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Battlefield Hardline |OT| Battlefield FIVE-O

I liked the SCAR-H, but I'm trying the HCAR now. It's just so satisfying to use. Looks and sounds great and it just feels powerful, but this recoil is a bit much! Definitely need to get the grips and muzzles for it.

Is there really any difference? According to load out the only difference is that the hkar actually has LESS accuracy than the scarh which is why I skipped both higher tier battle rifles and just stuck with the first two.

I really hate the criminals equivalent of the scar too. With the green dot sight the time to aim on the scar is almost instant. I also hate that the cops dont get an faster shotty like the criminals get with the spas. I play enforcer almost all the time with my squad of friends and I'm just not happy with the battle rifles.
Same for me, Hardline has been laggy for me, but if I pop in BF4 it still runs beautifully with great hit detection and such. The lag was real apparent when I started running with the shotguns,half of my kills seemed to register a good .3/.4 tenths of a second after I landed my shots, creating a window for other players to trade kills with me. Dunno what changed from the beta, but Hardline feels way off to me.

I know it can be the nature of online shooters where people can have vastly different experiences, but for me this game has run smoother at launch and the hit detection has been better for me than BF4 ever was.


cool OT. nice to see the game getting its due for being a fun experience. great antidote to the huge glops of knee-jerk hate it got for months and months and months around here.
I'm experiencing the same shit I did in BF4. Rubberbanding, unload half a mag in a guy's back only to have him turn around and one shot me, etc.. No idea where the praise for the net code is coming from. US servers still full of Brazilian and Japanese players. Seriously, WTF?!

Everything put 64P servers feels pretty good to me. With 64P it all falls to shit though. Which is fine by me.

PS4 American
This game's multiplayer looks horrid maxed on PC. I'm enjoying the game, but I swear if I were to compare this to BC2, Hardline would look worse. Riptide, Everglades, and Hollywood Heights look like absolute garbage.
Really enjoying this game on PS4, both Heist and Blood Money are really good modes to go along with Conquest. I'm not particularly good at BF, but I am really digging the Mechanic. Using the satellite phone with either the grenade launcher or armored insert, plus either the UMP-45 or MPX with accuracy/control/range boosting accessories. The SMGs seem to really rip shit up, I do much better with them then the assault rifles here. Proper placement of the satellite phone can also be super useful in Heist for keeping up pressure.


Can a mod add an OT title?

Battlefield Hardline |OT| Battlefield FIVE-O

Battlefield Hardline |OT| That's the Sound of da Police
I am enjoying the game so far on PC for what it is. Is certainly not as good looking as
BF3/4, but it still has it's own merits. I am liking the maps and new game modes in MP, and SP is fine so far.

Only complaints are that:

1) The game has crashed on me about 3 times in a total of 3 hours of game time. One time it just froze during the pause menu, another time I got a driver error and was booted back to my desktop. The final time I was also booted back to my desktop from MP without any reasoning as to why.

2) While trying to play single player (specifically episode 2), my mouse/keyboard stopped responding. WSAD did nothing, moving the mouse did nothing. Tried plugging in a game pad and still got no response. I was able to hit ESC and bring up the pause menu and use the mouse to click "quit game". Very weird. Didn't have time to re-boot and see if it happened again because I was leaving for work.

This is the only PC game I've really had anything like this happen and it's really odd. Anybody else experiencing anything like this?


Holy shit Hotwire is fun. Best new mode since rush.

Running down people with a speeding truck while that stupid Jamie N Commons song is playing is probably the most fun I've had in a game this year.
Played through the first episode. I'm amazed I only have fired a pistol for the first hour of the game compared to BF4's everything exploding opening. The game also looks great too. Dat Miami skyline.
Do you think this game is worth $30? Ever since it came out I've been stuck in laggier rooms in BF4 because of the increased percentage of out of region players. I won't get Premium because there is more BF4 content coming out this summer and SWBF this fall. If I have the opportunity to get it for $30, is it a good idea?


Do you think this game is worth $30? Ever since it came out I've been stuck in laggier rooms in BF4 because of the increased percentage of out of region players. I won't get Premium because there is more BF4 content coming out this summer and SWBF this fall. If I have the opportunity to get it for $30, is it a good idea?

It's different, but IMO it's better than BF3 and 4.

If you like Battlefield, it's definitely worth getting.


Hell I can't figure out how to upload pics I've taken on Xbox One. It doesn't let me do anything with the pics I have of Killer Instinct except set them as my background. I hate Upload. Piece of shit.

You have to "Share" it. From there you can post it to twitter, Xbox Social options, or send to OneDrive.


Does feel like the TTK is too low.

Also, being a fan of Conquest I really do feel like the maps are just way too small.

64 player Conquest is just a cluster fuck on some maps. They should have expanded a little more.

Dr Prob

Do you think this game is worth $30? Ever since it came out I've been stuck in laggier rooms in BF4 because of the increased percentage of out of region players. I won't get Premium because there is more BF4 content coming out this summer and SWBF this fall. If I have the opportunity to get it for $30, is it a good idea?

It's a fun change of pace from the main Battlefield games, and if you can come to grips with the lack of traditional vehicle play (there are a bunch of toned-down, weaksauce vehicles on most maps, but it's very much an infantry focused experience) then yeah, I'd say it's worth it.

As evidenced in this thread, people will have different experiences on the technical side, but I've been impressed with the performance and stability of the game. Getting into and loading up matches is crisp and the whole thing just seems to work.

Just be aware that despite handling the same, transitioning from BF4 takes a little getting used to. Low ttk means it plays very fast, so there will be engagements you're used to taking on that you now have to nope the hell out of, and the weirdo snipers perched on top of cranes and shit that you used to ignore can actually kill you now, which is infuriating. But overall it's good fun and a nice companion game to BF4.
I've always played BF on PC and now I'm playing this on PS4, and I'm confused as to how Battlelog works. When I first loaded the game up it asked me for an Origin name, so I tried putting in my normal account name. It said it was already in use - of course. Eventually I just gave up and put in a new name I never use, and that worked. It didn't ask for any email or password or anything. So is this Origin/name now tied to my PSN account or something? I can't figure out how to link it to my normal Origin/Battlelog account.

And while in PS4, I can't even figure out how to log in or out of Battlelog - or its version of Battlelog.


Overall I'm enjoying this way more than Battlefield 4. I like the campaign, the new modes like Hotwire are really fun and the game has never crashed or corrupted my save! The only knock against it is some of the smaller maps seem a little too small for 64 players.


Unconfirmed Member
How are people enjoying the campaign?

I finished the campaign today and honestly ? I thought it was very good, I really enjoyed it.

It's very much a 90s action film which gradually ramps up as the campaign goes on, it goes near enough full Bad Boys 2 by the end. When it was said that Bad Boys 2 was in the design bible I can definitely see it lol.

However I really like how they handled the single player levels. As the game goes on you are given bigger spaces to traverse through and tackle however you want. You can go full stealth if you want (though some parts do require shooting) or tackle things headon and the levels give you space and the tools to handle it. I also like that you unlock weapons via finding 'evidence' and that they place 'Tactical Gear' boxes over the place to let you switch things up on the fly. I can see a lot of room for replayability should someone enjoy the game and I might just do that on a harder difficulty :)

Whilst I do understand how some folks just see this as an offshoot I think Visceral deserve a lot of credit for the single player campaign. It's a fun FPS campaign regardless of the game series IMO and certainly better than anything else Battlefield related singleplayer wise. It certainly wiped away the bad taste left by Dead Space 3 for me.

It's not gonna change the world but it's a fun, well made, well acted game I really enjoyed playing.


Question for PC mp neogaf, anyone else finding that there is a bit of delay or lag in commands? Even with a locked 60 and very low ping button response seems slow, even in the deploy menu if you have one class selected and click another it delays for a bit before changing. Also notice this when clicking menu items. Maybe it's just me or my set up but it seems a bit clunkier than BF4.

Also it seems like the chat window fits less text now and I don't like how it moves postilion when you go to the deployment menu, very odd UI design choice. Apart from that I am having fun with Sp but not 100% sold on MP just yet.

Will try and play some more SP and MP and come back with detailed impressions.


I think all of the maps are too small for 64 players, is why I stick to 32 player servers. Still plenty of that good old BF chaos to go around.


I think all of the maps are too small for 64 players, is why I stick to 32 player servers. Still plenty of that good old BF chaos to go around.

I've found I've had more fun games in 32 player conquest as well. Definitely suits the maps better.
Yep as I expected BFH has killed off the BF4 population quite a bit on consoles. There is close to 100,000 players on BFH PS4 and X1 and only like 26,000 on the PS4 version of BF4. I would paste the link but on the vita.
I really hated the campaign. They wanted to force you into being some fucking stealth ninja, if I wanted to do stealth I wouldn't play Battle fucking field.


So what percentage of purchasers are playing online at any given point? 10? 25? 50%?

I think sales have gone pretty well.
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