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ComicsGAF Book Club #1 | Strangers in Paradise

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if you really really like terry moore's style, then i say at least check out echo. it's been finished for years now, so it wouldn't be hard to collect all thirty issues somehow. if you liked strangers in paradise, echo's pretty similar.

rachel rising is weird. it's dark and sorta aimless. just a lot of bad stuff happens for not a lot of rhyme or reason. strangers in paradise felt like that at times, but this story actually feels like it's supposed to have a beginning middle and end. i'm constantly impressed with the art. i don't know. something about the line art and the expressions and the detail just really works super well.
Echo I enjoyed a lot. Not as grounded but the characters and action are great. Highly recommended and the whole omnibus of the series can be picked up for $30. Rachel rising is good but the weakest of the three. It really had an end and he just went past it. Now Im not sure where he's going with it.
SiP Vol 3 #24-27

So I added a 4th comic since all the omnibus readers already read it. For #24 we get a very entertaining wrap up of the whole museum story arc. It ends with everyone essentially in the police station yelling at everyone. Over the rest of the issue you start to piece together all the events that led to them being arrested. Katchoo seemed to be the only one that was really enjoying it, while poor Casey got hosed down by Freddie in his porche. haha. Speaking of Casey, she's starting to become more with the group! I also am amused at how quickly she latches onto people. She is now in love with David and Already she's announced Francine as her best friend. I don't think they had a conversation on their own in the series? If they did it was very shallow.

After that there was the Hawaii beach issue that I can now see why in the omnibus they re-ordered it. The issue starts with Terry Moore saying "oh yea this happens after the Darcy fiasco". But i think this issue served at the time it was made to be a pallet cleanser before the next big "serious" story arc that picks up with #26-27

Here we have David heading to NY with Katchoo to meet with the lawyers and start working out the inheritance deal. Unfortunately some shadowy figures rigged the plane and it crashed! Where is Francine? Well it seems she didn't like being the third wheel and doesn't end up going. I think we're starting to see the wear between Katchoo and Francine that will lead to their fallout. Katchoo has two people in her life that she cares for and she wants to have them both but if she was to make a choice i have no doubt she'd pick Francine over David. But Francine gets jealous but also won't truly go all in with Katchoo and I think its finally getting to them both. So they fight and part ways.

I thought the sequence when Katchoo knows the plane is going down and calling, and Francine who knows instantly something is wrong when the crash happens w/o a phone call. SiP has done this a couple times and its always effective. Katchoo survives and pulls out a David who's condition is unclear.

Oh and props again to how he writes Francine's mom. She gets in the way with Katchoo i'm sure, but you see its all about her wanting Francine to be happy. And for her what would make her happy is what she knows (get married, have kids and a family, etc). But when things happen, like you see with the crash she drops everything and goes out to find Katchoo & David. And becomes a mother to her as well. Something from what we've seen in Katchoo's past is not something she had a lot of.

Random Thoughts
- Looks like the Casey & Freddie relationship is nearing the end. Not that this would surprise many.
- Freddies 180 when he hears about David having money was another amusing "shmuck" Freddie moment


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Issue 24 had me laughing the whole way through. Pure comedy gold. And I didn't really like Casey at first, but I love her as a character within the group. Her interactions with the other main three are just great.

But oh my goodness. Issues 26 and 27 with the plane crash got me legit shook. It's a rare thing for comics to really hit me hard like that. Those were so intense. So intense.
Where does book one end?

I just finished reading and the last scene was
katchoo is with the group, and Francine meets up with the bodyguard tip
SiP Vol 3 #27-30

These issues continue with the shakeup of the status quo and you get some interesting recaps of Katchoo's past with the Parker Girls. Lets see we learn that it was Veronica that was the ones that orchestrated the plane crash to take out David & Katchoo. And in the process 140+ people died. Damn. So Katchoo gets out of it slightly injured but David is alive but a mess. He's all hooked up to tubes and has a skull fracture and the doctors don't think he'll survive the weekend. To make things even worse Tambi shows up, makes threats and takes Katchoo away with the threats of taking out Francine as leverage. So to sell it Katchoo throws an over the top rant and in the process cracks Francine's rib! And this is how Francine ends up meeting her future husband. Her rant about all the goatee people being a Freddy was amusing.

Also before Katchoo leaves she whispers some interesting revelations as well as saying nice loving things that seem to boost his resolve. I'm not sure I buy that she knew all this stuff because of her previous reactions to the revelations, like she knew him from the Darcy Party, etc.. I kind of interpreted it that some was her trying to help David along. So off Katchoo goes, we learn all the various power plays and learn Emma wasn't all super clean in her role as well. Which makes sense if you think about it, but given how she's always been presented before it grounds the character in the reader and Katchoo's eyes.

And Francine (now sporting a white streak in her hair since the accident) has a chat with her mom. This was a dialogue sequence where again it rung really true that a mother/daughter would have. Even when it seems she wouldn't approve Francine/Katchoo as a couple she is one who on several times goes out of her way to care for Katchoo and does what she can for her daughter to be happy. Also some of her insight their relationship is probably true. And now it looks like Francine is moving to Tennessee to live with her mom. And then it ends where Francine spots a body guard and she pieces it together that its probably from Katchoo still looking out for David & Francine from afar.

Random Thoughts

- The flag football flashback was a nice break from all the dour serious stuff happening in these issues. But even that ends on a sad note as it transitions back to the hospital.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
The first issue from today's reading was so good.
That page with David all (mostly) healed up, lying in the field made me smile. Even though it was inevitable that he would recover after the plane crash (since we know from the flash-forwards that him and Katchoo were close), I was still super worried about him. I'm getting really attached to these characters.
Also, that conversation between Francine and David was a joy to read.
Oh, and Francine lost weight! She's lookin' fine.

And lastly, that page near the end of the issue with Francine and Casey talking on the porch was just immensely good.
That look Francine gives after Casey says "And now?"
And then: "See that star... The one shining brighter than the others?" "Uh huh." "I know the girl who hung it there."

So good.
I didn't think you were. Just let me know when you guys are done with book one. I wanna get back into this.

I sneaked ahead some and we're probably a couple days out.

Omnibus readers did you get an issue that was a SIP Worlds Collide dream, superhero parody issue? That was #33 for me but i know they mix it up. Also going through Terry Moore's tumblr page and got some reminders of future events. Its funny they almost felt like spoilers since I forgot or wasn't sure i remember correctly but whatevs.

SiP Vol 3 #31-33

So one year has passed and things have changed. Francine has lost 33 lbs and is looking good. And again i'll repeat myself that how Terry Moore again changes how he draws Francine in a "slimmer" fashion is realistic and makes sense. Its not over exaggerated. David is finally on the mend, but still not 100%. He also has the money exchanged and finalized. Which he also peals off a cool 10 Mil for Francine. It was nice to see some David & Francine interactions by themselves. Since Katchoo is really the focus of almost all plot points there isn't many times you see those two together by themselves. Oh and we see Francine is now engaged to Brad. Which she seems happy but also kind of just going through the motions a bit. Its shown that if given a lifeline she'd bolt in a sec. Brad so far seems like a good enough guy and we learn he's the brother of a famous rock Artist Griffin SIlver. New SIP fans might not recognize this but Terry Moore has been making Griffin Silver band reference and song lyrics in the series.

And then we get to Katchoo who is miserable and a total mess. Constantly drunk, just slogging around the hotel. But she's been doing good work for the new company division so the bosses seem happy. Also Veronica is still on a tear.

Well David is now off to go get Katchoo, so lets see how that plays out. And Casey has shown up! Hopefully she hangs around

Random Thoughts
- Casey pouncing on poor David was so funny.
- The parody issue was funny at points but i was annoyed it took up one of the day's 3 issues.
- Poor Reporter guy. RIP
- Tambi has a mole in Veronica's group. Time to find the mole!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Omnibus readers did you get an issue that was a SIP Worlds Collide dream, superhero parody issue? That was #33 for me but i know they mix it up. Also going through Terry Moore's tumblr page and got some reminders of future events. Its funny they almost felt like spoilers since I forgot or wasn't sure i remember correctly but whatevs.

- Tambi has a mole in Veronica's group. Time to find the mole!

Nope. #33 wasn't between #32 and #34 in the omnibus, so #34 is included in today's reading as well (since most people are reading the omnibus). I'm assuming all of these fun sounding one-shots are collected somewhere in these 2200 pages though. If there was an index I could know for sure... But alas. Haha

Also, I loved the fact that Veronica thought she'd weeded out Tambi's mole and then Tambi heard about Veronica killing her (can't remember her name) and was all "What? Oh, I know her, but she wasn't the mole. She actually worked for Veronica."
Veronica is nuts. Which becomes abundantly clear in #34. Haha
Also, I really dig Mr. Tucciani as a character. Whenever he shows up, it makes me want to watch The Godfather.
Nope. #33 wasn't between #32 and #34 in the omnibus, so #34 is included in today's reading as well (since most people are reading the omnibus). I'm assuming all of these fun sounding one-shots are collected somewhere in these 2200 pages though. If there was an index I could know for sure... But alas. Haha

Also, I loved the fact that Veronica thought she'd weeded out Tambi's mole and then Tambi heard about Veronica killing her (can't remember her name) and was all "What? Oh, I know her, but she wasn't the mole. She actually worked for Veronica."
Veronica is nuts. Which becomes abundantly clear in #34. Haha
Also, I really dig Mr. Tucciani as a character. Whenever he shows up, it makes me want to watch The Godfather.

Good deal. I get one more issue to read today! woot


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Good deal. I get one more issue to read today! woot

You know, gketter, I'm starting to wonder if we're the only ones actually following the scheduled readings... Haha
Oh well. It's still great fun for me, and I hope it is for you as well.

Anyways, regarding issue #34, Veronica getting all giddy after David possibly killed that guy was so incredibly unsettling. Veronica needs to die soon.
Also, today's reading definitely confirmed for me that I enjoy the relationship and slice-of-life type stuff way more than the Parker Girls/Big Six stuff. I mean, the Parker Girls/Big Six stuff is still very good, but the slice-of-life stuff is where Moore absolutely kills it and makes all other comics look bad. Though a lot of the slice-of-life/relationship stuff couldn't happen without the Parker Girls/Big Six stuff happening, so it's not like the book could have just done without it. Plus the changing of pace helps keep everything fresh over the 2200 pages.
You know, gketter, I'm starting to wonder if we're the only ones actually following the scheduled readings... Haha

I would believe that. I don't know how you guys can stop reading at the alotted stopping points. Sometimes you end up with some major cliffhanger shit and need to press on. That's generally what happens to me. Plus I don't know what I'll feel like doing when, so I tend to read as much as I can when the opportunity is there.

Cheska is probably done with the whole series by now.


Thanks for making this thread.
This is a series I remember hearing about all the time when I was growing up but never got around to reading.
I'm a couple arcs into Vol. 3 and I'm super hooked.
Love everything about the book so far and I already know I'm going to be bummed when it's over.
These "slice-of-life" comics are always my bag. I am such a sucker for this kind of stuff.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Thanks for making this thread.
This is a series I remember hearing about all the time when I was growing up but never got around to reading.
I'm a couple arcs into Vol. 3 and I'm super hooked.
Love everything about the book so far and I already know I'm going to be bummed when it's over.
These "slice-of-life" comics are always my bag. I am such a sucker for this kind of stuff.

Hey! Glad to hear you're joining us! And I'm also very glad to hear you're enjoying it so far! Slice-of-life has always been my thing as well, although before this I'd pretty much only read slice-of-life books rather than comics, so this has been a real treat for me too.
Where are you at in the story right now?


Hey! Glad to hear you're joining us! And I'm also very glad to hear you're enjoying it so far! Slice-of-life has always been my thing as well, although before this I'd pretty much only read slice-of-life books rather than comics, so this has been a real treat for me too.
Where are you at in the story right now?

Glad to be on board, but I'm afraid I won't be able to pace myself with the rest of the group!
I just finished the part where everyone is leaving the police office and the muscle lady (Tambi?) is ominously lifting weights.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Glad to be on board, but I'm afraid I won't be able to pace myself with the rest of the group!
I just finished the part where everyone is leaving the police office and the muscle lady (Tambi?) is ominously lifting weights.

No worries! I'm sure we'd all love it if you posted your thoughts still! Even though it's not the most up to date stuff the rest of us have read, it's only been a week or two since we've read that, so it's still relatively fresh in our minds to discuss and whatnot.
You know, gketter, I'm starting to wonder if we're the only ones actually following the scheduled readings... Haha
Oh well. It's still great fun for me, and I hope it is for you as well.
Hah yea I get that feeling too. I've debated if that's the case we could surge if we wanted too. Freeza is far ahead. You and me are in sync, I have no idea where Cheska and Messi are. And spider is 30 issues behind.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hah yea I get that feeling too. I've debated if that's the case we could surge if we wanted too. Freeza is far ahead. You and me are in sync, I have no idea where Cheska and Messi are. And spider is 30 issues behind.

If you're itching to binge read, don't let me stop you!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Hah! So there WAS a reason Bambi/Tambi looked so much like Katchoo! That was a pretty great twist.

I'm also pretty happy that this Veronica/Big Six business seems to be over for now. Back to the brilliant slice-of-life sort of stuff, it seems.


I would believe that. I don't know how you guys can stop reading at the alotted stopping points. Sometimes you end up with some major cliffhanger shit and need to press on. That's generally what happens to me. Plus I don't know what I'll feel like doing when, so I tend to read as much as I can when the opportunity is there.

Cheska is probably done with the whole series by now.

I'm not, I'm super far behind I think :( I just finished that big ass Book 1, which ends somewhere in the 30's I think.

Really loved that scene with Tambi/Katchoo where she told her to come over for Christmas, it was so touching.

I'm bummed they skipped ahead a year and we didn't see a whole lot of Francine/Brad getting together and Katchoo/Tambi working.

Does the next book skip ahead past the marriages or do we see some of the in-between, or maybe we can hope that Francine marrying Brad and being miserable was just a bad dream?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I'm not, I'm super far behind I think :( I just finished that big ass Book 1, which ends somewhere in the 30's I think.

Really loved that scene with Tambi/Katchoo where she told her to come over for Christmas, it was so touching.

I'm bummed they skipped ahead a year and we didn't see a whole lot of Francine/Brad getting together and Katchoo/Tambi working.

Does the next book skip ahead past the marriages or do we see some of the in-between, or maybe we can hope that Francine marrying Brad and being miserable was just a bad dream?

In the scheduled reading we just finished Book 1 today, actually. The reading today was the last two issues in Book 1 and the first issue of Book 2. So it sounds like you're pretty close, actually!

Ugh my body is on fire with this fever and haven't done any reading the last two days. Hopefully I start to feel better and can catch up.

Feel better soon!
I'm sure you'll have no problem catching up when you do start feeling better. :p
I'm not, I'm super far behind I think :( I just finished that big ass Book 1, which ends somewhere in the 30's I think.

In the scheduled reading we just finished Book 1 today, actually. The reading today was the last two issues in Book 1 and the first issue of Book 2. So it sounds like you're pretty close, actually!

oh, nice. I read a bit into Book 2 the other day, so while I'm a little bit ahead, it's probably only a few issues or so.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
WHAAAAAAAAAT. TODAY'S READING WAS NUTS. MY MIND IS BLOWN. I don't even anymore. What is happening!?
For all of you guys who have no idea what today's scheduled reading was, I'm referring to the issue where we find out about Ashley in the future and the book she wrote.

I don't even know.
Just insane.
WHAAAAAAAAAT. TODAY'S READING WAS NUTS. MY MIND IS BLOWN. I don't even anymore. What is happening!?
For all of you guys who have no idea what today's scheduled reading was, I'm referring to the issue where we find out about Ashley in the future and the book she wrote.

I don't even know.
Just insane.

Yeah, that's about where I am. It threw me when Francine was going through possible future scenarios based on whether or not she married Brad. I'm kinda lost at this point as to which is actually true. Also notice that Ashley is also a lover of women.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yeah, that's about where I am. It threw me when Francine was going through possible future scenarios based on whether or not she married Brad. I'm kinda lost at this point as to which is actually true. Also notice that Ashley is also a lover of women.

I haven't gotten quite there yet. The last issue I read was the one that ended with Francine fainting on stage (the first "alternate" reality) and then talking to Katchoo about "What if your dad raped you and you ran away from home and became a prostitute?"

And yeah, I noticed that too. Definitely seems to run in the family. Haha
WHAAAAAAAAAT. TODAY'S READING WAS NUTS. MY MIND IS BLOWN. I don't even anymore. What is happening!?
For all of you guys who have no idea what today's scheduled reading was, I'm referring to the issue where we find out about Ashley in the future and the book she wrote.

I don't even know.
Just insane.
Ah I'm now caught up. Yea this is the part where Terry just starts all sorts of fuckery. On my first read through I wondered if it was his way of doing a reset or get out of a plot path he wanted to change. Or just go meta from either external complaints or his own self assessments. It is pretty clever how he can use reveals that don't line up like Katchoo wispering into David's ear as actual mistakes by Ashley the author.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ah I'm now caught up. Yea this is the part where Terry just starts all sorts of fuckery. On my first read through I wondered if it was his way of doing a reset or get out of a plot path he wanted to change. Or just go meta from either external complaints or his own self assessments. It is pretty clever how he can use reveals that don't line up like Katchoo wispering into David's ear as actual mistakes by Ashley the author.

I'm feeling exactly that way. Haha. I really hope this isn't a reset. Over the first 1000+ pages, I've grown rather fond of the characters. Even if they're the same people, they're totally different characters if they have totally different histories.

And yeah, that was kind of awesome (the Ashley making a mistake thing).
Ah I'm now caught up. Yea this is the part where Terry just starts all sorts of fuckery. On my first read through I wondered if it was his way of doing a reset or get out of a plot path he wanted to change. Or just go meta from either external complaints or his own self assessments. It is pretty clever how he can use reveals that don't line up like Katchoo wispering into David's ear as actual mistakes by Ashley the author.

I have to admit I'm finding Book 2 all a bit confusing so far.
I have to admit I'm finding Book 2 all a bit confusing so far.
This might be a spoiler and some from vague memory speculation

but my understanding is he kind of resets all the flash forwards we've seen so far. It seems he had more story he wanted to tell with them youngish but was boxed in with his flash forwards. After the marriage then they don't talk for 10 years and it's done. So I think this is his way of working around it. But what's happened still happened.
Hmm. Well things kind of got out of hand and I've now read up to issue 54. I kind of wanted to confirm my thory about issue 43 and then kept going because it was good reading. Only 34 issues left :(

Oh and Casey rocks
Oh man, guys. Wowie zowie,
David x Tambi! I know it's just for making babies, but they would make an adorable couple.

How am I supposed to enjoy comics after this? :(
Man, I just plowed a third of the way through book 2. Up to the point where Katchoo
has her art opening

Some heavy stuff going on. Srsly, I don't know what comics will hold my attention after this... so many feels.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol. So are we officially all going at our own pace now? I'm totally cool if you guys do. I'm going to keep to the schedule though, since honestly I'll read more that way. I haven't been feeling like reading comics a whole lot still (even though I've definitely been enjoying SiP), so having a daily schedule to stick to is what's keeping me reading consistently.
Lol. So are we officially all going at our own pace now? I'm totally cool if you guys do. I'm going to keep to the schedule though, since honestly I'll read more that way. I haven't been feeling like reading comics a whole lot still (even though I've definitely been enjoying SiP), so having a daily schedule to stick to is what's keeping me reading consistently.

The feels, Kipp! THE FEELS! I can't go through this every day. My emotions aren't meant to be manipulated like this.
Lol. So are we officially all going at our own pace now? I'm totally cool if you guys do. I'm going to keep to the schedule though, since honestly I'll read more that way. I haven't been feeling like reading comics a whole lot still (even though I've definitely been enjoying SiP), so having a daily schedule to stick to is what's keeping me reading consistently.
Well with me back at work and had a cushion I'm waiting until the reading schedule catches back up. So im still at issue 54.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Well with me back at work and had a cushion I'm waiting until the reading schedule catches back up. So im still at issue 54.

Okay, cool. I just read up to that
Tambi Miami flashback issue
Such good stuff. That issue and the few issues before it were just stellar.
Just wanted to drop by and say that I'm actually catching up now. I didn't read anything (no time) when I was on holidays, but now that I'm back at work I'm slowly getting there (2 hour commute per day helps!)

Up to Vol 3 #13. Still a lot to read before I can safely read this thread again, but who knows, I may be able to participate again before book club is over! :)


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just wanted to drop by and say that I'm actually catching up now. I didn't read anything (no time) when I was on holidays, but now that I'm back at work I'm slowly getting there (2 hour commute per day helps!)

Up to Vol 3 #13. Still a lot to read before I can safely read this thread again, but who knows, I may be able to participate again before book club is over! :)

Nice! I'm pretty much the only one who's actually on the official schedule right now, so you're all good. Feel free to talk about whatever you're currently reading and I'm sure everyone who's already read it will be happy to talk about it!
Nice! I'm pretty much the only one who's actually on the official schedule right now, so you're all good. Feel free to talk about whatever you're currently reading and I'm sure everyone who's already read it will be happy to talk about it!
Not true I can read issues again today. The official reading caught up!


Oh, I finished the whole thing last week and forgot to post my thoughts.

Will spoiler rage everything even though I don't think I'll go into too heavy details.

Really enjoyed the book, as you can tell from how quick I went through it.

Even though I was annoyed at times with how over the top Katchoo reacted to things, I loved how developed all of the characters were and how overall consistent they remained while still able to be surprising and malleable.
Not to knock an entire medium, but, reading superhero comics growing up, so many of the characters are basically interchangeable in their voice and personality, differentiated only by costumes and a list of abilities. Everyone in SiP seemed like their own person in how they reacted to each other, themselves and their situation.
I can't speak with any authority at all, but I can see how created owned books, like SiP, in the early 90s were able to make such a huge impact on the industry with new, striking stories in an industry that was, at that time, basically physical hoarding/collection based.

In regard to the story of the book, I felt it dragged on a little too much in places.
Moore's mid-book flash-forward (fantasy sequence?) with the publisher didn't change my mind that I shared a lot of the same issues that she did about re-retreading many of the same beats about the will-they-or-won't-they romance.
People have touched on it, and I agree that this was some kind of reset button written into the story to changes made on the fly to the story's scope. I can't really comment on if what we ultimately saw as an ending was better than the one hinted at with the girls reconnecting after a decade apart. I'm interested in why the change was made and what sparked it though. If anyone has an interview or anything they can find I think it would be enjoyable.

The mafia/big 6 part added a lot of the drama to the story but a lot of the time came off as ultimately toothless and nonsensical. There were parts of it I liked and I feel like I understood what was happening with it, but sometimes it just felt like a twist for the sake of a twist.
I think, related to this complaint, is the issue of the money. Several times during the book I think everyone has become a millionaire and then they aren't and then they are again.
Nothing changes because of them gaining the money or the loss of it (until maybe the very end when they buy the house). Everyone maintains the same standard of living, no one has any money problems when broke and no one takes advantage of their wealth while rich.

Feels like I've been just writing negative things. Art was fantastic. His clean lines and detailed figures are so emotive I found myself studying every panel for information.
I was so impressed with Moore's command of style and the way he could seamlessly dip into more animated characters to express tonal changes in the story. What a powerful storytelling device, and one I've never seen used so well.
Also, the mixture of text segments in the comic was neat. Added another layer to scenes

Don't feel like typing anymore right now, I'm sure I'll think of some more later.
Great book, recommend it to anyone thinking of diving in.
Would appreciate any other recommendations in the same vein.
SIP Vol #3 #54-56
Well the fallout to Katchoo's fling was quick and brutal and leaves her in a total mess. Such brutal timing to have this happen just when Francine was starting to take a couple more steps out of her comfort zone. Although Katchoo's "CRAP" series of sequences was pretty funny even when it was sad to see her just break down. And Francine runs into Griffon Silver and the fam, and ends up heading back to Tennessee

In other news it seems Noel's story regarding her attacker seems to show signs of not being 100% true and this gets confirmed later when we learn she is a former Parker girl that survived a TDK Joker style "try-out" for survival.

But Casey to the rescue! She's the one person doing her best to keep Katchoo together and once again she just a person that is 100% passion and commits with this super positive sincerity. Its kind of ridicoulous but its also refreshing to see. Her big push to convince Katchoo to paint and stay works and it looks like Katchoo is starting to stabilize

Random thought
-Oh David. Poor guy really got beat up with his run in with Tambi.
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