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The Tomorrow Children Beta Announced


I do agree seeing the same islands wasn't exciting, but this is beta I wonder how much we have seen of the real game, wondering if there's different monsters as well depending on your town size also?

I don't think islands and end day need a timer. I think not knowing when the island disappear adds to the dynamic tension a lot. Though the end of day could use a sound alarm/harm kinda like a end of shift alarm. Maybe even have a timer on the building itself and make the bells be used by other players to signal gatherers to come in.

I had to make a dummy account and didn't go to gaf town. But it's not hard to start a deserted city. In fact Me and one other personn brought the town Dreuger (spelling?) back and almost had a town hall, I think the third person came to troll us. Curious if the other person was a Gafer. I had to use a black market ticket for food and that started a good start for wood and trees. Not really how I wanted to spend my freeman bucks, but it was worth it I had so much more fun working with one person in town vs the chaos I saw yesterday.

The function to trash build sign posts needs to change. I don't think many people know if you make your character throw it in the bin it will close and get rid of it. Not sure why it doesn't have a o prompt like everything else. Maybe to prevent trollers?

Just want to added I really loved that you would get a radio call when your town hit a milestone. Made me really feel like I was working for something and help me keep tabs on the towns progress even when I was on an island.

I hope they release this soon, I haven't had this much fun and wanting to play in a long time. I loved all the pixel junk games but this is a whole other level.

Anyway if you were a Gafer that was in my town let me know. I think the town was Dreuger or something and the other player was yoshi something? Had a blast working with you. Anyway my dummy account was Domact2.


I do agree seeing
the same islands wasn't exciting, but this is beta I wonder how much we have seen of the real game, wondering if there's different monsters as well depending on your town size also?

The beta was the full game, I read it in an interview earlier. I think the quote was "We're basically giving you the full game [in the Beta]"


Be a great idea to understand the scope of the game and what its 'end game' is. Enjoyed what I played but like to understand what the game mechanics would evolve to once you establish a town.

If theres a GAF town in the real game Id be interested - far better experience playing with like minded people. Hopefully the little issues with griefers and better balance for the equipment versus inconvenience/cost get looked at.

ps3ud0 8)


Oh wow, still day one but was hoping for more. Even if it was the full game maybe certain things trigger with town progress. If not this needs a sequel already.

The bigger the town gets the more variation (and size) of islands. Dont know about the monsters.
Say, that was way more enjoyable than the EU block!! I suspect that was largely because I didn't let myself get caught playing musical resources with the other players, so I'll just try to avoid such labor until y'all get it patched. lol

So yeah, when I got to Gafferton, I shotgunned some mosquitos, and spent some time manning the turret. Yes, singular. >< We didn't have enough metal to build any more, so I actually bought a disassembler from the black market so I could relocate the turret we did have to the other end of town to try to take down my second Godzilla. (I had some rocket launcher assistance with the first. <3) The first Godzilla had fireballed me, and when the second one did so, I perished. Grizzly and Floot were there repairing the turret, and I hoped one of them would resurrect me, but Floot just hopped on my rotting ass and manned the gun. lol Then the Godzilla stomped us both and died right on top of us. My corpse was slowly ejected from Godzilla's, but it seems like he consumed my turret in his death.

But, the metal started to flow, and I built a turret — got pretty rusty on the puzzles… — and other Gaffers started doing the same, so good on y'all for that. <3 So I cranked out some ammo and once the town seemed safe, I started looking around for other ways to help out.

Thanks to the guy making it rain metal from the top sushi in Gaf Town!!
Ha! That was me and my girlfriend. I was letting her drive while I ate, and she actually flew up there in search of wood. When we got up there, a couple of comrades were shaking fruit, but they bailed shortly after we arrived, so she got to cutting trees. She was working on her second when I said, "Umm, you know what we're standing on here… You should get out your shovel." lol

ProTip: You can often make far more efficient use of resource deposits than you may think. We're all familiar with the cube that's dug by a pickaxe, and that will typically consume the average size deposit, producing three resources. But if you make thinner cuts, an average deposit can usually be mined at least twice, and it's not unusual to get four or five cuts out of a medium-sized deposit. This can vastly increase the number of resources you're able to pull out of a given island. The ideal strategy is shaving the deposit from the top down with a shovel, as I had her do to the Golden Sushi. Stand on the deposit, near to and facing an outer edge. Position the camera so that your shovel takes a relatively thin slice off the corner of the deposit. If you cut too thin, you'll get less than three resources for your cut, possibly as few as zero. But, it's not too hard to get the hang of, and with a little practice, you should have a pretty good feel for the minimum amount of material you need to remove to make a thee-rock cut, allowing you to make as many three-rock cuts as possible.

So yeah, that's what I was teaching her to do up there. A nice thing about working the edge of a cliff like that is that if you plan your cuts carefully, your rocks will just fall to the loaders waiting below. I laughed to her, "Those guys are down there going, 'Where the fuck is all this metal coming from??'" lol Sure enough, a couple of minutes later, a couple people flew up to see what was going on, and a few minutes after that we had an entire crew up there working it. Go go, Gafferton!! (^.^)/

You can use crystals to harden the void and you can buy skis from the black market.
Yeah, I actually did that when I discovered that I'd relocated our turret a bit too far from town. The sparkly effect showing the AoE was really pretty, and the AoE was actually quite impressive, so yay for both of those. I was wondering if the effect was permanent, so I went back and checked on it later to find the sparkles gone but the ground seemed to have remained hardened. Is that the desired effect? It'd be kind of cool if the crystal itself hung around as a light source. That'd really help a little clone survive a night alone in the Void, and industrious towns could actually use them to bridge islands, allowing free travel day or night that doesn't interfere with the bus itself. ;) Of course, travel becomes less of an issue as jetpacks and tanks become more available.

Oh, my quest to stabilize the turret did bring up another annoyance with the silo system; there's no way to get anything back out. I needed a crystal to perform my task, and there were plenty to hand, but I still had to hang out by the bus and try to snatch one for myself. Bit of a time waster. Similarly, if I'm a bit hurt, I gotta hope the orchard hasn't been harvested recently, and even if it hasn't, there's no way for me pluck just the one or two apples I actually need. *misses being photosynthetic* Anyway, seems like we should be able to pull stuff from the silos when we need to. Sorta the point of a silo, right?

Union shop or in the black market. If you don't have a union shop pop to another town to visit their one.
Ha! And some people think a World Government is a bad idea.

I only popped in to steal some resources for my town.
Don't make me call the snub mob.

Speaking of, I helped take care of the griefer who was blowing up Gafferton a little over an hour in, and my assistance cost me the coupon I needed for Busy Bee, SO THANKS FOR THAT!! lol Seriously though, I did have a couple of questions about what went down there. Everyone was snubbing them, and then all of a sudden the explosions stopped, and it seemed like all of the damage they'd done was magically repaired. Is that because we finally snubbed them enough? Does that also undo their damage, or was it just coincidentally all repaired around the same we stopped them? How were they stopped, exactly?

Also we have a party chat. People are welcome to join.
Say, that's an excellent idea.

lol that's what I do too....
Eventually they'll stop unfixing it, right?? lol

How much progress will carry over from the beta? It'd be nice to keep character progress, but it's only a couple hours worth, and I'd prolly wanna respec anyway. I'm sorta inclined to start from scratch with Gafferton though, since it seems like we over-expanded. We can't build up an orchard to keep the humans fed because as soon as we put apples in the silo to make saplings with, the humans gobble them all up. Of course, it sounds like another griefer managed to erase Gafferton quite effectively after I had to leave…

But yeah, the real point is that it seems quite easy to bite off more than you can chew and then slowly choke to death on it in this game, and as a gamer I actually think that's pretty awesome, but as a society, we need to be aware of such concerns and plan accordingly.

btw, you can kick objects with the triangle key, it has a bit of a delay at the moment which is why it isn't heavily advertised... but it is fun :D
Ha! Is that intended to replace the jump-and-chuck method of resource transportation? I was actually thinking the latter may have been officially implemented now, since it seems a lot easier to perform than in the alpha.

- I think players should be rewarded with XP for whatever resources they harvest that then go on to be stockpiled. Give something to the stockpiler for sure, but the most efficient way to play is definitely having one person mining, another running the materials to the loading area and so on. The problem right now is if you want to be rewarded for your work, you have to walk everything back to town yourself.
Currently, you get credited for "harvesting" the resources — whether digging rocks or shaking trees — and you also get credit for putting resources in to the silo. You should get paid for getting them on the bus in between, but you currently don't, though that's coming in a near-launch patch.

Hey, if we cut down a tree, do we also get credit for freeing the apples, or do we need to shake them down separately?

- The building puzzles are just meh. I always pay to skip them. It almost defeats the purpose. If Q has time to do so, I would be revisiting those. Right now they're just boring and hold up the poor schmuck who is waiting in line for the workbench while the person at the bench fumbles around trying to solve the puzzle. Just tedious.
The great thing about having a society is you can have specialists. I happen to enjoy doing the puzzles, while also having a good overview of the towns needs, and the means to directly fulfill those needs at my fingertips. But hey, that's not for everyone, and if you'd have more fun manning the turrets and tanks I've built for you, well, that's certainly work we need done as well, so I'd advise you to figure out what you do enjoy, and then get super good at it, earning the respect and admiration of your peers, and tons of ration coupons. :)

Ok, a basic pickaxe should be an infinite item that everyone has.

Hey, Dylan, I didn't think to check, but are we able to craft tools? Seems that if I can make a hundred shells with a single chunk of metal, I shouldn't have too much trouble using the same to make four or five axes, right? Maybe a piece of metal and a piece of wood combine to make a dozen tools that just spill off the conveyor for my comrades to nab? Then I can make Comrade editions by feeding the same resources in to a 4x4 puzzle rather than a 3x3.

This is starting to become a big problem, we need a faster way to remove these people. We just lost our town hall and a bunch of useful buildings to a single troll.
As bad as it is now when its just random dickheads, imagine how tough it's gonna be when other towns get jealous of glorious Gafferton and decide to actively take us down a notch. Like I said, Gafferton is doomed to fail if it can't be defended, and the most dangerous enemy of all is free to waltz in completely undetected any time they like. We need to be able to block subway access from certain towns, forcing the terrorists to enter Gafferton via Jordan. That'll fix 'em.

Whistle with L3 (shows you where nearby players are too) and R1 for gestures.

There will be other "forms" of communication in the final game too.
Ha! I just realized that the whistle will expose the griefer, so you can then target them for your snub. I just think about the whistle calling attention to me, so I hardly ever use it. I always forget it exposes nearby players. Perhaps if your whistle exposes someone with a dark aura — or simply known to be affiliated with a rival power — then your clone should automatically shout a warning to others.

Whistle is L1 though, right? L3 toggles the HUD.

One other thing that exacerbates things during the beta is that everyone is a resident and can build a house right away, which means they can disassemble among other things.
Oh? Then I may have found a bug. I never even tried to build a house — I was actually wondering what the big deal was, since you can change clothes at anyone's house — but I had no trouble disassembling stuff in Gafferton. Anyway, it also might reduce griefing a bit if disassembly took time and was interruptible, like mining.

1) Don't let people craft buildings at the workbench if we've hit the mandate capacity! Or at least warn that you won't be able to actually do anything with the signpost if you craft it! The town I was in was littered with signposts that couldn't be built, which led to the hilarity of having something like twelve Ministry of Labour signposts waiting for capacity to free up. Plus, since most people in the town didn't have houses, no one could dismantle anything to fix it.
It actually tells you whether or not there's enough available mandate to place the item you're browsing, and it also tells you how many have already been crafted. Unfortunately, some people don't look at that, and last night in Gafferton I found an unplaced Town Hall, despite the fact that we already had one placed directly next to the workbench! Talk about a waste of time and resources. ><

Hey! If we toss that stuff in to a Recycling Bin, do those resources go back in to the silos? That'd be nice. Normally you'd expect some sort of penalty for recycling, but given how easy it is for people to build shit we already have covered, it seems like the penalty shouldn't be too harsh.

Couldn't you, for example, make the tutorial a bit longer to introduce players to more elements? That way, without the distraction of having giant enemies and people running around, the player might be able to remember things more easily.
They could add context-sensitive tutorials over time. They could even blend them with the theme. Embed a vidscreen in the side of the workbench that explains how it works, for example. Put tool tutorials on the back of the union shop, etc.

Easy to lose track of time - Maybe a notification for 6AM/Noon etc, I assume the notification of the toil board that pops up is when the day rolls over for toil calc purposes, maybe a notification at 6 hours to go that you need to visit the labor place to be graded
Time of day doesn't really matter for that stuff. You can work for weeks without checking in, or you can check in after every task you perform. It's up to you.

Some indication as to the duration of the island/ time till next island
The islands do quake when they're getting ready to disappear. They just blinked out from under you without warning in the alpha. lol

Coupon costs for tools felt too expensive but that's based on very limited experience
It seems like that at first when you're mostly wandering aimlessly, but once you get to work, you'll find that tools are quite cheap, really.

At the height of GAF Town's existence we were harvesting more resources than the bus could carry!

Here's a link to the infamous pile that caused some peoples games to lag horribly.

Holy shit! lol Was that out at Sushi Island?

I should participate in the party chat come final release as well.

I wish we could vote a player in as mayor, and every player would have different statistics, that gives you different benefits.
Yeah, while this is certainly an interesting experiment in self-assembling socialism, and I think it's actually going pretty well thus far, but it's becoming clear that we're starting to hit a bit of a wall here. Ants instinctively know what needs to be done in their society, and they do it without direction, and for the most part, we're able to do the same, but the ants lead much simpler lives; eat and reproduce.

We're expected to perform far more complicated behavior, and while we're much smarter than ants and we have thumbs, what really affords us our elevated status on this planet is our ability for complex communication. No matter how smart you are, you can't make an iPhone by yourself. We got where we are by working together, and we work together through communication.

Again, I understand why communication is being limited, and I think it's pretty interesting and cool, but it seems like we may be getting to the point where we need to be able to form some sort of consensus and direction as a society. It's almost like we're trying to run a three-legged race while being tied to a complete stranger, who may in fact be a cat.

But hey, it's still early going, so things may still settle out some. Probably better to let that happen before we do a ton of tweaking. :) I'd say the primary concern right now is organized griefing from rival towns… D:


I didn't get to play the game for more than 15 minutes, on a single day, and the servers closed on me, but I'd like to chime in still from what I've read so far :) Disassembling certain important structures should require more than a few citizens' input, like wisely suggested here in a post, that alone makes it harder for single griefers. Multiple citizen requirement also negates the need for a vote as this was also a suggestion.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Serversurfer I remember you from yesterday. I loled when I read your username hah :)

Thanks for the help! Too bad you weren't in the party chat with us.


Gold Member
maybe a limit to the number of buildings a single player can deconstruct in a given time period.

I like this idea, but also allow the number you can deconstruct based on either town ranking or simply time limit you have spent in said town.

So at first you can't deconstruct anything until you are a citizen which you can then do 1 item in a 4 hour period, when the 4 hours are up you are then allowed to deconstruct 2 items over another 4 hour period.

I dunno something along those lines to get people invested in the town.


I was in alpha but wasn't expecting to get into beta because I unsubbed from PS emails, but turns out I got an alert on PS4... that I only found out today. Welp.

Is that all for beta or is it getting more dates?


Party chat is very limited. Needs to allow more than 8 people.
Of course, there can be multiple chat rooms.

I'm not sure on the whole chat thing, its not part of the game for a reason (just like not having players visible all the time) otherwise they could have implemented something like playstation home had which if I recall correctly was open mic, press to speak.

It's not actually needed once everyone knows how to play the game anyway, everyone is working towards the same thing. Its a solitary, collaborative experience.

Doesn't chat undermine the experience Q Games are trying to create?

Btw I'm not talking about a party chat with a few mates, I'm talking about actively trying to mic up a whole town.

Is that all for beta or is it getting more dates?

Nope, nothing has been announced. It was predominantly a stress test and was very much mission accomplished.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I wouldn't like voice chat. Maybe a thread here where people check or a closed PSN community group we can manage through a private Google Doc.

At the height of GAF Town's existence we were harvesting more resources than the bus could carry!

Here's a link to the infamous pile that caused some peoples games to lag horribly.


I could've sworn it was bigger at one point, but this is an aerial picture, so it might be perspective.

EDIT: So I took a couple of pictures, and since someone posted a picture earlier, I guess I can as well?




Full album.

JMC Direwolf

Neo Member
I really enjoyed the beta, however I think it might be the worst example of a beta in history. 3, 3 hour chunks inst enough to form a good opinion about the game. Some thoughts:

1). I didn't like that the corners were black out(fish eyes from another gaffer), I hope they remove this or lets us disable it

2). The game is very pretty, but there is something with the depth of field that makes it blurry if your not right next to what your looking at. I actually got a headache while playing it, combine this with the fish eyes and you have a pretty bad eye strain.

3). Seeing the same island appear over and over again was pretty boring(The missiles above the face). I hope the main game has hundreds of variations.

4). The constant stream of Godzilla's walking in the a straight patch(sometimes missing the town completely) was disappointing. I would rather have them more rare and make it a big deal. Like an alarm goes off and they actually go for your building. Everyone would have to group together and kill it.

5). Better tutorial, for about 2 hours I had no idea what was happening.

6). This game needs character customization, seeing the same person in the same clothes gets stale. Being able to change gender, hair, and other simple features would spice it up.

I had a great time playing it and now I wonder what's the price going to be. I would buy it day 1 for anything under $30 but anything above that, I would have to see all the things above, addressed.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
To be honest, this was a beta test for stress network tests. They are getting player feedback as an added bonus. The schedule was done precisely so they could see how many people they could get at once.


I was in alpha but wasn't expecting to get into beta because I unsubbed from PS emails, but turns out I got an alert on PS4... that I only found out today. Welp.

Is that all for beta or is it getting more dates?
Yeah what was that?
I got the same alert 30 min ago. Sigh


Gold Member
I was on the fence til I played the beta, now will be buying on release.

I don't care if everything is exactly the same at launch, i just hope it evolves over time, like DriveClub support levels.

Venom Fox

Again, thanks everyone for joining in and apologies for the issues. We really appreciate the candid feedback and will be putting it to good use!
Don't apologise, it was a stress test that worked as intended. People knew what they signed up for.

Anyway, I'll be posting impressions here in the coming days as well. Thanks for the chance to play that beautiful and addicting game!


6). This game needs character customization, seeing the same person in the same clothes gets stale. Being able to change gender, hair, and other simple features would spice it up.

I've seen this said in a few places. Do people not realize that you're suppose to be a clone and how looking the same minus the outfit ties into the the entire theme and mechanics? Character customization would miss the point entirely. You're not suppose to be an individual.
Does anyone have any idea what the Seer's Gate might be? I saw it in the workbench but you needed a town hall lvl 3. I think it was the only item that had that requirement.
Does anyone have any idea what the Seer's Gate might be? I saw it in the workbench but you needed a town hall lvl 3. I think it was the only item that had that requirement.

It's a town gate that can climb that boosts one of the town stats, I believe Culture.

There are a variety of requirements for some of the craftable items, but you probably had most of them fulfilled lol


So here's really the only things that irked me from the beta, mind you I only got to spend the final day with it.

-Handling in-game information. Pretty sure this has been expanded on already, but I will say if you're going to have a tutorial that the player has to go through, then you might as well make it somewhat encompassing of basic mechanics and interaction with the town. Mandate points and how the town population and actual player residency population works in conjunction with domiciles and the town hall respectively were things that I still am not really 100% keen on, despite reading about the game and watching some footage previously.

-Sliding puzzle game for the workbench. I like the concept and I get what it is going for; it's supposed to feel like work and keep player's hands tied for a bit, hence the fact you have to bribe your way out of doing it and need to buy other workbenches...but it's sliding puzzles. Since I think developing a new minigame or adding alternative puzzles would be a stretch, the best and easiest solution would be to crank down the bribing price, and maybe offer another cheaper bribe to solve the puzzle partially.

-Dealing with griefers/giving griefers too much power. I don't really see how this is preventable with the current system in place, as it seems near impossible to coordinate a defense of downvoting someone and placing landmines for them when they only appear for a few seconds at a time and there's no in-game communication methods or even current player menu. Combined with the fact that they can dismantle buildings and wreck the whole town economy in a few minutes fairly easily is a problem.

Other than that though I really liked it a lot. I understand it's going to be hard to address things people want with the vision you guys have for the game. I love the vibe the game has going on, and it almost always feels like I have something to do (except when the bus glitches out at gaf town). Personally I really liked the whole players phasing in and out thing, I thought the town and islands felt populated and busy despite people only appearing sometimes.

Anyways, really looking forward to the game. It's been on my most anticipated list for a couple years now, and it remains there after playing.


I know this is probably not what you guys wanna do, but invite-only or password-locked or whatever towns would help make many people less worried about things. Specially the people that would rather roleplay around and work hard for the goals.

Otherwise, yeah, I could see grief being a problem when the game releases and many people are playing it. After a few weeks or months things should calm down, but yeah...


I do agree seeing the same islands wasn't exciting, but this is beta I wonder how much we have seen of the real game, wondering if there's different monsters as well depending on your town size also?

I don't think islands and end day need a timer. I think not knowing when the island disappear adds to the dynamic tension a lot. Though the end of day could use a sound alarm/harm kinda like a end of shift alarm. Maybe even have a timer on the building itself and make the bells be used by other players to signal gatherers to come in.

I had to make a dummy account and didn't go to gaf town. But it's not hard to start a deserted city. In fact Me and one other personn brought the town Dreuger (spelling?) back and almost had a town hall, I think the third person came to troll us. Curious if the other person was a Gafer. I had to use a black market ticket for food and that started a good start for wood and trees. Not really how I wanted to spend my freeman bucks, but it was worth it I had so much more fun working with one person in town vs the chaos I saw yesterday.

The function to trash build sign posts needs to change. I don't think many people know if you make your character throw it in the bin it will close and get rid of it. Not sure why it doesn't have a o prompt like everything else. Maybe to prevent trollers?

If you a build a tannoy people's voice speaker it will let you know with town-wide announcements a no. of things including the end of the day and the beginning of the next day. As well as when islands are "lost to the void".

The lack of a prompt on signpost trashing is a bug that is already addressed in the release-version branch!


I've seen this said in a few places. Do people not realize that you're suppose to be a clone and how looking the same minus the outfit ties into the the entire theme and mechanics? Character customization would miss the point entirely. You're not suppose to be an individual.

hehe, we still understand the desire, but yes... that is part of the back-story. However we'll be adding more customization and not just her dress as people are really enjoying the latest in clone fashion!


In this particular build there was a data bug that caused the big head with the missiles to appear more often than it should, sorry about that! There are plenty of island variations and we will constantly add more!
In this particular build there was a data bug that caused the big head with the missiles to appear more often than it should, sorry about that! There are plenty of island variations and we will constantly add more!
Yay that's good to hear. The best island I saw was the moon. I'm hoping for cooler ones like that. The sushi islands were the worst lol. I hated trying to make my way between them. :)


In this particular build there was a data bug that caused the big head with the missiles to appear more often than it should, sorry about that! There are plenty of island variations and we will constantly add more!

lol, That's a bug my town got hit with. Good to hear about the variations though.

Anybody have a pic of the sushi island? It sounds hilarious.


Jetpack my friend, jetpack.

The black market jackrammer is pretty damn useful in a pinch too.

Also no-one noticed yet but even with the regular jackrammer, if there are 3 building stuff out, you can stand on where another person's jackrammer is going to place its piece while building out so you don't have to wait for the previous step to be finished before building the next one. This speeds up building with the jackrammer no end.


The black market jackrammer is pretty damn useful in a pinch too.

Also no-one noticed yet but even with the regular jackrammer, if there are 3 building stuff out, you can stand on where another person's jackrammer is going to place its piece while building out so you don't have to wait for the previous step to be finished before building the next one. This speeds up building with the jackrammer no end.

oh yeah this reminds me, the description for jackrammer says moving the camera up or down to build the platform on different altitudes? i don't think it worked when i got one from a treasure chest


Yeah the jetpack and shotgun (60 shots!) seemed like the best bang for your black market buck.

I thought the skis were a really fun item as well.
what is the point of the bottle after you buy it so you can just run on void without sinking from the black market? I kept it around for a little bit thinking maybe i could refill it but just gave up due to limit amount of time


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
I think i found a bug with the bus.In this video until i removed the house the bus was not working.https://youtu.be/nSpRJ-r9rzY?t=813

I have a question, i want to know how to make possible the ability to make human residents in the towns.The limit increase is like 5 person at time,i saw towns of 5 residents or 10/15 with 30 or 40 human players playing but i don't know how to increase the limit.The game tells me about to update/increase the town hall but i don't know how to do it.I saw nice worlds in the last session of the beta and i had the option to make me resident in one of those, but the limit was always there :(

And i want to know if in the final game,are going to be more enemies inside the islands and not only the big fly?
oh yeah this reminds me, the description for jackrammer says moving the camera up or down to build the platform on different altitudes? i don't think it worked when i got one from a treasure chest

It's not a drastic difference, but easier to see when you create multiple blocks in succession. It gradually raises or lowers them relative to the ground.

what is the point of the bottle after you buy it so you can just run on void without sinking from the black market? I kept it around for a little bit thinking maybe i could refill it but just gave up due to limit amount of time

The Boost Can effects are just temporary, and once you drink it the bottle's only purpose is to be thrown away for a bit of Toil.

I think i found a bug with the bus.In this video until i removed the house the bus was not working.https://youtu.be/nSpRJ-r9rzY?t=813

I have a question, i want to know how to make possible the ability to make human residents in the towns.The limit increase is like 5 person at time,i saw towns of 5 residents or 10/15 with 30 or 40 human players playing but i don't know how to increase the limit.The game tells me about to update/increase the town hall but i don't know how to do it.I saw nice worlds in the last session of the beta and i had the option to make me resident in one of those, but the limit was always there :(

And i want to know if in the final game,are going to be more enemies inside the islands and not only the big fly?

If a building is placed in front of the bus, it does interfere with the bus. It's a known issue.

You can increase the number of Residence slots in a town by building the Town Hall, then by upgrading it by depositing metal. It takes some time to do, so usually the maximum limit we saw this past weekend was 15.

The possibility of more enemies appearing is always there...
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