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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.
Ding ding ding.

My nieces and nephew were in town earlier this month, and were fucking BORED TO TEARS when I tried to play traditional video games with them. They just wanted to play on their tablets and iPod touches.
The change isn't coming it's already happening.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
It seems that the NX will be a tree-mendous console.

Seriously, though, I reserve judgement. Every Nintendo controller has turned out to be comfortable so I don't see why this would be different, but I do have serious concerns.
Gamers seem quite open minded about VR even though its technology that has failed multiple times.

I don't feel like most gamers have had extensive exposure to earlier versions of VR, and it's a dream technology that's very easy to understand and conceptualize. Whereas this is a case where gamers are intimately familiar with a similar concept (touch screen buttons) that has key differences, and it's not necessarily something as simple or vague as VR.

I mean, VR as it's being currently done isn't really the first thing most people would even think of when they think of the idea (Which would be way more advanced and be more inclusive of senses beyond hearing and sight)
You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

It's not a battle they even have the slightest chance of winning. Why? Because you don't need a NX. People are at a point where they need their phone. And a direct benefit of that is that you can play games on it as well. Other may need their tablet, and you can obviously play games on that also. But again, the NX is a luxury item. It's not something you "need" to make your daily life easier.
Nintendo reading this thread like


Nintendo having to convert the haters again.


Nintendo winning in the end as usual


I like this guy or girl poster now.


That's right Nintendo, stick 2 analog sticks in the middle of the screen. Because my favorite thing about mobile games is my ugly, fat fingers covering part of the screen.

Also, remove any buttons while you are at it. Because my 2nd favorite thing about mobile games is the disorienting virtual buttons that have next to no physical feedbak and i have to re-adjust myself trying to position my fat, ugly fingers.

Also, disregard anything that has to do with ergonomics.

Basically, disregard anything. Go all in and make the most terrible thing you can imagine, i'm curious how much it's going to cost to you.

True words, Nintendo thinking mobile definitely.

Snore Crime

Neo Member

I wish I got further with Witness, such a cool game, but I have too short of an attention span.

Anyway: I'm just not that excited for another Ninty console (or gaming in general tbh) right now to be excited. I dunno what they'd have to do to make me consider buying one, my Wii U is basically my Netflix machine.


Ding ding ding.

My nieces and nephew were in town earlier this month, and were fucking BORED TO TEARS when I tried to play traditional video games with them. They just wanted to play on their tablets and iPod touches.
The change isn't coming it's already happening.

Eww. :(


Could the photo be taken at Knap Nok games? They're certain a likely candidate to have a dev kit. I don't know if Denmark has Swedish keyboards though... According to Google Maps their office could back onto a courtyard that contains...wait for it...a tree!
Why not just use buttons...

Potentially, it could open up some exciting and interesting gameplay possibilities. For example, imagine if you were doing some kind of puzzle in-game, and you had to (for whatever reason) find out which of 3 keys had been left outside in the snow. The device could not only make your fingers feel the shape of a key, they could also change the temperature of each key (With the coldest being the one you actually want)

That's a really quick and lazy example, but you have to think outside the box with these things.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I very much doubt this is real, for clear reasons as no nintendo controller has ever really leaked, especially so easily, if these were even real the guy or guys would be taking shelter in afganistan in a cave somewhere hiding from nintendo lawyers right about now, how nonchalant and casual they are, especially the one taking next to the Wiiu gamepad for some reason.

Another is that's just not nintendo's button layout, even when it came to controllers like the wiimote and gamepad the button layout is still in a way that its innately familiar with past controllers, including the control pad which I dont see why nintendo would even give that up just for a controller like this.
It's missing everything that makes it a nintendo controller.
I'm sitting at work, and I'm starting to fucking panic. What the fuck. Fuck. Suddenly this horrible shit seems real. God fucking damn it.

If a mod sees this, just fucking ban me for a day or two so that I can't get myself a permaban with a true meltdown.

My heart is fucking palpitating. God fucking damnit.
I'm drinking bleach right now.

It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does with this device.
This kind of screen could be amazing for a handheld, but for a console the manufacturing costs should be $40 max, not like the $85 Gamepad was.

Real Hero

What were the last "straight up" consoles Nintendo made (both hardware and controller), with zero attempts at weird tricks or "innovations"? GBA and SNES? I guess the GC was pretty close, but still not 100% traditional.

Dear god, why is it so hard to make anything remotely normal? No one is going to care how outside the box a design is versus it being powerful enough to play third party games on top of the traditional Nintendo library. They could, gasp, actually compete in the console market again! But no, that would make too much business sense. Or something?

I miss the Nintendo from my childhood. The one that didn't try too hard.
It wouldn't make any business sense
I miss the Nintendo from my childhood. The one that didn't try too hard.

You mean the Nintendo that tried *really* hard. The SNES controller was considered 'too many buttons'. The N64 controller, well, no need to even explain how THAT went over originally. Using the Rob to sell the NES in the US..

Nintendo has *always* tried hard, I think you're just misremembering.


Ding ding ding.

My nieces and nephew were in town earlier this month, and were fucking BORED TO TEARS when I tried to play traditional video games with them. They just wanted to play on their tablets and iPod touches.
The change isn't coming it's already happening.

This is insane. What you're saying is fine for phone games, but doesn't work as a control method for traditional console games. So - that's totally cool to play games designed for a phone, but these control methods are useless for more traditional games. Which is fine if Nintendo won't be making much of these anymore.

Just don't expect 3rd party support.


Unconfirmed Member
You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

So how does this better appeal to gamers who only want touch controllers than the Wii U?


Dammit, take a picture of the shoulder buttons. Rip that tape off. What do you care if you're not under NDA? The Reddit guy said he's not the dev, right? :p


What were the last "straight up" consoles Nintendo made (both hardware and controller), with zero attempts at weird tricks or "innovations"? GBA and SNES? I guess the GC was pretty close, but still not 100% traditional.

Dear god, why is it so hard to make anything remotely normal? No one is going to care how outside the box a design is versus it being powerful enough to play third party games on top of the traditional Nintendo library. They could, gasp, actually compete in the console market again! But no, that would make too much business sense. Or something?

I miss the Nintendo from my childhood. The one that didn't try too hard.
Sony and Microsoft take a loss on hardware because they have other ventures that they can afford the hit.

All Nintendo does is games. They would get slaughtered with an equivalent powered box at a higher price.


Crossing my fingers for the screen to mold and create buttons. I'll try it, but it sounds like it just...won't feel right to me.

I hated playing certain titles on the DS that were touch only.


Gamers are so closed minded. It's weird.

But we've had Smartphones for years. We already know if we dislike touch screen buttons.
most don't like them

I'm usually on board with Nintendo's weird shit. I loved the Wiimote+nunchuck, I love the gamepad (when it's used right or for off TV play) I love the 3D in the 3DS and I loved the two screens on the DS.

This, where there aren't buttons but only fake buttons, could lead to interesting things, different games having different button layouts, but then that destroys muscle memory, "HIT X" now becomes not a question of "Am I on a Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft platform?" it becomes "where the hell is X again in this game?".

And if they all use a default layout then why not just have actually buttons? They provide better feedback of being pressed and you can "ready" a press by holing your thumb over the button, touching it but not pushing.

Plus the whole "smartphones have been doing this for years and they all suck". The best Smartphone games are the ones that don't have virtual buttons but actuall controls tailored to it, like touching where you want to go, swiping, holding etc which some games may very well have, like in phones, but there will be a whole load of games that don't control well at all and ruin the thing, like a whole load of games on smartphones.

EDIT: oh, and is this really going to be a capacitive touch screen? Or will Nintendo once again go "Na, resistive is good enough"


LOL don't you think should actually wait to see what it does first?

"if this is the controller they are offering"

If this is really what they have planned, they should just move to mobile. Default physical buttons are the saving grace of dedicated video game consoles. Without them the video game console no longer has a reason to exist.
Fair enough. When I made this post I hadn't seen that tech. But the rumors don't rule out it either.

What you need to ask yourself is what is more likely and also what you would prefer. Do you think Nintendo is more likely to have a basic, and I stress basic, haptic feedback or the fairly new Apple taptic or magic gel buttons? And what would you prefer, physical and responsive buttons, or digital?

It's one thing to embrace new technology. It's another to embrace it before it's viable and before the new technology is superior to the existing tech.

To put it simply: Would you rather have a cheaper, superior method of input or a more expensive, inferior input with more customization options?
It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.
Pretty much on point. Nintendo don't want old man money.
Games are going to aim to get simpler to reach a wider audience.
I mean, sure, it opens possibilities, but I mean...

The DS and Wii's innovations were great because they were intuitive, user-friendly, and easy to wrap your head around. The DS has buttons for traditional controls so traditional games don't get left in the dust, but you can also touch the screen and make stuff happen. Awesome! The Wii has buttons for traditional controls, but you can also move it in real space like any other handheld tool to make stuff happen. Whoa, neat!

When the Wii U was announced, I was impressed. I thought, "wow, this could have a lot of potential!" The problem is... off the top of my head, I couldn't think of a lot they COULD do with the potential beyond off-TV play and having a menu. This controller is inspiring the same sort of effect. Yeah, it's original, I just... I don't feel like there's any sort of focus or anything that leaps out to a standard consumer as being the revolution they've always dreamed of.

I just... I can't think of any practical applications for getting rid of buttons entirely. And if there's a controller on the screen, then that's something developers of multiplatform games have to take into account. They can't directly port something over at minimal cost and effort. In that sense it can be a turn off to many third-party publishers. That is the absolute last thing Nintendo needs at this point in time.

Hmm... While on one hand I get where you're coming from, on the other hand, I feel like moving away from competing with Sony and Microsoft to instead compete with Apple and Google is like backing down from a lion to pick a fight with God.

I mean, if you include the possibility of a standardized set of virtual buttons that mirror what's found on traditional controllers, I don't see why this would stop third parties at all.
You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

Just like we did it on the D-pad.

And let's not get nuts, you'll get a stick or a pad for fighting games the same way we do now. But even then, consider that the iOS and 3DS versions of SF4 are MILLION SELLERS.

100% agreed.

Just don't expect 3rd party support.

You were expecting it? It's Nintendo. They haven't had massive amounts of 3rd party support since the SNES.


Pretty sure it's not. You will be able to use it the way as it is pictured for certain games, but I'm very confident about this being part of somethibg which has physical buttons in place. I'm speculating here, but Nintendo knows how important 3rd party support is for them to survive. No way this is all they will give to devs.

-"Pretty sure"
-"I'm very confident"
-"I'm speculating here"
-"Nintendo knows"
-"No way"

i dont get wtf you're trying to accomplish here, rhetorically


That's fair. But I still think Haptics can work well enough that you'd be able to distinguish where the buttons are by touch like you can with a normal button. It obviously won't feel the exact same, but as long as the result is similar, I don't see the issue

Haptics don't work like that. When you get the feedback you will already have pressed the button, just like the vibration on a smartphone - that's why it's called feedback.
So unfortunately it will not help distinguish the buttons before you press them.

And even if they made the buttons "feel" different, you'd need to actually touch it 2 times - one to distinguish it based on its feel and one for the actual input.
I'm sitting at work, and I'm starting to fucking panic. What the fuck. Fuck. Suddenly this horrible shit seems real. God fucking damn it.

If a mod sees this, just fucking ban me for a day or two so that I can't get myself a permaban with a true meltdown.

My heart is fucking palpitating. God fucking damnit.



What do they use to back this up? Not that I don't buy this, but I'm curious.

It's a discussion about the proliferation about clash of clans and how the tribal nature of the game is causing kids to act out in weird turf war related bouts, the climax being that teachers refusing to stop them because they're also into the game to the point where they'd rather stomp the kids in the game then stop the antisocial behavior.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.


Unless the nx is literally running android it's a fight they lost about five years ago (wiiu did wonders) People already have devices and ecosystems they are content with. Adding a more complicated than touch screen device input isn't going to help them at all.


Wait, how the hell are you supposed to run & jump? Holding 2 virtual buttons with one finger/thumb on a touch screen isn't possible, isn't it? I've never really played many platformers on a phone, but isn't that an issue for games like Mario?

In regards to the design of the controller, it looks really slick. Too bad the lack of physical buttons are deal breaking, especially on a home console where you shouldn't look down constantly to figure out where the on screen buttons are. Oh well, I'll inevitable pick up the handheld version for Animal Crossing and Pokémon.


What were the last "straight up" consoles Nintendo made (both hardware and controller), with zero attempts at weird tricks or "innovations"? GBA and SNES? I guess the GC was pretty close, but still not 100% traditional.

Dear god, why is it so hard to make anything remotely normal? No one is going to care how outside the box a design is versus it being powerful enough to play third party games on top of the traditional Nintendo library. They could, gasp, actually compete in the console market again! But no, that would make too much business sense. Or something?

I miss the Nintendo from my childhood. The one that didn't try too hard.

It's pointless trying to compete in the traditional space against Sony, 3rd parties do not give a shit about Nintendo.

Their best bet is doing their own thing.
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