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What would you like 'your' ideal PlayStation AllStarts 2 to be?


Either a 2D fighter in the style of MvC3 or a Power Stone style fighter.

Regardless if either one happens, the game needs to have the following to have me interested.
-Proper budget behind it: Menus, Music and game as a whole feels like a quality product, instead of something I could buy off of PSN for five bucks. The menus for PS All Stars looked very cheap, so I really hope that does not happen again
-Third Party Guests that are Iconic to PlayStation: Crash, Spryo, Cloud, Snake and Lara Croft have to appear in the game as playable characters. They are iconic to the PS Brand and if they don't appear (or at least three of them appear; Cloud, Crash, Snake), it will be very disappointing
-First Party Characters that go further into the PS Library: PS All Stars was a good step (with Parapa, Spike, Toro, Sweet Tooth, and Sir Daniel were great picks) but they need to do more. Characters from Legend of Dragoon, Jumping Flash, Dark Cloud, Genji, and many other Sony games should appear in the game.
-Lots of content: Smash Brothers has a lot of modes (missions, classic mode, online features, Brawl had a story mode, ect), so some of that in PS All Stars would be great. They could be even better then Smash, as the modes could fit within PS Characters/Guests. For example, you are Twinsanity Island and the mission is to break as many crates as you can, with TNT/Nitro crates falling from the sky. The more you smash, the likely chance of Aku Aku appearing, letting you smash the TNT/Nitro creates for more points. Or another example, you play as Ratchet and you have to fight using a changing cycle of weapons from the entire Ratchet series. Lots of potential to play with.
-Unified Art Style: PS All Stars had character look like they were ripped out of the games they came from, but it made the graphics clash with each other. A cell-shaded style or cartoony look for all the fighters could be a good move to fix this.


My ultimate couch MP game:

Near 1:1 with Smash Bros Melee mechanics with, offcourse, different characters. And regarding the represented ip's. I want there to be no limits in terms of what they consider. Not only the likes represented in the first one, but also Disney/Pixar characters, Lego stuff, Marvel etc. Let it be a celebration of gaming and licenses in general, with a mild Sony focus.

I do not care about the internet meltdowns that would occur if they make a genuine Smash clone at base; a good game is a good game and more Smashing means more fun. Smash is probably my favourite MP franchise of all time, but I am not specifically attached to Nintendo characters. So having a completely different set of characters would be interesting.

I was looking forward to Allstars so much, but in the end it felt too barebones and the fun did not last enough. I had fun with it and it presented some nice original ideas, but it was not anything special in the end.


Lol ok you got a point, i guess that a character like Jak can be used as a bridge between serious and cartoony characters, but honestly i still see the PSAS cast as an incosinstent mix of characters that don't mix well at all, other games have a more coherent cast imo.

Why limiting to a single game? Why not one with serious characters(an usual fighting game or other) and another with cartoony characters(smash or power stone clone)? Don't you think that they would be a lot better than something like PSAS?

Look at these:



Are you telling me that you find the PSAS image as good and coherent as the other two? It looks like a bad photoshop image, if your really want those characters at least find a style and use it for everyone.

That's because it is all photoshopped in there. lol. They took all the character pose art from when they were revealed individually and just shoved it in there as a group. They didnt even bother to make a whole new roster art. Like verendus mentioned. This game had a weak budget which is why the presentation was awful. There was not much of huge emphasis of characters making banter amongst each other. It didn't have that HUGE PlayStation anniversary celebration pizazz. There wasn't any fun cutscenes of the characters in groups poking banter or putting them in funny scenarios nor cutscenes of the characters having a well choreographed fight sequence. It just wasn't there. Not to mention the lack of more old school, obscure, and well requested PlayStation characters that Sony owns. Where the hell was Gabe? Dart? Wander? Ethan Mars? Max and Monica? Jaster? Noa? Tomba? Blasto? Rudy? There's a huge cool versatile of characters Sony has yet they won't bother to showcase. And that's depressing. Really really depressing.

Here's a better roster fan art.
PlayStation All Stars had a lot of issues. Art direction is off and inconsistent throughout, game design issues, bad roster, low production values, you name it.

Be unique or do a really important aspect better.
I hate the shit posting this game surfaces on NeoGAF. It's a fun game! Just because it has a different system that doesn't clone smash doesn't make it automatically suck.

^This. I'd wager that the vast majority of ppl saying the Super system "sucked" had no real reason for disliking it other than "It isn't SMASH!"

It actually works surprisingly well for 4-player combat, and solves a lot of the frustrations people have with Smash's system (like how it rewards camping).
First party vets:
Ratchet and Clank
Sweet Tooth
Fat Princess
Sir Dan
Emmett (must creative moveset, just give him some Warhawk costumes
(Everyone but Zeus, basically)

Third party vets:
Dante (OG with DmC as a costume)
Maybe Raiden, that would be ok

First party newcomers:
Ultra-V (War of the Monsters)
Dart (Legend of Dragoon)
Robbitt (Jumping Flash!)
Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
Aloy (Horizon)
Iota/Atoi (Tearaway)
Ellen (Folklore)
Hunter (Bloodborne)
Sortiara (Soul Sacrifice)
Chimera Hybrid (Resistance)

Third party newcomers:
Snake or Big Boss (Solid Snake would be coolest, Venom Snake would have best moveset)
Chun Li or M. Bison
Abe (Oddworld)
Yu Narukami or Persona 5 protagonist
Someone more obscure like a Guilty Gear, Disgaea, or other Japanese franchise strongly associated with PS rep

Indie characters:
Kai Tana (Velocity)
Red (Transistor)
Shovel Knight (or maybe Plague Knight?)

I forgot one very important addition! Chimera Hybrid. Definitely would stand out from the other gun characters with really brutal melee and crazy weapons.

I think this would make for a really great roster. Even 40 characters. Covers a decent number of obscure franchises. Lots of Japanese love. Keeps everyone good from the first game and fixes all the major holes. Indie games get solid representation. New and important reps from every single PS system - Patapon fixes the gaping hole that was the PSP in the first game. Plus it adds JRPG characters, which the first game needed badly: Cloud, Persona protag, Dart, Ellen, Sortiara, a Hunter. I would also be willing to trade the random third party Japanese rep for one of Sony's other JRPG characters: Rudy, Max, Alundra, someone from Oreshika, etc. And to be honest I would be totally ok with Big Daddy returning.

And I think overall this roster offers a ton of diversity in playstyles. Some really unique ones would be Kai (multiple teleport moves, super high mobility), Patapon (rhythm bonus damage?), Ellen and Persona (summons!), Dart (additions combo system), Sortiara (resource management). Tons of potential. A revamp of the original with the same systems but a lot more work would be huge.

Just make Jaffe the Sakurai.


^This. I'd wager that the vast majority of ppl saying the Super system "sucked" had no real reason for disliking it other than "It isn't SMASH!"

Ironically, the Super system did suck but not for the reasons people usually give, such as "the fighting doesn't even matter when only supers can kill!" even though you have to fight to gain meter to use those supers.

No, the supers sucked because they were inherently unbalanced. Even ignoring the horrendous kill confirms, some characters clearly had a better Level 1 super / could reach their superior Level 2 or 3 super faster than other characters.
No, the supers sucked because they were inherently unbalanced. Even ignoring the horrendous kill confirms, some characters clearly had a better Level 1 super / could reach their superior Level 2 or 3 super faster than other characters.

Ugh. Hard to ignore the single most broken thing about the game, but yeah I see what you're saying. The game had the right ideas, but the balance was just dreadful more often than not.

I think what you're talking about comes from the game being too structured around rewarding long combos, despite many characters not being designed for them. Remember when Sackboy was revealed, and Omar kept stressing how he was designed not to be a combo, close quarter fighter? Yet hop online and ALL Sackboys are doing exactly that: getting in close for that jetpack combo, rinse & repeat. Why? Because there was no other way they could keep up with Raiden/Kratos/Dante getting AP bursts every 5 seconds.


Like Power Stone, made by Capcom.
This. Although doesn't need to be by Capcom, just some from that original team.

Also if they cannot get Crash and Spyro, just don't bother.

Also could shake it up entirely and make it an All-Stars Kart Racer.

Edit: whatever it is, Sony would need to give it as much time and money as it needs. No half measures, big team with a big budget. Big soundtrack, unlockable art, etc.


Ugh. Hard to ignore the single most broken thing about the game, but yeah I see what you're saying. The game had the right ideas, but the balance was just dreadful more often than not.

I think what you're talking about comes from the game being too structured around rewarding long combos, despite many characters not being designed for them. Remember when Sackboy was revealed, and Omar kept stressing how he was designed not to be a combo, close quarter fighter? Yet hop online and ALL Sackboys are doing exactly that: getting in close for that jetpack combo, rinse & repeat. Why? Because there was no other way they could keep up with Raiden/Kratos/Dante getting AP bursts every 5 seconds.

Yeah, the long combos were another major problem. Since PSAS has no health system, there's no benefit to getting tiny hits in here and there when you could just rack up huge amounts of AP with bursts. In addition, without Smash's dynamic percentage mechanic keeping players from being able to spam the same combos over and over... surprise surprise, they did exactly that. And just as you said, this made characters like Spike, Toro, Jak, Sackboy, etc. (all who have a lot of varied moves but few ways to string them together) basically useless compared to other fighters unless you find their one effective combo and use it nonstop.
Hold off on having any 3rd party guests if nobody's going to let you use who you blatantly want to use for starters. Also axe the Super-KO system. Even with all its issues Brawl never entertained the idea of Final Smashes being a competitive-legal element.

I still really dig the idea of having levels be mash-ups of different games though, but maybe given every level a few alternates so it's not the same mash-up every time might make things more interesting?

I'd say for a basis, take out all the 3rd party characters from PSASBR, combine the Coles* and focus on rounding the rep for bigger Playstation franchises. Sully for Uncharted, Nefarious and Qwark for Ratchet & Clank, etc. By the time Brawl started introducing Snake and Sonic the bigger franchises already had a few reps each and it was less of a big deal, whereas it's awkward to crack out the big guns right off the bat in PSASBR, especially when they blatantly didn't get who they wanted to guest star. That being said, *if* they can somehow get Crash/Spyro/Snake/Lara Croft, they should go for it. Just don't make compromises if you can't because people to this day still crack jokes about Isaac and Big Daddy being in PSASBR. Not to mention Snake and Cloud getting into Smash Bros.

*I brought this up in another thread but having his gimmick be that how you play as him influences his change into Hero/Evil Cole and hence changes his moveset. Basically PSASBR's answer to the transformation characters in Melee/Brawl or Gen's changing stances in Street Fighter.


Here's how you make the game twice as good with minimal effort:

1: Up-res the existing game to 1080p / 60fps.
2: Replace a Cole with a Joel.
3: Add ring-outs in the periphery of each stage.
4: Rebrand it Title Fight because that name was clever-as-hell.


Edit: Also I really want to see that awesome archer gal from Zero Horizon Mech-a-Dino Slayer or whatever it's called.
Yeah, the long combos were another major problem. Since PSAS has no health system, there's no benefit to getting tiny hits in here and there when you could just rack up huge amounts of AP with bursts. In addition, without Smash's dynamic percentage mechanic keeping players from being able to spam the same combos over and over... surprise surprise, they did exactly that. And just as you said, this made characters like Spike, Toro, Jak, Sackboy, etc. (all who have a lot of varied moves but few ways to string them together) basically useless compared to other fighters unless you find their one effective combo and use it nonstop.

Yes x10000! I remember suggesting Stale Move Negation so many times on the forums, only to be shot down with the tired "if you can't get past spam then you just suck" argument. Yet that's ultimately what killed the game: spamming OP moves. Just play any Kratos online for an example.

I still don't get why Combo Bursts give you extra 30 AP anyway. What's the point? By locking someone in a combo, you're already getting way more AP than a long-distance fighter would be. The only caveat is that is you're leaving yourself open to getting attacked/Supered in the back. Risk v Reward! But that extra Burst reward just forced all attackers to only use combos, and defenders responded by turning the game into a jump-fest to avoid getting locked into combos.

Kinda funny how such a tiny detail can break an entire game.


I think judging from the rosters posted idbprefer 3d or something like marvel vs capcom.

I dig some of the characters like 8 or so, but by in large...

By the way I think quality of roster is always better. Hell to this day I'm still satisfied with smash 64 8 characters, you don't need 50 characters out the bat like smash 4


I actually really liked the third-party characters in the game. No, they weren't Crash and Spyro, but they still did a great job at converting characters like Big Daddy and Isaac into fighting game characters. Those were actually two of my favorite characters in the game. Big Daddy especially, since he was really the only real heavy character in the game. And Isaac gets bonus points for his foam finger taunt, which is easily the best taunt in the game.

Except Raiden, fuck Raiden. And Heihachi is easily the most boring character in the game, even if he is arguably the most "deserving" of the third-party characters.

Anyway, this thread has inspired me to finally put the game back in and go for Platinum. I just need to beat it with 3 more characters.


If they're gonna do a specific Hunter it should be Eileen the Crow. Though I might like a generic one cause then it can have a bunch of different weapons and magic.

Yeah generic might work best.


Let's just scrap the PS all star thing and make a Bloodborne fighting game. I wouldn't even care if it was terrible I'd buy it.
I'd like a mix between Smash and traditional fighters, which is what it pretty much already was. The only major gameplay change I want is adding in health bars and getting rid of the stupid super-only kills. I'm fine with the game not using Smash's damage/knockback/ring-out system.

Overall just make the game better than the first in every aspect. The roster will be a problem no matter what. Just make sure to get some killer third party characters, like Crash Bandicoot, Lara Croft, Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine, Ezio, etc.


How about something completely different.

PlayStation allstars Warriors (musou)

Considering how well KT did with Hyrule Warriors and One Piece, I can easily see them do a great job for this.
Don't make it a Smash clone. It's always going to be compared otherwise and likely always be looked as an inferior imitation.

Plenty of other ways to do a 4 player brawler.

Mr Swine

Let the dudes that made Project M do this (could be a possibility since it's a few days left till PSX).

What I would love is that the levels have destructive environment so that you can destroy a bridge, house or anything so it opens up new ways to play the game


A post I made a long time ago.

*Warning* Have not proofread it, so it may contain grammatical errors! *Warning*

1st Party combatants:



1 - wrench
2 - blaster
3 - suck cannon (Can shoot enemies out of ring)
4 - sheepinator



1 - the time key thing (see pic)
2 - time bomb (slows down section which bomb gets thrown)
3 - summon zoni
4 - transforms into mechClank

Spike (ape escape)


1 - stun club
2 - hollahoop (rebounds off walls?)
3 - Slingshot
4 - Sky Flyer

Monkey (ape escape)


1 - wild punching
2 - banana peel (throw it , or plant on ground to make opponent slip)
3 - rockets (long range)
4 - machine gun (short range)

Specter (ape escape)


1 - homing laser
2 - shield
3 - summon random monkey
4 - Fly



1 - use weapon
2 - change weapon (claws of hades etc...)
3 - use God power
4 - change God power (zeus bolt , poseidon rage etc..)
5 - golden fleece (rebounds projectiles)



1 - sword
2 - flames?
3 - summon mythical creatures
4 - Transformed Ares (different moveset)



1 - claws of hades
2 - Invisibility
3 - steals enemy "soul" , drains enemy health
4 - summon souls (attack enemy)



1 - thunderbolt
2 - levitation
3 - teleportation
4 - thunderstorm



1 - heavenly sword
2 - changes heavenly sword form
3 - shuriken
4 - bow and arrow



1 - slap
2 - paintinator
3 - jetpack
4 - copies enemy appearance and takes a move of theirs or two (similar to kirby) , we have all seen the different costumes sackboy has ;)



1 - throws spears/arrows
2 - charge attack
3 - prayer (heals patapon)
4 - summon pata...pi?

good Cole/evil cole


1 - Amp
2 - electic bolt
3 - electric wave (pushes enemy back)
4 - Turn Good/Evil (moveset slightly changes)

Vampire Cole


1 - steak
2 - electric shock
3 - flight
4 - summon electric bats? (lol)



1 - electric bolt
2 - ground tremor
3 - lightning hook
4 - teleportation



1 - cane
2 - smoke bomb
3- super jump
4 - speed



1 - wheelchair spin
2 - crossbow (sleeping darts)
3 - wheelchair smash
4 - bomb



1 - generic punch
2 - ground slam
3 - ball form
4 - thunder flop



1 - melee attack
2 - morph gun
3 - gun staff
4 - eco power

Dark Jak


1 - claw
2 - dark blast
3 - giant dark jak
4 - dark strike



1 - spin attack
2 - spray gun
3 - electric bug swatter
4 - flamethrower

Gabe Logan


1 - CQC
2 - Taser
3 - machine gun (short range)
4 - sniper (long range)



1 - gravity kick
2 - fly (limited time)
3 - gravity strike
4 - throw random objects

Sir Daniel Fortesque


1 - sword attack
2 - throw head
3 - Golden shield
4 - lightning

Parappa the Rapper


1 - Dance?
2 - ??
3 - ??
4 - ??

Rau (mark of kri)


1 - Pole attack
2 - stomp
3 - belly roll
4 - power up

Ultra-V (war of the monsters)


1 - melee attack
2 - Long range grapple
3 - laser beam
4 - thrust

Congar (War of the Monsters)


1 - Ape smash
2 - Roar
3 - Ground smash
4 - Roll attack

Sorcerer (Sorcery)


1 - ice power?
2 - fire power?
3 - water power?
4 - summon?

Fat princess solder (Changing hat / changes movelist)


1 - generic melee attack
2 - range attack
3 - fat princess cheer (boosts stats)
4 - change hat (changes moveset)

Jen (Primal)


1 - blades
2 - switch demonic form
3 - Scree summon
4 - demonic special

Rudy Roughnight (Wild Arms)


1 - wild punch
2 - prism laser
3 - summon guardian
4 - Hand cannon


3rd Party combatants:


Movelist: (bowser clone)

1 - fire ball (long distance)
2 - flame (short distance)
3 - spin attack
4 - ground stomp


Movelist: same as brawl

Crash bandicoot


1 - spin attack
2 - stomp
3 - tornado spin
4 - aku attack



1 - flames
2 - head ram
3 - fire ball
4 - flight


Assist Trophy:

Gon - shoots a fireball across the screen
Dr Nefarious - Unleashes a laser beam from a robot he is controlling
Captain Qwark - 2 things , either shoots a dud from his laser pistol or will "kung fu" whoever contacts him
Killzone mech - thrusts across screen horizantally shooting rockets
Killzone sentry bots - hovers one spot in the level and shoots machine guns
Colossus - Slams level shaking the screen disorientating players
Drake - Swings onto Opponent "paralyzing" him/her for a short period of time
Chimera - 3 Grim waves , light damage to player
Hale - shoots bullseye tag onto enemy then barrage of shots get fired (dodgeable)
Patapon - throws spear
Wipeout Racer - Quake (Shockwaves across the ground)
The swarm from Resistance - player must avoid at all cost otherwise instant KO (dodgeable)
Starhawk/mech - swoops level with light machine gun damage then transforms in mech attempting to stomp players
Sweet tooth - hunts down players with motocycle / flaming chainsaw OR has icecream truck mech
Gabe Logan - laser sight moves around screen randomly firing
Demolition derby - Cars come from left and right of screen and collide in each other, causes explosion middle of screen.
Chameleon (resistance) - Invisible (with barely visible outline) , instant KO if player touches
Eyepet - shameful copy of nintendogs assist trophy
Fat princess - rolls across screen (can flatten player making them impossible to jump, move fast)
Dragon (lair) - light flame damage , damages all
Monster truck (motorstorm) - flattens players (same as fat princess)
Titan - slaps ground , shadow is visible to see gap where the ground wont be hit by the hand.



Race Pitstop (GT) - race happening in background...every minute or so a car will drive onto the screen for a pitstop (Causes damage if hits a player)
Great Clock (ratchet) - Has time manipulation switch which favours player who activates it?
warhawk/starhawk (air level) - number of war/starhawks are fighting in the air, players must jump from 1 to another not to get KO from falling
Helghast level - hazardous air (time limit level)
Ape escape level (monkeys in background goofing off)
Ape escape level (hazardous level)
Hades River styx - platforms above ground, avoid ground (which is actually the river)
Mount Olympus - standard level (gods in background cheering/booing)
Titan - must manoever ontop of a titan and must avoid it trying to crush you
Shadow of collosus - similar to titan however it doesnt try and kill you...must manoever to the top
Uncharted train level - levels moves to different areas horizantally
Uncharted level - shambhala bridge (which gets destroyed throughout the level)
MGS level - shadow moses island
MGS level - snake vs liquid location (mgs4)
LBP Level - platforming level, sackbots included?
Motorstorm Apocalypse Level - Terrain transformation
Resistance Level - invisible chameleons lurking the stage
Patapon Level
infamous - Empire city rooftop
Wipeout Level (all neon/techno)
Ratchet level featuring those swarms
Sly level
Twisted Metal stage (Heavy music / hazardous)
Jak and Daxter Level
Syphon Filter Level
Medievil Level
Destruction Derby - hazardous level
Intellegent Cube Level - puzzle level, similar to the game
Singstar level - musical level , music notes flying everywhere
Coolboarders level - slippery level? hazards? snow boarders dodging
Fantavision Level
Fat princess level
Hardware Online Arena - jeeps / tanks driving around shooting everywhere
Lair level - bridge level with dragons flaming the ground
Locoroco level - the level tilts randomly any direction
Zone of the enders level
Primal Level - aetha realm
Siren Level - Horror elements... Possibly need to escape monster or instant kill, safe zones?


Battle Items:

Spikes Stun Club - must like the 'lightsaber' from super smash bros
Spikes hollahoop - spins around player, having a bumper car effect
Pipo helmet (ape escape helmet) - enhance stats
Nanotech Glass Crate - Health Pick up
Tazer (Syphon filter) - paralyzes opponent leaving a burning effect afterwards..becomes weaker the longer its used.
Buzz Buzzer - random effect
Aku Aku Mask - invincibility for short period of time (20 seconds?)
pandoras box - Reverses enemy controls OR KO opponent
Hades Helmet - player becomes invisible
bullseye - tag and shoot
hedgehog grenade
splitter (resistance) - blades rebound around level
cryogun - makes enemies move slow
Ryno - homing missiles (most likely will KO all opponents)
morph-o-ray - turns enemies into chickens for short amount of time
walloper - knocks enemies way back
agents of doom (ratchet)
Plasma whip
Mr zurkon - follows playing shooting lasers
rift inducer - shoots intergalactic blackhole into level
nano swarmer
Modern day weapons (assault rifle/pistol) - Socom/uncharted/syphon filter
I liked the super system at times but there are fundamental flaws in the ways it works. For a party game it has a surprisingly high lower skill limit, and it limits the way you can win a match. Think about it, since the only way to kill it to get a super attack, and each character only has three of these moves, it means that for some characters there's literally only three scenarios in which you score a point (some supers have multiple uses so some characters have more). In Smash, matches never last too long because every hit you take edges you closer to death. In All-Stars, as long as you can dodge your opponents three attacks, you will last forever. It stops being fun, especially if it's two beginner players who don't know how to combo into one of their three attacks. And then there's Heihachi and Parappa and the likes who just instantly win whenever they get a high enough meter. That's indefensible.


If PS gets its own Musou like Hyrule Warriors, i think its going to be God Of War.
Besides an Allstars Fighting Game, MOBA and Karting would make the most sense imo.

God of War doesn't make sense for a musou. It's already a hack n slash/action game.

And Musou games usually are good for series with loads of characters. GOW is known for Kratos and the pantheon of Gods (that he kills) and that's about it.

It wouldn't be that much different from playing an actual God of War game. It'd just have the added novelty of playing as the other Gods, and the combat would probably have even less depth than GOW already has. It's not a good fit.

Personally I'd like to see a Musou based on a PS RPG (or maybe even all of them) like Dragon Quest Heroes.


All Star really only needed a few things in my opinion better UI the menus looked awful and character select looked unfinished, and ditch the super to kill system it was a good experiment but it really didn't work well. One more thing the characters could've used a more unified art style.


And then there's Heihachi and Parappa and the likes who just instantly win whenever they get a high enough meter. That's indefensible.

The insta-kill cutscene Level 3 Supers are actually not broken, they're really only useful in FFA and even then you could be getting way more than 3 kills if you stuck to Level 1s and 2s.


The assist trophy item should totally be a memory card.

Personally I'd like to see a Musou based on a PS RPG (or maybe even all of them) like Dragon Quest Heroes.

Fair enough on the other points.

What RPG IP do you have in mind? Dragon Quest doesn't really fall into the "Hyrule Warrior like" category, i honestly cant think of anything.

The insta-kill cutscene Level 3 Supers are actually not broken, they're really only useful in FFA and even then you could be getting way more than 3 kills if you stuck to Level 1s and 2s.

+Heihachis Level 3 is hilarious.


Keep the gameplay of the original.
For all the issues it had I still had fun with it. Liked it more than the new smash (don't kill me please, it's just that this one actually worked online for me)

Get Square to let you use their caharacters (have someone from final fantasy, xenogears, chrono cross, etc).

Get Activision to let you use classic Crash and Spyro

Good production values. The first one looked like it was made for vita and then just ported to ps3 and had the worst looking menus I've erver seen (like far worse than mugen level)

More and better game modes. Have a fun challenge mode, a story mode, minigames, etc


Fair enough on the other points.

What RPG IP do you have in mind? Dragon Quest doesn't really fall into the "Hyrule Warrior like" category, i honestly cant think of anything.

Wild Arms was the main one I was thinking of. It may be a bit problematic though with how many gunslingers the later games have. Arc the Lad also has a similarly large amount of characters/entries to pull from though is less well known.

OreShika, White Knight Chronicles and Legend of Dragoon could be interesting picks too. They'd have to use a bit of creative license here though. OreShika could work if it was based around the Gods/Goddesses. And both WKC and LOD could work if they were prequels that focused on the wars mentioned in both games.

I think a general PS RPG Musou would be the best though. A potential roster could be heaps of fun and varied. Even only snatching up the protagonists would make for a roster with loads of variety. (I can't really go into detail right now but you can't say a protagonist that touts a fantasy-themed mecha is standard for RPG's)

(Leonard's Knight form, White Knight Chronicles)


All right.

Let me provide you guys with some hard science. For a PlayStation All-Stars game to be successful, it is required that its characters are picked in a way that makes all aspects of PlayStation are represented in a subtle and delicate way. That means characters from different sides of the world, different schools of design, and different eras. A core team of 12 first-party fighters has to be established before work is continued incrementally. Let me provide you with a graphic meant to convey these ideas. Some of the original PSASBR's characters are used as a starting point.

As you can see, a diverse range of characters is already there. Different shapes, different possible powers, different sources, and different eras of origin. Evidently, mascot characters from Japan dominated the early PlayStation days, with western studios starting their more serious efforts (often involving realism) during the PS2 days and peaking with the PS3-established Uncharted. Kat represents the newfound prolificness of Japan Studio, while Sackboy shows the more experimental part of Sony.

You might say "ash_ag, these are 10 characters, not 12!", and you'll be right. That's where 'Character A' and 'Character B' come in. These are characters that were missing from the original PSASBR, and they need to fill a very specific role. Since PlayStation as a platform stands in the line between East and West, 'Character A' needs to be one with a universal design appeal, albeit originating from Japan. Meanwhile, 'Character B' needs to be a predominantly eastern outlier to balance things out. The choice regarding realism explains itself -- since Japanese choices so far are mostly mascot-esque characters, the new entries are placed accordingly.

Without further ado, for 'Character A', the choice is simple:

Ico not only fulfills all previously mentioned requirements, but also comes from the previously unrepresented Team Ico, standing for Japan Studio's PlayStation 2 era efforts. He has a distinct look on him, but isn't too anime. Unlike other characters from the realistic side, he's also rather young.

As for 'Character B':

More realistic than Nathan Drake and Kratos, more Japanese than Kat and Toro. There is no better choice than the Nissan Gran Turismo Skyline GT-R.


These 12 characters would make the perfect starting roster for the game. Whoever develops the game simply needs to build on that. I'm sure the game will find its Fire Emblem lords in the several Cole-based fighters, and there still are third-party characters not already picked by Nintendo.

By the way, don't bother questioning my logic. I recently got my PhD on Sakuraiology, and my thesis "An Outsider on Nintendo's Party: Why Snake Matters" is getting published on the prestigious scientific magazine 'Great Fray Clash Siblings'. I'm currently working on my next paper named "Getting into Sakurai's Head: An Analysis on Agumon's Smash Viability".

The above post's end-goal is satire. Please don't take it too seriously. :p
The assist trophy item should totally be a memory card.
r u me

I've been saying the exact same thing for literally years. You and me should make this game, I think. We agree on everything.

What do you think of my proposal to make David Jaffe the Sakurai?
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