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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Hmm, I think it looks interesting but I am a pretty open person to experience.

I want to hold it in my hands and see how it feels. Controller is only one part, curious on the "power" of the system as well. If its like Wii U in that it will have off-tv play, I hope they address the issues of distance from the system that the Wii U had.

I can't say I hate anything before trying it as that includes VR.

I vote take a wait and see approach rather than doom and gloom.
Not really. That tech currently still needs much more R&D to actually be usable. It takes way too long to activate and ruins screens (the buttons start to wrinkle after a while). It would be a trainwreck.

As for haptic feedback... While it currently can simulate different materials, there is still no development to make them actually feel like depressing a real face button.

However, I believe Nintendo may use a good implementation of haptics, it just probably will not be enough for most skeptics.
That's fair. But I still think Haptics can work well enough that you'd be able to distinguish where the buttons are by touch like you can with a normal button. It obviously won't feel the exact same, but as long as the result is similar, I don't see the issue


Well at least Nintendo will be third party by 2020. This think looks stupid beyond measure. Who is a button less video game console for? Its not a phone where a touch screen makes sense.


Them releasing another picture makes me think it could be fake after all. What is the motivation behind this other than economic crime and even then just putting that out there doesn't make much sense.


Gamers are so closed minded. It's weird.

Imagine if every 5 years we reimagined what books are.

This year they're paper, next year carved into wood, year after chiseled into stone. You liked paperbacks? Too bad.

We don't do that, instead we focus on new content on a proven platform.

Sky Chief

If that's the controller for a console that connects to a TV it's going to be absolute garbage. There is no point at looking down at your hands while you should be looking at the TV and lack of buttons to give you tactile feedback of where your fingers are will be incredibly frustrating.

If it's a handheld it might be cool but still needs more physical buttons unless they're on the back.
Lol see what happens with this fake detective crap? Pure comedy


Ahhh coffee rings.

From 100 pages ago, but really made me laugh. Go GAF!

I am interested/confused/excited - Nintendo's stuff always end up feeling good to me, but I will be curious what this means for backwards compatibility, etc. I don't think they would do something that sucks in regards to the virtual buttons, so that is ultra intriguing.

console reveals are the best, especially Nintendo and their unique ideas.


It's also like Nintendo has never embraced multiple control options. Don't worry folks Smash NX you'll still be able to use your Gamecube controller.

Hysteria in here lol

I will have to be convinced that a controller with no buttons can work in games that require precision (i.e. platformers). Then I'll be excited.

Stick button push on right side and two shoulder buttons aren't more than enough for any 3D Mario game or 2D platformer? I'd have a hard time believing people couldn't adapt to hitting a shoulder button to jump and another to run...
I'm disappointed that you didn't post that burlesque house gif

I'm sitting at work, and I'm starting to fucking panic. What the fuck. Fuck. Suddenly this horrible shit seems real. God fucking damn it.

If a mod sees this, just fucking ban me for a day or two so that I can't get myself a permaban with a true meltdown.

My heart is fucking palpitating. God fucking damnit.


You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

God that sounds awful, like...using analogs for a fighting game instead of the d-pad.

Just like we did it on the D-pad.

And let's not get nuts, you'll get a stick or a pad for fighting games the same way we do now. But even then, consider that the iOS and 3DS versions of SF4 are MILLION SELLERS.


I can't believe it. You guys ACTUALLY think this is a DS/Wii moment? That they have stumbled on to something that everyone else just doesn't "get" yet, and that they are going to show the world how shortsighted they were for not believing?

Ive long learned that its not what people really think, rather what they want to think.

No console has warped more minds than the original Wii, if Nintendo is still making hardware in 2050 people will say "now this next one, oh boy i tell ya, the next Wii! YOU JUST DONT GET IT H8er!"


That actually looks okay, but no Face Buttons has me worried the most. How will games even work without it?

Weird decision by Nintendo.


That's right Nintendo, stick 2 analog sticks in the middle of the screen. Because my favorite thing about mobile games is my ugly, fat fingers covering part of the screen.

Also, remove any buttons while you are at it. Because my 2nd favorite thing about mobile games is the disorienting virtual buttons that have next to no physical feedback and i have to re-adjust trying to re-position said fat, ugly fingers.

Also, disregard anything that has to do with ergonomics.

Basically, disregard anything. Go all in and make the most terrible thing you can imagine, i'm curious how much it's going to cost to you.


he's Virgin Tight™
I'm sitting at work, and I'm starting to fucking panic. What the fuck. Fuck. Suddenly this horrible shit seems real. God fucking damn it.

If a mod sees this, just fucking ban me for a day or two so that I can't get myself a permaban with a true meltdown.

My heart is fucking palpitating. God fucking damnit.
It's a games console dude. Fucking calm down and stop the show
Imagine if every 5 years we reimagined what books are.

This year they're paper, next year carved into wood, year after chiseled into stone. You liked paperbacks? Too bad.

We don't do that, instead we focus on new content on a proven platform.

Considering the move of "books" from mud to slate to granite to papyrus to pressed tree shavings to screens to eink screens, your comment is hilarious in a weird way.
This is definitely the complete controller.
Pretty sure it's not. You will be able to use it the way as it is pictured for certain games, but I'm very confident about this being part of somethibg which has physical buttons in place. I'm speculating here, but Nintendo knows how important 3rd party support is for them to survive. No way this is all they will give to devs.
Okay, that got me a chuckle.

Well, fucking why not? Might as well just wait until we actually get hands-on reports before we really start freaking out.

I know, right? It's like it's the end times or something.

I get the concerns are reasonable, I think I'm fine with the potential risks when the possibilities for new controls schemes are honestly rather exciting to me, and this is coming from the perspective of both a player and a developer. Sure, it could go horribly wrong, but Nintendo is pretty reliable when it comes to actually making their crazy new shit actually work well.

I mean, sure, it opens possibilities, but I mean...

The DS and Wii's innovations were great because they were intuitive, user-friendly, and easy to wrap your head around. The DS has buttons for traditional controls so traditional games don't get left in the dust, but you can also touch the screen and make stuff happen. Awesome! The Wii has buttons for traditional controls, but you can also move it in real space like any other handheld tool to make stuff happen. Whoa, neat!

When the Wii U was announced, I was impressed. I thought, "wow, this could have a lot of potential!" The problem is... off the top of my head, I couldn't think of a lot they COULD do with the potential beyond off-TV play and having a menu, and there were only really a small handful of games that genuinely felt like they were improved by the Gamepad (e.g. Mario Maker, even Splatoon). This controller is inspiring the same sort of effect. Yeah, it's original, I just... I don't feel like there's any sort of focus or anything that leaps out to a standard consumer as being the revolution they've always dreamed of.

I just... I can't think of any practical applications for getting rid of buttons entirely. And if there's a controller on the screen, then that's something developers of multiplatform games have to take into account. They can't directly port something over at minimal cost and effort. In that sense it can be a turn off to many third-party publishers. That is the absolute last thing Nintendo needs at this point in time.

You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

Just like we did it on the D-pad.

And let's not get nuts, you'll get a stick or a pad for fighting games the same way we do now. But even then, consider that the iOS and 3DS versions of SF4 are MILLION SELLERS.

Hmm... While on one hand I get where you're coming from, on the other hand, I feel like as a mere game company, Nintendo moving away from competing with Sony and Microsoft to instead compete with Apple and Google is like backing down from a lion to pick a fight with God.


Worships the porcelain goddess
You wanna know why this controller doesn't have buttons?

Listen to this week's bombcast, 2:55:15.

An entire generation of gamers now exists who use hardware without buttons and think that traditional consoles are wastes of money and are designed for old people.

It's happened. We are the old men yelling at clouds from our porches. An entire generation of gamers is looking to pass us by. Nintendo isn't looking to get into a fist fight with Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo is looking to get into a fist fight with iOS and Android. And considering how poorly those ecosystems are managed when it comes to gaming, it's a fight they can win.

What do they use to back this up? Not that I don't buy this, but I'm curious.
But I mean, screaming hysterically did work to rollback most of the xbone's worst features such as the kinect requirement. We even got backwards compatibility. I say people should scream even harder.

Nintendo is... Well, not Microsoft, for better or worse.

Besides, the XBone's worst features are a somewhat different example, no implementation was going to make them not shit. This, on the other hand, is somewhat different, because we don't know how well this controller actually works. Feel free to freak out if it actually does turn out to be shit, but I find Nintendo has a pretty good track record with this sort of thing.

hao chi

If true I can't imagine no physical buttons feeling intuitive to use, but at the same time I don't think Nintendo would do this if it wasn't, so I'll cautiously give them the benefit of the doubt if this is true and eagerly await hands on impressions.
What were the last "straight up" consoles Nintendo made (both hardware and controller), with zero attempts at weird tricks or "innovations"? GBA and SNES? I guess the GC was pretty close, but still not 100% traditional.

Dear god, why is it so hard to make anything remotely normal? No one is going to care how outside the box a design is versus it being powerful enough to play third party games on top of the traditional Nintendo library. They could, gasp, actually compete in the console market again! But no, that would make too much business sense. Or something?

I miss the Nintendo from my childhood. The one that didn't try too hard.
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