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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Sonic handles my blue balls
So how bad is the cash shop at this point? Can I get away with not spending real money and still have a good time?

As long as you don't want to buy everything in the gem shop store, you'll be fine with just using gold to convert into gems.

You can also get by with the default bag and bank slots. GF, who started playing in summer, hasn't bought any gems and never complains about inventory space and even has purchased some items from gem shop by converting from gold (a cow finisher...so she can drop a cow on people...). She doesn't play with a "must maximize gold intake" mentality either. Inventory space complaints come from people who have played a long time, purchased 20-slot bags, bank expansion but hold onto so much crap for whatever reason. I have tokens used in a voting event from last year still in my bank taking up space. #EvonGnashblade4Ever


The Cryptarch's Bane
I made due with the default inventory/bank space for a very long while and then expanded both a bunch all at once with gold -> gems and it felt very luxurious for a while. Now I've filled everything again and my character inventories are a mess :D

Thanks to Levyne, Retro, Zebes for the harrowing lead through Picaroon Scratch. Holy hell what an incredible area/
reuse of the existing Silverwaste sights and geometry
. I was blown away by the scale.

We definitely need a guild event to run that en masse. All the glorious falling. Plus people who aren't really into jumping puzzles much can get through with the help of fellow GAF mesmers. Thinking this weekend, maybe Sunday.
So how bad is the cash shop at this point? Can I get away with not spending real money and still have a good time?

Honestly, you never have to buy a single thing off the Gem store if you don't want to, and you'll be able to play the game just fine and enjoy 100% of what you bought. I'd recommend playing through your personal story, doing full world exploration, seeing all the dungeons, and then, maybe, if you feel like supporting the developers, buying something off the store. By then you might have a "main" character you'd like to make more comfortable by giving them more inventory space, or a permanent harvesting tool, and so on.

Also by then, you might want to check out the Season 2 content (which you can experience without buying if you play it with someone who already owns it).

So really, I would recommend not buying anything off the Gem store until you've put a good chunk of time into the game - that way you'll know what it is you want, if at all, off there.
I don't know why they didn't fully focus the JP on the upside down boat.
Instead it was all within a boring cave with same old rock ledges.
It could've been original.


If I could add anything to the game right now, I think it would be more weapon swaps. I can understand there are balance issues involved. Would it be possible to have two other sets that could be swapped around when out of combat? I change weapons 2-3 times each dungeon run, be nice not to deal with the inventory shuffle.

What about limited inventory/bank space?

Limited is misleading in GW2's case. I played with one bank tab, and default number of bags for well over a year. Even now, only my primary character any additional bag slots, and six bank tabs has been plenty. This is with nine 80s, and a hoarder mentality (and an ass ton of fractal rings.)

I've played a lot of MMOs, F2P and Sub. GW2's system is more generous than any of them. For anything below the $60, the game is an absolute steal in terms of value.


Maybe it was just me sucking at the game, but I thought getting the Gold Lost Badge above the new waypoint in the Silverwastes was awful. Getting on the rope without bouncing and sliding off was near impossible for me to manage, and then walking to the end of the rope without sliding off was unnecessarily difficult. It's like they made it too steep and the physics for sliding down a mountainside kick in sometimes.

Then if you are lucky enough to get across, there are a bunch of narrow jumps to land and missing one usually means starting all over from the beginning.

I've never given up on my Warrior and used an alt to do something before, but I marched my level 41 Mesmer into the zone for this one. Every jump was done one at a time, and a portal was left each time.

I had planned to leave her there to port people, but I just discovered another absurd badge location, so I'm probably going to use her for that now instead.

Yeah that rope was ridiculously finicky. I only got up because of a mesmer doing the same thing. Happy to hear that there are a couple equally absurd badges >_> like the one you mention here and the post and rope one you were talking about in chat.


I have tokens used in a voting event from last year still in my bank taking up space. #EvonGnashblade4Ever

Didn't you buy all Complistic's votes? Why didn't you vote with your own tokens as well? Because you knew it was a waste.
Vote Kiel.


Not the best composed image but here's hawk and I halfway through the jumping puzzle.



If anyone is looking for a Liadri-lite challenge, the challenge mote version of the final instance boss is not easy. A fun fight to figure out, get better at, and win.
Thanks for all the responses guys. I will probably jump back into this after finals. Probably got kicked from the guild from inactivity but I can probably get back in I hope. Now the question is do I start fresh or continue a character.

I still never figured out which class I actually would enjoy. At the end of the day I always feel like I am just clicking buttons. :(


I haven't had an uneven pvp match all afternoon. Game is so much more fun when it isn't so warp sided. Don't mind losing when I feel like i stand a decent shot. Praise unto the new system.


Thanks for all the responses guys. I will probably jump back into this after finals. Probably got kicked from the guild from inactivity but I can probably get back in I hope. Now the question is do I start fresh or continue a character.

I still never figured out which class I actually would enjoy. At the end of the day I always feel like I am just clicking buttons. :(

I think I remember you getting envious of my guardian at launch :3


Sonic handles my blue balls
Didn't you buy all Complistic's votes? Why didn't you vote with your own tokens as well? Because you knew it was a waste.
Vote Kiel.

Just like real life, I never got around to voting. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I just bought a SSD - should I expect to be a better player now?


I don't know why they didn't fully focus the JP on the upside down boat.
Instead it was all within a boring cave with same old rock ledges.
It could've been original.

Because the boat is small and we've had JPs like that before, while the cave spans the entire damn zone, weaving in and out of the existing space in a really interesting way and existing as a sort of 'zone-within-a-zone'. We've never had an underground section this expansive and it was well overdue, if you ask me.

If I could add anything to the game right now, I think it would be more weapon swaps. I can understand there are balance issues involved. Would it be possible to have two other sets that could be swapped around when out of combat? I change weapons 2-3 times each dungeon run, be nice not to deal with the inventory shuffle.

You mean Build Templates rather than weapon swaps, right? Being able to swap between 3 or 4 weapons would be a bit much, and since it's tied to a single keystroke you'd have no way of implementing it without multiple 'swap to weapon slot #" keys.

I still never figured out which class I actually would enjoy. At the end of the day I always feel like I am just clicking buttons. :(

Elementalist and Necromancer seem to be the ones that give me this vibe, Thief too a little since they focus so much on damage. Try Warrior, Ranger or Guardian, where your skills are going to be more tool-based and less like 5 different variations of 'cause damage'.
I think I remember you getting envious of my guardian at launch :3

After playing a Guardian I did find it somewhat fun. Went for a Spirit Weapon build. I recall that being alright. I may try Warrior again, but I don't recall the Warrior feeling any more or less physically strong.

Edit: How is the end game content nowadays? I remember hearing it was fairly weak.


You mean Build Templates rather than weapon swaps, right? Being able to swap between 3 or 4 weapons would be a bit much, and since it's tied to a single keystroke you'd have no way of implementing it without multiple 'swap to weapon slot #" keys.

I don't change traits all that often, which is probably telling. I swap a few when I try to solo CM3, but that's about it. But I am constantly swapping weapons between fights as a guard, warrior and thief. It would probably end up more clunky than just switching weapons. Its just a little unsettling when my legendary ends up in between a rock and a bone at the top of my inventory. Equipment and fractal bags are probably meant to address that, but they bring their own issues.

pvp is a hoot.


After playing a Guardian I did find it somewhat fun. Went for a Spirit Weapon build. I recall that being alright. I may try Warrior again, but I don't recall the Warrior feeling any more or less physically strong.

Edit: How is the end game content nowadays? I remember hearing it was fairly weak.

they just kill things faster. both are equally...

no wtf am i saying, anynthing works with warrior.



How is the end game content nowadays? I remember hearing it was fairly weak.

Depends on what you want out of it.

If your idea of the endgame is getting stuck in an infinite loop of "...get new gear so you can run content to get new gear so you can run content..." they you will be disappointed. Once you have exotic-tier equipment, you're done and can actually stop playing for a long stretches, come back and pick right up where you left off. Folks who are used to the loot treadmill of other MMOs always list it as a con, but that's a feature for people who can't stay up until 3am every night farming raid content.

If your idea of endgame is making your character look awesome, having new things to do every two weeks that aren't necessarily rewarding from a statistical standpoint, rolling alts or either variety of PVP, then you're in luck. This is especially true if you don't have huge amounts of time to play or like playing a lot of different games.

I don't change traits all that often, which is probably telling. I swap a few when I try to solo CM3, but that's about it. But I am constantly swapping weapons between fights as a guard, warrior and thief. It would probably end up more clunky than just switching weapons. Its just a little unsettling when my legendary ends up in between a rock and a bone at the top of my inventory. Equipment and fractal bags are probably meant to address that, but they bring their own issues.

pvp is a hoot.

I gotcha. I guess it's never been a problem for me because I always use Invisible Bags and carry all of my weapons there. I suppose some kind of right-click on the Swap Weapon button or something could let you flip in different weapon setups on the fly. I could see a third weapon slot being a Grandmaster trait for Thief or Warrior or something, but then again I'm crazy for thinking traits should actually break the fundamental rules of gameplay. /shrug

I think I play too much... Oh well still enjoying the game

Then that's all that matters. I'm actually afraid to check my /age now.
I think ANET should only tease stuff on Twitter if that tease will actually be happening in the upcoming episode.

Kinda shitty to get excited about teasers but nothing actually happens during the episode.

I don't like the cliff hanger endings of 2nd Half of season two. every episode of this season the cool stuff at the end of the episode never gets explained in the upcoming episodes. It's like they are keeping all the cool stuff for the last episode hopefully. I'm inclined to think that a lot of it wont get explained ever.


You are just afraid of "BC" showing up.

Good one. My /age is actually 3788 hours over 830 days. Not the highest, then, but... you know.. up there.

I don't like the cliff hanger endings of 2nd Half of season two. every episode of this season the cool stuff at the end of the episode never gets explained in the upcoming episodes.

Yeah, it feels like the
last memory seed should have been included in this update and we should have gotten a very clear explanation as to why Caithe stole the egg.

I wonder how the Living Story is going to shake out with Wintersday. The next update will fall on the 16th, the one following that on the 30th, so the next update will pretty much have to include Wintersday. Whether they run the Living Story along side it or not, who knows. There isn't anything on the same level as Halloween to do for Wintersday though. Last Wintersday they took a break, but who knows what they'll do this time.
Edit: How is the end game content nowadays? I remember hearing it was fairly weak.

When people talk "endgame", they usually talk about "carrot to chase".

In World of Warcraft, this was the endgame:

10: Run the same dungeons over and over to get slightly better gear. GOTO 20
20: Run the same raids over and over to get slightly better gear. GOTO 20

The only "break" from this cycle was either: when an xpac came out with new dungeons and raid, and then the cycle began anew, or you focused on doing dailies instead, which involved running around the same zone over and over doing the same quests, every day.

Or, go do the things mentioned in the rather expansive list of achievements, like world completion, collecting things, etc.

Or grinding for rep. Or making an alt.

And people loved that, and consider that the "best endgame in the MMO genre".

Now I'm not saying it is, or isn't. I'm retired from WoW, so I did all that stuff plenty.

In Guild Wars 2, this is the endgame:

Run the same dungeons over and over to get gear that has a look you want.
Run the Fractals over and over for rewards, and to get gear that has the look you want.
Do the new story content that comes out every two weeks.
Do the new zone-wide content that comes out every two weeks.

And if you don't want to do any of that, there is doing all the achievements, getting world completion, finishing Collections, or making an alt.

So in many ways, WoW and GW2 have the *exact same* endgame, just with slightly different focus: in WoW, new content required you to raise your Tier of gear to do the new content. In GW2, that vertical progression doesn't exist. Once you hit Exotic, you're done. From there, you're free to experiment, try new builds, or try different stat sets of gear.

One big different here being, that in GW2 due to level scaling, *all* the content remains valid, even when you're max level. That level 1-15 zone you've never seen: worth visiting even if you're level 80. In WoW, once you hit max level, going to lower-level zones didn't have any real purpose except if you were doing a completion thing, like world explorer, or grinding for rep.

So in a way, the "end game" in GW2 isn't that different from the genre standard, it just isn't quite packaged the same way, and there's more of it. You do the things you enjoy doing in the game: and if you're bored, you can stop playing and do something else, without worrying you'll be "left behind". It helps to not think about endgame when playing, and just think of "game". What do you want to see, what haven't you tried yet, etc. There are a thousand carrots you could chase in GW2, like making a Legendary, crafting a full Ascended set, or collecting all the minis. It just depends on what kind of carrots you like.
isn't that how the end of seasons are supposed to work to get you hooked for next season ?

If S2 ends on a cliff hanger like S1 did then i do not really see a problem .

I'm fond of seasons wrapping up their current story arc and introducing something completely new the next season.

Destiny's Edge and Taimi and Friends could retire after this season, and then we could go somewhere far away and meet all new characters and do something other than talk about dragons and evil sylvari.


Man, you are all answering that somewhat defensively >_>

Edit: My answer

The endgame is flat. You have freedom to work on what you want. Collections, armor, pvp track. You aren't really shepherded in any one direction.
Man, you are all answering that somewhat defensively >_>

Huh? Are you referring to me? I was just thinking out loud and answering the question, didn't mean to come across as defensive. I've no interest in defending the game anymore, people either like it or don't. I think you might be reading too much into people's replies, thinking that's the culture here. Which is understandable, considering how much crap we had to put up with for the longest time. But I'd like to think we've moved on from that.

The endgame is flat. You have freedom to work on what you want. Collections, armor, pvp track. You aren't really shepherded in any one direction.

This is an excellent way of putting it, and perhaps highlights why many people don't realize there is an endgame. The game never explicitly funnels you into anything after you hit max level and finish your story. You could go to WvW, or do Fractals are such, but the game lacks a proper guide for "you've hit 80, now what?".



Are we allowed to post screens of the new area already ?

Unless those shots are ok as long they don't contain any spoilery images ?
My shot is from the Silverwastes public zone, so I thought it would be okay. I have lots of the underground section, but I'll wait a bit on those until more have seen it for themselves.


New build in 10 minutes:
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue in “Meeting the Asura” where the player could be forced into stealth after being discovered.
  • Fixed an issue in which players became locked out of their guild banks.
  • Fixed a server crash that occurred when players switched teams in ranked and unranked arenas.
  • Fixed a bug in which PvP profession records were getting cleared. This fix will cause Unranked Arena wins and losses to be reset. Each player’s Ranked Arena wins and losses will be recalculated from their Team Arena and Solo Arena stats when they log in. Players’ achievements will be unaffected by this change.
  • Fixed a bug in which water splashes appeared on terrain in the Silverwastes.

Man, you are all answering that somewhat defensively >_>

Gonna have to echo Miktar; I don't see anything especially defensive in either of our posts. "Endgame" is a term that carries with it a lot of expectations, especially for MMOs, so explaining the difference between Guild Wars 2 and the Traditional MMO endgame is vital.

Are we allowed to post screens of the new area already ?

Unless those shots are ok as long they don't contain any spoilery images ?

Totally, go for it. I think everyone is kind of aware of the big addition to Silverwastes now, and you'd be hard pressed to get any major story spoilers in a screenshot without capturing dialogue directly.
Ah that doesn't sound so bad.

Question: Are there dungeons with dungeon bosses that you need teamwork to take down? I remember complains about there not being a lot of teamwork involved for the PVE content. Not sure if that ever changed.

The real teamwork happens in Fractals, and in the open-world raid bosses like Wurms or Tequatle. Dungeons do benefit from teamwork, but it's not quite as hardcore.

The thing about GW2 is that a lot of teamwork happens naturally and ambiently. Because people aren't required to slot into roles, and everyone is doing damage, the teamwork is a lot like the teamwork in Golden Axe. Calling targets, prioritizing, helping each other up, using your natural abilities for the good of all (Guardians can throw down Reflect, etc).

Though that's not to say there aren't dungeons that have activities that require people working together - the boss at the end of Ascalonian Catacombs path 2, for example. It requires pure teamwork, in that some people are using special tools to lift these oozes, others have to pull them, and others have to kite the boss while this is going on, and so fourth.

I actually wrote a bit about this specific boss in this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=110964739&postcount=508

I actually think GW2 has some of the best teamwork*, because of how natural it is. But it takes a bit of understanding how the game works, and how it's different from the Trinity-style of gameplay many people are used to, to see how the teamwork really happens.

*Especially when it involves the best Fractal team in GAF. ^..^
The real teamwork happens in Fractals, and in the open-world raid bosses like Wurms or Tequatle. Dungeons do benefit from teamwork, but it's not quite as hardcore.

The thing about GW2 is that a lot of teamwork happens naturally and ambiently. Because people aren't required to slot into roles, and everyone is doing damage, the teamwork is a lot like the teamwork in Golden Axe. Calling targets, prioritizing, helping each other up, using your natural abilities for the good of all (Guardians can throw down Reflect, etc).

Though that's not to say there aren't dungeons that have activities that require people working together - the boss at the end of Ascalonian Catacombs path 2, for example. It requires pure teamwork, in that some people are using special tools to lift these oozes, others have to pull them, and others have to kite the boss while this is going on, and so fourth.

I actually wrote a bit about this specific boss in this post: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=110964739&postcount=508

I actually think GW2 has some of the best teamwork*, because of how natural it is. But it takes a bit of understanding how the game works, and how it's different from the Trinity-style of gameplay many people are used to, to see how the teamwork really happens.

*Especially when it involves the best Fractal team in GAF. ^..^

Sounds great. I've been reading so much negative stuff about it on other sites from people who prefer FFXIV that it is nice to hear a counterargument.

Will definitely be jumping back in for sure in two weeks.
Sounds great. I've been reading so much negative stuff about it on other sites from people who prefer FFXIV that it is nice to hear a counterargument.

Will definitely be jumping back in for sure in two weeks.

I will admit - if you're looking for a certain kind of combat system, and GW2 isn't what you're looking for, you'll likely hate it. The kind of things people prefer when gaming is already idiosyncratic as it is, but when you throw MMOs into the mix the genre is like a force multiplier. I guess because, ideally, one will be playing an MMO for a thousand plus hours - if you don't like how it plays, the thought of doing what you don't like for a thousand hours really gets people worked up.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who prefer things one way, when they encounter something doing it another way, don't quite understand that the problem isn't necessarily that the game is "bad", just that it's a "bad fit" for them. You see it so often, like game reviewers that admit they hate jRPGS, then review a jRPG and give it a bad score because "grinding" and "spiky haired mute protagonist that saves the universe is so dumb". People can have a hard time articulating why they don't like a thing, and often resort to just saying "it's shit" or "bad game because it's bad". A pity, but understandable.

You mention FFXIV, which is kind of funny: I tried it for a while, and while I really appreciated a lot of things about it, like the engine, lighting, world building and overall structure of the story, I just couldn't get into the combat. It's just not my style, and to me felt like it was forcing me to play a specific way, or forever play sub-optimally to a degree where people would actively shun me if they saw how I played. Plus, I didn't appreciate having to wait for half an our in a dungeon finder, just because I wasn't a healer or tank - but that's another story.

I do still recommend FFXIV to people, especially people looking for something to switch to from World of Warcraft, since the two share a lot of design philosophies. And even though I didn't enjoy it, I would never say it was a bad game, with bad combat. It's just not the paradigm I'm looking for at the moment.


... this update was like


i need to talk with colin so he brings more of this.


this is my favorite update so far, and i really mean it. ;-; i'll be replaying it for a while.
I will admit - if you're looking for a certain kind of combat system, and GW2 isn't what you're looking for, you'll likely hate it. The kind of things people prefer when gaming is already idiosyncratic as it is, but when you throw MMOs into the mix the genre is like a force multiplier. I guess because, ideally, one will be playing an MMO for a thousand plus hours - if you don't like how it plays, the thought of doing what you don't like for a thousand hours really gets people worked up.

Unfortunately, a lot of people who prefer things one way, when they encounter something doing it another way, don't quite understand that the problem isn't necessarily that the game is "bad", just that it's a "bad fit" for them. You see it so often, like game reviewers that admit they hate jRPGS, then review a jRPG and give it a bad score because "grinding" and "spiky haired mute protagonist that saves the universe is so dumb". People can have a hard time articulating why they don't like a thing, and often resort to just saying "it's shit" or "bad game because it's bad". A pity, but understandable.

You mention FFXIV, which is kind of funny: I tried it for a while, and while I really appreciated a lot of things about it, like the engine, lighting, world building and overall structure of the story, I just couldn't get into the combat. It's just not my style, and to me felt like it was forcing me to play a specific way, or forever play sub-optimally to a degree where people would actively shun me if they saw how I played. Plus, I didn't appreciate having to wait for half an our in a dungeon finder, just because I wasn't a healer or tank - but that's another story.

I do still recommend FFXIV to people, especially people looking for something to switch to from World of Warcraft, since the two share a lot of design philosophies. And even though I didn't enjoy it, I would never say it was a bad game, with bad combat. It's just not the paradigm I'm looking for at the moment.

Honestly I tried a free trial of FFXIV. Found the combat really not for me. Especially with that 2.5 second global cooldown. I actually do prefer the combat of GW2.

I just wish GW2 had as much variety in classes, and possibly more specialization in the classes. Like I can be a warrior, but no monk. I can be a mage and switch between elements, but to be a good mage I HAVE to switch. I can't just focus on one element. I also can't be a summoner, unless I use Necromancer but his summons are lol.


Honestly I tried a free trial of FFXIV. Found the combat really not for me. Especially with that 2.5 second global cooldown. I actually do prefer the combat of GW2.

I just wish GW2 had as much variety in classes, and possibly more specialization in the classes. Like I can be a warrior, but no monk. I can be a mage and switch between elements, but to be a good mage I HAVE to switch. I can't just focus on one element. I also can't be a summoner, unless I use Necromancer but his summons are lol.

There's a certain level of specialization in classes (Warriors can run pure DPS or Condition builds, for example), but there's nothing like a class promotion to a specific specilization and stuff.

If it's any consolation regarding Summoners, Guardian Spirit Weapons have been revamped, so they work somewhat like Necro minions now.
There's a certain level of specialization in classes (Warriors can run pure DPS or Condition builds, for example), but there's nothing like a class promotion to a specific specilization and stuff.

If it's any consolation regarding Summoners, Guardian Spirit Weapons have been revamped, so they work somewhat like Necro minions now.



They no longer disappear upon using their abilities, so they are slightly more viable now. Some of their abilities have been buffed too (you can now choose where the Bow's healing area will be, and the shield now gives aegies too).

Thanks to a friend's group being one short, I can now say I've finally run the Vault of Glass raid in Destiny. Was a lot easier than I was led to believe.


Thanks to a friend's group being one short, I can now say I've finally run the Vault of Glass raid in Destiny. Was a lot easier than I was led to believe.

I'm permanently stuck at level 23. Gave up on the horrible grind before I got too invested.


I'm permanently stuck at level 23. Gave up on the horrible grind before I got too invested.

Wow. It's funny that I'm here because of the info regarding the Destiny expansion today and the first thing I see is a Destiny comment lol XD I really feel like I need a new game to play. At least for a bit.


Anyway, I am so close to buying this game on Hawkian's recommendation as I know him from the Destiny threads and trust his judgement. It's also $20 with no subscription fee which seems like a crazy good deal.... Plus I've never played an MMO before so I'd like to try one.

But there is no demo for this, right? Really want to try it out first if possible.


Wow. It's funny that I'm here because of the info regarding the Destiny expansion today and the first thing I see is a Destiny comment lol XD I really feel like I need a new game to play. At least for a bit.


Anyway, I am so close to buying this game on Hawkian's recommendation as I know him from the Destiny threads and trust his judgement. It's also $20 with no subscription fee which seems like a crazy good deal.... Plus I've never played an MMO before so I'd like to try one.

But there is no demo for this, right? Really want to try it out first if possible.

There's been a free weekend or something but never a trial like WoW unfortunately. I know lots of people who'd love to try this game out :(


Wow. It's funny that I'm here because of the info regarding the Destiny expansion today and the first thing I see is a Destiny comment lol XD I really feel like I need a new game to play. At least for a bit.


Anyway, I am so close to buying this game on Hawkian's recommendation as I know him from the Destiny threads and trust his judgement. It's also $20 with no subscription fee which seems like a crazy good deal.... Plus I've never played an MMO before so I'd like to try one.

But there is no demo for this, right? Really want to try it out first if possible.

Yeah, unfortunately trials for this game are sporadic and rare. I do however think that this is a really good "first" mmo. I feel like it's easier to gel with what GW2 accomplishes if you don't go in with pre-conceived notions about what an mmo should provide.

I would definitely recommend it.


There's been a free weekend or something but never a trial like WoW unfortunately. I know lots of people who'd love to try this game out :(

Yeah, unfortunately trials for this game are sporadic and rare. I do however think that this is a really good "first" mmo. I feel like it's easier to gel with what GW2 accomplishes if you don't go in with pre-conceived notions about what an mmo should provide.

I would definitely recommend it.

Thanks for the quick responses... And I've heard that elsewhere Levyne which is a good thing for me. Something like WoW would be way more intense than what I'd like.

I do think I'm gonna jump in. For $20 I'm sure I could find at least a few hours of fun. I'm gonna look up some gameplay videos as well to try and get a feel for the combat. If you have any youtube channels or streamers to recommend I'd love to hear them.
Thanks for the quick responses... And I've heard that elsewhere Levyne which is a good thing for me. Something like WoW would be way more intense than what I'd like.

I do think I'm gonna jump in. For $20 I'm sure I could find at least a few hours of fun. I'm gonna look up some gameplay videos as well to try and get a feel for the combat. If you have any youtube channels or streamers to recommend I'd love to hear them.

All you need to know:


Although this might be more appropriate.

As for the combat: it really boils down to finding a profession that plays in a way you find fun. I'd recommend trying them all for a bit, seeing how they feel, if they're punchy enough, or if they give you enough depth to get involved with, or if you want something simple for a beginner, the Ranger is a great class to learn the ropes with.


The combat is a cooldown based tab target affair.

Here's me killing a troll. A little boring though since that's a fair bit of the auto attack.

Here's a gaf group fighitng a fractal boss (thanks Ike)

I'm sure there's better more tutorial videos out there but these two were off the top of my head.

I should keep shadowplay running more often. Maybe Ill get a large hdd for xmas and record more.
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