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Do we expect Splatoon to be the next major Nintendo I.P.?

I'm really intrigued as to what happens with this franchise. I'd like to see anything Nintendo attempt do well but nothing is really clicking. This will probably go the way of Bayonetta 2, TW101, and Pikmin 3.
"Magic" is not a real thing.



Junior Member
I'm really intrigued as to what happens with this franchise. I'd like to see anything Nintendo attempt do well but nothing is really clicking. This will probably go the way of Bayonetta 2, TW101, and Pikmin 3.
There's no way in hell this will go the way of The Wonderful 101 with the amount of advertising Splatoon is getting. Like I said before, Nintendo doesn't give Amiibos to franchises they think will bomb.

Nintendo would have to actively not promote Splatoon outside of the Splatoon Direct for it to end up like W101.


Do the people who is saying that this is gonna bomb as bad as W101 actually know how bad that game bombed? Because it would require a miracle for this game to bomb as hard as that one...

*** Hugging my copy of W101, T_T ***
COME on! Third person shooter, first person shooter. I find it genuinely amusing that people see an appreciable difference between the two. At the end of the day the goal of the game is to shoot things until you win.

But I mean like there's a vague 'shooter' and then you can get more specific with TPS and FPS.

It's like a racing games. You've got racing sims, arcade racers and kart racers. No one's gonna casually call Mario Kart a racing sim.

It's just weird when people use FPS as a catch-all for shooters.


I think it will be. The push has been pretty strong, and anecdotally, I know some people who basically only play Mario kart talking about Splatoon as the next game they're interested in. The game is amazingly fun, and very easy to get into. Even the worst player can feel like they're contributing by just painting the floor, so can see it appealing to just about anyone.
It's not going to bomb like W101. That REALLY bombed.

On a side not, I hate how one opinion against the hive mind gets immediately labelled as a troll post.


Do the people who is saying that this is gonna bomb as bad as W101 actually know how bad that game bombed? Because it would require a miracle for this game to bomb as hard as that one...

*** Hugging my copy of W101, T_T ***

agreed i love my w101 [= Also i think this game will def do probally around 2 millionish when all said and done.


On a side not, I hate how one opinion against the hive mind gets immediately labelled as a troll post.
I think it's more that some of them are really ridiculous, like the one above yours lamenting Nintendo not making another military shoot bang with a twist, but somehow Splatoon is a dead end creatively. How does that not make you question them?


I think it's more that some of them are really ridiculous, like the one above yours lamenting Nintendo not making another military shoot bang with a twist, but somehow Splatoon is a dead end creatively. How does that not make you question them?

There's a difference between misguided and trolling.
The bar is pretty low for a wiiu game to sell well. I mean 1 million sales is 10% of the install base. It depends how Nintendo interprets the sales figures to determine popularity.


There's a difference between misguided and trolling.
The bar is pretty low for a wiiu game to sell well. I mean 1 million sales is 10% of the install base. It depends how Nintendo interprets the sales figures to determine popularity.
I'm pretty sure the ones calling people trolls are just in disbelief at their outlooks. Doesn't take a hive mind to know Splatoon is gonna sell better than W101.

Secret Owl

Neo Member
I don't expect Splatoon's debut to sell Smash Bros or Mario Kart numbers, but I don't expect Nintendo to give up on it either. They know how few copies of a game using a new property they can sell on the Wii U, yet they're pushing it hard from a promotional perspective anyway. Even if most game enthusiasts don't have a Wii U, Nintendo wants them to be aware that Splatoon exists and they make it. If the game does decently well with their core fans (Wii U owners), I'm sure they'll prep a sequel or port to whatever the NX ends up being and judge it's potential there. After all, this is a new EAD project and those don't come around very often. Pikmin debuted on Gamecube, yet was still given two sequels and a Wii port. Here in the West, Animal Crossing also started on Gamecube and has had a new installment on every proceeding platform.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
This game is really hard to comp.
I would have to spend way too much energy to try and get my head around what I'd really believe it would sell.

Do I think Nintendo will attempt to foster it into a franchise? Yea... Do I think most people here are over estimating it's sales potential? Yea... But give the environment this was greenlit, I imagine they have very realistic expectations of profitability for it. Lean team, relatively quick dev schedule, etc. they are masters of efficiency.

Out of curiosity, those who are saying it's going to sell a couple million... What's the scope you're factoring? Is that like, global shipments + digital lifetime? Having trouble wrapping my head around that one


lol. I am terrible at sales threads so I am essentially coming up with random numbers.

let's say 500k first month globally and 1.3mil global lifetime? yeah? those sound like good numbers? okay let's go get lunch


In before the reviews praise it but for some reason have to mention 'how badly' the Wii U is selling.

Ibrekon near 2 mil lifetime sales, and will move a few consoles. You have to remember, not only are they promoting the game with amiibo, they ate packaging the game in a console bundle.


The potential for Splatoon as a franchise is quite intriguing. Whether or not Nintendo will continue to foster and build on Splatoon, the performance of Splatoon may make Nintendo to consider routes that may even lead to esports. Even if this may not even be the case, if the player base is out there, and enough interest is built, Nintendo does have the proper assets and resources to make Splatoon bigger than initially conceived. While I do have some reserved skepticism, it is fun to think of the potential opportunities that this game may offer.
Honestly to all the people ragging on pikmin 3 sales if splatoon matches those than that will be good seeing as how pikmin 3 is close to a million sales world wide.


i own a wii u and have absolutely zero interest in this game, don't get the hype on here. expecting it to perform poorly and don't expect many people will be talking about it a couple of months after release.


2001 - Animal Crossing
2001 - Luigi's Mansion
2001 - Pikmin
2005 - Nintendogs
2006 - Wii Sports
2006 - Wii Play
2006 - Big Brain Academy
2007 - Wii Fit
2008 - Wii Music
2010 - Flipnote Studio
2010 - Nintendo DS Guide
2011 - Steel Diver
2012 - Nintendo Land
2013 - NES Remix
2015 - Splatoon

Indeed, it's been a long time since EAD developed a notable character IP.

Wasn't NES Remix by IndiesZero, or am I misremembering?


I guess my expectation is that this game will not have a sequel so whatever the sales numbers are, they will not be large enough for Nintendo to continue the franchise.


i own a wii u and have absolutely zero interest in this game, don't get the hype on here. expecting it to perform poorly and don't expect many people will be talking about it a couple of months after release.
Did you play any of the testfires?

I think it will be another Mario Kart: one of those games you can keep playing forever as long as there´s people to play with. It won´t sell as much as MK8 by a longshot, but it will have pretty good legs and will be around for quite a while. Ear to mouth will help it too, from what I´ve played it has the potential to entertain you for a long time after release.
Also, there haven´t been any major releases for WiiU this year, so a lot of people will be hungry to get something new to play.

So in conclusion: It won´t be a superseller like MK8/Smash but it will have a nice debut and keep growing with time to good numbers.


This game is really hard to comp.
I would have to spend way too much energy to try and get my head around what I'd really believe it would sell.

Do I think Nintendo will attempt to foster it into a franchise? Yea... Do I think most people here are over estimating it's sales potential? Yea... But give the environment this was greenlit, I imagine they have very realistic expectations of profitability for it. Lean team, relatively quick dev schedule, etc. they are masters of efficiency.

Out of curiosity, those who are saying it's going to sell a couple million... What's the scope you're factoring? Is that like, global shipments + digital lifetime? Having trouble wrapping my head around that one

I said a few weeks back it will clear the million ltd, worldwide, retail & digital. Now I would'nt be surprised if it does that before the end of this year. There's a big chance it will sell its first Japanese shipment in its first weeks (rumors says 200K). Now I'm banking on a 1.5M/2M ltd.


That's a lot of fan art generated for something "assist trophy level".

There's "Assist Trophy Level", and "Pissed Off That They're Only An Assist Trophy Level". Ashley being in the latter bracket.

If Inklings are just an assist trophy, they'll definitely be in that latter bracket.


This game annoys due to time its out as busy with The Witcher 3 atm and probably will be next few weeks, then busy with holidays in June so won't be able to play this till the end of June when Yoshi Woolly world is out...


They'll be too busy playing it.

We'll see. If they are, more power to them. I'm not hating on the game, just stating my opinion.

Did you play any of the testfires?

Nope, didn't know it was happening but to be honest I don't think I'd have taken the time anyway. Nothing about what I've seen appeals to me. I know a couple of other Wii U owners and one of them is interested in it, I guess I'll have a shot sometime if he picks it up.


While I think it will do well and will likely become a franchise, it may need a few iterations before it becomes a true hit. It's chances of becoming a multi million seller is definitely hampened by the sales and awareness of the Wii U. However, Nintendo really needed some form of shooter, and because of their penchant for targeting an 'all ages are welcome' demographic, make me think that in Splatoon they really have found the perfect vehicle!


Nope, didn't know it was happening but to be honest I don't think I'd have taken the time anyway. Nothing about what I've seen appeals to me. I know a couple of other Wii U owners and one of them is interested in it, I guess I'll have a shot sometime if he picks it up.

You should definitely do that, I usually don´t like shooters or online multiplayer games but after playing the testfires I´m hyped beyond reason for this game: it´s really really funny and has nothing to do with anything I´ve played before.
We'll see. If they are, more power to them. I'm not hating on the game, just stating my opinion.

Nope, didn't know it was happening but to be honest I don't think I'd have taken the time anyway. Nothing about what I've seen appeals to me. I know a couple of other Wii U owners and one of them is interested in it, I guess I'll have a shot sometime if he picks it up.

And every Wii U owner I know (admittedly few) is really excited for it.

Anecdotal evidence is pretty useless.


How reliable is the Amazon top 100? I honestly have no clue. I just noticed it was #6 currently in the video games section when I just preordered the game. Not sure if that is good or bad honestly. PSN cards always seem to be in top 5 the rare times I look at the list.

Strange that Xbox1 bundles were #41 and #43 while PS4 was #50. Figured they would be much higher on list. Bad sales month for consoles perhaps?

I don't expect Splatoon to sell extremely well, but it won't completely bomb and will do well enough for a sequel. The Wii U isn't very popular, so of course that is a big limiting factor. I expect it will have a loyal following that keeps the online active for a fairly long time. Plus Nintendo will be updating it over the next few months or more which will keep people coming back.

I will be happy if it sells well enough to have an active community for a good amount of time. I'm not big into shooters and honestly I am damn terrible at them. However this game looks like so much fun and also my wife is equally excited to play it. I'm hoping she doesn't like it too much or I may never play it. :)


And every Wii U owner I know (admittedly few) is really excited for it.

Anecdotal evidence is pretty useless.

My post wasn't an attempt to prove that splatoon unequivocally looks uninteresting to everyone based on a sample group of 3 people. More a lamentation on the low numbers of wii u owners i know. Like I said in the post you quoted, I'm not hating on the game, just stating my opinion.

People here really seem so quick to read into and reply to one part of a post and jump on it, if the post states somewhere that the person is uninterested in a game that's currently being hyped up.

I hope the game is successful and you get tons of enjoyment from it along with everyone else. I hope I try it and it turns out to be really fun. Spewing hate about a game is ridiculous to me. However at this point I just can't see me buying this game and I fail to see the appeal. I'm not seeing it hyped up anywhere aside from gaf, so I replied to add my voice to the thread.
The servers exploded in the last Testfire, I think it's safe to think that the game will do okay.

Looks like people are craving for this sweet, sweet game.

At least I know I am.


I'm expecting a big hit. This is a universally accessible game, distinctive in style and promising to be endlessly fun and cathartic. It already has a truckload of marketing behind it and a brilliant name. The long, drip feed of reveals and demonstrations has allowed a gradual mind share to develop to the point some people even feel the game exists already. The early unveiling of a wide range of amiibos have injected yet more personality into the franchise and people have already earmarked their favourite characters. Adding momentum to all of this is the media, every article and preview seems more positive than the last.

It's unlikely to enjoy Smash or Mario Kart levels of success for its first outing, but I expect better sales than Pikmin 3, which still has a pretty unorthodox design and execution for many.


I just got an e-mail a few minutes ago from Nintendo's Swedish distribution arm (Bergsala) advertising Splatoon and also advertising a tourney they'll be holding around several major Swedish cities in June, which will also be in my town.

For the record, this never happens. I can't remember the last time I ever got an e-mail from Bergsala advertising a game, let alone one that's seeing a sanctioned tourney push here. From Nintendo UK I get adverts all the time, but never one from Sweden. They didn't even send adverts out for Mario Kart or Smash.


The servers exploded in the last Testfire, I think it's safe to think that the game will do okay.

I'm curious about exactly why that was, and why they were fine in the following hour. I'd expect them to have recovered during the first hour as people gave up, but it wasn't until the hour after that that they got back to normal (and indeed, did so pretty much immediately for that hour). That's despite that I'd expect an influx from the EU for that second hour as it coincided with the end of Eurovision (I got on for the last ten minutes of the scheduled hour, trying to get a game in a hurry!)

My gut feeling is that it's a more technical problem than simply being overwhelmed with demand.


Wasn't NES Remix by IndiesZero, or am I misremembering?

That's the usual internet error of associating involvement with creation. There's quite a few interviews with the EAD Tokyo creator Koichi Hayashida. He created, programmed, and designed the first 100 levels himself. Then he drafted more EAD Tokyo guys and hired Indies Zero to finish the game.


I'm curious about exactly why that was, and why they were fine in the following hour. I'd expect them to have recovered during the first hour as people gave up, but it wasn't until the hour after that that they got back to normal (and indeed, did so pretty much immediately for that hour). That's despite that I'd expect an influx from the EU for that second hour as it coincided with the end of Eurovision (I got on for the last ten minutes of the scheduled hour, trying to get a game in a hurry!)

My gut feeling is that it's a more technical problem than simply being overwhelmed with demand.

1 single hour vs. 3 different hours plus hype


1 single hour vs. 3 different hours plus hype

No, I get why it broke in the one hour - that definitely fits with overdemand. What I don't get is why it didn't ease up over time in that first hour, yet was absolutely rock-solid in that second backup hour.


That's the usual internet error of associating involvement with creation. There's quite a few interviews with the EAD Tokyo creator Koichi Hayashida. He created, programmed, and designed the first 100 levels himself. Then he drafted more EAD Tokyo guys and hired Indies Zero to finish the game.

That's interesting; given the conceptual similarities to Gamecenter CX, I'd imagined that Indieszero were in from a very early point. I wonder if they were picked out specifically because they'd had the CX experience.


No, I get why it broke in the one hour - that definitely fits with overdemand. What I don't get is why it didn't ease up over time in that first hour, yet was absolutely rock-solid in that second backup hour.

oh, haha. well I don't know.


That's interesting; given the conceptual similarities to Gamecenter CX, I'd imagined that Indieszero were in from a very early point. I wonder if they were picked out specifically because they'd had the CX experience.

Indies Zero also was hired to work with the other production group of EAD Tokyo on Nintendo 3DS Guide Louvre. So this may be a continuing relationship.


It'll do much better than most people in here give it credit for. It'll do well (relatively to the Wii U install base).


Liiiike... Wii Sports?

Edit: For clarification, I'm not saying that Splatoon will be a Wii Sports level hit, just that the idea that Nintendo makes and markets a new IP that does well isn't a new or even rare concept at all.

Yeah, I suppose. But Wii Sports was still released almost 10 years ago, so it's not like successful new IPs are exactly common from Nintendo. I admit, I always kinda forget about Wii Sports as an IP because its avatar-based gameplay makes it look less like an actual "franchise."

Splatoon would be a really cool case if it somehow became a killer app, just because of how late it would be in the Wii U lifetime. The only case I can think of is Pokemon for Game Boy that turned out that way.


If Splatoon became a killer app for Wii U, what a wonderful story that would be. Nintendo finally making a new IP, actually promoting it, and it becomes a hit. Naturally, I'm doubtful at how popular it actually could get (since it's on Wii U), but what a fairy tale ending that would be.

This is a side topic worth discussing.

To me a killer app means a game sells consoles. Even though I see this game having a 20% attach rate I don't believe it will convince many people to buy a Wii U.

Finding precise sales figures by month is difficult.
When Mario Kart 8 came out Wii U sales seemed to have jumped by 250k compared to the same month in 2013.
When Smash came out sales didn't jump comparatively speaking but that's hard to do when the previous year had 3D World come out during the same monthly period.

I doubt we'll even see over 120k bump in June or August compared to last year's previous months.

If Nintendo is banking on this being a system seller they could be seriously disappointed.
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