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Uncharted 4 Gameplay Demo [Up: Sony - Was running at 30 fps]


This looks like it plays differently from past games though. At least the multiple levels, fast traversal techniques and open areas, make more possibilities. What else were you expecting out of this series? This is just one area, it is going to be globe trotting.

I dunno how to say it, but I think Uncharted has never really reached its potential. It's supposed to be the Indiana Jones of video games, but it feels more like the Disneyland ride than any of the films. Uncharted is about a bold adventurer, so why does everything feel so safe and straight-forward? Where's the exploration and danger?

Maybe what I'm asking for is something that Uncharted just isn't. But I really do like the characters and the art direction of the series, and I think they deserve a better game. (Not that the previous UC games are bad.)


I dunno how to say it, but I think Uncharted has never really reached its potential. It's supposed to be the Indiana Jones of video games, but it feels more like the Disneyland ride than any of the films. Uncharted is about a bold adventurer, so why does everything feel so safe and straight-forward? Where's the exploration and danger?

Maybe what I'm asking for is something that Uncharted just isn't. But I really do like the characters and the art direction of the series, and I think they deserve a better game. (Not that the previous UC games are bad.)
Uncharted never was like Indiana Jones for me, it's more like a young John Mclain dealing with Indiana Jones problems, even Drake clothes had become hilariously similar over the years, theres also a lot of crap this , crap that and "bad luck", just like Die Hard movies.


Uncharted never was like Indiana Jones for me, it's more like a young John Mclain dealing with Indiana Jones problems, even Drake clothes had become hilariously similar over the years, theres also a lot of crap this , crap that and "bad luck", just like Die Hard movies.

Yeah, I've never thought of it that way, but that's a really apt comparison.


Uncharted never was like Indiana Jones for me, it's more like a young John Mclain dealing with Indiana Jones problems, even Drake clothes had become hilariously similar over the years, theres also a lot of crap this , crap that and "bad luck", just like Die Hard movies.

Nerver think about it but i'm totally agree with you.


This thread highlights an issue I'm having lately with GAF - any threads filled with GIFs now run like crap on all of my PCs. Scrolling is slow and I see checker board patterns when scrolling quickly. That doesn't make sense and it's happening across all of my systems making it especially strange. :\

it's a chrome issue. Severe browsing herpes.


Reading through some of the posts in here makes me wonder why devs ever bother releasing footage of games. If they'd shown a wholly linear section a lot of people would be saying it's the same old corridor shooter. They instead show a section of the game, a TINY section of the game, where there are multiple routes and ways of getting through the area and people just look at it is a rip off of x,y,z rather than seeing an improvement over the prior games.

What I saw was a great looking small part of the game that's not indicative of the final product that's still got a year of development left. ND have created some of the greatest games on every Playstation machine they've released titles on and yet some people still want to take them down a peg or two based on 10-15 minutes of pre-alpha footage by any means necessary! "Hmm, can't really offer any meaningful criticism as it's only a 10 minute demo. I know I'll compare this one bit to both a game that's been out for a couple of years and one that's 99% complete and looks to be a corridor based shooter!"

It's the same with NMS, the devs show something without bluster or boasts and the internet build up an insatiable appetite to see specifically what they want to see. If what they want to see isn't met they then try and tear down the creators because what little they've shown hasn't ticked every box they want as an individual!


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Graphically it looks fine.

However, I'm underwhelmed by the way it plays. It's not very different from the previous ones in that regard.

I wish they would have done something more with it. Adding some stealth is nice, however.
The best part in the trailer.

But lets hope it is not a scripted moment.



So anyway, if anyone is interested in a bit of lore, the pirate mentioned in Drake's journal is Thomas Tew, who was one of the richest pirates ever, and pioneered a plundering route between South Africa and Madagascar. He was soon followed by other pirates, like Henry Every, who's mentioned both here and in the reveal trailer.


edit: he died during a joint attack (with Every amongst others) on a Mughal ship.


What, CG from the early 90s?
CG didn't have ambient occlusion or SSS in the 90's.

Graphics are definitely closer to mid to late 2000's CG though, which is still impressive. I always wanted to see The Incredibles running on a console, and now we're here!




Totally amazed by this. I love the sense with wilderness of the jungle. The environment is so well put together it really gives off that vibe of you being surrounded by a huge and dangerous forest full of mysteries. The sound design also helps.

The gameplay seems improved too, the level design shines with these gameplay sections, you can really see how they gathered the good things about TLOU and put into this. The branching and multiple possibilities of engaging enemies and such. Its just great.

Graphics are amazing as expected. Personally what impressed me the most were the rocks and the plants. What pleases me the most though, every time, is the attention to details in NDs games. Like Drake getting all muddy after sliding in that rock, or the specific parts of his clothes getting wet in that fighting scene. Its adds up to a more realistic experience, love that.

Knowing who is writing this, I am also fully confident it will have an interesting story, so basically, I can't wait.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Looks amazing, not sure ND are gonna pull off 60fps without sacrifices

Depends on how well the demo would have run unlocked. But yeah, while I still think they're capable of it, I wouldn't bet my life on it. The fact that they quite prominently said that the game is running at "stable 30hz" without qualifying that statement further (e.g., "...at this early state, the game is already running at...") is a bit suspicious, especially since we have AFAIK not gotten any clarification so far. On the other hand, locked 30fps for a game that is one year away sounds like a good milestone, if they are still serious about their original target.

If they really manage to run this game at 60fps with that level of IQ that would be totally bonkers. Then again, we don't know if 60fps means (as-near-as-makes-no-difference) locked 60fps, or more like tombraider-eske variable 40-60fps.


Am I the only one who thought it was the strongest Uncharted gameplay reveal of the series yet. Both the U2 and U3 demo was centered around a big setpiece, the falling building and sinking ship. This one was purely to show how much the firefights have evolved, a part of the game that has been critiqued alot in the previous installments. Hopefully they have put as much effort in evolving the puzzles and exploration and I am sure it will be my favourie game of the series by far!

Two thing I realy don't worry about are the writing/ story and graphics. You guys are crazy to think that U4 have problems delivering in either of those.

No, I agree with you. I thought it started out slow, but as the demo went on I realised they were doing that deliberately, to show us the new more open levels, the more varied ways you can attack, and even the new items

Eg when he gets the pick for climbing, he explains almost everything really well. First normal climbing. Then, jumping and grabbing onto a surface shows the pick sliding on impact before gripping. lastly he is trying to climb but is hitting hard rock and its clinking off, so he needs to reposition - emphasising it ca only be used on that softer rock.

Overall it wasn't a fancy pants exploding house demo (maybe they'll save that for E3), but it did a great job of showing how much more open the encounters are than U1-3


Dreams in Digital
Graphically it looks fine.

However, I'm underwhelmed by the way it plays. It's not very different from the previous ones in that regard.

I wish they would have done something more with it. Adding some stealth is nice, however.

Oh, you've seen all of the game! Got a link?


The Amiga Brotherhood
I've watched the clip several times.

New animations and melee
Has that Uncharted 1 vibe (jungle setting l love it)
Best anti-aliasing I've seen - stunning in fact
Kinda like the rope (Nod to tomb raider)
Like the metal clip used for climbing - makes for more interesting and potentially challenging traversal
A.I move around more and jump (nice)
Real time cut scenes (at last)
Area feels more open and possibly more paths?
Superb sound - guns sounded amazing and great voice work (feels like more variety)
Foliage allows stealth (very nice - Crysis 3 vibe lol)
Thought the smoke was nice
Nice DOF
Liked how the A.I hung onto Drakes foot wonder if they can climb back up??
Faces look amazing - SSS shader??

Didn't think much of the water when panning around at the start (water fall was nice though)
You can see the grip points on rocks (seems a bit too obvious). Would like to be able to climb anywhere but that's probably too ambitious
30hz (one hopes they are still targeting 60 fps but doubt they will hit it with graphics like this)
Some of Drakes animations feel twitchy
Some rocks in obvious places
Some foliage pop-in - strange this one. On PS3 Naughty Dog use to bring in detail on a polygon by polygon basis (very clever l thought as it was damn subtle) now some of the foliage just pops-in (although rocks seem to draw on a polygon by polygon basis it didn't work with subtlety)
No ambient occlusion??
Needs a little motion blur (can't really tell if it's there and if so it's too subtle right now)
Some frame dips (makes me doubt the 60 fps target)
47 seconds into the clip noticed the holster belt pop/swap/settle in???

It's already pre-ordered since 10 June so day one for me!


I've watched the clip several times.

New animations and melee
Has that Uncharted 1 vibe (jungle setting l love it)
Best anti-aliasing I've seen - stunning in fact
Kinda like the rope (Nod to tomb raider)
Like the metal clip used for climbing - makes for more interesting and potentially challenging traversal
A.I move around more and jump (nice)
Real time cut scenes (at last)
Area feels more open and possibly more paths?
Superb sound - guns sounded amazing and great voice work (feels like more variety)
Foliage allows stealth (very nice - Crysis 3 vibe lol)
Thought the smoke was nice
Nice DOF
Liked how the A.I hung onto Drakes foot wonder if they can climb back up??

Didn't think much of the water when panning around at the start (water fall was nice though)
You can see the grip points on rocks (seems a bit too obvious). Would like to be able to climb anywhere but that's probably too ambitious
30hz (one hopes they are still targeting 60 fps but doubt they will hit it with graphics like this)
Some of Drakes animations feel twitchy
Some rocks in obvious places
Some foliage pop-in - strange this one. On PS3 Naughty Dog use to bring in detail on a polygon by polygon basis (very clever l thought as it was damn subtle) now some of the foliage just pops-in (although rocks seem to draw on a polygon by polygon basis it didn't work with subtlety)
No ambient occlusion??
Needs a little motion blur (can't really tell if it's there and if so it's too subtle right now)
Some frame dips (makes me doubt the 60 fps target)
47 seconds into the clip noticed the holster belt pop/swap/settle in???

It's already pre-ordered since 10 June so day one for me!

Im personaly happy theres no AO , i think that the effect its super ugly and unrealistic, besides they are using real penumbra shadows it seems , or at least something better than in TLoU.

Motion blur would be cool tho, i always enjoy the look of some really good motion blur.
Just watched the HD footage. I'm completely blown away by it. This is exact;y what i hoped games would look like this gen. Also, the level of detail is ridiculous. From the different foliage, the different types of rock and all their colour nuances to the bit of blood that comes out of his nose when Drake kicks him when he's hanging on his leg.

Then there is the environment, the scope (sure, not open world but it's nice when the environment is gorgeous). The animations are top knotch.

Yes. Very excited for this one, as i always enjoy Uncharted games.

I hope the headshot chime returns though.

Would love to see how good Elena looks in this game.

I'm fine with the game being 30 fps.


So the 60fps comment was just a straight up lie?

I think It's way too early to ask this question.

From the PS Blog:
Although we are still in the pre-alpha stage of development, everything you see in the video is in-game and in real-time running at 1080p and a stable 30hz.

They still have almost an entire year to work on the game but people are acting like this is the final build and it's being shipped next week.
I don't see what is so great about the combat? When a normal player will play through that section it will look much more like every cover shooter out there. For the demo purposes the guy in control seemed to know exactly where and when to move forward and around his enemies in a cinematic fashion. How quickly he moved forward is usually a sure way to get surrounded by enemies.
You write like it's not possible for regular players to actually improve themselves while playing. As the player, you obviously choose which way you play, and seeing how I'm betting there will be a tutorial and a explanation as to how breaking the line of sight with the ennemy works and how it is better to do so if you intend to live, I don't see your point.

How can improvements be "denied" when you're refering to a way of playing (ie: run and gun) instead of actual gameplay mecanics?


So the 60fps comment was just a straight up lie?
60 fps is the last part in the built, it happened for TLoU remaster too. They push 60 fps in the last week of development for TLoU . A lot here seems not know the hell they are talking about, judge the final graphic from this demo (it's a miracle to have a playable demo in such short time) it's really stupid. In any case Drake model it's not downgraded, I don't know where someone seen this. Seem just a bit more fat, to my eyes.
They won't. It is a 30fps game now.
God bless the ignorance.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Looks amazing, not sure ND are gonna pull off 60fps without sacrifices

They are either almost hitting it and some places not hence the 30hz lock for demo purposes or have decided 30hz is their new target. We don't know for sure right now but the Sony blog and Tweet from Naughty Dog made it clear the demo was 30hz.

If they don't quite get 60hz then fine but please Naughty Dog have an unlocked option like Killzone SF and Second Son and provide the option of a lock.


60 fps is the last part in the built, it happened for TLoU remaster too. They push 60 fps in the last week of development for TLoU . A lot here seems not know the hell they are talking about, judge the final graphic from this demo (it's a miracle to have a playable demo in such short time) it's really stupid. In any case Drake model it's not downgraded, I don't know where someone seen this. Seem just a bit more fat, to my eyes.

Are you serious? The decision to design for 60fps is made in the very beginning, not in the last week...


Looks stunning. Hopefully one or two of those Afrikaaner/South African accents were in pre-alpha aswell though. The first one you hear sounds like Alan Partridge doing his best impression.


They are either almost hitting it and some places not hence the 30hz lock for demo purposes or have decided 30hz is their new target. We don't know for sure right now but the Sony blog and Tweet from Naughty Dog made it clear the demo was 30hz.

If they don't quite get 60hz then fine but please Naughty Dog have an unlocked option like Killzone SF and Second Son and provide the option of a lock.

I don't mind either for a game like this honestly, and if it is unlocked and 40-45fps I'd hope for a 30fps lock option.
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