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Republicans panicking now that Trump's nomination seems like a realistic possibility

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How the hell is Trump anti-establishment? He's a rich white dude, you don't get more establishment than that.

He's in the lead because he's pandering to racists and sexists, which is the real Republican base. Nothing more, nothing less.

He is anti-establishment because he has never held office and doesn't give a damn about the Republican Party.
Arnold won, so it's not crazy to think Trump has a chance.

Arnold won by running in a specific state as a moderate Republican who threw bones to the left like his desire to protect the environment.

That is totally different from the current Trump situation.


He is anti-establishment because he has never held office and doesn't give a damn about the Republican Party.

The Republican party as it was known is dead. Trump is exactly what Republican voters want. Well at least many of them.

Year and years of what was bubbling in that party has come out wide in the open because Trump doesn't care about saying things behind closed doors. He saying what many Republican voters have been thinking for awhile.


I hope that someday history looks at donald trump as the point where the american political system became 3 parties - Democratic, Moderate Republican, and the eventually marginalized and irrelevant tea party.

I don't know how much crossover there is between Trump supporters and the tea party. Maybe if they renamed it the T

Rebel Leader

I don't understand how people think trump will get things done when both parties are against him.

Obama can barely get things done with 1 party against him.


Can we finally confirm that he's Hilary's agent?


No really, look at this:

I'm getting flashbacks to 2011 political ads just looking at that.

I'm expecting Trump to crash and burn eventually, and then I don't know where things will go.

At this point I'm expecting Marco Rubio to pull ahead quite a ways throughout the winter. Carson drop will probably level off. I find Ted Cruz to be the most terrifying player right now, so hopefully he crashes too. Jeb may still yet get an upswing, but he'll need some significant shift of a platform and backing by the Republican base.


While it's certainly possible, the ramifications of doing so could be quite interesting.

Maybe, but I kind of see the before-the-primaries time period as completely separate from the after-the-primaries time period. People will forget and move to support the nominee (assuming it's an establishment candidate supported by the party). All of this seems really important now, but if he isn't chosen it'll just be trivia in a few years.

In fact I think Trump winning the nomination would be far more interesting. As someone who wants to see the dems take the general, this would be ideal for a number of reasons. The chance he could win is smaller than the traditional republican establishment candidates and it would throw the party into a pretty tough position.


Let him win the nomination, so the regressive right actually risks regressing in influence.

They're a true blood clot in this political body.


Rodent Whores
If Trump does get the nomination, I doubt it'll be a blowout in the general like a lot of people think. He's a lot craftier than many give him credit for.



But there are also some Republicans who, while uneasy about Mr. Trump, believe that he could attract new voters to the party. “He may bring out people who don’t usually vote, which could be helpful to some of my colleagues,” said Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine.

Yet Ms. Collins conceded that she had not fully thought through that notion. “I’m not up next year,” she said, “so I don’t have that dilemma.”

You're like the most moderate fucking member of the GOP caucus in a solid blue state. Have a fucking spine, Susan.


And some Republicans repelled by Mr. Trump feel little urgency to attack him because, they say, he is preventing what they see as an even less desirable standard-bearer — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas — from consolidating the votes of hard-line conservatives.

“He’s keeping Cruz where he is,” Scott Reed, a veteran Republican strategist, said of Mr. Trump.

Heh. Either Cruz or Trump. Pick your poison.


If Trump does get the nomination, I doubt it'll be a blowout in the general like a lot of people think. He's a lot craftier than many give him credit for.

Unless he can magically trick latinos and other minorities into voting for him I don't think he'll be able to avoid the inevitable result.


If Trump does get the nomination, I doubt it'll be a blowout in the general like a lot of people think. He's a lot craftier than many give him credit for.

Plus I imagine people that usually don't vote will vote for him because he's famous. They don't care who wins anyway because they are all the same so why not that "you're fired" guy?


lets be real

the dude got away with insulting what his party considers to be war heroes, and actually got a bump from it

nothing can hurt him in their eyes if he can do that
The GOP really needs to give up and move to the left and disenfranchise their evangelical + racist base, but they would end up getting rolled for about three or four election cycles as they did it.

I guess that the problem is that they need to ride or die with the aforementioned base because ditching them now splits the party and makes us a one-party state, whereas alienating everyone who isn't white, straight, evangelical, etc., will at least keep them viable in local, state, and House elections and even in the Senate on off-years until they get some time to figure out what to do...even though I don't know what they can do except shrink and die over the next forty years.


Trump is everything the Republicans have been pushing as a concept and leader for the last several years. Now they freak out when they get someone only he's not under their sway and doesn't give a damn what they think.

It must be like a dream turning into a nightmare for them.


Funniest thing is that even if they manage to somehow topple Trump it would be Cruz that becomes the standard-bearer and he would end up losing just as much.

It's why the whole Sanders/Hilton electability rational is silly do people honestly think Trump or Cruz have any chance in a GE?
The US is pretty neatly divided along party lines and the last few elections have been close (in terms of popular vote). Also, Bush was reelected. Cruz and Trump are pretty damn unelectable but I don't think anything is beyond the realm of possibility in Merikuh.


How the hell is Trump anti-establishment? He's a rich white dude, you don't get more establishment than that.

He's in the lead because he's pandering to racists and sexists, which is the real Republican base. Nothing more, nothing less.
The real Republican base is sexists and racists? If you still think backwater hillbilly's and white supremacists represent the Republican party you're an imbecile.

Keep up the cool generalizations though, this thread doesn't have enough as it is.

#TRUMP 2016


aka IMurRIVAL69
lol. Look at polling in past elections this far out. Look at who actually won the nomination. Look at the number of endorsements per candidate.
Good place to start if you want panic mitigated: fivethirtyeight.com

Rubio 2016 baby

Although imagine a Trump/Fiorina ticket

I'm with you in that I would love to see Rubio get the nom but it's looking like a long shot now


The US is pretty neatly divided along party lines and the last few elections have been close (in terms of popular vote). Also, Bush was reelected. Cruz and Trump are pretty damn unelectable but I don't think anything is beyond the realm of possibility in Merikuh.

Bush won 50% of the Hispanic vote.


Passing metallic gas
Oh no. They might actually have to start solving problems for someone else other than the koch brothers.


This is your BEST CASE map if Trump is the nominee. As in, Hillary runs a mediocre campaign, the economy stalls, etc:


Here is Hillary's best case map. As in, she runs a flawless campaign, the economy continues to slowly improve, Obama runs at 46%-48% approval, Trump continues to be Trump and maybe says something so inflammatory about Hillary in public that it comes off as brazenly sexist:


It would also mean that even Senate and House Republicans who were considered safe would face longer odds if their challengers could complete full sentences.
Trump nom would the best thing to happen to the republican party in a while for basically this exact reason.

Hillary crushing Trump would basically render the tea party irrelevant. It would essentially allow the establishment to take the party back.

If you bring back the current crop of establishment Republicans, then you're going end up with the same problem. They repeat things over and over about being tough, Obama, gov't takeovers of health care, trickle down economics, inflation spiraling out of control, climate change, etc.
The US is pretty neatly divided along party lines and the last few elections have been close (in terms of popular vote). Also, Bush was reelected. Cruz and Trump are pretty damn unelectable but I don't think anything is beyond the realm of possibility in Merikuh.

If this were a popular vote, I'd be more worried, but the electoral map makes it VERY hard for any Republican to get to 270. Trump has pissed so many people off that he'll struggle to get to 170.

Now I need to make a Clinton-Trump map to show what I think would happen. I think Trump might hit 173 on a map, but he's not doing better than McCain did against Obama if he's running against Clinton.


Rodent Whores
Heh. Either Cruz or Trump. Pick your poison.
I know I wouldn't want Cruz. Way too theocratic for my tastes.

Unless he can magically trick latinos and other minorities into voting for him I don't think he'll be able to avoid the inevitable result.
Perhaps, but I'd expect him to have something planned for a general election strategy. I don't think it'll be a blowout.

Plus I imagine people that usually don't vote will vote for him because he's famous. They don't care who wins anyway because they are all the same so why not that "you're fired" guy?

Trump captures the "not a politician" sentiment pretty well, but it remains to be seen if it'll actually get those slackers to register and vote.


This is your BEST CASE map if Trump is the nominee. As in, Hillary runs a mediocre campaign, the economy stalls, etc:


Here is Hillary's best case map. As in, she runs a flawless campaign, the economy continues to slowly improve, Obama runs at 46%-48% approval, Trump continues to be Trump and maybe says something so inflammatory about Hillary in public that it comes off as brazenly sexist:


It would also mean that even Senate and House Republicans who were considered safe would face longer odds if their challengers could complete full sentences.

Arizona Blue? I like the way that looks!
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