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Yu Suzuki: Shenmue 3 Funding and Budget Statement

Be interesting to hear his thoughts on 6-7-8 million.

Perhaps as well, getting like 7-7.5 mill might encourage him to go paypal afterwards and set out to make that 10mill project and take a small risk that the money comes in over the next 6 months or so. With good updates for people to see should bring more backers and some who already had $5-30 in the KS could add more through paypal.

If this gets to 5 mill only on KS I wonder if its worth having a paypal going. Sure every little helps but they realistically have to start making the game as a 5 mill budget project and not gamble on the remaining 5 mill coming in.

If this gets to around 7 mill, could Sony see it might be worth them adding in 2-3 mill?


People seemed weirdly upset that this game was getting outside funding besides what it would take in from the KS. Wonder if there would've been less pitchforks if it had gone fully multiplatform and still had taken funds from elsewhere. I honestly doubt it would've.

Bloodstained basically did the same thing and no one gave it and issues whatsoever.

Oh there would've been wayyyy less pitchforks alright. I have no doubt in my mind that the majority of those questioning the kickstarter were just pissed off since it isn't coming to XB1.

Blame MS and Sega. They had 14 years to help make this game happen.


People seemed weirdly upset that this game was getting outside funding besides what it would take in from the KS. Wonder if there would've been less pitchforks if it had gone fully multiplatform and still had taken funds from elsewhere. I honestly doubt it would've.

Bloodstained basically did the same thing and no one gave it and issues whatsoever.

Bloodstained had tons of defined stretch goals, Inti Creates developing who has a track record of making fun games and getting them out the door, and ports for everyone. It's a 2D game that's much less ambitious. People thought IGA got screwed by Konami and IGA sold that this would be a passion project for him.

Also people have the perception that Sony has truckloads of money while nobody has an image of how big Deep Silver is in their minds.
I find people blaming people who criticized Shenmue 3 for the lack of funds in the last few days far more embarrassing. While there were people who expected too much clarity, there definitely was a lack of it beforehand that should have been (and has been) addressed. And it doesn't seem like those who criticized it really caused that much of a slowdown, as there was going to be one anyway.
I just can't shake the strong feeling there are lots of people out there itching for a scandal where there is none. Its not like the idea is unprecedented. We've even had astroturfing here. Thankfully it was quickly dealt with, and maybe I'm just donning a good 'ole tin foil hat, but I think there are people out there who want to see the world burn if they perceive they've been slighted. I respect anyone's right to disagree.


I always think Suzuki should've put the goal higher.

The main problem I think people have now is not really Sony thing behind it. It's more about that they get the impression that UNLESS Suzuki gets 10 million, Shenmue 3 is going to be nothing more than like a story with bits of gameplay sprinkled here and there with no world to explore at all or any details.

People would love a Shenmue 3, but they don't want a shenmue light. So they're not funding something that will most likely end up at around 5 million (especially because the rewards are so-so, and the stretch goals are vague as fuck) and they think the game they'll be getting is not the one they wanted.

Which is silly. I mean this is the last shot to any type of Shenmue game. But I guess for some, no shenmue is better than shenmue light in their mind

That and very little interaction. Compared to the bloodstained one which had a lot of things going on to keep it alive, it seems almost that the people responsible for the KS are just waiting for it to happen


It would be hard to justify backing this project at this point. Kickstarter is appealing because your money only gets collected if the project owner has enough to fulfill their vision, whereas, because this shot past its joke of a funding goal, everyone who backs is definitely getting charged and the project owner himself has made it clear they have nowhere near enough funding to make what he's envisioning (read: something in line with the first two games).

Can we all at least agree that using your press conference to announce a crowdfunding campaign, invoking a beloved property for goodwill and making only a very minimal investment, is bullshit?


If this gets to around 7 mill, could Sony see it might be worth them adding in 2-3 mill?

Maybe thats what the 10million is for. If it reaches 10m Sony might be willing to add some development funding and thats how Shenmue 3 will be a true Open world experience.

I really dont see how that extra 5m will make a game TRUE open world.


Neo Member
To be honest, I found the Bloodstained Kickstarter handled terribly. Very little info on the actual game aside from "it's a Metroidvania" or the people working on it was given, and instead it just rode on the hype of Igarashi being behind it. Meanwhile it also locked backer rewards behind "achievements" that were all given for a certain amount of attention being given through fan-art or followers. It deserved criticism a lot more than Shenmue 3 does.

I thought the exact opposite. Not only it engaged the community around the game but it also was a form of marketing and gauging the market penetration of the game beyond the funding. Regarding the IGA gype and such, yes I agree but there are many campaigns which follow the same protocol of "trust" to guarantee the funding. One could argue Suzuki works the same way for Shenmue's campaign.
Oh there would've been wayyyy less pitchforks alright. I have no doubt in my mind that the majority of those questioning the kickstarter were just pissed off since it isn't coming to XB1.

Blame MS and Sega. They had 14 years to help make this game happen.
Why exactly? Couldn't we blame Sony for this as well? I don't see how MS is at fault for this.


People seemed weirdly upset that this game was getting outside funding besides what it would take in from the KS. Wonder if there would've been less pitchforks if it had gone fully multiplatform and still had taken funds from elsewhere. I honestly doubt it would've.

Bloodstained basically did the same thing and no one gave it and issues whatsoever.
Too much negativity with this IP from multiple sources. I honestly think some gamers are so salty that they dont know what the hell they are causing. Dont help we got incompetent media or "journalists" writing shit write ups for clicks. "Oh noes Sony and MS taking your Shenmue money, hide your wallet and vote NO!"


The Kicktraq graphs of many projects were thrown around when the funding started and everyone knew the project would slow down its funding after a couple of days. The issue is that no one expected 1) the media campaign against the Kickstarter based on pure presumption and 2) this kind of drop-off.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't find this scale of drop off surprising in the slightest. Shenmue 3's a continuation of a long dead niche series, with a relatively small number of extremely vocal fans. It's not like Bloodstained, which any Metroidvania fan could get excited about, it's a game which mainly appeals to a very specific audience who probably all pledged within the first few days. This is especially likely given the Kickstarter launch had a much higher profile than any I can recall.

Bad press or not, there was always going to be a huge drop off on a project with such a massive start, especially a project that doesn't have widespread mainstream appeal.
I was going to pledge $29 on the last day, but I'm seriously considering going for $60 on principle alone. I haven't even played the first two yet.


Why exactly? Couldn't we blame Sony for this as well? I don't see how MS is at fault for this.

Lol What? Sony had nothing to do with Shenmue 1 or 2. I'm pretty sure Sega and MS heard the calls for a finish to the story for 14 fucking years. They had 14 years and ignored all of that. Did you forget that Shenmue 2 came out on Xbox?

Yu Suzuki was the one who went to Sony for help and they decided to help him.


Can we all at least agree that using your press conference to announce a crowdfunding campaign, invoking a beloved property for goodwill and making only a very minimal investment, is bullshit?

Only if you care about console wars and are hungry of click bait articles.
Fans were just happy and I was happy for them.
But I don't want to see this happen again because is has done more harm than good.
I don't think this game will live up to fans expectations.
Even a 10mil budget won't be enough to achieve that.
Sony should just step up and drop 20-30mil on the project.

It's pretty difficult for Sony to invest in an IP owned by somebody else. They might not make much money out of this. It seems they are doing it just to attract fans and sell more PS4.

I expect Sony to sell physical copies which is what I'd like to buy. Most of the proceed of physical copies would go back to the developer anyway, it's just a matter of predicting sales and getting a loan. We'll see.
I'd be surprised if it gets to 10M, it was a badly handled Kickstarter from the beginning. It's the gaming industry, obviously people would be curious/pissed, whatever people are nowadays, about the Sony situation and it should have been far more clearer from the start (not saying people are right or wrong but if you want their money... you know). Also, it's Shenmue, yes, it's a game very dear to many people but I'm not sure it is by THAT many. 10M is a lot.

Glad that the game has been funded though, I enjoyed the first at it's time, it was pretty impressive for my 12 year old brain, the amount of stuff in it, the details, but it's still not a game that I'm crazy for but I'm happy for those that want to see the rest of the story.
Are people still wanting information that they've never gotten before and aren't entitled to now?

I'm honestly confused as to why people keep saying this. I have backed over 80 Kickstarter video game projects and the project budget is always disclosed as part of either the initial campaign or the updates a few days later. All the campaign creators have had to say all along is "We need $X to make the game we want to make and that the fans will want and we have $X commitment from outside sources and we need the fans to commit to $X". Nobody is asking for a specific disclosure of how much Sony is giving or whatever this other entity mentioned in the update is giving. I've personally backed at the $300 level, but I won't up my pledge or encourage others to do so without some better idea of how much is really needed. This vague $5M and $10M goal is pretty useless and isn't going to encourage an outpouring of support without a real campaign and engagement of the fans behind it.
I think it makes more sense to keep this game's scope reigned in. While it's extremely desired by fans it's virtually unknown by the general public.

Even releasing shenmue 1 and 2 HD won't help much because the games aren't easy to understand or start with. I've been playing shenmue 1 and only really enjoying it because i'm sticking with a guide.


I don't think this game will live up to fans expectations.
Even a 10mil budget won't be enough to achieve that.
Sony should just step up and drop 20-30mil on the project.

I love how people are saying Sony fund this game!!! Yet, they're still complaining and want it to come out on XB1.

Yeah, that'd be real smart of Sony, invest in a big game that'll come out on a competing system.


I still never understood why people had an issue with Sony as an outside partner to a KS project.

Granted, I get that people didn't know what Sony was actually doing in this project. But some people were just 100% against any company like Sony having ANYTHING to do with a separate entities KS project. As if it was the end to all things holy with KS.

My feelings on this are:

  • Yes, they should have been more clear about who was involved, and what the main source of funding was.
  • I think Sony could have been quicker in replying to press/PR. But Adam Boyes said clearly on stage "this is their project"...I mean the guy was saying specific phrasing to make it clear this was their side project, and not a Sony project. They just wanted to give it a platform at their conference (that and Sony, just wanted to nab some positive points for having it there).
  • I was okay with people asking questions. Asking who was involved in what, and what was the main source of funding.
  • I was NOT okay, with people becoming a mob, and launching an anti-campaign against the KS project, making claims without having information to back it up. And yeah, while we can say Sony wasn't quick enough, or clear enough. Yu Suzukis team wasn't clear enough either. Blah blah. Yes those things are true. But it doesn't excuse people acting without information. Ask questions, don't act if you don't have that info yet (I mean christ, one thread became about Sony holding the game and its consumers hostage. I mean holy fuck).

So yeah, this whole KS campaign has been handled poorly. I don't like how Suzuki had to use Reddit to tell people that his vision for the game was actually $10 million. I am glad that in this new statement, he is now saying that the game that gets made, will be great regardless. But I suppose this is why I don't like KS, or how some people do projects. It feels like a lot of risk, and not knowing 100% what you are getting. I know there are rewards and statements given. But when a creator has to say on a side site, that the only way to reach his true vision for the game is $10 million, well fuck, pledgers should know that.

I'm really disheartened and let down how some people act though in all of this. Honestly. I get asking question. But some went crazy.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
I'd be happy with a world of a similar size to Shenmue 2 or even 1 and an ending to the saga. I don't think a big open world is necessary or even desirable for Shenmue 3. I'm sure others will feel differently though. $5 million is achievable I think but $10 million is never going to happen.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
and the project owner himself has made it clear they have nowhere near enough funding to make what he's envisioning (read: something in line with the first two games).

Nope, no, not what he's saying. The "open world" is saying something thats never been in Shenmue before, a totally open world not "zones". So well done for not reading the message and the OP. Hope that doesn't have consequences!

Can we all at least agree that using your press conference to announce a crowdfunding campaign, invoking a beloved property for goodwill and making only a very minimal investment, is bullshit?

This is when people reveal the source of their salt. Why not? Announcing something gamers have been begging for, for 14 years, at the Christmas of Gamers? Unless you feel its "unfair" in some way. Unfair to who? Their competitors? But why would you care about that? Oh.

Unfair to Yu and Shenmue 3? Taking care of marketing (which includes announcing a Kickstarter in literally the best possible place so the severity crashes the entire site) is no small thing. Nor is giving funding at all to a TOTAL passion project. No good business here. This is quite simply a "you want this? Okay, makes little financial sense, but here, we'll help you get this." STILL finding a way to feel any negative emotions about this speaks 99% more about that person than the actual project.

You either want this or you never did at this point.


I still never understood why people had an issue with Sony as an outside partner to a KS project.

Granted, I get that people didn't know what Sony was actually doing in this project. But some people were just 100% against any company like Sony having ANYTHING to do with a separate entities KS project. As if it was the end to all things holy with KS.

The fanboy drivel is insane this generation...


Yikes, its kinda shady that he had the 2mil goal if the true game its 10m in his eyes, that puts a lot of pressure in backers to up their pledges and convience some people to back this like its a piramid scheme.

Really clever, actually.


Ya fucked it up, internet.

Heaven forbid this game actually happen without some crowd scrutinizing it, attempting to find any and all things that are REMOTELY in the territory of some dishonest business practice.

I'm fucking embarrassed.

The internet's struggle to turn this into a controversy has been unbelievable. The worst part is, it probably won't stop even after all this clarification.


Yikes, its kinda shady that he had the 2mil goal if the true game its 10m in his eyes, that puts a lot of pressure in backers to up their pledges and convience some people to back this like its a piramid scheme.

Really clever, actually.

Yeah.. It's only shady because Sony is involved right..? If it was MS... Hmm..?

Sooo fucking bad.. People aren't even trying to hide their allegiances... Jesus..


It's a shame it's slowed down so much, but it's creeping up by something like 50k a day which is something. Looks like it'll hit 5, maybe 6 million. I'm backing it on Friday, pay day! Probably go for the $100. Would like to put more towards it but I just can't afford it. Would be nice to see it opened up for continued funding after the KS ended. I'd happily pay £5 a month until the game came out just to see it get made and to be the best that it can be. I guess many of the hardcore fans would be happy to do such a thing, provided there was tons of cool rewards like free soundtracks, and cool little gifts sent to us or something.

EDIT: Oh and while it seems to not be part of the deal at all, it would be cool if, as a gesture of goodwill to the fans and as a great PR exercise, they made up whatever the shortfall was to get it to $10 million. I mean $4 million or hopefully even less than that would frankly be better PR than any amount of advertising that money could buy instead. Happy Shenmue fans and even those who only know "the struggle" of the fans, lol. It's better than the game not getting the full $10 million and everyone having a bitter taste that we have Shenmue 3 but it won't be the full experience as envisaged by Yu Suzuki.

It's a shame they weren't totally open at the beginning as it does seem to have muddied the waters a bit and maybe made some people think twice about it. Still, 23/22 days to go!
Lol What? Sony had nothing to do with Shenmue 1 or 2. I'm pretty sure Sega and MS heard the calls for a finish to the story for 14 fucking years. They had 14 years and ignored all of that. Did you forget that Shenmue 2 came out on Xbox?

Yu Suzuki was the one who went to Sony for help and they decided to help him.
Why blame MS though? Shenmue 2 was ported over to Xbox after the Dreamcast died and it bombed pretty bad. Why is it Microsoft's fault that they decided not to do anything? I'm pretty sure Sega didn't want to fund the game after all their financial woes. From your logic, why not blame Yu for not coming to Sony sooner?
Yikes, its kinda shady that he had the 2mil goal if the true game its 10m in his eyes, that puts a lot of pressure in backers to up their pledges and convience some people to back this like its a piramid scheme.

Really clever, actually.
Yes, this is the first game in the history of KS to have stretch goals which incorporate more complex aspirations.


Yeah.. It's only shady because Sony is involved right..? If it was MS... Hmm..?

ctrl+F "Sony"

Nothing on my post about that, learn to read.

Yes, this is the first game in the history of KS to have stretch goals which incorporate more complex aspirations.

And I have expressed concerns in the past about that too, concerns that have been eased when devs show design documents or expand on the features that will be included for the game when the goals are reached. It was obvious that the game was gonna break the 2m easy, but the 5M goal ("Character perspective system") seems to be an integral feature that he wants to implement and it seems more developed than the "More village" crap that its throw in there for padding.

What im saying is that if this 5m feature is such a fundamental game changer he should have included it in the original funding goal if he wanted to do it as obviously as he wants to, I dont even care about the "Open-World" crap because more often than not its a source of delays, bloating and budget mismanagment.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Yikes, its kinda shady that he had the 2mil goal if the true game its 10m in his eyes, that puts a lot of pressure in backers to up their pledges and convience some people to back this like its a piramid scheme.

Really clever, actually.

Why do people not understand producers and directors that have a sliding scale of project scope?

5 million sounds like the full base of what he WANTS to do, 2 was the bare minimum, and 10 is going balls to the wall new fully open world. The very fact he CAN project this makes him better than a lot of KS that make tons of promises they can't keep at entirely arbitrary stretch goal amounts.


Why do people not understand producers and directors that have a sliding scale of project scope?

5 million sounds like the full base of what he WANTS to do, 2 was the bare minimum, and 10 is going balls to the wall new fully open world. The very fact he CAN project this makes him better than a lot of KS that make tons of promises they can't keep at entirely arbitrary stretch goal amounts.

It's like people can't read. It's really embarrassing. They just see the 10 mill and nothing else.


While I doubt the sincerity of a lot of those really pushing this controversy, it got us a pretty clear statement. Unless you think Suzuki is lying, Sony's not trying to pull one over on you. I expect people to continue "questioning it".


I'd be happy with a world of a similar size to Shenmue 2 or even 1 and an ending to the saga. I don't think a big open world is necessary or even desirable for Shenmue 3. I'm sure others will feel differently though. $5 million is achievable I think but $10 million is never going to happen.

I was under the impression that Shenmue 3 needs at least $10 million to be as big as either of the first 2 Shenmues. Anything less and it will be a smaller game than either.

At least I'm pretty sure that's what he is saying.
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