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School end already! Course it raining too, making today a bit gloomy ha ha. And ugh guess I need to do a bit of farming for crests or chests on my alt acc if I want to get the cara boots.>.<

"Banker, trading post, and laurel vendor NPCs have been added to the Heart of the Mists."

That's convenient.

Yes freaking finally. Should have been there sooner.
Dragon age came out but I still logged in homie.

I've been juggling Dragon Age: Inquisition, Lords of the Fallen, Persona 4: The Golden, Fantasy Life, and Guild Wars 2.

I need to cut back on my gaming. It's a damn godsend that two of those are on portable systems, and DA:I works okay over Vita's remote play. Nothing like taking a poop and taking on a dragon.


If I had the spare gems (like from an AP chest) or extra gold, I'd grab it. I hope they make a dragon or minotaur one.
I tried to picture some kind of flying minotaur at first :p Running carriers would be fun!

I love that the griffon has a unique animation and isn't just a reskin of the pidgeon. Bought it immediately. Gonna buy more as soon as they make more :D Love little things like that.


Tempting to break my own rule and give this one a negative number since between bugs and general crap, including one crash mid-instance that reset everything, I haven't been able to complete the 2nd step.


Tempting to break my own rule and give this one a negative number since between bugs and general crap, including one crash mid-instance that reset everything, I haven't been able to complete the 2nd step.

Yea I got temporarily stuck at
the invisi asura section with the two switches. I got stuck in stealth mode and had no skills, so I had to wait ~20 minutes for my follower to kill all the baddies
, plus
a REALLY long spawn time for the bandits


Just had it bug out at me again at the same place. I really think people should wait at least one more fix before trying this.


Only bug I think I had so far was during the
Vorpp + Shield
encounter I never seemed to re-enter stealth once I got caught in the second part of the fight.
I just used Caithe's abilities to finish him off?


The Cryptarch's Bane
team meeting got out early!
Ilove the new update to inventory .

Newly gained items from bags and rewards now flashes in your inventory eliminating having to search around on what you got from it .

Like wise salvaging now causes all items that can't be salvaged to have a permanent dark red font on them ( like the crafting tab ) making it so much easier .
that's really nice. sweeeet

new jp, I'm good for that

wtb hawk mail carrier plz



Get your hard hats on, kitties, we're goin' spelunkin' ...

Gold sellers going nuts. I've had to turn whispers off in my main tab. They need to get the Archeage servers back up soon.

Weird, I haven't seen one all day. I notice they spike whenever I hang out in a city, which I haven't done much at all.

Man, we're spoiled.

Non-story Spoilers:
I feel like I haven't even made it halfway down (I ended up taking a route back up which put me on the other side of the zone), but I would bet good money this update doubles the size of The Silverwastes.

The hell? Definitely not going to waste money on that.

It's adorable! This thing totally fits the cosmetic nature of the gem store; a neat little 'thing' that doesn't hurt anyone and can add a little personality and joy to the game. I dunno about 500 gems, but if it ever goes on sale I would totally buy one.

On the other hand, give me a skritt one that burrows out of the ground or a mail-o-tron and you've got yourself 500 gems, ArenaNet.


Keeping in mind that I do bugger all in the new zones so I don't take any of that into account, the Xeris Rating is ....

<someone rolls a drum across the stage>

9 (5)

Nine if they get the bugs that annoy the living hell out of me fixed. Most notably the ones that made the 2nd step take about four times longer than it should. Other than that the story was fine and went differently than I expected. For once the writing of the ending didn't bother me. And most importantly I liked the new mechanics/puzzles/whatever they added. The end encounter was reasonably well tuned. I've been running the last few with my most squishy 80 thief and didn't feel like it was too easy or too hard.
I do kinda wonder how much difference gear makes in the flashbacks since after all the crap I had in the Asura lab my armor was gone but it didn't seem noticably different. But then if you fight in that you're doing it wrong most likely
Continue collecting Carapace and Luminescent armor with the addition of heavy, medium, and light boots and leg armor.

Earn pieces of Carapace leg armor by completing the Seeds of Truth storyline. Extra pieces can also be purchased for bandit crests.
Carapace boots can be found in Lost Bandit Chests. Additionally, players who receive the Boot Requisition Order will be able to purchase boot pieces for bandit crests.

Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto said:
It all gets back to our basic design philosophy. Our games aren&#8217;t about preparing to have fun, or about grinding for a future fun reward.


Home instance nodes are swell, tho.



Home instance nodes are swell, tho.

Carapace armor is given for the living story (and only its completion, not even the cheevo hunting bit), seeking the Luminescent version (or different weigh types) is up to the user. Just because the option to grind is there doesn't mean it is a obligatory part of the experience, which I feel it's the point of the philosophy mentioned.


Hey Miktar I've been told you run Celestial stats on engineer. Any advice? That's the set I'm working towards at the moment. Engineer is only level 50 but she's leveling fast.
Hey Miktar I've been told you run Celestial stats on engineer. Any advice? That's the set I'm working towards at the moment. Engineer is only level 50 but she's leveling fast.

I'm a bit of a heretic, in that I run Celestial armour, weapons, trinkets and rings! Because I play a very loose, fluid style and hop between content types a lot (WvW, PvE, PvP), I've found Celestial to be perfect for me. I don't feel like I'm left lacking in any areas - my damage output is fine, my defense is great, and everything works as intended. Been running Celestial since the stat hit, and even upgraded it all to Ascended when those were added.

You'll never pull the amazingly high damage numbers a lot of Engineers claim, nor are you a tank, but if you like experimenting all the time with builds and loadouts, I highly recommend Celestial.

I don't really have much advice, other than use the freedom Celestial gives you to keep experimenting with how the Engineer plays. People who use Zerk tend to all end up running exactly the same build, to get the most out of the Zerk stat set - but since Celestial is flat across the board, the benefit comes from how you play and what you do, instead of the stats themselves.


That thing should be 50 gems. 500 is ludicrous.

I kind of agree. I feel like there's no consistency at all when it comes to pricing things; comparable items can be priced differently with no particular reason. These Delivery pets are a new thing, but comparing it to minis (350) the price seems way off. 200 gems seems right because it's not even a toy (250) or pet that you can really use. It's just a vanity mail item.

It doesn't bother me because it's purely cosmetic, but I just don't get the reasoning behind the price points sometimes.


I think the mail griffon has more value than minis in their current state. It's gonna be seen by me and people around me every time I send a mail or get a mail. It's a big cool model with a great animation.

Minis can't even follow me properly ;P

But meh, I dunno. I don't think 500 gems is a lot for a permanent item like that. Maybe I'm weird.

The new JP is amazing btw. Completely unique.


I liked most everything about the Jumping Puzzle except the last part between 8 and 9.

Also I'm unsure what was supposed to happen when you return the
Dowsing Rod
Just because the option to grind is there doesn't mean it is a obligatory part of the experience, which I feel it's the point of the philosophy mentioned.

I don't . And I intensely dislike anything that tries to justify grind as "it is ok if it is optional". It is a game. Everything is optional.

Earn pieces of Carapace leg armor by completing the Seeds of Truth storyline. Extra pieces can also be purchased for bandit crests.
Additionally, players who receive the Boot Requisition Order will be able to purchase boot pieces for bandit crests.
Named for the fabled necromancer Verata, the inscription and insignia recipes can be purchased for bandit crests.
Bandit crest collectors have several new offerings.

Coming up next patch: more bandit crest sinks. Maybe yet another currency.

Enjoy your legacy mmo mechanics that were already stale in 2004.

It doesn't bother me because it's purely cosmetic, but I just don't get the reasoning behind the price points sometimes.

Boosting quarterly earnings through price experimentation.


I don't . And I intensely dislike anything that tries to justify grind as "it is ok if it is optional". It is a game. Everything is optional.

Coming up next patch: more bandit crest sinks. Maybe yet another currency.

Enjoy your legacy mmo mechanics that were already stale in 2004.

Boosting quarterly earnings through price experimentation.

Oh noooo people are getting skins. The horror.


I love the PvP home UI reskin. Purple shiny buttons.

...until I see they've kept the same awful color palette for the profession pie chart. Three shades of orange, two shades of pink, two shades of lime green, and neon blue. Yuck.
I'm confused with the "jumping puzzle". I mistakenly paid each skritt 1 gold, lost like 5 gold. Also I made it too the bottom and someone in guild chat said the tunnels will take you to the furthest milestone. I went in and it brought me all the way to the top by the waypoint.

So confused.

I'll try again tomorrow I guess.


That jumping puzzle goes for miles....... 0.0....

I made it to 8 flags, found 3 chests, couldn't figure out the last bit.... I'll have to start over from scratch later....


That jumping puzzle goes for miles....... 0.0....

I made it to 8 flags, found 3 chests, couldn't figure out the last bit.... I'll have to start over from scratch later....

If you got to the last of 3 chests, you were really close. At the end it becomes an elimination trial of figuring out which tunnels to go into.


The Cryptarch's Bane
not done and haven't
explored the new area at all, but I love the stealth implementation and had some real fun with the fights, though I'm starving more than ever for new weapon skills now. genuinely interested to see what happens next, feels like the narrative is arguably a decent draw now, whereas before it was kind of secondary to the experience.
zero bugs for me this far luckily


Eh the instances weren't bad, but I just not a fan of playing a thief character, so it felt pretty bleh for me. I still going to do a couple re-runs and finish the achievements through, but definitely not solo. Also the ending was pretty lame lol.

Dat new JP through, so long and vast, some pretty nice vistas in there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
try to spoiler tag stuff about the specifics in the story missions for the first week of a release, just in case our lurkers/readers don't get a chance to do it right away.


There's a little pool of water way below the skritt ship you can jump into with swiftness and survive.

I only found out it was there because I jumped off the docks right before the bridge, hit the rocky slope just before the pool of water, and my corpse slid into it, auto-ressing me.

I haven't messed with that area at all yet, but if for some reason you need to get to the bottom quickly, that's a way to do it. Just jump off the left most edge dock to the left of the bridge, running parallel to the bridge itself.

EDIT: Or just jump from here. It'll be slightly to the right of you, just turn the camera 180 and do a little navigation with your movement keys to drop in there.


leng jai

I kind of agree. I feel like there's no consistency at all when it comes to pricing things; comparable items can be priced differently with no particular reason. These Delivery pets are a new thing, but comparing it to minis (350) the price seems way off. 200 gems seems right because it's not even a toy (250) or pet that you can really use. It's just a vanity mail item.

It doesn't bother me because it's purely cosmetic, but I just don't get the reasoning behind the price points sometimes.

To be fair consistency is probably Arenanet's biggest weakness. Time and time again I see a lack of it in this game across all areas.


God the sylvari are boring...............

They didn't want elves but they just made plant people this series's elves....

Mucho tediouso.

All the other races are more interesting. Especially charr and asura, but they have such minor roles.

It's not even the living story, it's just a sylvari personal story. From scarlet to this stuff.

We need a break from this race. They were centre stage for the original story, more so than any other. They were centre stage for living story 1, and again for 2.

Guild wars 2, the adventures of plant people.
Maybe it was just me sucking at the game, but I thought getting the Gold Lost Badge above the new waypoint in the Silverwastes was awful. Getting on the rope without bouncing and sliding off was near impossible for me to manage, and then walking to the end of the rope without sliding off was unnecessarily difficult. It's like they made it too steep and the physics for sliding down a mountainside kick in sometimes.

Then if you are lucky enough to get across, there are a bunch of narrow jumps to land and missing one usually means starting all over from the beginning.

I've never given up on my Warrior and used an alt to do something before, but I marched my level 41 Mesmer into the zone for this one. Every jump was done one at a time, and a portal was left each time.

I had planned to leave her there to port people, but I just discovered another absurd badge location, so I'm probably going to use her for that now instead.


I think there's 4 chests before the end chest in the new JP. One shows where to drop down quite early. Next one is in a hole in the wall, also where you have to go down. Then there's one on a ledge somewhere to show which way to go, and one almost at the end.

The end part was a bit frustrating the first time. We had lots of time tho and happily redid that part as we were constantly making wrong guesses. :p

Looking forward to finding all the badges now. One of my fav things with these updates.


To be fair consistency is probably Arenanet's biggest weakness. Time and time again I see a lack of it in this game across all areas.

When it comes to play mechanics, I feel like that's more "experimentation" than "inconsistent." How often have we had a piece of content that seemed a little off at first, only to look back and realize they were testing things to see how players react.

For example, remember the old "you can just zerg everything" comments? Then we had the Scarlet Invasions that couldn't be zerged, but were ruined by farmers. Then we had Taco 2.0, then Triple Wurm, the Tower of Nightmares, Marionette (ESPECIALLY Marionette), The Escape from/Battle of LA and the Queen's Jubilee 2.0.

The Silverwastes feel like the culmination of all those experiments and it's easily my favorite piece of content by far. The rate at which content is added and the way Guild Wars 2 plays have never been done before, I'm willing to give them a few chances to get it "wrong" while they reiterate (especially when those experiments take the form of content like the Marionette or Nightmare Tower) if it produces results like The Silverwastes.

Maybe it was just me sucking at the game, but I thought getting the Gold Lost Badge above the new waypoint in the Silverwastes was awful. Getting on the rope without bouncing and sliding off was near impossible for me to manage, and then walking to the end of the rope without sliding off was unnecessarily difficult.

You know, I kinda thought the rope would be the way up there, but it seemed too unstable so I figured the caves would double back at a higher level somewhere. That REALLY sucks if that's the legitimate way up there.


So how bad is the cash shop at this point? Can I get away with not spending real money and still have a good time?

Yes. Gems are used solely on cosmetics (the only gameplay limitation is maybe buying previous Live Story releases with gems), and yet so you can buy gems with in-game gold, so it's pretty possible to not spend one dime outside of the game price.


So how bad is the cash shop at this point? Can I get away with not spending real money and still have a good time?
Not bad at all and it's completely optional. You might want to get character slots depending on your playstyle (I'm an altoholic and have bought 40 of those...). Bank tabs can feel very needed too but with being able to join multiple guild and hold personal bank guilds with lots of space it might not actually be needed unless you want to join 5 different other guilds.

I also recommend the Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic to everyone. It's a pure convenience item tho so it's in no way needed.

Otherwise it's mostly cosmetic stuff (skins, different finishers, makeovers), boosters (pretty useless and you get a bunch from leveling too), convenience stuff (infinite tools so you don't have to go buy more at a vendor, portable NPCs and other things like that) and toys (minipets, things you hold in your hand, ride on with no boost to run speed and so on).
Yes. Gems are used solely on cosmetics (the only gameplay limitation is maybe buying previous Live Story releases with gems), and yet so you can buy gems with in-game gold, so it's pretty possible to not spend one dime outside of the game price.

What about limited inventory/bank space?


What about limited inventory/bank space?
I've never bought inventory space. I play with four 15-slot bags (not the biggest bags in the game) and think it's just fine on every character.
Bank is very limited. I've bought quite a few slots there but that's because I'm to lazy to make bank guilds :p If you really don't want to spend money the guild way works well.


What about limited inventory/bank space?

You have 4 bag slots on any character you create, which can be filled with up to 20 item slot for each bag. You have a bank tab too, but this is the kind of stuff that was a new player you will not miss at all. Should you ever need to buy more bag slots or bank space, you can just buy with gold, but I have to admit it took me something like 6 months to buy a upgrade to my bank/inventory.
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