straight up outdamage him. (and Magic caps at 999 while Str goes to the 4 digit numbers)
And who's gonna take Raine out of their party? Especially on higher difficulties?

With Genis, you have to wait forever for him to do something useful, and it comes at a determent to your healing. And strong and fast melee characters (like Regal) can out damage him in no time flat. Genis has cool looking spells, but he's really quite a burden, especially in the late game portions. And he dies at the drop of a hat.
Okay this is pure wrong. Regal is one of the better characters in the game due to a myriad of reasons (infinite, ridiculous guard break/spell interrupting properties, high stats in the stats that matter, double jump).

If you're going to point at the bottom of the barrel for ToS, you need to point it at Genis or Sheena.

Yeah, that is some rubbish there. Regal was frickin' stronk.

Also, that guy that said Estelle was bad is wrong because she can make you invincible for the entire fight with that skill that extends duration of buffs. The only character (in the original, can't speak for the PS3 version) in Vesperia that isn't completely OP for one reason or another is Karol, and he's still strong.


Genis biggest problem is the spell queue.

That and Raine's Photon is the best offensive spell in the game.

In Star Ocean 3, you get Sophia and Adray when your party is like level 50 and they come in at level 1. Their skills are pretty terrible too, magic sucks compared to straight up attacking in that game.

Sophia is a pretty good support character. If any character from SO3 belongs in this thread, it's Albel.
Whats the proper way o.o? I've brought Kiwi through to the very end many times but always hit that steep decline in the lil critters usefulness falls off a cliff somewhat early on.

Yeah I'm not seeing it either.
Kiwi falls off around the time you face Zalbard, and he never recovers. He dies instantly to literally every spell/special-attack. The HP-up items are better spent on everyone else.

Even his super defense doesn't prevent him from dying in a single physical hit upon returning to Granseal island.


I always thought Yuffie was garbage until I learned years later that she's OP as fuck with the right setup. Knights of the Round was such a pain in the ass to use, I was always looking for ways to be strong without relying on it.

Cyan kinda sucked in FF6 even though I always persisted with him because I love his character and song. SwordTech just can't compare to anyone in my Locke/Gogo/Terra/Mog party.


I am Korean.
Terra from Final Fantasy 6.
Celes was kinda meh too. Runic gutters out so fast in relative usefulness.

Irving From FF8.
Ah, right. Kimahri was his name. I suspect you are both right and that it was due to me getting bored of using him or taking him down a path I didn't utilize well that he felt so weak. For me, he ended up being virtually useless compared to everyone else. Maybe I should replay the game someday and see if I can make him really great for my playthrough

He can be broken in terms of power super early if you do things right. With the standard sphere grid anyhow.
Terra from Final Fantasy 6.
Celes was kinda meh too. Runic gutters out so fast in relative usefulness.

Irving From FF8.

Terra and Celes aren't useless its just people like sabin/shadow/edgar are op in comparison. They have higher magic stats then most other characters.


Irving was decent. Selphie was garbage.

Aw, that's harsh. At the very least, she has a Limit Break technique, The End, that can kill ANYthing...even if the chances of rolling that Limit Break are like 0.0001%. It does exist!

Also, I think the guy's name is Irvine.
Terra from Final Fantasy 6.
Celes was kinda meh too. Runic gutters out so fast in relative usefulness.

Irving From FF8.

Terra was strong as hell with Trance Mode/Morph, got double damage during that and as a result can hit high damage pretty early on. She also had really good magic defense. And Irvine had AP Ammo which made him hit like a grown ass man and wasn't nearly as uncommon as the Pulse Ammo (which was also strong).

Irving was decent. Selphie was garbage.

Selphie is mega OP if you cheated. Open the disc tray, Slot until The End pops, close tray, watch them die.

Sophia is a pretty good support character. If any character from SO3 belongs in this thread, it's Albel.

I dunno about that, I'd put Adray and Mirage there over Albel (Mirage would have been frickin' amazing if her Avenger Charge was non-elemental >_>). Although compared to Maria and Fayt they're all jobbers.


So all I learned from those two threads, is that Japanese devs are pretty bad at balancing party members, lol.
Merrill from DA2. She can't heal (Dammit Anders II) and her AoEs kinda tickle.

If you ever replay DA2 I suggest you basically pump most of her attribute points into Constitution and talents in her Dalish Pariah tree. Merrill doesn't need healing, because it gets to a point where she's basically invincible.

Just if you do that don't take her into the Fade. When she betrays you she can be… very hard to kill.
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