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Iwata tweets about the Digital Event reactions.

So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

I would have upgraded if Nintendo would have committed to NX two years ago when it was obvious Wii U was a dud. But nope, 3 years later and we are here scratching our heads wondering where the games are instead of drooling over NX launch titles.

Now I'm going to wait a long time before I buy another Nintendo system.
The focus on Mario Maker like it's a huge AAA title was absolutely bizarre. It's like a game children with too much time on their hands would play, not something most older Nintendo fans will have the time or interest for.


I agree. It feels like they are trying to push it as the next brand new 2D Mario game. I feel like they totally misunderstand what made 2D Mario games special in the 80's-90's that inspired the cartoons and stuff, and why the DS/Wii game's were able to capitalize on that nostalgia and spread it to new audiences.

I mean, it was cool watching it at the World Championships, but most of us don't play 2D Mario for sport. I think Nintendo overestimates the appeal of this game. We'll see though. I did kinda underestimate the Amiibos appeal last year.


But Nintendo made fun of me! They slapped me in the face with troll games and didn't give me Metroid Dread and Zelda U! My unrealistic expectations weren't met, damn it!

Serious question, if no one told you the new Metroid game was a Metroid game and you watched gameplay of it... would you ever guess it was a Metroid game?


Man, people were really in denial about the Wii U being dead it seems.

Why throw away million dollar projects on a dead system?

While I agree, I just feel really weird about them not mentioned Devil's Third whatsoever, and hardly mentioning Fatal Frame and Fast Racing Neo.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
They already had all that.

I'll take the best game library(not that Nintendo's is definitely the best but the quality remains).

So will I, which is why I have a Wii U and still no PS4. We are the minority though - most gamers watching E3 will want a PS4 not a Wii U - and the hype from this conference only segments that.


Pretty insulting to Wii U owners. I'm not buying another Nintendo system if they're going to abandon it when things don't go their way.

It's not just not going their way, the system is a disaster. I love the games on it but the Gamepad is a complete albatross that just made it a financial black hole.
When two long standing, fan favourite Nintendo franchises, that have appeared on every system they've ever produced, showing up in at least trailer form, is an 'unrealistic expectation', especially over 3 years into the current generation, then something is seriously fucking wrong.

It's called Nintendo lowering their fan expectations to the floor.

Red Devil

The focus on Mario Maker like it's a huge AAA title was absolutely bizarre. It's like a game children with too much time on their hands would play, not something most older Nintendo fans will have the time or interest for.

I'm a huge Nintendo fan and love my 3DS but rather than selling me on Wii U this E3s just made me want a PS4. The tables have really turned when Sony's games have become the hardcore option and Nintendo's the casual.

Actually it's the opposite, older Nintendo fans are more likely to prefer Super Mario Maker than children.

God I hope the next Nintendo home console actually caters to core gamers properly. I don't necessarily care about 3rd party either, just some really solid exclusives that aren't ridiculously easy.

How would that be any different from Wii U?

Especially the Amiibos, oh god, i just give ~zero~ shits about that. Im frustrated that it even wasted direct's time. (not that they had anything else to fill anyway).

News break: Amiibos are selling well... I only care about a few, I can count them with a single hand, and happen to be the most common ones.

Nintendo looked creatively bankrupt. Compare their titles to even indie developers and Nintendo looks defunct.

They are a slow company that can't compete with the massive road maps Sony and MS have in place. They need to be more agile if they want to succeed next gen.

Yeah specially seeing how the majority of the stuff they showed is made by them and is coming in the next 9 months...


Square Enix had a better E3 than Nintendo.

Square. Fucking. Enix.
man I remember that thread where it was announced that they will have the show at the same time (I guess that got changed while I wasn't looking ^^) with everyone going "nintendo is going to obliterate SE" fun times
quoting this one so that we have it on the new page :p


That's a interesting outlook. I have felt in the past that nintendo can be very good at making amazing unique games but they often have a horrible understanding of why certain games and franchises are popular. Something I wonder if they think the title and logo on a game carries equal weight as the game inside. As if they think people love Starfox the character and not Starfox the game.

This could also be filler to make time for a new system. I'd hate to say they are pulling the plug on the WiiU already but maybe they don't want to commit full dev cycles to big titles with something new coming over the horizon.


I actually agree with the bolded, which is why I think NX will probably fail and will probably be Nintendo's last dedicated gaming platform; the remaining audience for a dedicated device that exists primarily to play Mario and Zelda just isn't that big.

But a go-it-alone (plus whatever indie and mobile developer support they can get) unified console/handheld platform is really the only option they have left.

I disagree and I think they can turn it around. I've already stated some of the huge amounts of work they'll need to do.

As I said elsewhere, I believe there is an unspoken covenant between platform holder and consumer that Nintendo is fundamentally betraying here.

Sony shit the bed with PS3, on size, launch window, and price. They were behind Wii and 360 at various points in the cycle but they cut costs, refabbed cheaper models, and threw everything they had at software to rehabilitate the console. They succeeded. Nintendo did a similar thing with 3DS. Wii U? It's got a great library for sure, but to abandon the most loyal customers like this? It's a disgrace. People expect 4/5 years from a £250/$300 console at minimum, and they've every right to feel burned. This is not how you gain good will and confidence for a future console. I hate to say this - as I don't particularly subscribe to the Sony vision for the industry - but in terms of marketing future prospects, respecting the consumer, paying for their own mistakes, learning from mistakes and building confidence in a brand: Nintendo have a lot to learn from the likes of Sony.

So much this. Nintendo should also learn from the likes of Sega in the 90s.

They arent struggling at all lol they just didnt fee like showing shit

I like this. Maybe we've all sucked ourselves into a mass hysteria. No joke. It'd make me feel better.

Buggy Loop

PS3 started out shit, but by around 2009 (Ironically enough after dropping PS2 BC, wtf?) it really started to pick up steam.

WiiU never got that second wind, unfortunately.

Sony's first parties carried PS3 on its shoulders.

N is dropping the ball. It pisses me off.

This kind of move to cancel a console at its infancy stage in a generation, will only hurt NX, no matter the hardware capabilities. The little userbase you had just got a kick in the nuts for supporting them.
So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Honestly unless they have some really amazing titles on it then I'm just going to stick to playstation for a while... I love my Wii U but the abysmal 3rd party support and long drought of games is what makes it so tough to own.

Fox Mulder

I was in denial that Nintendo could be that out of touch... but that was just absolutely dreadful.

Not just the quality of the announcements, but the fact that they didn't know how to manage expectations and announced a bunch of stuff BEFORE the event and then managed to not top it with anything particularly good.

Most of the major titles they showed we already knew and they didn't really have any major surprises.

It's hard since they apparently dont have anything we dont know about. They had to announce games way early while the wiiu struggled to keep people on board, and now they dont have much in the pipes because it's dead.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

absolutely 100%. Maybe not day one, but I'll buy Nintendo's next hardware no doubt about it.

While I agree, I just feel really weird about them not mentioned Devil's Third whatsoever, and hardly mentioning Fatal Frame and Fast Racing Neo.

Devil's Third was looking really rough the last time they showed it, but yeah I'm hoping they have some footage of Fatal Frame before the week is out.
So just to be clear the Wii U is missing
- A Zelda adventure to call it's own (Zelda 2016 is on NX, accept it, theres no way they'd release it on a dead console)
- Wario (Land or Ware)
- Metroid
- F-Zero
- Animal Crossing
- Kirby (if Rainbow Curse is counted as a spinoff, is it?)
- Fire Emblem

You could nitpick and say spinoffs count (they don't) but my rebuttal would be that there's even more franchises that have nothing such as Kid Icarus and Punch-Out.

How am I supposed to have faith in the NX when these key franchises aren't supported?


It was a pretty poor showing thats for sure! But they showed off what they could :/

I'm sure there is only going to be one or two more big titles for the WiiU (one of them being Zelda) and they'll be shown off next year.

They just really need some larger 3rd party support but a smaller install base that is probably very tricky to acquire.

It is really nice to see Nintendo listening to the feedback and be open about their poor performance.

Look at previous events or years most companies just keep quiet about a horrible showing or chuck out some lame arse press release that has one line dedicated to the dissapointment and 500 about their upcoming bleeding edge platform changing games.
So will I, which is why I have a Wii U and still no PS4. We are the minority though - most gamers watching E3 will want a PS4 not a Wii U - and the hype from this conference only segments that.

I just think it's too late in the game to get the big sales.

I don't think they are waving the white flag but they realize that nothing is really going to move a lot more Wii Us.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Yeah, the Digital Event definitely underwhelmed. However, Nintendo's E3 wasn't just that. The World Championships were amazingly entertaining, as was the Earthbound Zero announcement, the Smash Direct, nine free demos, three days of Treehouse Live....

TLDR: Digital Event = :/ Nintendo's E3 = :D


Guys, Miyamoto told you this was going to happen. Not only did he tell you, the reaction on GAF was generally positive. I tried saying it would be a bad thing and I got shouted back.


The thing about this is: how do we know some of these games are stopgaps? The Metroid game, for example, could be an attempt to gauge interest in the franchise as a whole. If no one buys it, will we never get a traditional (ie. single player campaign with Samus) Metroid game?


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Such salt and nonsense...Sony has been in gaming a long time and people trust the brand, and they showed a lot more then those 3 games, come on. Horizon and UC looked amazing, creativity with Media Molecule, No Mans Sky, new FF game, indies etc... They have every genre and niche covered.

All that stuff looked good - but it was the three 2020-games that pushed the conference into legendary status - and sent the conference from a solid C to A+ - even though they are nowhere in sight. My suggestion is that Nintendo should start doing this as well - not that Sony should stop.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

It's the only home console that offers actual games I want to play, and many of them are some of the best within their respective genres. I have to do some serious reworking of my fav games of all time list because of Wii U.

You bet I'll be there day 1.


So just to be clear the Wii U is missing
- A Zelda adventure to call it's own (Zelda 2016 is on NX, accept it, theres no way they'd release it on a dead console)
- Wario (Land or Ware)
- Metroid
- F-Zero
- Animal Crossing
- Kirby (if Rainbow Curse is counted as a spinoff, is it?)
- Fire Emblem

You could nitpick and say spinoffs count (they don't) but my rebuttal would be that there's even more franchises that have nothing such as Kid Icarus and Punch-Out.

How am I supposed to have faith in the NX when these key franchises aren't supported?

Outside of AC and Zelda which is coming non of those are key games.

Glass Joe

So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

Oh hell yeah. I've played my Wii U more than any other console in ages. Mario 3D World, Splatoon, Smash, Bayonetta, and Kart 8 were all amazing. The upcoming Xenoblade and Super Mario Maker should be great too. I just hope they get backward compatibility right with the NX and I'll be first in line again. I do miss 3rd party content but my PC's been able to pick up the slack in that regard.

Considering how much the Wii U has been struggling, I'm frankly surprised they've continued to support it to the extent they have.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I have a mind of my own and it's open.

It wasn't a great showing but it wasn't blasphemous or temper-tantrum inducing.

I'd give it a B-.

I'll never jump on any exaggerated bandwagons because of feels.

And bless you for that, especially:

I think I'm going to sue them, they ruined my life.

Wait, you aren't squidding.

I came back of my reactionary mode, in perspective it wasn't as bad as everyone painted it, but good god the presentation could of been altered to better receive the disappointed news.


I actually agree with the bolded, which is why I think NX will probably fail and will probably be Nintendo's last dedicated gaming platform; the remaining audience for a dedicated device that exists primarily to play Mario and Zelda just isn't that big.

But a go-it-alone (plus whatever indie and mobile developer support they can get) unified console/handheld platform is really the only option they have left.

How did it come to this
The thing about this is: how do we know some of these games are stopgaps? The Metroid game, for example, could be an attempt to gauge interest in the franchise as a whole. If no one buys it, will we never get a traditional (ie. single player campaign with Samus) Metroid game?

Blame Nintendo's poor strategy or blame how they gauge consumer interest. Don't blame us.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

When it comes out in 2017? Sure. There is zero chance that it is coming out next year. Despite the lack of information about 2016. I'm willing to bet my account that it is not coming out next year. They are going to drop some info at E3 next year but not actually show the thing until E3 2017 and then release it that holiday season.


Sony's first parties carried PS3 on its shoulders.

N is dropping the ball. It pisses me off.

This kind of move to cancel a console at its infancy stage in a generation, will only hurt NX, no matter the hardware capabilities. The little userbase you had just got a kick in the nuts for supporting them.

Well its not like they were going to keep investing in the Wii U. The longer they support the Wii U the more it hurts them so they went with the logical option.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

They'd have to really blow me away.

I'll most likely just keep playing Wii U and PC until either NX proves itself or becomes a Dreamcast, at which point I'll buy it at either regular price or crazy clearance price, respectively.

Well its not like they were going to keep investing in the Wii U. The longer they support the Wii U the more it hurts them so they went with the logical option.

I feel like nobody who says this is the "logical" option has any sense of the long term and the next gen. It's all now now now, with no real thought given to the future.
So just to be clear the Wii U is missing
- A Zelda adventure to call it's own (Zelda 2016 is on NX, accept it, theres no way they'd release it on a dead console)
- Wario (Land or Ware)
- Metroid
- F-Zero
- Animal Crossing
- Kirby (if Rainbow Curse is counted as a spinoff, is it?)
- Fire Emblem

You could nitpick and say spinoffs count (they don't) but my rebuttal would be that there's even more franchises that have nothing such as Kid Icarus and Punch-Out.

How am I supposed to have faith in the NX when these key franchises aren't supported?
Good point. While I did not like the Wii, it had everything but F-Zero.


So any WiiU people here willing to upgrade to the NX after this console cycle?

I have to.. no other platform has Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, and Donkey Kong.

But my days of getting Nintendo consoles Day 1 is over. I got the Wii U used and i'm sure I will do the same with the NX. I cannot justify full release price anymore.
Nintendo looked creatively bankrupt. Compare their titles to even indie developers and Nintendo looks defunct.

They are a slow company that can't compete with the massive road maps Sony and MS have in place. They need to be more agile if they want to succeed next gen.

I think this is the larger issue. As far as gameplay ideas go, I didn't see too much that was exciting. Another Mario Tennis. Another M&L. Another Four Swords. A Mario Party w/ Animal Crossing assets.

That being said, they just released Splatoon. Chibi Robo looks like a really fun platformer and Super Mario Maker still looks fantastic. Jury is out if Metroid Fed Force will be any fun or not.


Since Sony can get away with gaining massive hype on 2017 games, Nintendo will join the party

Nintendo have already done that in the past, it's probably the reason people are so annoyed today. Mario Maker, Yoshi Woolly World SMTxFE were all announced in 2013 I think, people were hyped. Two years later these games are ready to release, they give them screen time and people are calling for something new
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