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Anyone ever work with a Snitch?

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I definitely feel he should be ostracised as much as possible. Maybe you could bully him in the workplace to the point that he commits suicide or something.
Complaining about co-workers socializing is petty and weird. But I would be pretty annoyed if I had to listen to music I don't like everyday. I've only worked in office situations where people use headphones.
I have to admit there was a group at my work that was always listening to what basically amounts to death metal in my department (I don't know the inttacicies of metal music, it just gives me a headache) and I asked them to stop that shit. We compromised on something we could both handle or at least switch it up. I can see how someone might be annoyed enough to complain to HR if you're playing rap all the time. Did he ever ask you to stop or complain about the music specifically? Or did he just tell you to stop joking and talking so much?


maybe the employee isn't the right "fit" for that "environment"

nah but dry snitches can die in a fire. There's always one, Just telling on folks and gossiping about stuff that ain't got nothing to do with them,

The environment he has to work in is everything to do with him. If I had to work in an office playing music I disliked and constantly talking and joking I'd be pretty pissed. It's a place of work, not a social club.
Crabs in a bucket mentality. People snitch because they want what you have but have neither the time nor the effort to figure out how to get it. So they'd rather ruin it for you and take you back to their playing field.

Far too common in America.


OP, sounds to me like you guys need to include this guy in your social stuff or at least find a middle ground. I worked in an office where I was excluded and then they wondered why I was never at the parties. They were slightly racist too, but that's besides the point. I ended up leaving and got a far better job.

The environment he has to work in is everything to do with him. If I had to work in an office playing music I disliked and constantly talking and joking I'd be pretty pissed. It's a place of work, not a social club.

It can be both and pretty much should be both. Nobody wants to work in an environment where it's seriousness all the time, but they also don't want to work in an environment where nobody makes an effort to include them in things. It's like not being chosen for the team but you're forced to stay just because.

They should compromise and find a middle ground on discussion and add artists into their music queue and shuffle it.
He's consistently told my Manager's Manager that he thinks our work environment is unprofessional and we joke and talk Basketball too much.

He doesn't like the fact that we play Hip Hop in the office ( We all vote and hes the only one thats always against)

Pretty much he's the only white dude in a predominantly Black branch.

Just once would it hurt you to play some Dave Matthews Band?

(Yes it would. Don't do it)


So let me get this right. OP has a co-worker who is complaining that he feels left out of the "culture" of the office and is essentially forced to isolation for the work day so much that he forces HR to audit the department. Or at least OP thinks he does. OP has shown an "I don't care attitude" towards the guy and calls him a snitch.

IMO, OP, it sounds like the culture of the office excludes and suppresses this guy to the point where it sounds like he has tried every avenue to have his voice heard. If he did cause the audit, it's everyone's fault because they didn't listen to him. You have to be inclusive in a work place environment and at least compromise.
He's consistently told my Manager's Manager that he thinks our work environment is unprofessional and we joke and talk Basketball too much.

He doesn't like the fact that we play Hip Hop in the office ( We all vote and hes the only one thats always against)

Pretty much he's the only white dude in a predominantly Black branch.

Is his name Chad?


I came into this thread totally prepared to back the OP and go on and on about how much having a snitch in your group sucks and just rant and rave about it. This thread though, especially as I read more about the situation, isn't a case like that in my opinion. I mean, I guess you still hated the guy going to management and talking negatively about your group, but what do you expect?

This isn't a race thing, it's just a being fair thing. He knows he is always going to get outvoted when it comes to stuff like the music, you all know that he's always going to get outvoted, so that doesn't mean anything at all. If anything it's almost like you are mocking him by even doing a vote. As far as mentioning his performance, heck, if I had hip hop in my ear all day at work (and I actually like some hip hop) then I'm not sure I'd be able to properly focus and be as productive as I normally could either. Have you sat down and talked with him to try to come up with a solution? Like others said, how about rotate music styles? How about actually talking to the guy and see what he is into and expand your topics of conversation?

That's what I do whenever anyone new joins our team. I get to know them, we try to find middle ground so everyone can be reasonably happy. There is nothing wrong with doing that, it's just the good thing to do. Now if you came into this thread and acted like you actually cared about this other guy's feelings, and you actually made an effort to accept him into the group, and THEN he still went and snitched on your group over a bunch of little or not so little things, then I'd totally back you up. It's just, going by what you say, and you have essentially admitted it, you just don't care period about how he feels. Not cool.

This is why so many offices have music they approve and nothing else, no matter what anyone thinks, like maybe the local top 40 adult contemporary that offends as little as possible.

If everything you said is actually how it is in the office, then I'm sure the guy is miserable every single day. Show the guy respect, he should show it back to you all. If he still snitches after you all make an effort, then you will have a point.

Like someone else said earlier, I could easily see this guy on another forum online somewhere posting things from his perspective. Heck, if he did so here I could see everyone coming in and backing him.


Nah, I haven't really heard people tattle on me or others. But sounds like you excluded him because he was different, it's not nice to exclude people.

I am one of the few white people at work and I fit in just fine, people at my job are very chill although we do have some complainers but the management is not strict on us, as long as we get our work done they don't bother us.

The only snitches are the customers, lmao.


I got snitched on and in the end it got me fired months later since they then started watching me like a hawk. (Moved me to another group which didn't like me one bit and they loved the snitch)

I was given a severance package and my boss told me I could apply for unemployment and he would say to anyone that he just laid me off if they called him for a past job reference when I applied for another job.(I think he felt bad for me)

I am happily employed elesewhere now and I don't miss that place one bit.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
That shoe on the other foot and gaf wanna play hero now.

Adapt or die has been beaten into a lot of us so I can empathize with op on some level.
But yeah sure the work environment should be comfortable for everybody.
He's consistently told my Manager's Manager that he thinks our work environment is unprofessional and we joke and talk Basketball too much.

He doesn't like the fact that we play Hip Hop in the office ( We all vote and hes the only one thats always against)

Pretty much he's the only white dude in a predominantly Black branch.

Na, I'd say your coworker is in the right.

When I was in the military I ran a shop of 15 guys, all from different ethnic backgrounds and we worked out in antenna fields. I'd let each person pick some music for each antenna. If someone didn't like the music I'd turn it off completely and continue the work day. I treated my guys fairly and would hate to be in the position your buddy is in.

"Here's a vote that doesn't matter, plus no one likes you and it's your fault our office was audited."

How would you feel if roles were reversed where everyone is the same race aside from you and they always voted to listen to nothing but Kenny G and talked about Antique Road Show all the time?

If economic times were better some could let things like this slide as a bad fit for them and move onto other things, but as tight as a lot of things are, people are fighting to keep work and to do that in an uncomfortable environment is awful.


He's consistently told my Manager's Manager that he thinks our work environment is unprofessional and we joke and talk Basketball too much.

He doesn't like the fact that we play Hip Hop in the office ( We all vote and hes the only one thats always against)

Pretty much he's the only white dude in a predominantly Black branch.
So, is this Tyler Perry's The Office?
What is the time span from this guy's arrival to HR activity? Was there no reaching out from either party? Kinda shitty with the voting thing when you clearly know where the vote is going to go.

Perhaps he wanted to educate the group on the virtures of Kenny Chesney.


By the way, why did you guys have a voting system to begin with? The office workplace is meant to be an open area where anyone can work without feeling uncomfortable. It's like the law man..I think. Pretty sure you can sue for not being in a friendly working environment or at least have a case if it's offensive. If one person feels that the music in the workplace is inappropriate then it doesn't matter if 200 people in the room is ok with it. You STILL gotta make sure that everyone is happy. Music is a tough spot as it can be suggestive. If everyone in the room is on the same page music-wise then it's perfectly fine to play whatever you guys want. You still gotta be professional and turn the music down or change it when a client/guest is in the office. It can't be like "Hi there Mr Client! What? You don't like this Five Finger Death Punch we're playing? Well, 6 other people in the room seem to like it so how about you fuck off?" Nah man! Cant work that way. Same applies to your working peers.

Ask him why he don't like Hip hop, is it because of the explicit language/material? Well, you shouldn't be playing uncensored music in the office anyway. Ask if playing the clean version is ok. Perhaps suggest that you'll decrease the amount of hiphop music and create a mixed collab playlist where he can put on his music.

Thing is, I feel your pain but the guy will always come out of this as Mr Right because the office has to be an acceptable and professional environment for all.

Still, I'm on your side about the guy being a dick though. If he had a problem with you guys about the music then he should've told you first. And I have no idea what his problem is about Basketball, who cares if people talk about it? People in the office frequently talk about sports and TV. He really needs to pull that stick out of his ass.
How would you feel if roles were reversed where everyone is the same race aside from you and they always voted to listen to nothing but Kenny G and talked about Antique Road Show all the time?

personally I'd be wondering what life decisions I made that landed me in a job working with nothing but 70 year old white ladies


Snitching, though, is a moral imperative in any decent society. We need good cops to snitch on bad cops. We need Edward Snowdens to snitch on shady security agencies.


It is a job, not your social club. Honestly, I feel bad for the poor employee that gets called a snitch for just wanting to go to work in a professional setting.

Also, you're an adult working in an office. You can drop the "snitch" mentality.

While I usually agree with you on many topics, I'll disagree here.

Culture is a huge part of work. You're spending most of your waking hours at work and most people are hired not just on competence but on social fit.

Being part of a team that works well greases the wheels of achievement. Good managers know this and hire for this.

Moreover, it doesn't seem like this guy is performing well. If everyone else is meeting their numbers, what's the problem?

My last job was full of snitches. Awful place. Good riddance.
So the whole department should change its ways because one guy can't fit in? That doesn't make much sense.

It's called wear an ear bud so other people aren't forced to listen to music they may not enjoy.

I wear one earbud all the time so I can enjoy my music and keep myself able to hear when the boss needs me.

No reason to blast my music and force people to listen if they don't like it. I would be pissed if I had to listen to rap all day, especially if that music was reciting words my white ass can't even say. :p
I've been snitched on about my internet browsing at work. Fair enough. But why is it always the least productive coworker that does it? Bitch, I could be on GAF posting literally all day and still get more done than you the whole month.


Snitching, though, is a moral imperative in any decent society. We need good cops to snitch on bad cops. We need Edward Snowdens to snitch on shady security agencies.

There's a distinction between whistleblowing and complaining about trifles.


TBH playing music out loud if the office has any more than 3 people in it is obnoxious. I'd tell you to turn it off regardless of what it was.

Some goofs tried to start "90s music Friday!" at my office (100 people on the floor) and that shit got stopped real quick. I will only tolerate chumbawumba so much you shit lords.


Yep. Was a team lead snitched on another team lead about taking a picture on the floor.

She got fired.

He got promoted 3 days later for being a rat

He became my boss and I didn't trust him so I quit
I'm on a small team of six and had a very poor manager last year, which was the year that my daughter was born with deformed feet requiring extra care and my wife had two life-threatening complications after giving birth so she needed extra time and care as well. I also ended up getting pneumonia that year.

My manager would constantly tell me about complaints from them, but never mediated a conversation about them. It always revolved around my time in the office. He'd withhold benefits from me as punishment such as the privilege to work from home occasionally. I got a shitty almost nonexistent raise last year too.

Anyway, the combination of snitches+crappy manager led to quite a toxic environment which has never really fully healed as I have little respect for my team at this point. Fortunately my old manager was laid off and my current one is much better. I haven't heard one complaint from her about my work or my attendance and she lets me work from home on Fridays.
Snitches are the outcome of a competitive job market in which people are competing for jobs, thus people making gains on one another for said job its a fucked up system but its not the system everywhere where you also have teamwork, comradely and looking out for one another.

The try-hards who try to get other people in trouble, man I feel sorry for them, really.

Tattling is a form of try-hard, so no sympathy there. It's one thing to express discontent in an office environment in a review when it comes to office chat and music selection, it's another to go to a higher level and try to get it to change to suit your needs, thereby widening the opportunity field for yourself.

Can't stand that shii.
While I usually agree with you on many topics, I'll disagree here.

Culture is a huge part of work. You're spending most of your waking hours at work and most people are hired not just on competence but on social fit.

Being part of a team that works well greases the wheels of achievement. Good managers know this and hire for this.

Moreover, it doesn't seem like this guy is performing well. If everyone else is meeting their numbers, what's the problem?

My last job was full of snitches. Awful place. Good riddance.

I will happily concede your points. :)

That said, I wonder how much of the performance issues comes from the employee not being made to feel comfortable in that branch.

Would it be so bad to let that person occasionally pick the music or create a playlist that includes music that they enjoy? I have managed staffs for almost 15 years now, and music has been one of the biggest problem areas. Getting a group of people to agree to any music can be a nightmare.


Unconfirmed Member
Mentalities like this are why so many jobs end up feeling like soul sucking nightmares.
If they're doing their jobs right they're obviously not joking around and talking too much.

Agreed. Work shouldn't just be about doing your job and nothing else. It is very much a social club, where you should get to know the people around you and enjoy their company. To strictly be about your business and not attempt to actually have fun while working is ludicrous to me. "Strictly business" isn't necessarily conducive to a healthy work environment, just as not doing your job at all is just as bad. You should be able to meet in the middle.
Sounds like bad workplace skills all around. It's not a good work environment if it requires everyone to have the same hobby and music preferences to be productive.


Agreed. Work shouldn't just be about doing your job and nothing else. It is very much a social club, where you should get to know the people around you and enjoy their company. To strictly be about your business and not attempt to actually have fun while working is ludicrous to me. "Strictly business" isn't necessarily conducive to a healthy work environment, just as not doing your job at all is just as bad. You should be able to meet in the middle.

Your employer dictates those terms. You are friggin PAID to WORK. Not to enjoy company, have fun, etc.

Are those things bad? Of course not. But the idea that an employer has a fundamental right to provide that work environment is insane.

Work isn't a relationship where the employer and employee "should" meet in the middle. They are paying you. Do what you're told to do, whether or not is in the middle. If you don't like the terms, go work somewhere else. This applies to both the OP and the Snitch.


Rather than voting, take turns. Simple solution to that and it might make him happier which in turn will make you happier.


Unconfirmed Member
Your employer dictates those terms. You are friggin PAID to WORK. Not to enjoy company, have fun, etc.

Are those things bad? Of course not. But the idea that an employer has a fundamental right to provide that work environment is insane.

Work isn't a relationship where the employer and employee "should" meet in the middle. They are paying you. Do what you're told to do, whether or not is in the middle. If you don't like the terms, go work somewhere else. This applies to both the OP and the Snitch.

What the hell are you talking about? Who said I advocated for not doing the job you were hired to do? Get the hell out of here. People need to enjoy the job they're doing and have a comfortable work environment. A comfortable work environment for many people entails getting to know their coworkers and actually having fun. Fun and work aren't two mutually exclusive things. They are and should always be tied together. So once again, I have no idea what you're trying to say.

And to further clarify, the fun people have should always be legal and consider everyone in the office. There is no law that says, "go to work and don't crack a smile or enjoy yourself." How would you fair at Google where they encourage you to be outgoing, from what I understand?


We also had a guy that didn't like our laid back office environment. He'd time people whenever someone would have a conversation with someone else. Upper management will put on breakfasts and lunches for us every now and then. At the last breakfast he told the person he worked closest with that he wanted her to go straight back to her desk and not hang out with everyone else while eating. She didn't listen.

He was fired and our laid back environment remains intact.


What the hell are you talking about? Who said I advocated for not doing the job you were hired to do? Get the hell out of here. People need to enjoy the job they're doing and have a comfortable work environment. A comfortable work environment for many people entails getting to know their coworkers and actually having fun. Fun and work aren't two mutually exclusive things. They are and should always be tied together. So once again, I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Get the hell out of here? Lol. You need to calm down.

Our difference of opinion is pretty simple: fun and work should not always be tied together. "Fun" is subjective, work is not. The employer dictates what "work" is. People don't "need" to have fun or enjoy their job. Plenty of people don't. And the employer isn't required to provide that fun or comfort, either.

Listening to Mannie Fresh 8 hours a day may be fun to some, and may be torture for others. Employers are required to provide an environment conducive to completion of whatever your job entails.

Whether you like it or not, "fun" isn't a requirement of any workplace but it should be something you should find if that's what you're looking for. You're also citing Google as an example. Please don't cite a globally-recognized exception as your example.


Strap on your hooker ...
"people do this to me so I don't care if I do it to other people" is a lousy attitude to have.

Other people forcing you to listen to what they want to listen to is grating enough when it's just some dude blasting it on the subway for 15 minutes. Your crew is doing that to some dude every day for 8 hours. Hell yeah he fuckin' hates your asses.
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